I am using a static IP and are now accessing the server with Putty. So I try to use h2o-dai with putty, but it does not work with xxx.xxx.xx.xxx:12345.
I used tar_sh.sh when installing.
So, when I set up ./dai_env.sh, I see no_proxy is localhost, and NO_PROXY is
What is this and why is not it?
and How do I resolve it?
Firstly check the firewall on your system using tcping from another linux server or your windows to server which you installed h2o dai.
ex) tcping -t host-ip port (linux to linux)
If you get a response like bellows, have to open a specific port which your solution use.
[root#localhost /]# tcping -t 5 your-ip port
your-ip port port# closed.
I install nifi-1.16.2 in virtual machine
the virtual machine's ip is
my machine used to connect nifi can ping to
i change the nifi.properties
and then I start the nifi with "sh nifi.sh start"
now My machine can use "telnet 9102",but I can't use browser to visit website with the url ""
In conf/bootstrap.conf try to set to run.as variable your current OS user. This helps me to connect.
Example: run.as=my_user_name
I am running a docker container of python server in my computer (MacOS Catalina, the container can connect MySQL and Redis from host computer, the server is running normally, but I can't visit server on host computer), in Linux environment, we need to disable the selinux, firewall and iptables, for example, edit /etc/selinux/config
and type as below
How to disable selinux/iptables in MacOS or how to visit docker server from the Host computer, I already tried to use host.docker.internal instead of, but it doesn't work, if I use host.docker.internal in MySQL or Redis config, also failed, I only can use the really IP such as instead of host.docker.internal or
I want to use gcloud compute scp over an authentication proxy network. I tried setting the proxy in gcloud command line sdk using
gcloud proxy settings
Thereafter, I tried
gcloud compute scp --recurse nakumgaurav25#instance-2:~/myData ~/Desktop
But it doesn't work. The error shown is
ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection timed out.
Note that the same command works when I disable the proxy settings and connect my PC to a non-proxy network.
are you still getting the connection refused message ? I need a little be more info to help you out; (1) which type of proxy are you using? (2) the remote machine (VM) is a linux OS? because is not possible use gcloud compute scp from a Windows VM. assuming the remote machine is using Linux OS, have you try to set a variable on your local host export http_proxy=server-ip:port then set again the proxy.
I´ve got a Server behind a firewall and the firewall only allows traffic through port 22. This server has both public and private addresses.
I´ve got also about 1K clients that I need to reverse shell to this server, and be able to choose one of them by id when I want that ssh reversed tunnel.
My goal is to make the clients connect to ssh server via port 22, and each one of this connections should be forwarded to localhost on port with the same id.
When I connect to the server with my laptop also via ssh, I would then ssh to localhost on the correct id and get the client shell.
Can someone provide me the good path to achieve this behaviour using bash, ssh and linux tools?
Note - I don´t want to use client.py and server.py cause most of my clients are android based and it could easily become a nightmare to install python on all of them.
The problem - it was solved using remote port forwarding:
ssh -R 21:localhost:8888 user#server
In this command the 8888 represents the terminal id. In order for this to work, had to add this line to my ssh conf:
GatewayPorts yes
I am trying to run putty on Windows 7.
I need to run some SSH commands to upgrade Magento. Every time putty gives me this fatal error:
network error: connection refused
I have even tried to use it through winSCP. Note that putty is running fine on my client's side, but for me it's giving me that error every time.
I tried using port 22, 23 and a few others without success. I have also tried with Windows Firewall both enabled and disabled.
Thank you.
Install open-ssh or ssh in target Linux machine solved my problem .
Use below commands:
sudo apt install ssh
sudo systemctl status ssh
sudo systemctl enable ssh
The following are the list of possibilities of this error:
1) Common cause is - Your IP is blocked or not whitelisted in the server which can be done by editing the file at /etc/csf/csf.conf
2) Disable the windows firewall settings and check..
The above two things should work in most of the cases
3) This is very unusual and when the above two options fails it is very difficult to find the solution
In this case the traceroute to the server host or IP works usually but putty fails
port 22 looks normal and working but connection fails and restarting SSH (service ssh restart) also does not work
reboot or restart the server but still fails
Adding IP in firewalls or whitelisting the local IP may not workout
This case generally happens when the server is migrated or new server. IP of the old server might be whitelisted locally, but don't have port 22 open, or some other local filtering is occurring for this new IP but not the old server IP..
In this case you need to change the port to some 522 or 530 some unusual port will help in sorting it out.. The same port you have to use for the SFTP connection also .. where as FTP connections works normally..
or you have to whitelist the IP locally or open the TCP in and out to port 22 if you want to use the port 22..