Creating commits with Gitlab API and CI - continuous-integration

I want to use the Gitlab api to create a commit to create several commits on a single branch, but I'm worried that Gitlab's CI will activate for each commit.
Will creating a commit using the repository/commits api trigger CI? If not, is there a way to manually trigger CI when I'm done? If it will, is there a way to supress it, like git push -o ci.skip (see here)

A commit created by an API call is treated as a regular git commit. This means it will trigger your CI if it matches the conditions of your .gitlab-ci.yml file.
If you want to skip the CI add [skip ci] to your commit message.


github, test workflow in branch

If I create a feature branch that has changes to workflow, is there a way to test it before merge? I have added on pull request to workflow but it has no effect.
If you want to test a workflow implementation or workflow update on a branch, before merging it, an easy way is to use the push trigger with the branches subtype:
branches: [<BRANCH_NAME>]
A workflow with this implementation will trigger for every push / update to the branch you're testing (for every commit pushed after opening the pull request as well).
Then, once you have validated the workflow using this implementation, just comment or remove the trigger to use the one you wish to maintain after the merge.

Can Bitbucket rerun pull request checks when target branch is modified?

I am currently setting up a CI system that will check for a passing deployment against a test environment as part of a pre-merge pull request check. This system is using Bamboo and Bitbucket, and will stop devs from merging their feature branches into the main branch if this validation fails. However, I am running into the (possibly common on my project) corner case of multiple pull requests being open at the same time, passing validation, and then being merged. In this scenario the PRs might all separately pass validation while all of them combined would break the build (I.E: PR#1 modifies a method name referenced by PR#2).
Is there a way to configure Bitbucket / Bamboo to rerun builds on pull requests if the target branch has been modified since the check last ran?
On git (bitbucket) level you could make sure to synchronize any feature or bugfix branch with an outgoing pull request by merging the latest common target branch (for example develop) immediately after a successful pull request merge to this target. This way you invalidate the 'latest' build result on feature or bugfix branches and they would be re-built because their git commit hash has changed. If any re-build of the feature branch fails, it won't be merged.
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How to trigger a Jenkins pipeline once a Bitbucket pipeline is finished?

I have the following requirement. I have a Jenkins pipeline which I want to be triggered once a Bitbucket pipeline has been finished with success. The problem is that I need to pass also some params and I don't want to use an asynchronous process like Bitbucket webhooks.
Is it another way to trigger the Jenkins pipeline automatically receiving multiple params?
I want to mention that these params can be retrieved also from the AWS resources created by that Bitbucket pipeline.
I faced the same issue, but i found a solution using Additional Behaviours
from git plugin.
Using Polling ignores commits with certain messages, which allow you to:
ignore any revisions committed with message matched to the regular expression pattern when determining if a build needs to be triggered.
and am using [skip ci] int the commit message, to commit changes after Bit-bucket pipeline finished.
so i used a custom regex ^(?!.*\[skip ci\]).*$ to skip any commit not including the tag.
which will result to only trigger Jenkins once the pipeline finished.

Build Manual GitlabCI pipeline job using specific Commit ID

I need to build a Gitlab CI pipeline manually but not using latest of my master branch, but using a specific commitID.
I have tried running pipeline manually by using variable as below and passing its value but of no use.
Input variable key: CI_COMMIT_SHA
At the time of this writing, GitLab only supports branch/tag pipelines, merge request pipelines and scheduled pipelines. You can't run a GitLab pipeline for a specific commit, since the same commit may belong to multiple branches.
To do what you want, you need to create a branch from the commit you want to run the pipeline for. Then you can run the manual pipeline on that branch.
See this answer for step-by-step instructions on how to create a branch from a commit directly in the GitLab UI.
Use the existing (created by Gitlab CI) workspace to run the .gitlab-ci.yml and from there checkout the code again in a different directory using commitID, and perform all the operations there.

GitLab Pipeline trigger: rerun latest tagged pipeline

We have an app (let’s call it the main repo) on GitLab CE, that has a production build & deploy pipeline, which is only triggered when a tag is deployed. This is achieved in .gitlab-ci.yml via:
- /^v.*$/
- branches
We also have two other (let’s call them side) repositories (e.g. translations and utils). What I’d like to achieve is to rerun the latest (semver) tag’s pipeline of main, when either of those other side repositories’ master branches receives a push. A small detail is that one of the repositories is on GitHub, but I’d be happy to get them working on GitLab first and then work from there.
I presume I’d need to use the GitLab API to trigger the pipeline. What I’ve currently set up for the side repo on GitLab is a webhook integration for push events:{{ID}}/ref/master/trigger/pipeline?token={{TOKEN}}, where ID is the ID of the main project and TOKEN a deploy token for it.
However, this will only trigger a master pipeline for our main repo. How could I get this to (also) rerun the latest tag’s pipeline (or the latest tagged pipeline)?
Secondly, how would I go about triggering this on GitHub?
Either you can create new pipeline specifying ref which can be branches or tags, so in this case you need to know the exact tag value
Or you can retry already the executed pipeline by providing its id which you can get from by sorting by id and filtering by ref but it'll give you the last pipeline with a tag /^v.*$/ which may not match with the specific version you need.
