Middleware auth except throwing error method - laravel

I want the views: listings and showlisting pages, to be displayed for guests (without being logged in).
When using:
In the construct function of my ListingsController everything works (for logged in users), but when I exclude index and show methods by using:
I get this error:
BadMethodCallException Method
App\Http\Controllers\ListingsController::middlware does not exist.
I have searched for a few days, and I haven't found any solution.
public function __construct()
$this->middlware('auth')->except('index', 'show');
web.php (route file)
Route::get('/', 'ListingsController#index');
Route::resource('listings', 'ListingsController');
Route::get('/dashboard', 'DashboardController#index');

You have:
$this->middlware('auth')->except('index', 'show');
Middleware is misspelled and your error reflects that. It should be:
$this->middleware('auth')->except(['index', 'show']);


Laravel 8 working with subdomain routing but its not working, I'm little confused about this

I'm working on a project where for each user there will be separate subdomain for example my website name is xyz.com then for user it will be user.xyz.com, for that im trying to do subdomain routing but its not working.
Below are the routes for main domain
Route::get('/', function () {
return redirect('login');
Route::get('/home', [App\Http\Controllers\HomeController::class, 'index'])->name('home');
Below are routes for subdomain
Route::domain('user.xyz.com')->group(function () {
Route::get('/posts', function () {
return 'Second subdomain landing page';
Any expert please look into this.
Suggestions are welcome.
I have a suggestion... why not pass the domain as a parameter the way you would an unknown, article id for example /article/{id}?
Try this:
Route::domain('{user}.xyz.com')->group(function () {
Route::get('/posts', [PostsController::class, 'view'])->name('posts');
In our PostsController output the results...
class PostsController {
public function view ($user){
dd($user) //this will output the current user's subdomain name
Let me know if it works out for you.
Try to add a domain line in RouteServiceProvider.
Route::middleware("web")->domain('Domain Name')->namespace($this->namespace)->group(base_path("routes/web.php"));

Laravel edit route for basic CRUD application giving 404

I'm trying to set up a basic Laravel 9 CRUD application, and I cannot get the edit route working for the User Controller.
Route::get('/dashboard', function () { return view('dashboard'); })
use App\Http\Controllers\UserController;
require __DIR__.'/auth.php';
class UserController extends Controller
function edit(int $id)
echo 123;
I'm getting a 404 NOT FOUND page
Also, why don't I see the stack trace for this error?
Also, in some examples, I've seen people using the model class name as the parameter type in the controller method declaration, such as:
function edit(User $id)
echo 123;
However, I've also seen other examples using int instead. So which is the correct one?
First, inside your .env filte you should put
and change your web.php to:
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route;
Route::get('/dashboard', function () { return view('dashboard'); })->middleware(['auth'])->name('dashboard');
use App\Http\Controllers\UserController;
require __DIR__.'/auth.php';
Then, try to run
php artisan route:list
and check if your routes are correct.
And try to remove middlewares inside user files, maybe you do not have login page and it redirects you there.
Be sure you are in the correct url like localhost/user/1/edit
Parameters in routes don't take a starting $. Change all occurrences of {$id} in your routes to just {id}:
More on Route Parameters
Edit: you might also want to take a look at Resource Controllers. Something like Route::resource('users', UserController::class); will manage all of the required routes

How to Set API routes in Laravel 8.0?

I was working in laravel 8.x, I have developed API to register, but when i test using postman also in browser the url [1]: always returns 404 not found message.
below is my api.php
Route::middleware('auth:api')->get('/user', function (Request $request) {
return $request->user();
Route::group(['prefix' => 'v1'], function () {
Route::post('/login', 'UsersController#login');
Route::post('/register', 'UsersController#register');
Route::get('/logout', 'UsersController#logout')->middleware('auth:api');
can you please help?
Since you already put a route group "v1", all your routes must have that prefix, so just api/register wont work because that route doesn't exist inside your api.php, so infront of your routes just use
Your routes looking fine.
I think you are forgetting to add**v1**/register so please try with it once.

Laravel default Auth::routes() inside of group prefix

I'm attempting to create a prefix with a variable for "companies" to login to the platform. All users are tied to a company so the normal /login isn't desired. I'd like to use something like `/acme-company-name/login
I am using the default Laravel auth via: php artisan make:auth on a fresh install.
Route::group(['prefix' => '{company}'], function () {
When I try navigating to /company-name/login I see the following error:
Missing required parameters for [Route: login] [URI: {company}/login].
Looking inside the auto-generated login.blade.php I see the function call route('login') and this seems to be where everything is breaking. I think I need some way to supply a variable to that function or redefine what the "login" route is in some fashion ? I'd rather not have to replace the call Auth::routes() but will certainly do so if that is required to fix this issue.
I should note, i've tried defining the group 'as' => 'company' and changing route('company.login') but then I am told the route company.login is not defined.
Can you try by passing $company variable to the function as well?
Route::group(['prefix' => '{company}'], function ($company) {
And make sure you pass the company-name when calling the route as it's a required parameter.
In login.blade.php use {{ url("$company/login") }} instead of route('login').
route() helper has more than one parameter ;)
route('login', ['company' => $company])
you need to share your prefix in your views and set route as the following:
Route::group(['prefix' => '{company}'], function ($company) {
view()->share('company', $company); // share $company in views
now you have $company which is instance of Router and you need access to route prefix value for this you need get current route and get company parameter so you should rewrite your route() helper function as the following:
{{ route('login',['company'=>$company->getCurrentRoute()->__get('company')]) }}
// getCurrentRoute Get the currently dispatched route instance
//__get Dynamically access route parameters
you can write custom helper function as the following:
* Generate the URL to a named route for Company Auth.
* #param string $name
* #param Router $company
* #return string
function companyRoute($name,$company)
return app('url')->route($name, ['company'=>$company->getCurrentRoute()->__get('company')] ,true);
Please check the code that is working fine for me.
Route::group(['prefix' => '/{company}'], function () {
// ensure that auth controllers exists in right place (here it is App\Http\Controllers\Auth\LoginController)
// in LoginController funtion
//or you can try using custom routing like this
Route::get('{something}', function($company, $something)
var_dump($company, $something);
If you define this route at the end of the file then the error that you have mentioned we face.
ErrorException in UrlGenerationException.php line 17:
Missing required parameters for [Route: login] [URI: {company}/login]. (View: \resources\views\auth\login.blade.php)
Try with defining this route as first route in web.php and check.
Looking inside the auto-generated login.blade.php I see the function call route('login') and this seems to be where everything is breaking.
Yes. By doing
Route::group(['prefix' => '{company}'], function () {
you are making all auth routes take a company parameter. So, in your views, instead of route('login'), you can do route('login', ['company' => Request::route('company')]). (And the same for all auth routes).
Then probably in your App\Http\Controllers\Auth\LoginController you will need to override the login method accordingly:
public function login(Request $request, $company)
// you can copy some behaviour from
// https://github.com/laravel/framework/blob/5.4/src/Illuminate/Foundation/Auth/AuthenticatesUsers.php#L28

How admin route in laravel 4

My folder structure is following:
In LoginController includes authorization process
I have used routes:
Route::group(['prefix' => 'admin'], function() {
Route::get('/', 'LoginController');
But i also found error 'Controller method not found.
You either have to use Route::controller() or specify the action that you want to route to. For example:
public function showLogin(){
return View::make('login');
Route::get('/', 'LoginController#showLogin');
(With the # part you tell Laravel what controller method you want to call)
