Docker does not create a new container when using docker-compose build - windows

I've set up two windows container for ASP.NET and MSSQL server. On the first docker-compose build everything works as expected. Then after I've made some changes to the custom dockerfile and run docker-compose build again it uses the old container again, not making any changes.
I assumed that when i did a build it created a new container. Am i misunderstanding how docker works?
This is the docker-compose.yml
version: '3'
image: microsoft/mssql-server-windows-developer
sa_password: "Password1234!"
- "8003:1433"
context: .
dockerfile: mssql.dockerfile
context: .
dockerfile: web.dockerfile
# - .:C:/inetpub/wwwroot
- "8080:80"
- "8081:431"
This is the mssql.dockerfile
# escape=`
FROM microsoft/mssql-server-windows-developer
#set shell
SHELL ["powershell.exe", "-Command", "$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'; $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue';"]
#make temp folder
RUN mkdir C:\temp
#copy script to temp folder
COPY DownloadDatabase.ps1 C:\temp
COPY RestoreDatabase.ps1 C:\temp
#run script to retrieve production database
RUN .\DownloadDatabase.ps1 -sourcefile <url> -destinationfile <target>
CMD .\RestoreDatabase.ps1
It is very easy to tell if the image has been re-used because the mkdir C:\temp errors out saying the directory already exists.
EDIT: I've already tried all the options on docker compose. no-cache, force-rm

docker-compose build
Only builds images but does not start containers.
That's why your changes in dockerfile are not applied. You have rebuilded the image but not the container. It's the reason why the container previoulsy launched is based on the older version of the image.
docker-compose up
From Docker documentation :
If there are existing containers for a service, and the service’s configuration or image was changed after the container’s creation, docker-compose up picks up the changes by stopping and recreating the containers (preserving mounted volumes). To prevent Compose from picking up changes, use the --no-recreate flag.
In order to make shure that both of your image and container are rebuilded you have to add this flags :
docker-compose up --force-recreate --build
That way your containers are based on the correct image version.
Explanation on flags from Docker documentation :
--build Build images before starting containers.
--force-recreate Recreate containers even if their configuration
and image haven't changed.
If you want to do this for a specific service just add the service name at the end of command line :
docker-compose up --force-recreate --build serviceName
Another flag useful if you want a clear output is the -d flag :
-d, --detach Detached mode: Run containers in the background,
print new container names. Incompatible with

It turns out i simply had to do docker-compose pull before docker-compose build to refresh the dockerfile! Now it builds a fresh image every time!


docker-compose build context dockerfile envar image

I would like use docker-compose to build/run dockerfiles that have envars in their FROM keyword. The problem that I am getting now is that I seem to be unable to pass envars from my environment through docker-compose into the dockerfile.
version: "3.2"
build: 'api/'
restart: on-failure
- mysql
- frontend
- backend
- ./api/php/:/var/www/html/
Dockerfile in 'api/'
RUN apk update
RUN apk upgrade
RUN docker-php-ext-install mysqli
I want to do this so that I can run docker-compose from a bash script that detects the host architecture and changes the base image of the underlying dockerfiles in the host application.
FROM instructions support variables that are declared by any ARG instructions that occur before the first FROM. So what you can do is this:
when you run the build command, you then pass the --build-arg as follows:
docker build -t test --build-arg IMAGE=alpine .
you can also choose to have a default value for the IMAGE variable, to be used if the --build-arg flag isn't used.
Alternatively, in case you were to use docker compose build and not docker build (and I think this is your case), you can specify the variable in the docker-compose build --build-arg:
version: "3.9"
build: .
and then
docker compose build --build-arg IMAGE=alpine

Unable to mount docker folder into host using docker-compose

I'm using a docker container to run cucumber test, after the test finished it will generate a report, I want to copy the report to my host machine.
Have a report folder at the root of my project and create a test folder in Dockerfile and copy all the files into the container.
Expect: copy reports from container's /test/report folder to host's /report folder
version: '3'
context: .
xx : "xxx"
- ./report:/test/report
RUN mkdir /test
COPY . /test
RUN /test/
have other configuration in Dockerfile but not related to volume/mount, so didn't post it here.
There should be three reports in the report folder.
Inside the container, the reports can be seen at /test/report after the test, and if the /report in my host not null, it will override the reports in the container. But the volume doesn't work in reverse order.
Running this on a windows machine currently.
Sounds like you want a bind mount.
Also it is normally best to post your whole docker-compose file just so it's easier to debug/reproduce/help.
Try explicitly setting the volume as a bind mount and see how you go:
- type: bind
source: ./report
target: /test/report

Create docker image with named/host volume for spring boot application

I have spring boot application which I am trying to dockerize for the first time. I am using docker version 20.10.1 and my host pc is ubuntu 20.04
for this spring boot application, I have a data directory , which has data created when the application is running. I want to access this data from the host operating system. That is why I am using volume.
When I try to mount my container to named volume or to a host volume, but it always create anonymous volume regardless of the command I type.
Here is my docker file.
FROM openjdk:15
COPY target/lib/* /usr/src/app/lib/
COPY target/core-api-7.3.6.jar /usr/src/app/lib/core-api-7.3.6.jar
COPY config/ /usr/src/app/config/
COPY data/poscms/config/* /usr/src/app/data/poscms/config/
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
ENTRYPOINT ["java", "-jar", "lib/core-api-7.3.6.jar"]
VOLUME /usr/src/app/data
/usr/src/app/data this is the directory where core-app.jar application will create its runtime data, I need to access these data from my host pc
Following is the command for building the image
docker build -t core-app:5.0 .
then I create image using following command
docker run -it -d -p 7071:7071 core-app:5.0 -v /home/bob/data/:/usr/src/app/data
when I check the volumes by running following command
docker volume ls
I can see anonymous volume being created by this container
and my host path which is /home/kapila/data/ is empty and container data is not written to host path.
I experience the same behaviour with named volume as well.
I created a named volume using following command
docker volume create tmp
docker run -it -d -p 7071:7071 core-app:5.0 -v tmp:/usr/src/app/data
and still docker create anonymous volume and data is not written to tmp volume
my host PC is ubuntu pc. Could someone point out what I am doing wrong here
I do something like this:
In your project root , have these files pertaining to docker as required:
1. DockerFile 2.docker-compose.yml 3. docker-env-preview.env
DockerFile content
FROM openjdk:8-jdk-alpine
ARG jarfilepath
RUN mkdir /src
VOLUME /src/tomcat
ADD $jarfilepath yourprojectname.jar
docker-compose.yml content
version: '3'
container_name: project-name-service
context: .
jarfilepath: ./target/project-0.0.1.jar
- docker-env-preview.env
- "8831:8831"
- '5005:5005'
- projectname_subnet
command: java -jar -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=5005 projectname.jar
external: true
This file will contain your environment variables values. The can read this file to fetch the values, like buildserver.ip=${BUILD_SERVER_DOMAIN}. Basically you define what you want need . Like the example below.
Commands to execute :
mvn clean package (if you use maven )
docker-compose up -d --build ( execute docker ps -> check the details on the running container),
To view the logs : sudo docker logs <project-name-service> -f
To get into the container console, docker exec -it <project-name-service> bash
I was able to fix the issue, and only change I did, to make it work, is that, to change the base image from
FROM openjdk:15
FROM adoptopenjdk/openjdk15:ubi
and now named and host volume mounts are working as expected. I am not sure what is wrong with official openjdk:15 image.

Error installing laravel through composer in docker

I'm having a problem installing laravel through a dockerfile. I'm using docker-compose that pulls a dockerfile where I basically have this:
FROM php:7.3-apache-stretch
*some apt-get and install composer*
WORKDIR /var/www
RUN composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel app
but when I access the container and I will see the files that should have been created with the composer I see that it is empty even though I have seen the command executed in the container build.
The container is working perfectly and even I can access it ... only files that do not even appear.
If I run the composer command manually after the container is created the files appear.
In your Dockerfile, you used WORKDIR /var/www and then RUN composer create-project ... which makes composer create files under /var/www on the container file system.
In your docker-compose.yml file you used to start your container:
version: '3.7'
container_name: "app"
context: ./docker
dockerfile: Dockerfile-app
- "80"
- "443"
restart: always
- db
- ".:/var/www"
You are declaring a volume that will be mounted on that same location /var/www in your container.
What happens is that the volume content will take the place of whatever you had on /var/www in the container file system.
I suggest you read carefully the documentation regarding docker volumes, and more specifically the part titled Populate a volume using a container.
Now to move on, ask yourself why you needed that volume in the first place. Is it necessary to change files at run time ?
If not, just add your files at build time:
FROM php:7.3-apache-stretch
*some apt-get and install composer*
WORKDIR /var/www
RUN composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel app
COPY . /var/www
and remove the volume for /var/www.
Developing with the help of a Docker container
During development, you change php files on your docker host (assumed to be you development computer) and need to frequently test the result by testing your app served by the webserver from the docker container.
It would be cumbersome to have to rebuild a Docker image every time you need to test your app. The solution is to mount a volume so that the container can serve the files from your development computer:
FROM php:7.3-apache-stretch
*some apt-get and install composer*
WORKDIR /var/www
and start it with:
version: '3.7'
container_name: "app"
context: ./docker
dockerfile: Dockerfile-app
- "80"
- "443"
restart: always
- db
- ".:/var/www"
When you need to run some commands within that container, just use docker exec:
docker-compose exec app composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel app
Producing project artifacts
Since what you will be deploying is not a zip/tar archive containing your source code and configurations but a docker image, you need to build the docker image you will use at deployment time.
Dockerfile for production
For production use, you want to have a Docker image which holds all required files and does not need any docker volume, excepted for holding data produced by users (uploaded files, database files, etc)
FROM php:7.3-apache-stretch
*some apt-get and install composer*
WORKDIR /var/www
COPY . /var/www
Notice that there is no RUN composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel app in this Dockerfile. This is because this command is to initialise your project and this is a development time task, not a deployment time task.
You will also need a place to host your docker images (a Docker registry). You can deploy your own registry as a Docker container using the official registry image, or use the one provided by companies: - Gitlab Registry (free) - (1 private image free) - Google Container Registry
So you need to build a docker image, and then push that image on your registry. Best practice is to automate those tasks with the help of continuous integration tools such as Jenkins, Gitlab CI, Travis CI, Circle CI, Google Cloud Build ...
Your CI job will run the following commands:
git clone <url of you git repo> my_app
cd my_app
git checkout <some git tag>
docker build -t <registry>/<my_app>:<version>
docker login <registry> --user=<registry user> --password=<registry password>
docker push <registry>/<my_app>:<version>
Deploying your Docker image
Start you container with:
version: '3.7'
container_name: "app"
image: <registry>/<my_app>:<version>
- "80"
- "443"
restart: always
- db
Notice here that the docker-compose file does not build any image. For production it is a better practice to refer to an already built docker image (which has been deployed earlier on a staging environment for validation).

Docker compose yml "volume" not working on Ubuntu OS

I am running a simple Hello World world container with docker-compose.
There should be a mounted folder (with my files) at /root/sharedFolder but this folder is empty.
I am running Docker on Ubuntu OS (on top of my Windows server). And this works on a normal Ubuntu machine.
Any ideas?
version: '3'
build: .
- ".:/root/sharedFolder"
#FROM - Image to start building on.
FROM ubuntu:14.04
#MAINTAINER - Identifies the maintainer of the dockerfile.
#RUN - Runs a command in the container
RUN echo "Hello world" > /root/hello_world.txt
#CMD - Identifies the command that should be used by default when running the image as a container.
CMD ["sleep", "400"]
Instead of doing echo in RUN, do it in CMD or ENRTYPOINT. RUN happens during the image build phase where as CMD happens when your container is up and running with the volumes.
RUN is done during image build step
CMD specifies the command executed by default when you run a built
You can also achieve the same with ENTRYPOINT
Google docker RUN vs CMD for more details.
