Configure connection for a direct exchange in Spring Boot AMQP - spring-boot

I'm developing a service that sends messages to a RabbitMQ instance but the connectino has to be done through a proxy.
Is there a way to configure the connection so I can set up the host and port of the proxy as you can do when using RestTemplate but for RabbitTemplate?
Any help would be really appreciated,


Is there a way to use spring message brokers without Stompendpoints?

We have a use case to create websocket server. Mobile clients will connect to this websocket server. However mobile clients doesn't support stomp.
We would like to create a Java websocket server. spring does support websockets but it's heavily coupled with STOMP. we like to use Spring message broker concept here but because of Stomp, we are struck now. Is there anyway to overcome this and enable Spring websocket without STOMP but with Spring message broker concept?

Apache ActiveMQ Artemis Netty Client send Message trough HTTP Proxy

I'm behind a corporate HTTP proxy and want to send and receive messages to/from a ActiveMQ Artemis broker in the cloud.
On the broker Netty HTTP is activated and I'm able to send and receive messages using the Netty based ActiveMQ Artemis client on a computer without HTTP proxy.
I know that Netty HTTP client can be configured to use a HttpProxyHandler but I didn't find a way to configure this with the ActiveMQ Artemis client.
Any help is highly appreciated.

Spring JMS - How to define Connection Proxy

I want to define a proxy for a connection to Azure Service bus using aqmp.
I'm in a Springboot app, v1.5, and I'm using Apache qpid-jms-client.
Actually, I'm declaring a JmsTemplate bean that receive a CachingConnectionFactory.
How to define a proxy with CachingConnectionFactory (Or any other connectionFactory implementation) ?
There was an update on the jar which now allows proxies .
Check this out :
How to create connection to AMQP queue over SSL using SOCKS proxy or any other proxy in java

Spring boot + Spring Integration Websocket adapter + Tibco JMS Server

I am working to build an application (Server side) which should pick message from tibco jms queue and then post that to a url at which the Client (written in angular js) will listen, and also from client when some actions are taken then the server should listen to those actions and perform respective actions.
I can read from tibco jms queue and can place it to a spring integration channel.
My question here is that, can this be build using spring integration websocket adaptors (inbound & outbound) ? If yes then can someone help me with some references for sending to the client and receiving from the client adaptor configurations ?
All the info about Spring Integration Websocket module is in the Reference Manual.
You also can take a look to a couple samples:
Simple plain Websockets
Chat based on STOMP protocol

How to connect to remote weblogic JMS server?

I have a jms server running on weblogic and I need another application running on another server (weblogic as well) to listen to JMS topics sent by the JMS server mentioned before. The fact is that I don't know how to do that. I mean, what do I need on the consumer application side? Thansk in advance.
I know it´s a little old, but could help other people trying to achieve the same.
First you need to enable Cross-Domain Security on both domains envolved on your JMS communication. Please see specific documentation here:
For reading a message from a JMS resource, there are a ton of examples you can search online, but basically you should rely on Weblogic´s t3 protocol. Here is a relativelly recent example using Spring Boot: Connect to remote jms queue with Spring Boot
