How to call model in Controller request $request - laravel

I have a query in my model, which I want to call in my controller (request $request). It's working fine when the controller parameter is controller($id). But how to pass it in $request controller.
teacher Model with Query:
class teacher extends Model
public static function teacher($id)
return DB::table('teachers')
->leftjoin('religions', 'teachers.religion_id', '=', '')
->leftjoin('areas', 'teachers.area_id', '=', '')
Controller which calls this model perfectly fine passing direct id:
public function report1($id)
$teacher = Teacher::teacher($id);
return View('teachers.report1' ,compact('teacher'));
Controller where I want to call it:
public function printreports(Request $request)
$teachers = $request->get('select2');
return view('teachers.report1',compact('teachers'));
Note: select2 contains teacher ids where I want to run model query.

Supposing you are have an array of ids in your select2 request param, probably easiest way is to change query at teacher model as follows:
use Illuminate\Support\Arr;
class teacher extends Model
public static function teacher($id)
return DB::table('teachers')
->leftjoin('religions', 'teachers.religion_id', '=', '')
->leftjoin('areas', 'teachers.area_id', '=', '')
->whereIn('', Arr::wrap($id))


Creating Left join method in Laravel Model

I have below left join in Controller, which shows all records of specific teachers in one report, and it returns all correct records. I want to use the exact same query in many other reports, so I want to create Method in eloquent Model to call it where ever I want.
how to use this query in model
and how to call it in view.
public function edit(Teacher $teacher)
$teachers= DB::table('teachers')
->leftjoin('religions', 'teachers.religion_id', '=', '')
->leftjoin('areas', 'teachers.area_id', '=', '')
$areas = area::all();
$religions = religion::all();
return view('teachers.report1',['teachers' => $teachers, 'teacher'=>$teachers,'areas'=>$areas,
In Teacher model you can do
public function teacherRecords(){
$teachers= DB::table('teachers')
->leftjoin('religions', 'teachers.religion_id', '=', '')
->leftjoin('areas', 'teachers.area_id', '=', '')
and use it like $teach->teacherRecords();
If I can understand, the relationship between tables/models, I can provide a better solution.
If teacher has only one religion and one area, just do it like
class Teacher extends Model{
public function area()
return $this->hasOne('App/Area');
public function religion()
return $this->hasOne('App/religion');
In Area model
class Area extends Model{
public function teacher()
return $this->hasOne('App/Teacher');
In Religion model
class Religion extends Model{
public function teacher()
return $this->hasOne('App/Teacher');
Now you can do $teacher->area and $teacher->religion

how to use laravel Scope in a relationship?

I'm using laravel
I have two models
class Product extends Model
public function productcategories(){
return $this->hasOne('App\Product\Productcategorie','CategoryID','ProductCategoryId');
and Productcategorie
class Productcategorie extends Model
protected $primaryKey = 'CategoryID';
public function product(){
return $this->belongsToMany('App\Product\Product','ProductCategoryId','CategoryID');
public function scopeCp($query,$id){
return $query->where('categoryparent_id', '=', $id);
The Product model has a scope Cpscope
and i have ProductController with function
function productCatgoryPaFilter(Request $request){
$categories= Categoryparent::with('categories')->get();
return $product = Product::with('productcategories')->with('productoption.option')->orderBy('created_at','DESC')->get();
i want to get all products with categoryparent_id equal to passed parametre in scope
how can i do it?
If you want to filter data in relational model, use whereHas(). Though i have not tested, give it a try
Product::whereHas('productcategories', function ($query) use($id) {

modify getRouteKeyName in Laravel 5.7

I defined slug for single DB in a column of structure DB. When I will call the slug in route, Could I get slug from another model (e.g. structure here) in route?
The route is:
I defined getRouteKeyName function in Single model:
public function structure()
return $this->belongsTo(Structure::class);
public function getRouteKeyName()
return $this->structure()->select('slug')->first();
In your controller you will get the firstTest as route param if you have specified route as :
Route::get('api/singles/{slug}', 'SomeController#someAction');
Then controller :
public function someAction(Request $request, $slug)
// Perform validations and policy authorization if required
$id = Single::whereHas('structure', function ($query) use($slug) {
$query->where('slug', '=', $slug);
// Process the data using $id obtained above

Merging two queries into one using Eloquent

I have this two queries to display information in 3 tables Users, Comments, and Posts. so I made this function:
public function show($id)
$posts = Post::with(['comments'])->findOrFail($id);
$user = User::find($posts->user_id);
echo "<h1>".$posts->title.'</h1>';
echo "<h2>".$user->name.'</h2>';
foreach ($posts->comments as $comment) {
echo $comment->body.'<br>';
on this function I using two variable $posts and $user, can I merge this two variable using eloquests command like Post::with(['user','comments'])'? so I can use just $posts variable and use it like $posts->users->name to access user name.
i was trying using this way:
$posts = Post::with(['comments','users'])->findOrFail($id);
but when i echo the post it showing that the user was null:
{"id":1,"user_id":1,"title":"Oleh id 1","body":"ini adalah content","created_at":"2017-10-18 03:25:54","updated_at":"2017-10-18 03:25:54","comments":[{"id":1,"post_id":1,"body":"Keren banget deh artikelnya, TOP","created_at":"2017-10-18 03:43:50","updated_at":"2017-10-18 03:43:50"},{"id":2,"post_id":1,"body":"Keren banget deh artikelnya, TOP","created_at":"2017-10-18 03:43:53","updated_at":"2017-10-18 03:43:53"},{"id":3,"post_id":1,"body":"Keren banget deh artikelnya, TOP","created_at":"2017-10-18 03:43:54","updated_at":"2017-10-18 03:43:54"}],"users":null}
Here's my model if you need it. My post model:
class Post extends Model
* Get the comments for the blog post.
public function comments()
return $this->hasMany('App\Comment');
public function users(){
return $this->belongsTo('App\User');
my Comment model
class Comment extends Model
* Get the post that owns the comment.
public function post()
return $this->belongsTo('App\Post');
You’ll have an easier time sticking to Laravel’s conventions for naming relationships.
A Post has many Comments, which belong to a User. Given this set up:
class Post extends Model
public function comments()
return $this->hasMany(Comment::class);
class Comment extends Model
public function post()
return $this->belongsTo(Post::class);
public function user()
return $this->belongsTo(User::class);
You can then query a post’s comments and users like this:
$comments = $post->comments()->with('user')->get();
You could also eager-load the user relation on comments if you always wanted the user returned with a comment:
class Comment extends Model
protected $with = ['user'];
public function user()
return $this->belongsTo(User::class);
Then your query would be simplified:
$comments = $post->comments;
Hope this helps you!!
What I am guessing is you want the list of all posts with the users. If relation is defined, try with the join
$posts = DB::table('posts')
->join('users', '', '=', 'posts.user_id')
->select('posts.*', ' as user_name')
->where('posts.comments', '<>', NULL)
#NOTE: If you are using soft deletes you might wanna add where('posts.deleted_at', null)
After couple of days searching finally i got the answer, i can get merge the query like this:
$posts = Post::with(['comments','users'])->findOrFail($id);
but in the Post Model the function not "Users" but "User".

Laravel return specific model attribute

Let's say I have User Model. Each User has Pet model.
both have relationship setup correctly.
When I get the user data along with his pets, I do this:
return $this->with('pets');
but what if I want to return the pet name only with the user data?
I've been trying that:
return $this->with('');
Didn't work for me.
Class User extends Model ()
public function pets()
return $this->hasOne('App\Model\Pet');
Controller or Repository or any other object
function getUserDetails (Request $request)
$userId = $request->get('id');
$findUserById = User::find($userId);
$fullName = $findUserById->pets->fullname;
You can do this way :
$users_with_pet_name = DB::table('users')
->join('pets', '', '=', 'pets.user_id')
->select('users.*', '')
Check out joins section:
