Is there a way I could make my program save something that is being appended so even if the program is started its always in the list? - python-2.x

I would like to have my program store something in a list, and no matter what always have it in that list whether the program is restarted and so on.
Ive already tried the .add function, but I cant have .add on a list.
useradd_list = []
UserQuoteAdd_str in addquote_list:
UserQuoteAdd_str = raw_input("What is your quote?")
What I need is a function that will save whatever the user types in memory and even if the program restarts, the list still has what the user typed.


How to display debug info or console.log equivalent in Lua

I am creating many games using Lua and LOVE2D, but whenever I implement a new function and want to test it out, or simply want to know a value of a variable in Lua, I either display it on the game screen or just hope that it works.
Now my question is...
IS THERE A WAY TO DISPLAY SOME INFO, such as A VARIABLE VALUE or something else into the terminal or somewhere else? Just like console.log in javascript which displays some content in the javascript console in the browser. So, is there a way to do this is Lua?? using LOVE2D?
I am using a Mac, so I have a terminal and not a command prompt. Is there a way to display some content there? Anywhere else would also be fine, I just need to see if those values are as expected or not.
Use a conf.lua file to enable the console, then you should be able to use a standard print(). You can read the wiki entry here.
Note: You have to run Lua and Love2D via the terminal for this to work. Running Lua and Love2D like this is required for the print statements to show:
/Applications/ "/Users/myuser/Desktop/love2d-test-proj"
You just need to add a conf.lua file to the same location where your main.lua. Your file may be as simple as this:
function love.conf(t)
t.console = true
But feel free to copy the whole configuration file from the above link and edit what you need.
I can't be completely sure about this, because I have no access to Mac, but the console is disabled by default and even on Windows, no prints are shown until you turn it on.
Alternatively You can also display debug info in the game itself like some games do.
What I like to do is add something like debugVariable = {} for logging events that happen in each loop and debugPermanent = {} for events that happen rarely. Possibly add convenience functions for writing to the variables:
function debugAddVariable(str)
table.insert(debugVariable, str)
--..and similarly for debugPermanent
Now a function to draw our debug info:
function debugDraw() --remember graphics state --clear any previous transforms[[select color for debug info]])[[select font for debug info]])
for i, v in ipairs(debugPermanent) do, --[[fontHeight]])
for i, v in ipairs(debugVariable) do, --[[fontHeight]])
debugVariable = {} --clear debugVariable to prepare it for the next loop --recall graphics state
And we just call this draw function at the end of our love.draw() and the texts should appear.
Obviously, this method can be refined further and further almost infinitely, displaying specific variables, and adding graphs for some other variables to clarify the information you want to show, but that's kind of outside of the scope of the question.
Lastly Feel free to check here for debug libraries submitted by users.

A "display" that always displays in prolog

I have a predicate check(Data,Res) that checksDats according to some rules and returns Res (a function result on Data, assuming Data answers to several criteria).
I have another function generate(N,Data) which generates a N-size Data.
My main program begins with generating many 1-size Data, then if none answered the criteria, we go on to 2-size Data and so on until we reach a certain M upper limit.
main(M):- next_number(N,M), generate(N,Data), check(Data,Res).
However, the program runs for very long time. I wanted to make sure it does not get stuck. For this, I wanted to print the generated Data each time before its being checked. But adding display did not assist, because it only actually displayed if the entire statement was true.
That's not what I want.
I want to keep track of the progran using display, similarly to System.out.println in Java.
Is there any other function that displays anyway? Or an idea how to use display in a way that will always display, regardless if the Data answered the criteria or not?
I thought to do:
(check(Data,Res) -> display(Data);display(Data)).
But I am not sure. Any ideas?
Your long process is likely to be within check - or more precisely, that check fails for most data, causing the system to backtrack repeatedly.
If you display a result in check, you'll have line upon line of tracing. Instead, you could add a write statement to generate, or even to your number generation:
next_number_and_tick(N,M) :-
write('Tick - now doing '),
Upon backtracking, the program will signal the data size it is now working on, giving you an idea of the volume of work it is doing.
The problem in the way you use display is that the entire statement must be true for it to display. Your idea of using "if-then" is good but not accurate. If you want to use it, you should "trick" prolog the following way:
new_check(Data,Res) :- (check(Data,Res) -> display('Victory!'),!; display('Failed Data: '), display(Data), nl, fail).
This way, if the check fails, you will get a report on which Data failed, and if it succeeded everything stops (assuming you want only 1 solution. If you want more, remoce the ! predicate).

Scripting Word from vbs

I'm trying to get Word to fill in cells in a table. The script works when run as a macro from within Word, but fails when saved as a .vbs file and double-clicked, or run with wscript. This is a part of it.
set obj = GetObject(,"Word.Application)
With obj
With .Selection
MsgBox .text
If (.Information(wdWithInTable) = True) Then
.Collapse Direction:=wdCollapseStart
tCols = .Tables(1).Columns.Count
tRow = .Information(wdStartOfRangeRowNumber)
tCol = .Information(wdStartOfRangeColumnNumber)
For I = 2 To 5
.Tables(1).Cell(tRow, I).Range.Text = "fred" & Str(I)
` now make new row
For I = 1 To tCols - tCol + 1
.MoveRight unit:=wdCell
End If
End With
End With
I have three problems. First, it won't compile unless I comment out the .Collapse and .MoveRight lines. Second, although the MsgBox .text displays the selected text, I get "out of range" errors if I try to access any .Information property.
I'm sure I'm missing something very simple: I usually write software for Macs, and I'd do this using AppleScript. This is my first attempt at getting anything done under Windows.
VBScript and VBA are different languages.
They are a bit similar, but not very. Moreover, VBScript is not like AppleScript; it doesn't let you easily interface with running programs.
The interfaces you'll get from VBScript can behave subtly differently in VBA and VBScript. However, I think you've got two problems here:
:= is invalid syntax in VBScript; you'll need to find an alternative way of calling the function. Try just using positional arguments.
You've no guarantee that this will open the expected file; there could be another instance of Word that it's interacting with instead.
Since your code is not running within the Word environment it would require a reference to the Word object library in order to use enumeration constants (those things that start with wd).
VBScript, however, cannot work with references, which means the only possibility is to use the long value equivalents of the enumerations. You'll find these in the Word Language References. Simplest to use is probably the Object Browser in Word's VBA Editor. (In Word: Alt+F11 to open the VBA Editor; F2 to start the Object Browser; type in the term in the "Search" box, click on the term, then look in the bottom bar.)
The code in the question uses, for example:
The reason you get various kinds of errors depends on where these are used.
Also, VBScript can't used named parameters such as Unit:=. Any parameters must be passed in comma-delimited format, if there's more than one, in the order specified by the method or property. If there are optional parameters you don't want to use these should be left "blank":
MethodName parameter, parameter, , , parameter

App Inventor TinyWebDB List Problems

I got a problem using the TinyWebDB in App Inventor 2. Here's a Screenshot of the blockcode.
The goal of this Screen is to store a list(array) of images and later query them with a button but my problem starts already earlier. First there is a variable initialized called fotoList and declared as an empty list.
When this Screen initializes (left block) I store the empty fotoList under the tag FotoListTag. Then if the image under the tag "SteckbriefFoto" is not in this list -> getValue with tag "FotoListTag". Then he jumps into the block on the right and adds the photo .. other stuff not important .. at the end I store the list again in the TinyWebDB (and also in the TinyDB) with the tag "FotoListTag". Then it goes back to the block on the left where at the end I want to set an image.picture to the photo I stored in variable fotoList.
When I compile the code there is an error opening the page that says
Select list item: List index too large
Select list item: Attempt to get item number 1 of a list of length 0:()
I just don't get the problem with this code and i hope someone can help me.
For lists, valueIfTagNotThere should be create empty list instead of an empty string
On first run of your app, TinyDB is empty, which means, for tag = FotoListTag you get no value back, therefore this should be an empty list in the beginning.
Later you are trying to select the first item from the list (zahl is 1). As you know, the list is empty in the beginning, so probably you should add an if statement to check, if the list is not empty and only then select the first item... same for tag = Schriftlist.
You also have a timing issue. in Screen.Initialize you are trying to get a value from TinyWebDB. This is an asynchronous call, you get the result back in TinyWebDB.GotResult event and this takes a little bit (let's say 500 milliseconds), but meanwhile the complete blocks of the Screen.Initialize event will be executed. Probably you are expecting, that meanwhile tag = FotolistTag is not empty anymore, but this is not the case.

How can I use OpenArgs to print multiple reports in a loop situation?

I am slimming down my databases, eliminating duplicate reports where I can and creating better code. I have one database that involves our welders and foremen. In this code, I can print a report for an individual foreman, which sends the string "strActive" through openargs The report looks at strActive and on the OpenForm action, sets the filter for active, inactive, or all welders, based on the string value passed through.
It works perfectly for the single page at a time code. There, the user chooses a foreman from a list or enters the foreman's clock number. The query the report is based on uses the global string "ForemanCLK" to only get results for that welder.
Formerly, I had three reports; one for all welders, one for active welders, and one for inactive welders.
Previously, I would set a variable based on strActive and open the appropriate report using another variable in the code in place of the report name. The loop worked fine and opened the report 39 times, each time with a new foreman name and data.
I'm baffled as to why opening the report now, with an openarg, doesn't work. I only get the first foreman name, 39 times. I've verified that I get the foremanCLK variable of the different foremen by commenting out the docmd line and debug.print(ing) the various values needed by the form. The report simply doesn't load it correctly.
Set rec = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(sql)
For ctr = 0 To rec.RecordCount - 1
ForemanCLK = rec(0).Value
DoCmd.OpenReport "rptForeman", acViewNormal, , , , strActive
'DoCmd.OpenReport "rptForeman", acViewNormal
The above code gets me many copies of the same foreman's report filtered by strActive
For ctr = 0 To rec.RecordCount - 1
ForemanCLK = rec(0).Value
'DoCmd.OpenReport "rptForeman", acViewNormal, , , , strActive
DoCmd.OpenReport "rptForeman", acViewNormal
But this gets me all the different foremen, except it is not filtered.
I've tried passing in a Where clause.
acViewNormal, ,"[active]=" & True
acViewNormal, ,"[active]=" & False
acViewNormal, ,"[active]=" & True & " OR [active]=" & False
I did the same verification with the single report, and it filters correctly, but in the loop, it does not filter at all. It does, however give me the different foremen.
The big question here is...
WHY? Does access not have enough time between reports to close it and therefore it doesn't perform the operations on the open event?
Any other ideas?
You must close the report explicitly inside your loop: DoCmd.Close acReport, "rptForeman". If OpenReport is called a second time on an already-open report, the object gets the focus in access, but it doesn't re-run the Open event.
Okay, I must hang my head in shame.
I error checked the hell out of that code above using every variable except strActive.
When I added that to my debug.print line, it came up with nothing. How can that be!?!!??
I simply forgot to set that at the beginning of the sub, like I did with the other action that opens a single report. strActive is a global variable, but was not set at any other point in the code up until this piece.
Once this was added to the beginning of the sub, all worked fine.
