ElasticSearch 7 - combine filters - elasticsearch

I use ES 7 and Laravel implementation, I want to combine a range and a term match, according to documentation, I did this :
$items = $client->search([
'index' => $instance->getSearchIndex(),
'type' => $instance->getSearchType(),
'body' => [
'size' => 50,
'query' => [
'bool' => [
'must' => [
'multi_match' => [
'fields' => config('elasticsearch.fields'),
'query' => $query,
'filter' => [
'bool' => [
'must' => [
'range' => [
'note' => [
'gte' => config('elasticsearch.note_minimum')
'term' => [
'type_video_id' => 5
And got this error :
"parsing_exception","reason":"[range] malformed query, expected
I only found documentation and examples for ES 2 about combining queries, did something change ?
I want my query to match the fields, and be filtered according to filter.

Here is the right way to do this:
$items = $client->search([
'index' => $instance->getSearchIndex(),
'type' => $instance->getSearchType(),
'body' => [
'size' => 50,
'query' => [
'bool' => [
'must' => [
'multi_match' => [
'fields' => config('elasticsearch.fields'),
'query' => $query,
'filter' => [
'range' => [
'note' => [
'gte' => config('elasticsearch.note_minimum')
'term' => [
'type_video_id' => 5

I don't have a way to test this, but I'm seeing a couple brackets where you need curlies. Also, don't you need you need $ before those "config"?
"query" => {
"bool" => {
"must" => [
"multi_match" => {
"query" => $query,
"fields" => $config('elasticsearch.fields')
"filter" => {
"range" => {
"note" => {
"gte" => $config('elasticsearch.note_minimum')
"term" => {
"type_video_id" => {
"value" => "5"
If this doesn't work, can you paste what the string looks like after your variables get rendered?


elasticsearch search string with slash

I try to search for a string that contains a slash (in field firstname) but elasticsearch shows me an error "Failed to parse query ...".
Here is my mapping
'index' => 'indexA',
'body' => [
'settings' => [
'number_of_shards' => 1,
'number_of_replicas' => 1,
"analysis" => [
"analyzer" => [
"analyzer_asciifolding" => [
"tokenizer" => "standard",
"filter" => [ "lowercase", "my_ascii_folding" ]
"filter" => [
"my_ascii_folding" => [
"type" => "asciifolding",
"preserve_original" => true
'mappings' => [
'dynamic' => false,
'properties' => [
'persons' => [
'type' => 'nested',
'properties' => [
'firstname' => [
'type' => 'text',
'analyzer' => 'analyzer_asciifolding'
Can you help me please?
UPDATED 2022-04-01 15:10
here is the php code which query elasticsearch
$response = $this->elasticsearchService->search([
'index' => 'indexA',
'body' => [
'query' => [
'bool' => [
'filter' => [
'query_string' => [
'query' => $attributes['person_firstname'],
'fields' => ['persons.firstname']
'from' => $from,
'size' => $size
You should escape them with a leading backslash.
The reserved characters are: + - = && || > < ! ( ) { } [ ] ^ " ~ * ? : \ /
"query": {
"query_string": {
"fields": ["persons.firstname"],
"query": "use\\/share"

elasticsearch 7, boost by integer value

I'm trying to boost a search by the "created" field (an integer / timestamp) but always run into
"{"error":{"root_cause":[{"type":"parsing_exception","reason":"Unknown key for a START_OBJECT in [script].","line":1,"col":181}],"type":"parsing_exception","reason":"Unknown key for a START_OBJECT in [script].","line":1,"col":181},"status":400}"
Without the 'script' the query works fine. But I'm running out of ideas how to write this script correctly. Any ideas?
return [
'index' => 'articles_' . $this->system,
'body' => [
'size' => $this->size,
'from' => $this->start,
'sort' => [
$this->order => 'desc',
'query' => [
'query_string' => [
'query' => $this->term,
'fields' => ['title^5', 'caption^3', 'teaser^2', 'content'],
'analyze_wildcard' => true,
'script' => [
'script' => [
'lang' => 'painless',
'source' => "doc['#created'].value / 100000",
EDIT: Updated query, but still running into "{"error":{"root_cause":[{"type":"parsing_exception","reason":"[query_string] malformed query, expected [END_OBJECT] but found [FIELD_NAME]","line":1,"col":171}],"type":"parsing_exception","reason":"[query_string] malformed query, expected [END_OBJECT] but found [FIELD_NAME]","line":1,"col":171},"status":400}"
Script is not a standalone attribute. It should be part of bool. When you have multiple filters these should be in must/should/filter under bool
'body' => [
'size' => $this->size,
'from' => $this->start,
'sort' => [
$this->order => 'desc'
'query' => [
'bool' => [
'must' =>[
'query_string' => [
'query' => $this->term,
'fields' => ['title^5', 'caption^3', 'teaser^2', 'content'],
'analyze_wildcard' => true
'script' => [
'script' => [
'lang' => 'painless',
'source' => "doc['#created'].value / 100000"
Above can have syntax issue of brackets(I couldn't test it) , query structure is correct
'query' => [
'function_score' => [
'query' => [
'query_string' => [
'query' => $this->term,
'fields' => ['title^10', 'caption^8', 'teaser^5', 'content'],
'analyze_wildcard' => true,
'script_score' => [
'script' => [
'lang' => 'expression',
'source' => "_score + (doc['created'] / 10000000000000)",
Was my solution at the end. Sadly found at the documentation of elasticsearch later. But you really have to divide the timestamp strongly that it doesn't totally overpower the best matches.

Elastic search to match top level field, and a nested field

I can't seem to get this query to work
I am trying to match all tags who's name matches $channel_name,
but also, which has a video, with the name of $search.
I think the nested part is messed up. How can I fix this query?
$body = [
'query' =
"bool" => [
"must" => [
'match_phrase' => ['name' => $channel_name]
'nested' => [
'path' => 'videos',
'query' => [
'bool' => [
'must' => [
'match' => [
'videos.name' => $search
'inner_hits' => [
'videos' => [
'path' => [
'videos' => [
'size' => $this->pageSize,
'sort' => $sortOrder,
'from' => ($pageNumber - 1) * $this->pageSize,
'query' => [
'match_all' => []

Convertion of Elasticsearch Query from 2.0 to 5.0

Guys I am newbie in elastic search and trying to migrate from 2.* to 5.*.
I have a query which I cannot convert. I tried searching google, as well as read documentation but examples in it are very basic and don't really help in here. Maybe someone can help me to convert the following query into modern one? I am using php client for it.
$query = [
'index' => 'index_name',
'type' => 'table',
'body' => [
'query' => [
'filtered' => [
'query' => [
'bool' => [
'must' => [
'match' => [
'_all' => [
'query' => 'zonda',
'fuzziness' => 1,
'filter' => [
'term' => [
'foo' => 1,
'size' => 10000,
Not much into php, so could not check it, but it should be something like this:
$query = [
'index' => 'index_name',
'type' => 'table',
'body' => [
'query' => [
'bool' => [
'must' => [
'match' => [
'_all' => [
'query' => 'zonda',
'fuzziness' => 1,
'filter' => [
'term' => [
'foo' => 1,
'size' => 10000,
The filtered query is now gone, and you can use the filter part of the bool query.

Elasticsearch query for simple category search, sorting by price and getting records by range

I want to write query with following condition :
search by category (like category = 'cat1')
and with price range (and price between 100 to 500)
and sort by price (low to high)
I tried:
$params = [
'index' => 'my_index',
'type' => 'product',
'body' => [
//"from" => 0, "size" => 2,
"sort" => [
["default_product_low_price.sale_price" => ["order" => "asc"]]
'query'=> $query,
"aggs" => [
"default_product_low_price" => [
"nested" => [
"path" => "default_product_low_price"
"aggs" => [
"range" => ["default_product_low_price.sale_price" => [ "gte" => '790',
"lte" => '1000' ]],
//"max_price" => ["max" => [ "field" => "default_product_low_price.sale_price" ]]
But I am getting an error
Bad Request 400 Exception in GuzzleConnection.php line 277: error.
Please guide me where I am wrong? What is the right query?
I think this should be your query :
$params = [
'index' => 'my_index',
'type' => 'product',
'body' => [
"sort" =>[
["default_product_low_price.sale_price" => ["order" => "asc"]]
"query"=> [
"filtered"=> [
"query"=> [
"match_all"=> []
"term"=> [
"category.name"=> "jeans"
"filter"=> [
"nested"=> [
"path"=> "default_product_low_price",
"filter"=> [
"bool"=> [
"must"=> [
"range"=> [
"default_product_low_price.sale_price"=> [
"gte"=> 100,
"lte"=> 200,
