Sequelize check row exists, and return boolean - promise

I am attempting to use Sequelize to query an association table to see if one user is following another. If the relationship exists, I want to return true. If not, return false. I want to return this response to the "following" section of toProfileJSONFor (see below).
Based on logging, everything seems to be working as expected, except I receive a promise back instead of my boolean value. I've read up as much as I can find on promises, but still can't seem to figure out my issue.
Here is the result that I am currently receiving:
"profile": {
"username": "superman1",
"bio": null,
"image": "",
"following": {
"isFulfilled": false,
"isRejected": false
I understand that this is a problem with promises, but I cannot figure out a resolution.
User.prototype.toProfileJSONFor = function(user){
return {
username: this.username,
image: this.image || 'genericImage.jpg',
following: user.isFollowing( //this is where I am having issues
User.prototype.isFollowing = function(id){
let userId =; // current userId
let followId = id; //profile Id
return FollowerFolloweds.findAll({
where: { followedId: followId, followerId: userId},raw : true })
.then(function(result) {
if(result.length !=0){
return true;
} {
return false;
The expected result would be:
"profile": {
"username": "superman1",
"bio": null,
"image": "",
"following": true

Try the following:
User.prototype.toProfileJSONFor = function(user){
return user.isFollowing(
.then((following) => {
username: this.username,
image: this.image || 'genericImage.jpg',


Make an ajax call inside of a .map()

I am upgrading jquery and saw that the "async: false" option has been deprecated. This makes sense and in 99.9% of cases I agree with the rationale, but I have a case where I think I really need it and I cannot for the life of me figure out how to make this work with a purely async ajax call no matter how I use promises or async/await.
My use case is in a Vue component and I have an array of contacts. What I need to do is map over the contacts and validate them. One such validation requires a quick check of email validity via a "check_email" ajax endpoint.
Once I validate (or not) the list, I then submit the list (if valid) or show error messages (if invalid).
My code is something like this
sendContacts: function() {
valid = this.validateContacts()
if (valid) {
// send the contacts
} else {
return // will display error messages on contacts objects
validateContacts: function() {
this.contacts = => {
if (! { = false
contact.valid = false
return contact
if (! {
contact.validDetails.emailExists = false
contact.valid = false
return contact
if (!check_email(email)) { // THIS IS ASYNC NOW WHAT DO I DO
contact.valid = false
contact.validDetails.emailFormat = false
return contact
var validData = => {
return c.valid
return !validData.includes(false)
function check_email(email) {
const url = `/api/v1/users/check-email?email=${email}`
let valid = false
url: url,
type: 'POST',
async: false, // I can't do this anymore
headers: {
'X-CSRFToken': csrfToken
success: resp => {
valid = true
error: err => {
return valid
my data function:
data: function() {
return {
contacts: [this.initContact()],
showThanks: false,
emailError: false,
blankEmail: false,
blankName: false
methods: {
initContact: function() {
return {
name: null,
email: null,
title: null,
validDetails: this.initValidDetails(),
valid: true,
initValidDetails: function() {
return {
emailDomain: true,
emailExists: true,
emailFormat: true,
name: true
Again, I have tried async/await in every place I could think of and I cannot get this to validate properly and then perform correct logic regarding whether the send contacts function part of the function should fire. Please help!
Once any part of your validation is asynchronous, you must treat the entire thing as asynchronous. This includes when calling validateContacts in sendContacts.
First, you should change check_email to return Promise<bool>. It's usually a bad idea to include jQuery in a Vue project so let's use fetch instead (Axios being another popular alternative).
async function check_email(email) {
const params = new URLSearchParams({ email })
const res = await fetch(`/api/v1/users/check-email?${params}`, {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'X-CSRFToken': csrfToken
return res.ok
As for your async validation logic, it's best to map your contacts to an array of promises and wait for them all with Promise.all.
async validateContacts () {
const validationPromises = contact => {
if (! {
return {,
valid: false,
validDetails: {,
name: false
if (! {
return {,
valid: false,
validDetails: {,
emailExists: false
if (await check_email( { // await here
return {,
valid: false,
validDetails: {,
emailFormat: false
return {, valid: true }
// now wait for all promises to resolve and check for any "false" values
this.contacts = await Promise.all(validationPromises)
return this.contacts.every(({ valid }) => valid)
As mentioned, now you need to treat this asynchronously in sendContacts
async sendContacts () {
if (await this.validateContacts()) {
// send the contacts

Parse Server ignores ACL

I have a simple Parse Cloud Code function for my NewsFeed Objects. For these NewsFeed Objects I set an ACL such that the fromUser can write to it and the toUser can read and write to it. I try to get these objects for every user with the following function:
Parse.Cloud.define("get_feed", async (request) => {
let user = request.user;
var query = new Parse.Query("NewsFeed");
query.equalTo("toUser", user);
let result;
try {
result = await query.find();
} catch (error) {
throw error.message;
return result;
I would expect that I get all the objects which satisfy the query and have the following ACL:
"ACL" : {
"xXl3OIndCP": {
"read": true,
"write": true
"VPuRMZGhcv": {
"write": true
But unfortunately it works only if I add public read access to the ACL such that it looks like this
"ACL" : {
"*": {
"read": true
"xXl3OIndCP": {
"read": true,
"write": true
"VPuRMZGhcv": {
"write": true
I don't think that this is the expected behavior or am I wrong? Did anybody face this issue before?
Well, turned out that one has to pass the session token in the find() function so I had to use result = await query.find({sessionToken : user.getSessionToken()}); instead of result = await query.find();

Apollo Server / GraphQL - Properties of Nested Array Returning Null

Bear with me, I will explain this the best I can. Please let me know if more information is needed, I am trying to keep this as brief as possible.
I am using Apollo Server and the 'apollo-datasource-rest' plugin to access a REST API. When attempting to get the property values from a nested array of objects I get a null response for each field/property. In addition, the array being queried is only showing a single iteration when multiple are available.
The field in question is the 'cores' field within the Rocket type, i.e., launch.rocket.firstStage.cores
I have attempted various ways of mapping through 'cores' (thinking this was what it wanted) with no success.
To keep things short and simple I'm only including the code for the specific issue. All other parts of the query are operating as expected.
You can view the API response I am hitting here:
const { gql } = require('apollo-server');
const typeDefs = gql`
type Query {
singleLaunch(flightNumber: Int!): Launch
type Launch {
flightNumber: Int!
rocket: Rocket
type Rocket {
firstStage: Cores
type Cores {
cores: [CoreFields]
type CoreFields {
flight: Int
gridfins: Boolean
legs: Boolean
reused: Boolean
landingType: String
landingVehicle: String
landingSuccess: Boolean
module.exports = typeDefs;
Data Source - launch.js
const { RESTDataSource } = require('apollo-datasource-rest');
class LaunchAPI extends RESTDataSource {
constructor() {
this.baseURL = '';
async getLaunchById({ launchId }) {
const res = await this.get('launches', {
flight_number: launchId,
return this.launchReducer(res[0]);
launchReducer(launch) {
return {
flightNumber: launch.flight_number || 0,
rocket: {
firstStage: {
cores: [
flight: launch.rocket.first_stage.cores.flight,
gridfins: launch.rocket.first_stage.cores.gridfins,
legs: launch.rocket.first_stage.cores.legs,
landingType: launch.rocket.first_stage.cores.landing_type,
landingVehicle: launch.rocket.first_stage.cores.landing_vehicle,
landingSuccess: launch.rocket.first_stage.cores.landing_success,
module.exports = LaunchAPI;
module.exports = {
Query: {
singleLaunch: (_, { flightNumber }, { dataSources }) =>
dataSources.launchAPI.getLaunchById({ launchId: flightNumber }),
query GetLaunchById($flightNumber: Int!) {
singleLaunch(flightNumber: $flightNumber) {
rocket {
firstStage {
cores {
Expected Result
"data": {
"singleLaunch": {
"flightNumber": 77,
"rocket": {
"firstStage": {
"cores": [
"flight": 1,
"gridfins": true,
"legs": true,
"reused": true,
"landingType": "ASDS",
"landingVehicle": "OCISLY",
"landSuccess": true,
"flight": 1,
"gridfins": true,
"legs": true,
"reused": false,
"landingType": "RTLS",
"landingVehicle": "LZ-1",
"landSuccess": true
"flight": 1,
"gridfins": true,
"legs": true,
"reused": false,
"landingType": "RTLS",
"landingVehicle": "LZ-2",
"landSuccess": true
Actual Result (Through GraphQL Playground)
"data": {
"singleLaunch": {
"flightNumber": 77,
"rocket": {
"firstStage": {
"cores": [
"flight": null,
"gridfins": null,
"legs": null,
"reused": null,
"landingType": null,
"landingVehicle": null,
"landingSuccess": null
Any suggestions as to what I am doing wrong here would be greatly appreciated. Again, let me know if more information is needed.
Thank you!
Missing base url
There should be
await this.get( this.baseURL + 'launches'
IMHO there should be a map used within launchReducer to return an array, sth like:
launchReducer(launch) {
return {
flightNumber: launch.flight_number || 0,
rocket: {
firstStage: {
cores: => ({
flight: core.flight,
gridfins: core.gridfins,
legs: core.legs,
landingType: core.landing_type,
landingVehicle: core.landing_vehicle,
landSuccess: core.land_success,
.map(core => ({ is for returning object [literal], the same as/shorter version of .map(core => { return {

Graphql returning Cannot return null for non-nullable field Query.getDate. As I am new to graphql I want to know is my approach is wrong or my code?

I have created resolver, schema and handler which will fetch some record from dynamoDB. Now when I perform query then I am getting "Cannot return null for non-nullable field Query.getDate" error. I would like to know whether my approach is wrong or there is any change required in code.
My code :
Input to lambda :
"query": "query getDate {\r\n getDate(id: \"0f92fa40-8036-11e8-b106-952d7c9eb822#eu-west-1:ba1c96e7-92ff-4d63-879a-93d5e397b18a\") {\r\n id\r\n transaction_date\r\n }\r\n }"
Response :
"errors": [
"message": "Cannot return null for non-nullable field Query.getDate.",
"locations": [
"line": 2,
"column": 7
"path": [
"data": null
Logs of lambda function :
[ { Error: Cannot return null for non-nullable field Query.getDate.
at completeValue (/var/task/node_modules/graphql/execution/execute.js:568:13)
at completeValueCatchingError (/var/task/node_modules/graphql/execution/execute.js:503:19)
at resolveField (/var/task/node_modules/graphql/execution/execute.js:447:10)
at executeFields (/var/task/node_modules/graphql/execution/execute.js:293:18)
at executeOperation (/var/task/node_modules/graphql/execution/execute.js:237:122)
at executeImpl (/var/task/node_modules/graphql/execution/execute.js:85:14)
at execute (/var/task/node_modules/graphql/execution/execute.js:62:229)
at graphqlImpl (/var/task/node_modules/graphql/graphql.js:86:31)
at /var/task/node_modules/graphql/graphql.js:32:223
at graphql (/var/task/node_modules/graphql/graphql.js:30:10)
message: 'Cannot return null for non-nullable field Query.getDate.',
locations: [Object],
path: [Object] } ],
data: null }
2019-02-25T10:07:16.340Z 9f75d1ea-2659-490b-ba59-5289a5d18d73 { Item:
{ model: 'g5',
transaction_date: '2018-07-05T09:30:31.391Z',
id: '0f92fa40-8036-11e8-b106-952d7c9eb822#eu-west-1:ba1c96e7-92ff-4d63-879a-93d5e397b18a',
make: 'moto' } }
Thanks in advance!
This is your code:
const data = {
getDate(args) {
var params = {
TableName: 'delete_this',
Key: {
client.get(params, function(err,data){
console.log('error occured '+err)
const resolvers = {
Query: {
getDate: (root, args) => data.getDate(args),
You're seeing that error because getDate is a a Non-Null field in your schema, but it is resolving to null. Your resolver needs to return either a value of the appropriate type, or a Promise that will resolve to that value. If you change data like this
const data = {
getDate(args) {
return {
id: 'someString',
transaction_date: 'someString',
you'll see the error go away. Of course, your goal is to return data from your database, so we need to add that code back in. However, your existing code utilizes a callback. Anything you do inside the callback is irrelevant because it's ran after your resolver function returns. So we need to use a Promise instead.
While you can wrap a callback with Promise, that shouldn't be necessary with aws-sdk since newer versions support Promises. Something like this should be sufficient:
const data = {
getDate(args) {
const params = //...
// must return the resulting Promise here
return client.get(params).promise().then(result => {
return {
// id and transaction_date based on result
Or using async/await syntax:
const data = {
async getDate(args) {
const params = //...
const result = await client.get(params).promise()
return {
// id and transaction_date based on result

How to use the post_poll method in Zapier CLI

According to the docs, I should use a post_poll function to add the missing id field in the response.
How do I add the post_poll function ?
Here's my error:
Results must be an array, got: object,
- Got a result missing the "id" property (83)
Tried following this but it is not clear to me, I'm very new to Zapier-CLI
Update - adding code
This is the function that returns the data:
const listEvents = (z, bundle) => {
console.log('listing events.. ');
let client_id = bundle.inputData.client_id;
const requestOpts = {
url: `${client_id}/event`
return z.request(requestOpts)
.then((response) => {
return z.JSON.parse(response.content);
The sample response is the following, with the distiction that I added the id param manually to avoid errors when zapier test|push:
"id": 9964513,
"eventid": 9964513,
"archivestart": "2017-09-21T10:30:00-07:00",
"archiveend": "2018-09-21T10:30:00-07:00",
"description": "Zapier Event Test",
"iseliteexpired": "N",
"displaytimezonecd": "America/Bogota",
"eventtype": "Live Webcam ",
"regrequired": true,
"clientid": 22921,
"liveend": "2017-09-21T10:00:00-07:00",
"createtimestamp": "2017-09-21T09:47:44-07:00",
"audienceurl": "",
"lastmodified": "2017-09-21T09:47:44-07:00",
"livestart": "2017-09-21T08:45:00-07:00",
"goodafter": "2017-09-21T09:00:00-07:00",
"regnotificationrequired": true,
"isactive": true,
"localelanguagecd": "en"
The ACTUAL response from the endpoint the following which is used in the app created in the Web Builder App instead of CLI and works fine:
"events": [
"eventid": 9964513,
"archivestart": "2017-09-21T10:30:00-07:00",
"archiveend": "2018-09-21T10:30:00-07:00",
"description": "Zapier Event Test",
"iseliteexpired": "N",
"displaytimezonecd": "America/Bogota",
"eventtype": "Live Webcam ",
"regrequired": true,
"clientid": 22921,
"liveend": "2017-09-21T10:00:00-07:00",
"createtimestamp": "2017-09-21T09:47:44-07:00",
"audienceurl": "",
"lastmodified": "2017-09-21T09:47:44-07:00",
"livestart": "2017-09-21T08:45:00-07:00",
"goodafter": "2017-09-21T09:00:00-07:00",
"regnotificationrequired": true,
"isactive": true,
"localelanguagecd": "en"
"totalevents": 1
I was thinking something along the line of the following, but how do I register this ?
const postPoll = (event,z,bundle) => {
if(event.key === 'events'){
var results = z.JSON.parse(;
var events ={ = event.eventid;
return event;
}); = events;
module.exports = postPoll;
Nice, so you're almost there! CLI apps don't have pre_ and post_ poll methods. Instead, you put any manipulation after the response comes in.
const listEvents = (z, bundle) => {
console.log('listing events.. ');
let client_id = bundle.inputData.client_id;
const requestOpts = {
url: `${client_id}/event`
return z.request(requestOpts)
.then((response) => {
return z.JSON.parse(response.content);
.then(data => {
const events =; // array of events
return{ // returns array of objects with `id` defined = e.event_id
return e
