EXPRESS - Can't send "+" sign in POST - ajax

Simple question. I am sending POST request through AJAX:
`myreq=${JSON.stringify({info: "+"})}`
But all what I get in req.body.myreq is:
{"info":" "}
It's empty string or space... How I can send "+" sign??

The URL-encoded form of + is %2B. If you're using Javascript, perhaps use the encodeURI() function on your string, to encode it before sending it in a request. Remember that you'll need to use decodeURI() (or whatever language-specific equivalent) to decode it on the response side of the request, so that you can use it again.


How to send a post from twillio webhook using the body instead the params in the request?

There is a way to config the Twilio webhooks in the conversation product to send a post request to an endpoint and in the body send the information instead in the params?
You would pass a payload of the JSON you want to send in your post body and then pass in a header called x-www-form-urlencoded which tells Twilio that you want the parameters to be sent in the body as form data. I'm not sure if it's limited to only a few parameters or not but I know that it works with \"To\" and \"From\" (as they need to be URL encoded). It would definitely work with MessageSid.
You could also use the \"Bulk\" post body format, which is just JSON. This would allow you to pass more parameters since it's just JSON. (You don't need to url encode them if you do this, so no need to have x-www-form-urlencoded header.)
\"To\": \"+15551235555\",
\"From\": \"+15551234567\",
\"Body\": \"A text message\",
...: ...
You should be able to send the information you want, along with the headers, from your endpoint and have it pass through Twilio.
Looks like this:
curl -X POST{AccountSid}/Messages -d 'From=%2B15551234567&To=%2B15551235555&Body=Test' -u '{AccountSid}:{AuthToken}'
You can pass any JSON you want as a body using this option but make sure you've set your \"Content-Type\" header to \"application/x-www-form-urlencoded\". This is pretty straightforward and makes it easy to pass in whatever parameters you want.
This isn't limited to text messages! This is exactly how I push data back into a Conversation or Action resource too so it'll work for things like card pushes too! You can use this to programmatically create a response that Twilio will process and then act on in your Conversation or Action instance.
And yeah … if you're going to support a webhook that takes form data then I would suggest adding some basic security checks since anyone could just post random stuff as form data if they wanted and get access to your endpoint. I'd recommend checking the Request Method as well to make sure it's POST.
If you're worried about someone passing in a bad value then you can just check the request body against some regex. I'd recommend checking the Twilio-To and Twilio-From params as well. You could also use the request header too, which is passed along with all webhooks:
header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *');
header('Access-Control-Allow-Methods: POST');
header('Access-Control-Allow-Headers: xxx');

Do I need to send the data in $.ajax as json?

I have an $.ajax request that's sending the data in a serialize() and gets a json array in return. It works perfectly without any issues on Chrome develop's tools and Firefox's firebug. My question is, do I HAVE to send the data(user inputs) as json? I need json for the response but not for the request.
No, you send the data however you like but keep in mind how you send it will affect how you can retrieve it.
Also you aren't sending JSON in your request as .serialize() does not return JSON it returns a text string in standard URL-encoded notation.
No, you don't need to send it as JSON. You can send it in any other format, but your receiver will need to know how to interpret it. Usually people use JSON or XML since your receiver can easily parse these types of data.
You'll need to set the content-type, then you can tell the receiver how to process this content-type.

retain "+" sign in string

I am creating a base64 string. There is also '+' sign in that string. I am sending it through ajax to the database. but ajax removes the + and replace it with white pace. How I can overcome this problem
How are you sending it to your server ?
You must urlEncode what's in the url, or use JSON.stringify for an object you send as json.
This means you must decode it on the server side but most server technologies handle this for you.
This is because you are not url encoding the base64 before sending it.
Run your base64 through javascript's escape() function before sending it.

Should a JSON-P callback function accept a string?

I'm calling a REST API somebody else created. It supports JSONP to facilitate cross domain access.
The response I get back from the service looks like:
mycallback('{"token": "123456789"}');
Notice the single quotes wrapping the JSON data; Passing it as a string rather than a raw object. JQuery can handle this, but other libraries seem to expect a raw object instead.
mycallback({"token": "123456789"});
The raw object parameter makes more sense to me since it avoids the need to parse the JSON data, but I want to know for sure before asking the maintainer of the API to make the adjustment:
Which is most correct?
Passing a javascript literal (second) as shown here is more correct as it avoids deserializing the string back to a javascript object.
Passing a string is obviously a bad thing - you have two choices (#1 is preferred):
Ask the developer of the JSONP service to send proper JSONp instead of a string
Make your callback function smart so it uses something like payload = JSON.parse(payload); in case payload is a string.

ajax search suggest escape encoding

if encoding using escape(data) in javascript, how to decode it in server side?
I use ajax to post encoding data with escape javascript function, how can I decode it at the server side with classic asp
If you are passing arguments in URL (get method), do not use encode().. use encodeURI() function instead. Now, the data (I mean the parameters you pass) comes decoded automatically.
