How to use a templated google benchmark fixture with custom arguments correctly? - google-benchmark

I want to modify a templated google benchmark (with custom arguments) to run with a test fixture class, but don't know if this is really possible and if so, how the correct syntax is.
Just adding the fixture class doesn't seem to be enough.
static void CustomArguments(benchmark::internal::Benchmark* b) {
// define I, J
for (auto i : I)
for (auto j : J)
b->Args({i, j});
template<typename my_type>
class My_Fixture : public benchmark::Fixture
void SetUp(const ::benchmark::State& state) { ...}
virtual void TearDown() { ...}
template <typename any_type>
static void insert(benchmark::State& state)
for (auto _ : state)
{ ...}
BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE_F(My_Fixture, insert, my_type)->Apply(CustomArguments);
The compiler complains about the before-last code line
error: expected initializer before '->' token, but also fails to find the variable declarations from the fixture inside the test. This might be a consequence or an additional error. Do I need to register the fixture additionally? The example is running perfectly without fixture.

You'll need to use a slightly less convenient registration macro:
BENCHMARK_TEMPLATE_DEFINE_F defines the templated benchmark with the fixture. Then BENCHMARK_REGISTER_F can be used to register the benchmark, and that is where you'd add the ->Apply(CustomArguments) call.
See here for an example.


Gtest and gmock in below code snippet though error

How to achieve gtest or gmock for the private and protected member function. I am new to gtest and gmock. Below is the code for which i need to do gtest or gmock along with my attemp.
constexpr static char _session[]{"S_ID"};
typedef struct {
int session;
} Session;
typedef std::function<void(const Session &)> SessionCallback_t;
class Service : public ParentService {
void registerCallback(const SessionCallback_t & callback);
virtual void notifyHandler(const Json::Value & data) override;
virtual void notifyState();
Session mSession;
SessionCallback_t mCallback;
void jsonParse(const Json::Value & json_data);
My Attemp which doesn't compile
class TestService : public Service {
TestService(): Service() {
bool registerCallback(const SessionCallback_t & cb) {
// how to achive this?
class MyTestService : public ::testing::Test {
virtual void SetUp() {
virtual void TearDown() {
TEST_F(MyTestService , registerCallbackTest) {
TestService service;
I am stuck with the below interface
Please though some light to proceed further.
Welcome to Stack Overflow!
First, let me recommend this recent episode of CppCast on Designing for Testing. The podcast notes that if you find your code is hard to test, it means it is too tightly coupled and is thus poorly designed.
It also (rightly, IMHO) recommends that you test only public functions. If you find yourself needing to test the private functions, you should probably refactor the code.
One way to do that is to break your code into multiple classes with the public functions you want to test. Then, your composite class can either create and own the class directly (appropriate if it's a basic type with no dependencies or complex resources of its own such as a vector or string class) or can use dependency injection to pass in the dependencies as constructor or method parameters (appropriate for databases, network connections, file systems, etc.).
Then in testing, you pass in a test double, such as a mocked object or a simplified implementation like an in-memory database instead of an out-of-process database connection, that acts like the object but does what you need in the test situation.
That's the basic advice. In your specific case, it looks like you're trying to override a non-virtual function in your TestService. What are you wanting to test exactly?
I wouldn't expect EXPECT_TRUE(service.registerCallback(SessionCallback_t)); to compile because SessionCallback_t names a type, not an instance of a type, so you can't pass it in. Again, what are you trying to accomplish?
Update to comment:
Mocking requires virtual functions (or duck typing) and dependency injection.
If you just want to test registerCallback(), I suspect you don't need a mock at all. Rather, you need to look at the function's documentation to see what it says it will do -- sometimes called the contract. For instance, what are the preconditions and postconditions of the function? What are the error cases it might encounter? These are what a unit test should cover.
For instance, does it retain only one callback (hint: as written, yes)? What happens when you call it when there is already a callback registered? Does it tolerate default-initialized std::function objects being passed in?
The bigger question is, how do you validate that your test is correct. If you start triggering notifications on your callback, you're venturing beyond the scope of testing this function in isolation. Instead, you could create an accessor class in your test to publicize what is private so you can validate. Still, you can't compare std::function for equality, so the best you can do is to invoke it and check that an expected side effect happens:
class TestService : public Service {
const SessionCallback_t& getCallback() const { return mCallback; }
struct TestCallback
int mCount = 0;
void operator()( const Session& ) { ++mCount; }
Then in your test, you can write a tests like:
TEST_F(MyTestService , Test_registerCallback_BadCallback) {
auto service = TestService{};
EXPECT_THROW( service.registerCallback( SessionCallback_t{} ), std::out_of_range );
// Register and check that it's our callback
TEST_F(MyTestService , Test_registerCallback_CallbackSaved) {
auto service = TestService{};
auto callback = TestCallback{};
EXPECT_TRUE( service.registerCallback( callback ) );
EXPECT_EQ( callback.mCount, 0 );
auto actualCallback = service.getCallback();
EXPECT_TRUE( actualCallback );
EXPECT_EQ( callback.mCount, 1 );
TEST_F(MyTestService , Test_registerCallback_CallbackOverwrite) {
auto service = TestService{};
auto callback1 = TestCallback{};
auto callback2 = TestCallback{};
EXPECT_TRUE( service.registerCallback( callback1 ) );
EXPECT_TRUE( service.registerCallback( callback2 ) );
EXPECT_EQ( callback1.mCount, 0 );
EXPECT_EQ( callback2.mCount, 0 );
auto actualCallback = service.getCallback();
EXPECT_TRUE( actualCallback );
EXPECT_EQ( callback1.mCount, 0 );
EXPECT_EQ( callback2.mCount, 1 );

C++11 Call virtual member function

I`m trying to implement something like this using C++11.
class Proto{
virtual void fu() = 0;
class Impl: public Proto{
void fu();
void Impl::fu(){
LOG_INFO("im fu");
class Inv{
void useFu(void (Proto::*)());
void Inv::useFu(void (Proto::*fu)()){
void main(){
Impl impl;
Inv inv;
useFu(void (Proto::*)()) must be declared in this way because, fu() uses some specific to Proto functionality's
I have two places were things going wrong.
First is fu() call itself and second how to pass fu as parameter inv.useFu(impl.fu).
Edit after bipll answer
The suggested usage of inv.useFu() solves the second problem of my question.
inv.useFu(static_cast<void (Proto::*)(void)>(&Impl::fu));
But I still need to call fu as a pointer to member function;
The way your useFu is declared now, it should be called as
inv.useFu(static_cast<void (Proto::*)(void)>(&Impl::fu));
But I guess that's not what you wanted. It should rather be
template<class F> void useFu(F &&f) { std::invoke(std::forward<F>(f)); }
or simply
void useFu(std::function<void()> f) { std::invoke(std::move(f)); }
and called as
useFu([&]{ impl.fu(); });
(Rather than using a lambda you can bind the method to the object with std::bind in the latter call but almost nobody ever does that.)

Inferencing the typename of 'this' in a virtual method

I am aware of the lack of reflection and basic template mechanics in C++ so the example below can't work. But maybe there's a hack to achieve the intended purpose in another way?
template <typename OwnerClass>
struct Template
OwnerClass *owner;
struct Base
virtual void funct ()
Template <decltype(*this)> temp;
// ...
struct Derived : public Base
void whatever ()
// supposed to infer this class and use Template<Derived>
// any chance some macro or constexpr magic could help?
In the example, Derived::whatever() calls virtual method Base::funct() and wants it to pass its own class name (Derived) to a template. The compiler complains "'owner' declared as a pointer to a reference of type 'Base &'". Not only does decltype(*this) not provide a typename but a reference, the compiler also can't know in advance that funct is called from Derived, which would require funct() to be made a template.
If funct() was a template however, each derived class needs to pass its own name with every call, which is pretty verbose and redundant.
Is there any hack to get around this limitation and make calls to funct() infer the typename of the calling class? Maybe constexpr or macros to help the compiler infer the correct type and reduce verbosity in derived classes?
You should use CRTP Pattern (Curiously Recurring Template Pattern) for inheritance.
Define a base class:
struct CBase {
virtual ~CBase() {}
virtual void function() = 0;
Define a prepared to CRTP class:
template<typename T>
struct CBaseCrtp : public CBase {
virtual ~CBaseCrtp() {}
void function() override {
using DerivedType = T;
//do stuff
Inherit from the CRTP one:
struct Derived : public CBaseCrtp<Derived> {
It should work. The only way to know the Derived type is to give it to the base!
Currently, this can't be done. Base is a Base and nothing else at the time Template <decltype(*this)> is instantiated. You are trying to mix the static type system for an inheritance hierarchy inherently not resolved before runtime. This very same mechanism is the reason for not calling virtual member functions of an object during its construction.
At some point, this limitation might change in the future. One step towards this is demonstrated in the Deducing this proposal.

C++ using namespaces for versioning can cause inheritance problems with overrides

We are trying to namespace the versions of our API with namespaces, although we figured that we will be getting some problems with virtual functions :
namespace v1 {
class someParam {
someParam() {};
virtual ~someParam() {};
class someClass {
someClass() {};
virtual ~someClass() {};
virtual bool doSomething(someParam a);
bool someClass::doSomething(someParam a)
return true;
namespace v2 {
class someParam : public v1::someParam {
bool doParamStuff();
bool someParam::doParamStuff()
return true;
// Type Aliasing for v2 API
using someClass = v1::someClass;
using someParam = v2::someParam;
class plugin : public someClass
plugin() {};
virtual ~plugin() {};
bool doSomething(someParam a) override;
In this specific case, we are creating extension of existing classes to allow binary compatibility. Although, we get a compilation error for plugin::doSomething because of the override keyword as it is not overriding someClass::doSomething because:
plugin::doSomething(v2::someParam) vs someClass::doSomething(v1::someParam).
Is there any way to fix up the plugin without explicitely using v1 for someParam in plugin class ? Ideally, nothing should be done on the plugin side, and without having to create v2::someClass
virtual bool doSomething(::v1::someParam a)
specifies a binary (and C++) interface. You cannot override it with
virtual bool doSomething(::v2::someParam a)
as that is a different type. They are not compatible. These signatures are unrelated.
When you update someParam, you must also update every interface that uses someParam, and then every interface that uses those interfaces, etc.
So, in namespace v2:
class someClass: ::v1::someClass {
virtual bool doSomething(::v1::someParam a) override final;
virtual bool doSomething(someParam a);
and in doSomething(v1::someParam) describe how to generate a v2::someParam and pass it to the new doSomething.
If you cannot do this, you instead have to do this:
class someClass {
virtual bool doSomething(someParam a);
and make v2::someClass a type unrelated to v1::someClass.
Regardless, you do
using someClass = v2::someClass;
Now, instead of using using declarations, you can instead conditually use inline namespaces.
When you update a version, make the current version the inline namespace. The others are normal namespaces.
Code will now silently start using the inline namespace that is "current".
You can import types from previous namespaces by using symbol = ::library_ns::v1::symbol; This should only be done when that type is unchanged, as well as all of its parameters.
Now, if your ::v2::someParam is only a helper, you can split someParamArg from someParamInstance types.
someParamArg would then be the argument type of the root of the someParam heirarchy (::v1::someParam), while someParamInstance would be ::v2::someParam; what people should create when they want to use it.
In this case, someParamArg needs to be able to consider every state of someParamInstance, even those from later versions. Hence this only works if ::v2::someParam is essentially a helper, or if it supports internal value-type polymorphism.

D Analogue to C++ member-function-pointers, not necessarily delegates

I have been learning D, and am in particular very excited for it's Generic programming capabilities. Delegates are wonderful, and apparently they have completely replaced member-function-pointers, so I was stuck when I wanted to implement something like the following:
template <typename T>
void DispatchMethodForAll(std::vector<T*> & container, void (T::* func)(void))
for(typename std::vector<T*>::iterator it = container.begin(); it != container.end(); ++it)
According to what I have learned of function pointers and delegates in D, is that neither of them can do this, since function pointers can only be declared for global functions, and delegates have to be bound to an object, there is no "partial delegate" that I can find. As seen here, I cannot use a delegate, since there is no single object that can be bound to the method that is to be called.
I know that I could do it with mixins, and essentially make it a macro. However this really doesn't sound D-like, and I figured there should be "The correct way"
You could still use a delegate here.
void DispatchMethodForAll(T)(T*[] container, void delegate(T*) action)
foreach (it; container)
DispatchMethodForAll(container, (Foo* foo) { foo.func(); });
you can take a page out of the std.algorithm to find out how it does that
void DispatchMethodForAll(alias func, T)(T container)
alias unaryFun!func _func
foreach (it; container)
btw a delegate can be bound to a struct and the compiler can create a custom struct from local (stack allocated) variables and define a delegate on that
this happens with
void foo(){
int[] array;
int i=0;
void bar(int a){
void DispatchMethodForAll(&bar)(array);
writeln(i);//prints the sum of array
bar is a delegate bound to a struct with (at least) a member i of type int of which the local variable i is an alias
