Get size of struct from pointer interface - go

I am attempting to generically get the size of any struct from an interface. This works fine with objects that are passed by value, but I can't figure out how to get the size of the object when it's passed the reference using an interface.
Here's an example indicating the problem I'm having:
package main
import (
type T struct {
c [50]byte
func main() {
fmt.Println("Hello, playground")
var t T
s := unsafe.Sizeof(t)
fmt.Println("expected size", s)
getSize(t, &t)
func getSize(valueObject interface{}, referenceObject interface{}) {
vs := []uintptr{
reflect.TypeOf(valueObject).Size(), // THIS WORKS FOR VALUE
0, //reflect.TypeOf(reflect.ValueOf(valueObject).Elem()).Size(), //EXCEPTION ACCESSING ELEM WITH VALUE
0, //reflect.TypeOf(reflect.ValueOf(valueObject).Elem()).Size(), //EXCEPTION ACCESSING ELEM WITH VALUE
0, //unsafe.Sizeof(reflect.ValueOf(valueObject).Elem()), //EXCEPTION ACCESSING ELEM WITH VALUE
0, //unsafe.Sizeof(reflect.TypeOf(reflect.ValueOf(valueObject).Elem())), //EXCEPTION ACCESSING ELEM WITH VALUE
fmt.Println("valueObject size", vs)
rs := []uintptr{
fmt.Println("referenceObject size", rs)
This is the output:
expected size 50
valueObject size [8 12 50 12 0 0 0 0]
referenceObject size [8 12 4 12 12 12 12 8]
As you can see, I can get the size of the object when it's passed-by-value using reflect.TypeOf(valueObject).Size(), but nothing gives me the correct size when I pass-by-reference.

There is no "reference" type in go, a pointer is a value like any other, and you can of course get the size of the pointer itself. You also are confusing the reflect.Value, the interface{} and the actual value you want the size of. Contributing to this confusion is that the package unsafe is special, and doesn't take an interface value, rather it can take any value directly, which is properly handled by the compiler.
You could handle the pointer and the struct each with a separate call, or check whether you have a pointer and call Elem():
// struct
// pointer
However, since optionally dereferencing a pointer is quite common, you can use reflect.Indirect to handle both types at once:
For reference, a description of what some the attempts are actually taking:
// size of the interface value
// size of reflect.Value
// size of the reflect.Value type
// size of the interface value
// size of the reflect.Value
// size of the pointer value
// size of the reflect.Value type
// size of the of reflect.Value type again
// size of the reflect.Value
// size of the reflect.Type interface value


Is there a way to get the size of a type within a generic function without reflection? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
generic function to get size of any structure in Go
(2 answers)
Closed 6 months ago.
In the case of a generic function that does byte serialization for a generic types, is there a way to proceed--other than reflection--if the different supported types have different sizes? For example:
package main
import (
type KeyType interface {
uint16 | uint32 | uint64
type Item[KT KeyType] struct {
Key KT
Data []byte
// set of generic types that hold collections of Item[T]
// sets of methods that operate on those generic types
func MarshalBinary[KT KeyType](i *Item[KT]) ([]byte, error) {
// How do I compute the size of the item and marshal it?
// It's 2 bytes for uint16, 4 for uint32, 8 for uint64,
// how do I distinguish here?
func main() {
i := new(Item[uint32])
i.Key = 42
Is there a way to access the size of the type within the serialization function without reflection?
I know I can proceed with reflection like this:
package main
import (
type KeyType interface {
uint16 | uint32 | uint64
type Item[KT KeyType] struct {
Key KT
Data []byte
// set of generic types that hold collections of Item[T]
// sets of methods that operate on those generic types
func MarshalBinary[KT KeyType](i *Item[KT]) ([]byte, error) {
t := reflect.TypeOf(i)
var size int
if strings.Contains(t.String(), `uint32`) {
size = 4
// rest of function here
return nil, nil
func main() {
i := new(Item[uint32])
i.Key = 42
Is there a better way? My main concern with using reflection here is the potential performance cost.
First off, I think your sample code may be incorrect, because you're using reflect.TypeOf(i), but i is of type Item[KT], and since Item includes both a KT and a []byte, it will be the size of KY plus the size of a pointer (the pointer to the byte slice). So, it will be 4 + pointer size if KT is a uint32, but you're setting it to 4.
So the question is, are you trying to get the size of i (Item[KT]), or the size of an instance of KT?
I assume it's the size of KT that you're actually looking for, since you're assigning a size of 4 if it's a uint32. You can do this without reflect by casting the value you want the size of as an interface{}, then using a standard type switch, as follows:
func MarshalBinary[KT KeyType](i *Item[KT]) ([]byte, error) {
var size int
switch (interface{})(i.Key).(type) {
case uint16:
size = 2
case uint32:
size = 4
case uint64:
size = 8
panic("Unexpected type")
This is a bit problematic if you ever want to expand the different possible types that KeyType could be, though.

Copying struct value to a interface{ } in golang

I will like to understand why when I copy a struct value into an interface it behaves like it does. In this code can someone help me understand why when I copy the value from mySlice into foo3 it behaves different than the other copies?
package main
import (
type SliceOfInt []int
// when passing a slice to a method you are passing this data. Lets prove it
type SliceHeader struct {
Data uintptr
Len int
Cap int
// Print the header of a slice. Its Data. Len and Cap
func GetHeaderOfSliceOfInt(s unsafe.Pointer) *SliceHeader {
// this header needs to point to &mySlice but compiler will not let us. we have to use unsafe pointers
var header *SliceHeader
pointerToMySlice := s
header = ((*SliceHeader)(pointerToMySlice))
return header
func main() {
// On go everything is passed by coping values. When you pass a slice to a function you are passing this:
// reference:
type SliceHeader struct {
Data uintptr
Len int
Cap int
// create a new slice
var mySlice SliceOfInt = make([]int, 0)
mySlice = append(mySlice, 123456789) // append this number to mySlice
// now we have a slice with len:1 and capacity:1. Lets prove it
header := GetHeaderOfSliceOfInt(unsafe.Pointer(&mySlice))
// this prints: {824635465728 1 1}
// this means that on memory address 824635465728 there is an array with cap:1 and len:1
// copy that header to someOtherSlice
someOtherSlice := mySlice
header = GetHeaderOfSliceOfInt(unsafe.Pointer(&someOtherSlice))
// prints the same value {824635465728 1 1}
// anyways if I go to address 824635465728 on my computer I shoul dbe able to find integer 123456789
pointerToInteger := unsafe.Pointer((*header).Data)
var integerVal *int = ((*int)(pointerToInteger))
// if I copy like this, it will print the correct header {824635465728 1 1}
foo1 := mySlice
// copy like this will also print the correct header {824635465728 1 1}
foo2 := foo1
// If I copy like this it will print the incorrect header. Why?
var foo3 interface{} = mySlice
// this last line prints {4746976 824635330392 0}
The output of the program is:
{824635465728 1 1}
{824635465728 1 1}
{824635465728 1 1}
{824635465728 1 1}
{4746976 824635330392 0}
I know that if I cast foo3 as: foo3.(SliceOfInt) it will work. But why is that?
An interface type, empty or not, is a type in its own right. It has its own memory representation and it is a legitimate member of Go's type system.
An interface value, and the value wrapped in that interface, are not one and the same.
The variables foo1 and foo2 have the same type and value as the mySlice variable. But the variable foo3 has a different type, therefore also a different value. And yes, the dynamic type and value are the same as mySlice but the static type and value are not.
An interface value is NOT represented in memory by a structure that's compatible with the three-field SliceHeader and therefore it is wrong, not only semantically, to try to take the slice header off of an interface value. Instead, an interface value is represented by a 2-field structure (that's why in your attempt the third field is 0). The first field points to the type information of the wrapped value, the second field points to the data of the wrapped value.
Something like this:
type iface struct {
typ uintptr
data uintptr
And you can test this by doing this:
x := (*iface)(unsafe.Pointer(&foo3))
s := (*SliceHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", x)
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", s)
Also, consider reading this:

why does assigning interface with pointer and then an address shows different behaviour in Golang

I'm new to golang. I'm starting with a tour of go.
Here is the go playground link
Here is the code :
package main
import "fmt"
type I interface {
type T struct {
S string
func (t *T) M() {
func main() {
var i I
var t *T
i = t
It is panicing
panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer
[signal SIGSEGV: segmentation violation code=0xffffffff addr=0x0
goroutine 1 [running]:
main.(*T).M(0x0, 0x434070) /tmp/sandbox696069628/main.go:15 +0x26
main.main() /tmp/sandbox696069628/main.go:24 +0x40
However when I change
var t *T
i = t
var t T
i = &t
It does not panic anymore
Shouldn't the behavior be similar in both cases. If not, why?
You are declaring, but not explicitly defining a variable named t in both cases. If you don't specify a value, the zero value for the variable's type is assigned
The zero value for all pointer types, including *T is nil. The zero value for a struct type is a value of that struct with all fields set to their zero values.
When storage is allocated for a variable [...] and no explicit initialization is provided, the variable or value is given a default value. Each element of such a variable or value is set to the zero value for its type: false for booleans, 0 for numeric types, "" for strings, and nil for pointers, functions, interfaces, slices, channels, and maps. This initialization is done recursively, so for instance each element of an array of structs will have its fields zeroed if no value is specified.
Consequently this stores nil in the interface value i:
var i interface{ M() }
var t *T
i = t
// i stores nil
And this stores a struct value in the interface value i:
var i interface{ M() }
var t T
i = t
// i stores T{S:""}
So in the first case, (nil).M() is called (which panics), and in the second case (T{}).M() is called.
You didn't initialized T.
Do this :
var t *T = &T{"Hello World"}

Strange behavior for a pointer of an interface

I wrote 3 similar functions to figure out a strange behavior of Go's pointer reflection.
package main
import (
var i interface{} = struct {}{} // i is an interface which points to a struct
var ptr *interface{} = &i // ptr is i's pointer
func f(x interface{}) { // print x's underlying value
func main1() { // f is asking for interface? OK, I'll use the struct's interface
structValue := reflect.ValueOf(ptr).Elem().Elem().Interface()
func main2() { // Error? Let me try the struct's pointer
structPtr := reflect.ValueOf(ptr).Elem().Interface()
func main3() { // Why this one could succeed after New() ?
typ := reflect.ValueOf(ptr).Elem().Elem().Type()
newPtr := reflect.New(typ).Elem().Addr().Interface()
func main() {
//main1() // panic: reflect: call of reflect.Value.Elem on struct Value
//main2() // panic: reflect: call of reflect.Value.Elem on struct Value
main3() // OK. WHY???
Only main3 is working, the other 2 would panic. Why?
The key difference of 3 is that it creates a New Value.
As to main2, I think ValueOf().Elem().Interface() has already reconstructed a interface which points at the struct{}{}, just don't understand why it would fail.
The value returned from reflect.ValueOf holds the concrete value stored in the argument. If the argument is nil, the zero reflect.Value is returned.
To put this another way, the reflect.Value and the interface passed to reflect.Value have the same underlying value.
The functions main1 and main2 will work as I think you expect if you f change to:
func f(x interface{}) { // print x's underlying value
The argument to f in main3 is a *struct{}. The function f dereferences the pointer (with the call to Elem()) and prints the reflect value for the struct{}.
One point that might be confusing is that reflect.ValueOf(ptr).Elem().Elem().Interface() and reflect.ValueOf(ptr).Elem().Interface() return an interface with the same concrete value.
The expression reflect.ValueOf(ptr).Elem() is the reflect value corresponding to i. The call to Interface() on this value returns an interface with the concrete value in i.
The expression reflect.ValueOf(ptr).Elem().Elem() is the reflect value corresponding to i's concrete value. The call to Interface() on this value returns an interface containing that concrete value.

Strange behaviour when passing a struct property (slice) to a function that removes elements from it

I've started learning Go these days and got stuck in trying to pass a struct property's value (a slice) to a function. Apparently it's being passed as a reference (or it holds a pointer to its slice) and changes made inside the function affect it.
Here is my code, in which testFunction is supposed to receive a slice, remove its first 3 elements and print the updated values, but without affecting it externally:
package main
import (
type testStruct struct {
testArray []float64
var test = testStruct {
testArray: []float64{10,20,30,40,50},
func main() {
func testFunction(array []float64) {
for i:=0; i<3; i++ {
array = removeFrom(array, 0)
func removeFrom(array []float64, index int) []float64 {
return append(array[:index], array[index+1:]...)
That outputs:
[10 20 30 40 50]
[40 50]
[40 50 50 50 50]
My question is: what is causing the third fmt.Println to print this strange result?
p.s.: This code is only an example. It's not my goal to remove the first elements of something. I just wanna know what is causing this strange behaviour.
Usually we don't know whether a given call to append will cause a reallocation, so we can't assume that the original slice refers to the same array as the resulting slice, nor that it refers to a different one.
To use slices correctly, it's important to remember that although the elements of the underlying array are indirect, the slice's pointer, length and capacity are not.
As a result, it's usual to assign the result of a call to append to the same slice variable:
array = append(array, ...)
So to sum up, to receive the desired result always remember to assign the append function to a new or the same slice variable.
Here is the corrected and working code:
package main
import (
type testStruct struct {
testArray []float64
var test = testStruct {
testArray: []float64{10,20,30,40,50},
func main() {
a := testFunction(test.testArray)
func testFunction(array []float64)[]float64 {
for i:=0; i<3; i++ {
array = removeFrom(array, 0)
return array
func removeFrom(array []float64, index int) []float64 {
return append(array[:index], array[index+1:]...)
Check it the working code on Go Playground.
Another solution is to pass the array argument via pointer reference:
func testFunction(array *[]float64) {
for i:=0; i<3; i++ {
*array = removeFrom(*array, 0)
Go Playground
The slice is a composite type. It has a pointer to the data, the length and the capacity. When you pass it as an argument you're passing those values, the pointer, the length and the capacity; they are copies, always.
In your case you modify the data within the slice when you call removeFrom(), which you can do because you've copied the value of a pointer to the original data into the func, but the length and capacity remain unchanged outside the scope of that function as those are not pointers.
So, when you print it again from main() you see the altered values but it still uses the original length and capacity as any changes made to those within the scope of the other funcs were actually on copies of those values.
Here is a useful blog post about slices It states this in particular.
It's important to understand that even though a slice contains a
pointer, it is itself a value. Under the covers, it is a struct value
holding a pointer and a length. It is not a pointer to a struct.
The reason you see [40 50 50 50 50] is because you changed the values in the slice, but you did not alter the slice itself(it's cap and len)
