Is there a way to specify to push complete jar folder on both driver and executors? - maven

Is there any way to specify complete folder path of the jars to be pushed on driver as well as executor like --jars in spark-submit, which excepts comma separated jar names with full path. But it's tedious work if we do have too many jars to be pushed on both driver as well as executor.

Question : Is there a way to specify to push complete jar folder on both driver
and executors?
Yes you can make uber jar which is self contained distribution with all depedencies packed inside.
sample if you are using maven, you can use maven shade plugin or assembly plugin for this. below is shade example.
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
If you are using sbt see this
your spark submit will look like ....
spark-submit [PATH_TO_YOUR_UBER_JAR]/[YOUR_UBER_JAR].jar
Further reading for example Googles article : Managing Java dependencies for Apache Spark applications

Running spark on yarn you have to be able to set spark.yarn.archive or spark.yarn.jars in spark-defaults.conf configuration file.
spark.yarn.archive is intended for distribution of the archive with all the jars you need on your executors.
spark.yarn.jars is for separate jars.
You may find more information in the official docs.


Remove test dependencies from deployed POM

I have a fairly typical pom.xml which builds a jar:
<project xmlns=""
I thought it'd be nice to remove the test dependencies (junit-jupiter and its dependencies) from the copy of the POM which is deployed with the jar, just to avoid imposing them on users of the jar. After all, test code isn't included in the deployed jar, so it shouldn't matter to users of the jar how the tests are written.
I figured this would be a common use case for maven-shade-plugin. But this use case doesn't seem to be mentioned in its documentation. And I wasn't able to make the shade plugin remove the junit-jupiter dependency from the reduced POM.
Is there a straightforward way to remove dependencies from the deployed POM? Am I worrying about nothing?
I saw this question, but it seems to be about removing test dependency contents from the uber jar. In my case, I'm not actually creating an uber jar. I'm just trying to use the shade plugin for its ability to rewrite the POM.
If you want to remove unnecessary parts from the deployed POM, you can use the flatten maven plugin:
One of the features is to remove the test dependencies.

random csv data jmeter maven setup

I would like to integrate blazemeter random CSV data plugin set into my jmeter maven project. I am new to both maven and jmeter 3.2, but I have got a project built.
However there is no information on how I can setup the random CSV data plugin and how it should be setup in the configuration of the POM file.
So far, I have added the dependencies for the plugin, but there is no documentation on configuration within the pom file.
Is there a way I can configure the plugin in the verify stage or do I configure the plugin by adding in the properties.user and set the values within the in the pom file.
This is not how you should use dependencies in your JMeter Maven project, you should add any required JMeter Plugins into configuration/jmeterExtensions section like:
Full pom.xml just in case:
<project xmlns:xsi="" xmlns=""
More information:
Adding jar's to the /lib/ext directory
Five Ways To Launch a JMeter Test without Using the JMeter GUI

Spring-boot application can only be launched with spring-boot:run when forking - java -jar fails

I have a Spring Boot web application that I cannot start when using the executable jar directly.
I am using Spring Boot 1.2.0.RELEASE, Maven 3.0.5, Java 1.7.0_72.
I have a requirement to use the hp-roman8 character set - in order to handle incoming requests from some remote legacy systems. To provide the hp-roman8 charset I use net.freeutils.jcharset in version 1.5.
The jcharset artifact is installed in my local repository
However when launching my application using java -jar the application fails to start and I get "java.nio.charset.UnsupportedCharsetException: hp-roman8" as cause.
The same error occurs if I do mvn spring-boot:run unless I configure spring-boot-maven-plugin to always fork.
With <fork>true</fork> spring-boot:run starts the application successfully and the hp-roman8 charset is available on the classpath.
However <fork>true</fork> has no effect on the created jar, so I am still unable to launch my application using java -jar - and continue to get the "java.nio.charset.UnsupportedCharsetException: hp-roman8".
The jcharset-1.5.jar is included correctly in the created executable jar file next to the rest of the dependencies in the path "lib/jcharset-1.5.jar" so I don't quite understand why it is not available on the classpath when launching the jar.
Have any of you seen similar behavior, or have any ideas as to what I could try out in order to troubleshoot or even resolve this problem?
I have also tried changing the main-class to use the PropertiesLauncher instead (using the <layout>ZIP</layout> tag in the plugin configuration) - see
Afterwards I added loader.path to my Even if I specify the absolute path to jcharset-1.5.jar I still get the UnsupportedCharsetException.
I also tried using an exploded archive but still no go.
You could use Maven's shade plugin rather than Spring Boot's Maven plugin. The main difference is that the shade plugin takes all of your project's dependencies and packages them directly in the jar file, i.e. it doesn't use nested jars. While this has some disadvantages, it does mean that a single class loader is used to load all of your application's classes and, therefore, JCharset is available to the application class loader.
When you're using the Shade plugin, you shouldn't use Spring Boot's starter parent. You may want to import Boot's dependency management instead.
Your pom would look something like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<description>Spring Boot sample showing the use of JCharset in an executable jar</description>
<!-- Any additional dependencies, including JCharset -->
<transformer implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.ManifestResourceTransformer">

How to download spring framework zip file [duplicate]

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Does someone know how to get the latest build without Maven/github? from
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I found this maven repo where you could download from directly a zip file containing all the jars you need.
Alternate solution: Maven
The solution I prefer is using Maven, it is easy and you don't have to download each jar alone. You can do it with the following steps:
Create an empty folder anywhere with any name you prefer, for example spring-source
Create a new file named pom.xml
Copy the xml below into this file
Open the spring-source folder in your console
Run mvn install
After download finished, you'll find spring jars in /spring-source/target/dependencies
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
Also, if you need to download any other spring project, just copy the dependency configuration from its corresponding web page.
For example, if you want to download Spring Web Flow jars, go to its web page, and add its dependency configuration to the pom.xml dependencies, then run mvn install again.

obtain the location of a jar that is a dependency in maven

I have a project that uses some legacy script for processing the source code. I cannot get rid of it, so I want to call it from maven.
the problem is that I need to pass as an argument the location of a jar file. I have listed this jar file as a dependency in my pom.xml. is there a way that I can pass the absolute location of the jar file to this script?
This isn't by any means ideal, but you could call your script from maven, and pass this in as a parameter:
${settings.localRepository}/<path to artifact>
where path to artifact is a path made up of the group id and artifact id you want. Example, if you wanted a reference to the maven-jar-plugin version 2.2, you'd use this:
I like Pascal Thivent's answer to a similar question better. You can refer to dependencies with the ${maven.dependency.junit.junit.jar.path} notation. Pascal includes a sample pom in his answer:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
