How to overload arithmetic operators (+, *, -, /) for functions in c++? - c++11

I would like to implement a numerical integral whose integrand is evaluated at quadrature points. Therefore something like: integral(domain, f), where domain is indeed the domain where I want to integrate and f is the function to integrate. f is only a function of the Point p (quadrature points) inside the domain and can have vector values (scalar is a particular case).
Since the function f can be, in general, a combination of different functions, I wonder how to overload arithmetic operators for functions.
I already found this Implementing multiplication operator for mathematical functions C++
but it does not cover my question, because the Function returns only x, while In my case I would like to have different Functions which can return a more complex function of x.
So, let f_1,...f_N be different functions which have the same return type, for example a std::array<double,M> with given length M, and which receive the same input Point p, i.e for I=1,...,N:
std::array<double,M> f_i(Point p)
{ std::array<double,M> x;
\\ compute x somehow depending on i
return x;}
Then I would like to create f as a combination of the previous f_1,...f_N, e.g. f=f_1 *f_2+(f_3*f_4)*f_5... (here the operations are meant to be component wise).
In this way I could evaluate f(p) inside integral(domain, f), obtaining for each quadrature point exactly:
f_1(p) *f_2(p)+(f_3(p)*f_4(p))*f_5(p)...
I know I have to use functors and not simple functions (which I used just to state the problem), but I am not able to figure out how for this purpose.
Any hint?
Thank you


Is it possible to generate an equality function based on the data to be compared?

Two Booleans are equal if the're the same value, two numbers similarly. Two sets are equal if they have the same elements. In case of checking two sets for equality we can use the following scheme/racket function:
(define (same-set? l1 l2)
(and (subset? l1 l2) (subset? l2 l1)))
How would such a function be generated automatically? Can it be generated for arbitrary data type?
The basic properties of an equivalence relation are:
Substitution property: For any quantities a and b and any expression F(x), if a = b, then F(a) = F(b) (if both sides make sense, i.e. are well-formed).
Some specific examples of this are:
For any real numbers a, b, and c, if a = b, then a + c = b + c (here F(x) is x + c);
For any real numbers a, b, and c, if a = b, then a − c = b − c (here F(x) is x − c);
For any real numbers a, b, and c, if a = b, then ac = bc (here F(x) is xc);
For any real numbers a, b, and c, if a = b and c is not zero, then a/c = b/c (here F(x) is x/c).
Reflexive property: For any quantity a, a = a.
Symmetric property: For any quantities a and b, if a = b, then b = a.
Transitive property: For any quantities a, b, and c, if a = b and b = c, then a = c.
Is it possible to generate a function that obeys the above properties? Would that be enough? Could knowing the type of data help?
If you have any ideas on how to improve this question or tag it please comment.
I just want to expand on #Sorawee Porncharoenwase's answer a bit. They mentioned two kinds of equality, referential equality with eq?, and structural equality with equal?.
These different notions of equality should all follow the basic requirements of reflexivity, symmetry, and transitivity. But what sets them apart from each other is the guarantees that they give when they return true or false.
Some useful classes of equality to keep in mind are are reference-equality, structural-equality for all-time, structural-equality for the current time, and domain-specific equivalences.
Reference equality
The eq? function implements reference equality, and it has the strongest guarantees when it returns true, but when it returns false you haven't learned much.
(eq? x y) implies that x and y are literally the same object, and that any operation on x could be replaced with the same on y, including mutation. One thing that helped explain this to me was in the book Realm of Racket, saying that if you shave x, then y will also be shaved because it's the same object.
However, when (eq? x y) returns false that's pretty weak sauce. On the many data structures that involve allocating memory, eq? can return false simply because the pointers are different, even if they're immutable and everything else is the same.
This can be provided automatically by the programming language because it's really not much more than pointer-equality, and it doesn't have to generate any new behavior for new data structures.
Structural Equality for All-Time
This notion of equality is not currently well-supported by base Racket or standard Scheme, although libraries such as Rackjure can provide limited versions of this with functions like egal?. It implements reference equality on mutable data structures, but structural equality on immutable data structures.
This is meant to provide the guarantee that if (egal? x y) returns true now, then it has been true in the past and will continue to be true in the future as long as x and y both exist.
This can be provided automatically by the programming language as long as the language allows you to specify which data structures are immutable vs mutable, and enforces the immutability.
I'm not sure, but chaperone-of? may also be an example of following the ideas of "Structural Equality for All-Time", except that chaperone-of? isn't symmetric (and a naive symmetric-closure would lose transitivity).
If you want to read more, see Types of Equality in Pyret or Equal Rights for Functional Objects.
Structural Equality for the Current Time
The equal? function implements structural equality for the current time. This means two mutable data structures can be equal now if they currently have all equal components, even if they weren't equal in the past or won't be in the future due to mutation.
This can be provided automatically by the programming language as long as it always knows all the sub-parts of data contained within the data-structures.
Domain-specific Equivalences
For example for the domain of numbers and math, you might want the inexact number 2.0 to be equivalent to the exact integer 2. For the domain of string search, you might want case-insensitive equivalence for strings and characters so that A and a are equivalent. For the domain of sets, you might want order to be irrelevant so that (a b) and (b a) are equivalent.
Each domain is different, so this requires more effort on each domain. The programming language can't read your mind.
Two Booleans are equal if the're the same value, two numbers similarly. Two sets are equal if they have the same elements.
These are useful equalities, but they are not the only equalities that you can create. For instance, you can consider two numbers to be equal when their parities (odd/even) are the same. Or you can consider every number to be equal to each other.
How would such a function be generated automatically?
In general, it's not possible, because it depends on your intention. And no one can read your mind.
Is it possible to generate a function that obeys the above properties?
The answer is trivially yes. At the very least, you have (lambda (x y) #t), which says that every object is equal to every other object. It satisfies the equivalence relation properties, though it's totally useless.
For a non-trivial equality that works on all kinds of values, you have referential equality eq? which obeys the equivalence relation property (it could give you a weird result if you are using the unsafe API IIUC, but that's off-topic).
equal? can be used for structural equality on several values such as lists and those that are instances of a default transparent struct, and it also cooperates with custom equality that users provide. This is usually what you want to use in Racket.
Yes, it is definitely possible. Some programming languages allow for automatic equality function synthesis. Swift is a such example.
Without automatic synthesis, the developer has to write code for the equality, e.g., consider a struct:
struct Country: Equatable {
let name: String
let capital: String
var visited: Bool
static func == (lhs: Country, rhs: Country) -> Bool {
return == && == &&
lhs.visited == rhs.visited
With Swift 4.1 and higher, this is no longer necessary. The compiler generates the equality function for you:
struct Country: Equatable { // It's enough to just declare that the type is `Equatable` and the compiler do the rest
let name: String
let capital: String
var visited: Bool
Let's test it:
let france = Country(name: "France", capital: "Paris", visited: true)
let spain = Country(name: "Spain", capital: "Madrid", visited: true)
if france == spain { ... } // false
Even after Swift 4.1, it's possible to override the default implementation with own, custom logic. For example:
struct Country: Equatable {
let name: String
let countryCode: String
let capital: String
var visited: Bool
static func == (lhs: Country, rhs: Country) -> Bool {
return lhs.countryCode == rhs.countryCode
So, the developer is always in control. The equality won't be synthesised automatically, the developer has to add Equatable to the struct declaration. If after that they're not satisfied with the default implementation, or if it couldn't be inferred, there is always an option to override compiler's intention and provide a customized variant.

How to apply an index-dependent function to a numpy ndarray?

So numpy ndarrays are quite handy in that you can just type in f(A) for any one-dimensional function f and any ndarray A and it will apply f element-wise. It is also, I was told, a very efficient way of applying a function to a ndarray and avoiding for loops. Avoid for loops, is what I have been told.
Turns out that now I need to apply a function f(A) that is not just one dimensional, but requires knowledge of the index tuple of each element in order to return the correct value for each element. Is there a way to avoid using for loops or explicit recursion and keep working with the direct function application on ndarrays under these circumstances? Or am I out of options?
Use numpy.meshgrid to generate coordinate matrices corresponding to index tuples of each element in the array. Then let your function also depend on these coordinates.
For example a is a three dimensional array.
x, y, z = np.meshgrid(np.arange(a.shape[0]), np.arange(a.shape[1]), np.arange(a.shape[2]), indexing='ij')
gives three arrays x, y, z which contains x, y and z coordinates at each location. The function on array a would then be extended by also giving the index arrays.
f(a, x, y, z)
Be careful with the order of the indices/directions. Check the options of indexing.

can't deduce the numeral representation (church encoding) of a lambda expression λx.λy.x(xy)

I have a lambda expression: λx.λy.x(xy), and I'm supposed to infer the integer representation of it. I've read a lot about Church encodings and Church numerals specifically but I can't find what number is. Can you explain it to me in a way a 3 year old can understand or refer me to a resource better than wikipedia?
Church encoding of integers is the following:
"0" ≡ (λf.(λx.x)): Think of (λf.(λx.x)) as meaning: given a function f and an element x, the result is x: it's like applying the function f zero times to x.
"1" ≡ (λf.(λx.(fx))): Think of (λf.(λx.(fx))) as meaning: given a function f and an element x, the result is (fx): which should be thought of as apply f to x or, in more standard mathematical notation, like f(x).
"2" ≡ (λf.(λx.(f(fx)))): Think of (λf.(λx.(f(fx)))) as meaning: given a function f and an element x, the result is (f(fx)): which should be thought of as apply f to x twice or, in more standard mathematical notation, like f(f(x)).
"3" ≡ (λf.(λx.(f(f(fx))))): Think of (λf.(λx.(f(f(fx))))) as meaning: given a function f and an element x, the result is (f(f(fx))): which should be thought of as apply f to x three times or, in more standard mathematical notation, like f(f(f(x))).
I hope that you see the pattern (and the logic behind). In your case, (λx.(λy.(x(xy)))) is the Church encoding of the number 2 (using alpha-equivalence, of course).
The wikiped article is actually quite clear. What is it that you don't understand?

Differentiate an infix formal language functions

I have a source file like (without loss of generality (only to image a possible syntax)):
function a()
return g // global variable without any internal structure exactly
function b(x, y)
local z = x * y
return z + 1
function c(z, t)
return b(z * z, a())
// ...etc
I want to defferentiate any function WRT to some variable.
All the formal parametres we can treat as a functions with unknown at derive time internal structure.
If I stand correct further, then the following is truth (for depending symbols ' is part of symbol, for global variables is operator during substitute time stage (def: g{g} is one, but g{y} is zero)):
function a'()
return g';
function b'(x, y, x', y')
local z' = x' * y + x * y'
return z' + 0
But what to do with last function? Namely, with actual parameters in substitution of function b?
Is there any ready to use implementations of general algorithm to work with the above? What to do with higher order derivatives (especially interesting, how to handle the formal parameters)? Are there any other possible unclear cases?
I would suggest having your parameters be symbolic expressions that know how to respond to derivatives, and having all operations take functions and return functions. Then you will get a final expression that knows how to be represented as a derivative. Furthermore you can do things like partial derivatives at a later point because you have the symbolic expression.
For a real example of what I mean, see for a library that I wrote to solve a calculus problem in JavaScript, and search for "Optimize if requested" in the source for to see how I used it. See for an explanation of why I was writing that code.
In that example I, of course, was not working from infix notation. But that is a standard parsing problem that I think you know how to solve.

Haskell's algebraic data types

I'm trying to fully understand all of Haskell's concepts.
In what ways are algebraic data types similar to generic types, e.g., in C# and Java? And how are they different? What's so algebraic about them anyway?
I'm familiar with universal algebra and its rings and fields, but I only have a vague idea of how Haskell's types work.
Haskell's algebraic data types are named such since they correspond to an initial algebra in category theory, giving us some laws, some operations and some symbols to manipulate. We may even use algebraic notation for describing regular data structures, where:
+ represents sum types (disjoint unions, e.g. Either).
• represents product types (e.g. structs or tuples)
X for the singleton type (e.g. data X a = X a)
1 for the unit type ()
and μ for the least fixed point (e.g. recursive types), usually implicit.
with some additional notation:
X² for X•X
In fact, you might say (following Brent Yorgey) that a Haskell data type is regular if it can be expressed in terms of 1, X, +, •, and a least fixed point.
With this notation, we can concisely describe many regular data structures:
Units: data () = ()
Options: data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a
1 + X
Lists: data [a] = [] | a : [a]
L = 1+X•L
Binary trees: data BTree a = Empty | Node a (BTree a) (BTree a)
B = 1 + X•B²
Other operations hold (taken from Brent Yorgey's paper, listed in the references):
Expansion: unfolding the fix point can be helpful for thinking about lists. L = 1 + X + X² + X³ + ... (that is, lists are either empty, or they have one element, or two elements, or three, or ...)
Composition, ◦, given types F and G, the composition F ◦ G is a type which builds “F-structures made out of G-structures” (e.g. R = X • (L ◦ R) ,where L is lists, is a rose tree.
Differentiation, the derivative of a data type D (given as D') is the type of D-structures with a single “hole”, that is, a distinguished location not containing any data. That amazingly satisfy the same rules as for differentiation in calculus:
1′ = 0
X′ = 1
(F + G)′ = F' + G′
(F • G)′ = F • G′ + F′ • G
(F ◦ G)′ = (F′ ◦ G) • G′
Species and Functors and Types, Oh My!, Brent A. Yorgey, Haskell’10, September 30, 2010, Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right (Dissecting Data Structures), Conor McBride POPL 2008
"Algebraic Data Types" in Haskell support full parametric polymorphism, which is the more technically correct name for generics, as a simple example the list data type:
data List a = Cons a (List a) | Nil
Is equivalent (as much as is possible, and ignoring non-strict evaluation, etc) to
class List<a> {
class Cons : List<a> {
a head;
List<a> tail;
class Nil : List<a> {}
Of course Haskell's type system allows more ... interesting use of type parameters but this is just a simple example. With regards to the "Algebraic Type" name, i've honestly never been entirely sure of the exact reason for them being named that, but have assumed that it's due the mathematical underpinnings of the type system. I believe that the reason boils down to the theoretical definition of an ADT being the "product of a set of constructors", however it's been a couple of years since i escaped university so i can no longer remember the specifics.
[Edit: Thanks to Chris Conway for pointing out my foolish error, ADT are of course sum types, the constructors providing the product/tuple of fields]
In universal algebra
an algebra consists of some sets of elements
(think of each set as the set of values of a type)
and some operations, which map elements to elements.
For example, suppose you have a type of "list elements" and a
type of "lists". As operations you have the "empty list", which is a 0-argument
function returning a "list", and a "cons" function which takes two arguments,
a "list element" and a "list", and produce a "list".
At this point there are many algebras that fit the description,
as two undesirable things may happen:
There could be elements in the "list" set which cannot be built
from the "empty list" and the "cons operation", so-called "junk".
This could be lists starting from some element that fell from the sky,
or loops without a beginning, or infinite lists.
The results of "cons" applied to different arguments could be equal,
e.g. consing an element to a non-empty list
could be equal to the empty list. This is sometimes called "confusion".
An algebra which has neither of these undesirable properties is called
initial, and this is the intended meaning of the abstract data type.
The name initial derives from the property that there is exactly
one homomorphism from the initial algebra to any given algebra.
Essentially you can evaluate the value of a list by applying the operations
in the other algebra, and the result is well-defined.
It gets more complicated for polymorphic types ...
A simple reason why they are called algebraic; there are both sum (logical disjunction) and product (logical conjunction) types. A sum type is a discriminated union, e.g:
data Bool = False | True
A product type is a type with multiple parameters:
data Pair a b = Pair a b
In O'Caml "product" is made more explicit:
type 'a 'b pair = Pair of 'a * 'b
Haskell's datatypes are called "algebraic" because of their connection to categorical initial algebras. But that way lies madness.
#olliej: ADTs are actually "sum" types. Tuples are products.
You are basically right about it being sort of like an abstract Tree class with three derived classes (Empty, Leaf, and Node), but you would also need to enforce the guarantee that some one using your Tree class can never add any new derived classes, since the strategy for using the Tree datat type is to write code that switches at runtime based on the type of each element in the tree (and adding new derived types would break existing code). You can sort of imagine this getting nasty in C# or C++, but in Haskell, ML, and OCaml, this is central to the language design and syntax so coding style supports it in a much more convenient manner, via pattern matching.
ADT (sum types) are also sort of like tagged unions or variant types in C or C++.
old question, but no one's mentioned nullability, which is an important aspect of Algebraic Data Types, perhaps the most important aspect. Since each value most be one of alternatives, exhaustive case-based pattern matching is possible.
For me, the concept of Haskell's algebraic data types always looked like polymorphism in OO-languages like C#.
Look at the example from
data Tree = Empty
| Leaf Int
| Node Tree Tree
This could be implemented in C# as a TreeNode base class, with a derived Leaf class and a derived TreeNodeWithChildren class, and if you want even a derived EmptyNode class.
(OK I know, nobody would ever do that, but at least you could do it.)
