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Spring Scheduling - Cron expression for everyday at midnight not working?
(5 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
Hello guys
I want to work my schedule at every minute between 8am - 10pm.
I tried that code.
#Scheduled(cron = "0 */1 8-22 * * MON-FRI")
But it doesn't work! I am confused. Help me!
you can find out crontab information StackOverflow link
These are valid formats for cron expressions:
0 0 * * * * = the top of every hour of every day.
*/10 * * * * * = every ten seconds.
0 0 8-10 * * * = 8, 9 and 10 o'clock of every day.
0 0 6,19 * * * = 6:00 AM and 7:00 PM every day.
0 0/30 8-10 * * * = 8:00, 8:30, 9:00, 9:30, 10:00 and 10:30 every day.
0 0 9-17 * * MON-FRI = on the hour nine-to-five weekdays
0 0 0 25 12 ? = every Christmas Day at midnight
The pattern is:
second, minute, hour, day, month, weekday
I am not able to find duration literals used by INTERVAL keyword in TDEngine. E.g. select count(*) from mytable interval(1m); works for 1-minute intervals, but I don't know what letter should be used for 1-month interval. I would like to know all possible duration intervals available.
Let's see source code. It seems TDEngine supports these duration intervals:
* b - nanoseconds;
* u - microseconds;
* a - Millionseconds
* s - Seconds
* m - Minutes
* h - Hours
* d - Days (24 hours)
* w - Weeks (7 days)
* n - Months (30 days)
* y - Years (365 days)
Please guide me how to schedule the cron job to run on every Saturday at 6am with the interval of 21 days.
How about you run the cron every Saturday, then you calculate if that is the 3rd Saturday and then you run your job?
* * * * 6 <condition> && <my Job>
The computation needs to be done for the condition as follows:
Get the Week of the year Wk=date +%V
Wk % 3 == 0 can be used as the condition
So it Sums up to the cron entry as below:
* * * * 6 ((`date +%V` % 3 == 0)) && ls
I've been reading Computer Organization and Design by Patterson and Hennessy and stumbled upon an exercise with three given solutions. I can't find which is the correct one. I tried calculating with the performance equation given in the book:
CPU Execution time = (Instruction count * CPI) / Clock rate
but it doesn't work. Here's the question:
A given application written in Java runs 15 seconds on a desktop processor.
A new Java compiler is released that requires only 0.6 as many instructions as the old compiler.
Unfortunately, it increases the CPI by 1.1.
How fast can we expect the application to run using this new compiler?
Pick the right answer from the three choices below:
a. (15 * 0.6) / 1.1 = 8.2 sec
b. 15 * 0.6 * 1.1 = 9.9 sec
c. (15 * 1.1) / 0.6 = 27.5 sec
Some insights on the correct answer and why it is obtained using that particular formula would be helpful. Thanks!
new instruction count = old instruction count * 0.6
new CPI = old CPI * 1.1
Now substitute and you will arrive at solution b.
A: 15 seconds = InsA * CPIA * ClockRate
ClockRate = 15 seconds / (InsA * CPIA)
B: TimeB = (0.6*InsA) * (1.1*CPIA) * ClockRate
TimeB = (0.6*InsA) * (1.1*CPIA) * 15 seconds / (InsA * CPIA)
TimeB = 0.6*1.1*15 seconds = 9.9 seconds
I have a requirement to obtain number of days passed since creation date. This number would need to minus the weekends. I have only some functions : JulianDay, JulianWeek, JulianYear to get Julian date values, I also have Today which returns the date of today, time stamp which returns date and time. I have manage to get the difference of today-creation date by using: JulianDay(today)-JulianDay(creation date) but I still can't wrap my head around subtracting the weekends
Not completely sure what the functions you cited in your question do, however, you seem to be comfortable with
doing the basic date arithmetic to determine the number of days between two given dates. The hard part seems
to be figuring out how may days to subtract for weekends.
I think you can accomplish this with two functions:
Given two dates, return the number of days between them. Call this DAYS(date-1, date-2)
Given a date, return the day of the week (where 1 = Monday ... 7 = Sunday). Call this DAY-OF-WEEK(date)
Having these functions you can then do the following:
Calculate full weeks in the date range: WEEKS = DAYS(date-1, date2) mod 7
Calculate days not parts of full weeks: DAYS-LEFT = DAYS(date-1, date-2) - (WEEKS * 7)
Determine which day of the week the last day falls on: LAST-DAY = DAY-OF-WEEK(date-2)
Adjust the number of DAYS-LEFT from the partial week as follows:
if DAYS-LEFT > 0 then
when 6 then /* Saturday */
when 7 then /* Sunday */
if DAYS-LEFT = 1 then
when other /* Monday through Friday */
when > 1 then
when = 1 then
when other
DAYS-LEFT = DAYS-LEFT /* no adjustment */
I assume you have, or can build, a DAYS(date-1, date-2) function. The next bit is to determine what day of the week
a given date falls on. The algorithm to do this is called Zeller's congruence. I won't
repeat the algorithm here since Wikipedia does a fine job of describing it.
Hope this gets you on your way...
Your JulianDay(y,m,d) function returns a serial number for each date; let's say for the sake of discussion that JulianDay(2013,7,4) returns 2456478. The next day will be 2456479, then 2456480, and so on. And let's say that the difference of two days is diff.
The number of full weeks in diff, each containing 5 weekdays, is diff // 7 (that's integer division, so it rounds down). Thus if diff is 25, there will be 25 // 7 = 3 full weeks plus an extra diff % 7 = 4 days. The 3 full weeks contain 15 weekdays; it doesn't matter which day of the week you start from. So you only need to consider the 4 extra days to see how may are weekdays.
The number that the JulianDay function returns can be taken modulo 7 to calculate the day of the week; on my JulianDay function, modulo 5 represents Saturday and modulo 6 represents Sunday. You can take the 4 extra days to be either the 4 days at the beginning of the period or the 4 days at the end; it doesn't matter because all the other days are part of a period of consecutive full weeks that each have 5 weekdays. Say you pick the first 4 days. Then take the JulianDay of the first day modulo 7, then the JulianDay of the first day plus 1 modulo 7, then the JulianDay of the first day plus 2 modulo 7, then the JulianDay of the first day plus 3 modulo 7, determine how many of them are weekdays, and add that to the number of weekdays in full weeks.
All you need is a JulianDay function.
This code should do what you want:
Date fromDate = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()-(30L*24*60*60*1000)); // 30 days ago
Date toDate = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()); // now
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
int countDays = 0;
while (toDate.compareTo(cal.getTime()) > 0) {
if (cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK) != Calendar.SATURDAY && cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK) != Calendar.SUNDAY)
cal.add(Calendar.DATE, 1);
How would I, for example, find out that 6pm is 50% between 4pm and 8pm?
Or that 12am Wednesday is 50% between 12pm Tuesday and 12pm Wednesday?
Convert the times to seconds, calculate the span in seconds, calculate the difference between your desired time and the first time in seconds, calculate the fraction of the whole span, and then multiply by 100%?
12 AM = 0 seconds (of day)
12 PM = 43200 seconds (of day)
Your desired time = 3 AM = 10800 seconds of day
Total time span = 43200 - 0 = 43200 seconds
Time difference of your desired time from first time = 10800 - 0 = 10800 seconds
Fraction = 10800 / 43200 = 0.25
Percentage = 0.25 * 100% = 25%
(Sorry don't know Ruby but there's the idea.)
require 'date'
start =, 4, 10)
middle =, 12, 12)
enddate =, 4, 10)
duration = start - enddate #Duration of the whole time
desired = middle - start #Difference between desired + Start
fraction = desired / duration
percentage = fraction * 100
puts percentage.to_i
Thanks to 'John W' for the math.