WSL Bash Permission denied to create files and directories - bash

I've set up WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) on my Windows 10 to utilize Bash. I've created a Linux user, installed the latest updates and upgrades, and I know how to access the Windows files through /mnt/c/Users etc. When I try to create a new file on my desktop, it denies permission:
rupert#DESKTOP-GT4APR9:/mnt/c/Users/zolta/OneDrive/Desktop$ touch
file.txt touch: cannot touch 'file.txt': Permission denied
How can I grant my Linux Bash user permission to create and modify files and directories on my Windows user desktop? Is that possible at all?

I would use sudo, i.e. sudo touch file.txt. Works for me in WSL2 Ubuntu (which is Debian based)

The path with which you are having problems,
appears to live on OneDrive: While I am not a OneDrive expert, my understanding is that to access it from the command line, the remote data stored on OneDrive has to synced locally.
If you cd rupert#DESKTOP-GT4APR9:/mnt/c/Users/zolta, can you touch file.txt there?
What about accessing these folders from cmd or pwsh?

By default, on a brand new Windows 10 install, the user sub-directories (Desktop, Documents, etc...) are located within the OneDrive directory, inside the home directory (that is troublesome in my opinion).
It will allow synchronisation between devices.
I do not know if WSL is able to access such a directory, like it cannot access USB storage for exemple.
You may want to ls first in order to see if you can access:
ls -alh /mnt/c/Users/zolta/OneDrive/Desktop
If you can see your files, that is a write access issue. You might correct it by changing the owner or the directory and it's content:
sudo chown -R $USER:$USER /mnt/c/Users/zolta/OneDrive/Desktop
If you cannot, try using sudo:
sudo ls -alh /mnt/c/Users/zolta/OneDrive/Desktop
If nothing can be seen, or an error raise, that probably means WSL cannot access this directory.
In that case, I suggest you change default directory as stated in the Microsoft documentation.


Is it possible to replace Chmod with Explorer's properties in windows?

I need to make SSH with PEM file.
But i constantly recieve errors from aws about pem file which is not secured enough.
I tried to perfom chmod 400, chmod 600 on WSL, and also tried to replace chmod with icacls.exe but none of that worked.
I was wondering is it possible to change properties in Windows Explorer which can replace chmod.
And if yes what properties should allow and dany to make it somehow similar to Linux Chmod?
Turns out the WSL can't run chmod at any windows location.
It works only if file located at linux home direction.
Like this:
If file will be located here all chomod commands should work fine.
Also keep in mind that folder name may be different for different Linux versions in my case it's : CanonicalGroupLimited.UbuntuonWindows_79rhkp1fndgsc

VScode unable to save files inside my WSL2 home folder

I'm trying to make WSL2 work for my web projects development and this is driving me crazy!
Basically, i have two options.
1. Save my project files into c drive and access those with WSL (which makes the responses extremelly slow)
2. save my project files into /home/ which makes the project run super smooth, but i'm unable to edit those files with VSCode.
The error that is what follows:
Failed to save 'DefaultSeeder.php': Unable to write file 'vscode-remote://wsl+ubuntu-20.04/home/lucas/Projetos/API/src/database/seeds/DefaultSeeder.php' (NoPermissions (FileSystemError): Error: EACCES: permission denied, open '/home/lucas/Projetos/API/src/database/seeds/DefaultSeeder.php')
Here is another command to provide your user with sufficient permissions to write to files:
sudo chown -R myuser /path/to/folder
Well, turns out I was being stupid and posted a stupid question.
After many hours trying to make this damn thing work, I was able to do so, by setting the ownership of the folder to my user.
Here is the shell snippet to change the ownership to the current logged in user:
$ sudo find /~~folder-path~~/ -type d -user root -exec sudo chown -R $USER: {} +~
This solved it for me
sudo find /home/ -type d -user root -exec sudo chown -R $USER: {} \;
I had the same problem and spent hours to find this working solution.
For me, it seems to be right one because it doesn't produce problems with 1. too generous file permissions sent to git afterwards and 2. change ubuntu config to fit windows environment (coupling to windows user).
I found the source of this solution on github. Thanks to saltazaur!
Steps to solve the problem:
Reset (or reinstall) the Ubuntu distro via Windows "Programs and Features"
Note: If you have data in your home directory already, copy it to windows before
Open Ubuntu & follow initial setup (create user)
Add file "/etc/wsl.conf" with:
cd /etc
sudo touch wsl.conf
sudo nano wsl.conf
copy and paste the content from microsoft docs
save with CTRL+X > "Y" > ENTER
restart wsl (or windows, to be sure ;))
At next startup of ubuntu, the settings in wsl.conf will be applied.
The important part in this case is the following line:
options = "metadata,umask=22,fmask=11"
It sets, that all newly created files will use umask 22 (chmod 775) and fmask 11 (chmod 644)
This settings also applies for IDEs like VSCode & PHPStorm.
Happy coding - finally! ^^
In my case, I cannot edit/delete any file directly by File Explorer too, not just VSCode.
After opening Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS on Windows, run
sudo chown -R my_username my_folder
Note the my_username is the username in the Ubuntu.
This solves my issue.
I've managed to solve this issue as follows:
"Run as administrator" the VS Code
and then open folder -> locate the working folder.
It worked fine for me.

WSL: Using A WSL symlink folder from Windows

I use WSL almost exclusively, and only switch to main windows for browsing and running Windows native programs. I have a git repository located at /mnt/c/myrepo. In order to "install" the code inside /mnt/c/myrepo I need to move it to /mnt/c/otherlocation/renamed. Instead of executing cp -r /mnt/c/myrepo /mnt/c/otherlocation/renamed every time I do a git pull from /mnt/c/myrepo, I would like to symlink /mnt/c/myrepo to /mnt/c/otherlocation/renamed. However when I do this, the program which consumes /mnt/c/otherlocation/renamed isn't able to view the "contents" of renamed as a directory.
I have been all over the WSL github repo and issue tracker trying to find a solution to this issue. I see a lot of exclamations about how symlinks "just work". I have enabled every Windows 10 developer feature I can find, I even followed some reddit thread where someone claimed that purchasing Pengwin and creating a symlink from Pengwin would ensure this compatibility, but I still can't seem to make this work.
The basic usage I need, is allow me to view "renamed" as a directory from windows, or for windows to recognize the symlink as a symlinked directory.
from wsl:
ln -s /mnt/c/myrepo /mnt/c/otherlocation/renamed
from windows:
open file explorer
navigate to c:\otherlocation
open mydir and view the contents as if it were a native directory
How do I do this?
Do the symlink in Windows, in cmd.exe:
mklink /d C:\otherlocation\renamed C:\myrepo
It doesn't make sense creating the symlinks in WSL if both directories are in Windows.
This symlink will work in WSL as well.
The solution to this problem is simply to use the relative path when declaring the link. If you want to link from windows to windows, you should relatively path from the current directory and then you can link anywhere you wish.
From the example, instead of this:
ln -s /mnt/c/myrepo /mnt/c/otherlocation/renamed
Do this:
cd /mnt/c/otherlocation
ln -s ../../myrepo ./renamed

How to make babun/cygwin home directory equal windows home directory?

I just installed babun, a variant of Cygwin. I want the cygwin user home directory to equal my windows home directory.
So, to be clear, I don't want to add the cygwin home to the C:\Users as a new user, I want it to be the same as my current windows home directory.
Now, according to this post, How can I change my Cygwin home folder after installation?, there is a neat way to make the cygwin home directory point to your windows home directory.
You open the file /etc/nsswitch.conf and make sure is has a line db_home: windows. However, after restarting my pc, echo $HOME still says /home/chiel.tenbrinke, which is not what is should be. It should say something like /cygdrive/c/Users/Chiel.tenBrinke.
Why is this not working?
My cygwin version is CYGWIN_NT-6.1-WOW IM-Chiel-2015 1.7.35(0.287/5/3) 2015-03-04 12:07 i686 Cygwin.
Babun has a surprisingly good FAQ. The last entry in the FAQ is How to Use the Windows home directory as Babun's home directory?
For me, it boiled down to:
Create an env var for $HOME = /Users/my_account_name via Win+R sysdm.cpl
Run mkpasswd -l -p "$(cygpath -H)" > /etc/passwd
Run babun install
I'm not sure why Babun doesn't recognize the standard cygwin setting in /etc/nsswitch.conf, and I'm a bit surprised there was no mention of this setting in the Cygwin FAQ. I'm a bit concerned that in spite of what a great collection Babun is, it may fall out of sync with Cygwin quickly if not properly maintained.
I tried an easier way and works perfectly so far.
Just mv your home folder to the location you want, and make a symlink
The first execution after move may prompt errors, run babun install will fix everything.
in /etc/nsswitch.conf
db_home: /cygdrive/c/Users/%H

msysGit Bash cannot escape its home directory?

I start the msysGit Bash using the provided batch file (the one that simulates a Linux environment). Bash starts up in msysGit's home directory (on my flashdrive). I would like to leave this directory to go to my project's directory (also on my flashdrive). So, I enter "$ cd .." This has no effect at all. I type "$ ls" and I'm definitely still in the Git folder. I try "cd ~" which brings me to my user folder, but I can't get to the root directory of my flashdrive. How can I get there with msysGit Bash?
I cannot use git-cmd.bat because the computers at my school deny access to cmd.exe.
Alternative question: How can I run git-cmd without needing administrator permissions?
If there is another distributed-model version control system that works better on portable devices (especially on systems where cmd is restricted and I'm not an administrator), I'll gladly switch to it (if you know of one, please tell).
You should be able to access the root directory of any drive by specify its driver letter:
(for instance)
cd /e
