grpc-go over https: failed rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = transport is closing: - go

Note: This is running in containers in Kubernetes.
I have successfully done this very short description:
2019/05/08 13:43:56 Ping got hello - pong
2019/05/08 13:43:56 Got pong 2019-05-08 13:43:57.646935391 +0000 UTC m=+1.661567121
But if I run through 443 from a Gateway on knative setup for https, it does not work:
docker run -ti --entrypoint=/client{username}/grpc-ping-go \
-server_addr="${SERVICE_IP}:443" \
-server_host_override="${SERVICE_HOST}" \
2019/05/08 13:50:28 &{0xc00012e000}.Ping failed rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = transport is closing:
The client code from the sample, and the server code.
The server is not listening for tls, but the connection to the server is over https.
Just to make sure, I know the https is worning from a simpel hello-go text reply.

In your server code, you are not listening on port 443, so this is most likely the reason your example isn't working.
If you want to keep using http and not https, then your code is working just fine.
If you want to get it working with TLS, this overview is a pretty good one.
To get port 80 to redirect to port 443 (I highly recommend it if you are using https), see this SO post.


DDEV: How to etablish websocket connections

I'm having some problems to establish a websocket connection to a running ddev container.
Trying wo etablish the connection per JS for example with wss:// ends always up with connection failed.
Websocket PHP library used: Ratchet (
I tried to set the ext. container port in an own docker-compose.yaml or web_extra_exposed_ports in config.yaml but nothig worked so far.
I have managed to run a Websocket connection.
Therefore, I did an entry in config.yaml of DDEV with following Content:
- name: ratchet
container_port: 3000
http_port: 3000
https_port: 3001
After DDEV restart, it is now possible to establish a Websocket connections with:
HTTP: 'ws://'
HTTPS: 'wss://'
My working example was build with the tutorial on calling above URL with Browser console.

Docker issue during gatling performance test

I have a spring boot application, and I run a performance test on it, using Gatling.
The issue is that after a few requests where everything works OK, the server returns connection refused and no other requests are working.
Gatling log looks like this:
---- Requests ------------------------------------------------------------------
> Global (OK=14 KO=1001 )
> POST /template (OK=13 KO=938 )
> PUT /feedback (OK=1 KO=63 )
---- Errors --------------------------------------------------------------------
> j.n.ConnectException: Connection refused: no further informati 577 (57,64%)
> j.i.IOException: Premature close 240 (23,98%)
> j.n.c.ClosedChannelException 184 (18,38%)
When I create a manual request using curl, returns:
$ curl https://localhost:8087
curl: (7) Failed to connect to localhost port 8087: Connection refused
If I connect to docker and do the request:
$ docker exec -it web /bin/bash
root#794f9e808f14:/# curl https://localhost:8443
curl: (60) SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate
More details here:
SSL handshake failed, as expected, but this means that the server is up an running.
The port is mapped in docker:
$ docker port web
8443/tcp ->
8443/tcp -> :::8087
After restart, all thing happen again.
I'm using docker on a WSL Ubuntu. Not sure if this matters too much. What can I do to make this connection more stable?

cURL error 7: Failed to connect to port 8080 with no apparent reason

I'm developing a web API to communicate with Openstack, and I'm encountering the following error when sending a curl request:
cURL error 7: Failed to connect to port 8080: Connection refused
What I dont understand is how I can:
1- access the Openstack API via my browser
2- send curl requests via Postman
, but can't:
1- send curl requests from my webAPI to the Openstack API
2- send curl requests from the Openstack virtual machine CLI
On my openstack machine:
Http service Apache2 is working
There are no errors on syslog
If I run
netstat -antp | grep :80
netstat -antp | grep:80
Already lost 2 days searching for something that would solve my problem but wasn't able to find anything. Anyone here can help?

Can't connect to remote PHP WebSocket server (Wrench) : ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED

I'm trying to connect to a WebSocket server (PHP / Wrench) running on my webserver.
The configuration of the server looks like this:
$server = new \Wrench\Server("wss://localhost:8443");
new \Wrench\Application\EchoApplication());
I'm using port 8443 because I can't use 80 or 443 (Permission denied). The domain uses HTTPS so I have to use the wss: protocol.
I have no problem connecting to the PHP server when I run the script on my local machine (I just have to replace wss: by ws:).
When I run the server via SSH on my remote webserver, it seems to run correctly, but trying to connect to it via JS with the following call doesn't work:
var ws = new WebSocket("wss://");
I get an "Error in connection establishment: net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED."
On my webserver panel control, the 8443 port (TCP) is open (in and out). When the PHP server is running, the command netstat -a | grep 8443 gives the following output, which I think should confirm it's open:
tcp 0 0 localhost:8443 *:* LISTEN
Is there an obvious detail I'm missing here?
I finally found a solution: instead of setting the URI of the server to localhost, I had to use Now it works perfectly when I'm using HTTP (there's another problem when using HTTPS, but at least I have more information at this point).

error during connect: ... http: server gave HTTP response to HTTPS client on any docker command with remote host

I'm trying to connect to remote docker host through ssh tunnel. I have forwarded the 2375 port and I'm trying to connect to it by specifying DOCKER_HOST.
$ DOCKER_API_VERSION=1.24 DOCKER_HOST=localhost:2375 docker ps
error during connect: Get https://localhost:2375/v1.24/containers/json: http: server gave HTTP response to HTTPS client
This have worked before, but I can't make it work again, because my docker client keep giving me back this error. I can't make it ignore the https/http stuff. The connection is OK, i can curl the endpoints just fine, its just that docker client is doing something and then preventing itself from connecting and I don't know how to make it ignore the https.
I have finally figured out why I was getting this error. I was positive DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY was not set, but it was. So if anyone get this error, make sure the env variable is undefined or that the value is empty.
did work as expected.
