Delete folders older then 1 day not working with "find" cmd - bash

I'm trying to delete backup folders older then 1 day (creation date) with find command, but it's not working
Folder ls -l:
drwxrws---+ 2 root data 42 Mai 15 16:46 15-05-2019
drwxrws---+ 2 root data 89 Mai 16 14:19 16-05-2019
The creation date is 15 Mai.
This cmd should work:
find /data/backup/VMs/centos/ -type d -mtime +1 -exec rm {} \;
I tried with this first to see what happens before the remove:
find /data/backup/VMs/centos/ -type d -mtime +1 -exec ls {} \; >> find_test.txt
It should write to the file the folder to delete, but the txt file is empty.
besides use find, how can I remove this folders using the date in the name?

rm normally doesn't print on standard output, however if an error occurs it prints to standard error which can also be redirected to another file or to the same duplicating the file descriptor 2>&1
find /data/backup/VMs/centos/ -type d -mtime +1 -exec ls {} \; >> find_test.txt 2>&1
to print the name find -print action can be used, also find has actions -delete and -ls (which is not exactly the same than ls) to avoid to execute a command on each file
find /data/backup/VMs/centos/ -type d -mtime +1 -print -delete >> find_test.txt 2>&1
be careful before using -delete to avoid loosing unwanted files


Shell script to remove and compress files from 2 paths

Need to delete log files older than 60 days and compress it if files are greater than 30 days and lesser than 60 days. I have to remove and compress files from 2 paths as mentioned in PURGE_DIR_PATH.
Also have to take the output of find command and redirect it to log file. Basically need to create an entry in the log file whenever a file is deleted. How can i achieve this?
I have to also validate if the directory path is valid or not and put a message in log file if the directory is valid or not
I have written a shell script but doesn't cover all the scenarios. This is my first shell script and need some help. How do i keep just one variable log_retention and
use it to compress files as the condition would be >30 days and <60 days? how do I validate if directories is valid or not? is my IF condition checking that?
Please let me know.
ENG_DIR="$(dirname $0)"
PURGE_DIR_PATH="$(WEB_HOME)/backup/csvs $(WEB_HOME)/home/archives"
if[[ -d /PURGE_DIR_PATH]] then echo "/PURGE_DIR_PATH exists on your filesystem." fi
for dir_name in ${PURGE_DIR_PATH}
find ${dir_name} -type f -name "*.csv" -mtime +${LOG_RETENTION} -exec ls -l {} \;
find ${dir_name} -type f -name "*.csv" -mtime +${LOG_RETENTION} -exec rm {} \;
Off the top of my head -
PURGE_DIR_PATH=( "$(WEB_HOME)/backup/csvs" "$(WEB_HOME)/home/archives" ) # array, not single string
# eliminate the oldest
find "${PURGE_DIR_PATH[#]}" -type f -name "*.csv" -mtime +${CSV_DELETE} |
xargs -P 100 rm -f # run 100 in bg parallel
# compress the old-enough after the oldest are gone
find "${PURGE_DIR_PATH[#]}" -type f -name "*.csv" -mtime +${CSV_COMPRESS} |
xargs -P 100 gzip # run 100 in bg parallel
Shouldn't need loops.

Deleting files from an AIX system

We have an AIX system, which gets files on a daily basis, so we manually delete the previous days files manually. Is it possible to write a script which will take the files 15 or 20 days before today and delete the files from the folder?
Or you can use native AIX find command:
find /dir/to/files -type f -mtime +15 -exec rm {} \;
-type f - Find only files, not directories
-mtime +15 - Find files, that modification time more then 15 days
-exec rm {} \; - Run command rm on each matched file
You can run this command with -exec ls -l {} \; for testing, that found files correspond to your criteria.
If you can/may install GNU!find, them it's simple, e.g.:
cd /var/log/apache
gfind . -name '*log*Z' -mtime +30 -delete
this script is run by cron; a line from crontab:
02 23 1 * * /root/cmd/httpd.logdelete >/dev/null 2>&1
-mdays + means files of which last modification date is earlier than now-
-delete means deleting the files that match the criteria

Delete Directory Older Than n Days Using Find

My requirements are pretty much the same as this question: Shell script to delete directories older than n days
I've got directories that look like this:
Jul 24 05:46 2013_07_24
Jul 31 22:30 2013_08_01
Sep 18 05:43 2013_09_18
Oct 07 08:41 2013_10_07
I want to remove anything older than 90 days. Based on the solution given in the aforementioned thread, I used the following in my script:
find $BASE_DIR -type d -ctime +90 -exec rm -rf {} \;
The script is successfully deleting the directories, but it is also failing with this error:
find: 0652-081 cannot change directory to <actual_path>:
: A file or directory in the path name does not exist.
The only thing here that $BASE_DIR points to a location that's virtual location and the actual_path in the error message points to the actual location. There are soft links in the environment.
find $BASE_DIR -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d -ctime +90 -exec rm -rf {} \;
This will only cover directories directly under $BASE_DIR, but it should avoid generating that error message.
find .$BASE_DIR -type d -ctime +90 | sort -r | xargs rm -rf
sort -r will sort our directories in reverse order, so we won't try do delete external directories then internal ones.

Trying to remove a file and its parent directories

I've got a script that finds files within folders older than 30 days:
find /my/path/*/README.txt -mtime +30
that'll then produce a result such as
Now the part I'm stuck at is I'd like to remove the folder + files that are older than 30 days.
find /my/path/*/README.txt -mtime +30 -exec rm -r {} \;
doesn't seem to work. It's only removing the readme.txt file
so ideally I'd like to just remove /job1, /job2, /job3 and any nested files
Can anyone point me in the right direction ?
This would be a safer way:
find /my/path/ -mindepth 2 -maxdepth 2 -type f -name 'README.txt' -mtime +30 -printf '%h\n' | xargs echo rm -r
Remove echo if you find it already correct after seeing the output.
With that you use printf '%h\n' to get the directory of the file, then use xargs to process it.
You can just run the following command in order to recursively remove directories modified more than 30 days ago.
find /my/path/ -type d -mtime +30 -exec rm -rf {} \;

delete file - specific date

How to Delete file created in a specific date??
ls -ltr | grep "Nov 22" | rm -- why this is not wrking??
There are three problems with your code:
rm takes its arguments on its command line, but you're not passing any file name on the command line. You are passing data on the standard input, but rm doesn't read that¹. There are ways around this.
The output of ls -ltr | grep "Nov 22" doesn't just consist of file names, it consists of mangled file names plus a bunch of other information such as the time.
The grep filter won't just catch files modified on November 22; it will also catch files whose name contains Nov 22, amongst others. It also won't catch the files you want in a locale that displays dates differently.
The find command lets you search files according to criteria such as their name matching a certain pattern or their date being in a certain range. For example, the following command will list the files in the current directory and its subdirectories that were modified today (going by GMT calendar date). Replace echo by rm -- once you've checked you have the right files.
find . -type f -mtime -2 -exec echo {} +
With GNU find, such as found on Linux and Cygwin, there are a few options that might do a better job:
-maxdepth 1 (must be specified before other criteria) limits the search to the specified directory (i.e. it doesn't recurse).
-mmin -43 matches files modified at most 42 minutes ago.
-newermt "Nov 22" matches files modified on or after November 22 (local time).
find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -newermt "Nov 22" \! -newermt "Nov 23" -exec echo {} +
or, further abbreviated:
find -maxdepth 1 -type f -newermt "Nov 22" \! -newermt "Nov 23" -delete
With zsh, the m glob qualifier limits a pattern to files modified within a certain relative date range. For example, *(m1) expands to the files modified within the last 24 hours; *(m-3) expands to the files modified within the last 48 hours (first the number of days is rounded up to an integer, then - denotes a strict inequality); *(mm-6) expands to the files modified within the last 5 minutes, and so on.
¹ rm -i (and plain rm for read-only files) uses it to read a confirmation y before deletion.
If you need to try find for any given day,
this might help
touch -d "2010-11-21 23:59:59" /tmp/date.start;
touch -d "2010-11-23 00:00:00" /tmp/date.end;
find ./ -type f -newer /tmp/date.start ! -newer /tmp/date.end -exec rm {} \;
If your find supports it, as GNU find does, you can use:
find -type f -newermt "Nov 21" ! -newermt "Nov 22" -delete
which will find files that were modified on November 21.
You would be better suited to use the find command:
find . -type f -mtime 1 -exec echo rm {} +
This will delete all files one day old in the current directory and recursing down into its sub-directories. You can use '0' if you want to delete files created today. Once you are satisfied with the output, remove the echo and the files will truly be deleted.
for i in `ls -ltr | grep "NOV 23" | awk '{print $9}'`
rm -rf $i
Mb better
for i in $(ls -ltr | grep "NOV 23" | awk '{print $9}')
rm -rf $i
then in the previous comment
