Ansible : how to pass "{{ABC}}" as a string - ansible

Under my jinja file i ve this line
- mockString= "{{ABC}}"
My mockString must have the exacte value "{{ABC}}" where the first letter is " , the second is { the third is also { ect...
Now when converting my template file ; it seems that i sees "{{ABC}}" as a variable , where it tries to interpret and change by its value , what is not my purpose.
How may i pass it as a simple string
Suggestions ??

Try passing it like this {{'"{{ABC}}"'}} this should work

you can try like this :
mockString= \"{{ACB}}\"


simplified regex for modifying a string in ruby

Here is my original string:
"Chassis ID TLV\n\tMAC: 00:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx\nPort ID TLV\n\tIfname: Ethernet1/3\nTime to Live TLV\n\t120"
and i want the string to be formatted as :
"Chassis ID TLV;00:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx\nPort ID TLV;Ethernet1/3\nTime to Live TLV;120"
so i used following ruby string functions to do it:
y = x.gsub(/\t[a-zA-Z\d]+:/,"\t")
y = y.gsub(/\t /,"\t")
y = y.gsub("\n\t",";")
so i am looking for a one liner to do the above. since i am not used to regex, i tried doing it sequentially. i am messing it up when i try to do all of them together.
Replace the following construct
[\n\r]\t(?:\w+: )?
with ;, see a demo on
I'd tackle it as a few smaller steps:
input = "Chassis ID TLV\n\tMAC: 00:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx\nPort ID TLV\n\tIfname: Ethernet1/3\nTime to Live TLV\n\t120"
input.split(/\n\t?/).map { |s| s.sub(/\A[^:]+\:\s*/, '') }.join(';')
# => "Chassis ID TLV;00:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx;Port ID TLV;Ethernet1/3;Time to Live TLV;120"
That way you have control over each element instead of being entirely dependent on the regular expression to do it as one shot.

Use embedded string as variable name

I have a YAML file that uses the encoding __firstname__ as a placeholder which signifies that an existing method firstname should be used, rather than the literal string in a subsequent process.
I am trying to understand the most ruby way to to do this. Basically, I need to extract the part between the underscores and send it to an object. Here is pseudocode:
variable = '__firstname__'
if variable is prefixed and suffixed with underscores
result = object.send(variable.removeunderscores)
result = variable
puts result
I was about to write this procedurally like this, but this is the type of thing that I think ruby can less clunkily if only I knew the language better.
What is a clean why to write this?
There's nothing wrong with verbose code if it's clear to read IMO.
I'd do something like this using String#start_with? and String#end_with?:
variable = '__firstname__'
if variable.start_with?("__") && variable.end_with?("__")
result = object.send(variable[2...-2])
result = variable

Replacing scan by gsub in Ruby: how to allow code in gsub block?

I am parsing a Wiki text from an XML dump, for a string named 'section' which includes templates in double braces, including some arguments, which I want to reorganize.
This has an example named TextTerm:
section="Sample of a text with a first template {{TextTerm|arg1a|arg2a|arg3a...}} and then a second {{TextTerm|arg1b|arg2b|arg3b...}} etc."
I can use scan and a regex to get each template and work on it on a loop using:
section.scan(/\{\{(TextTerm)\|(.*?)\|(.*?)\}\}/i).each { |item| puts "1=" + item[1] # arg1a etc.}
And, I have been able to extract the database of the first argument of the template.
Now I also want to replace the name of the template "NewTextTerm" and reorganize its arguments by placing the second argument in place of the first.
Can I do it in the same loop? For example by changing scan by a gsub(rgexp){ block}:
section.gsub!(/\{\{(TextTerm)\|(.*?)\|(.*?)\}\}/) { |item| '{{NewTextTerm|\2|\1}}'}
I get:
"Sample of a text with a first template {{NewTextTerm|\\2|\\1}} and then a second {{NewTextTerm|\\2|\\1}} etc."
meaning that the arguments of the regexp are not recognized. Even if it worked, I would like to have some place within the gsub block to work on the arguments. For example, I can't have a puts in the gsub block similar to the scan().each block but only a string to be substituted.
Any ideas are welcome.
PS: Some editing: braces and "section= added", code is complete.
When you have the replacement as a string argument, you can use '\1', etc. like this:
string.gsub!(regex, '...\1...\2...')
When you have the replacement as a block, you can use "#$1", etc. like this:
You are mixing the uses. Stick to either one.
Yes, changing the quote by a double quote isn't enough, #$1 is the answer. Here is the complete code:
section="Sample of a text with a first template {{TextTerm|arg1a|arg2a|arg3a...}} and then a second {{TextTerm|arg1b|arg2b|arg3b...}} etc."
section.gsub(/\{\{(TextTerm)\|(.*?)\|(.*?)\}\}/) { |item| "{{New#$1|#$3|#$2}}"}
"Sample of a text with a first template {{NewTextTerm|arg2a|arg3a...|arg1a}} and then a second {{NewTextTerm|arg2b|arg3b...|arg1b}} etc."
Thus, it works. Thanks.
But now I have to replace the string, by a "function" returning the changed string:
def stringreturn(arg1,arg2,arg3) strr = "{{New"+arg1 + arg3 +arg2 + "}}"; return strr ; end
section.gsub(/\{\{(TextTerm)\|(.*?)\|(.*?)\}\}/) { |item| stringreturn("#$1","|#$2","|#$3") }
will return:
"Sample of a text with a first template {{NewTextTerm|arg2a|arg3a...|arg1a}} and then a second {{NewTextTerm|arg2b|arg3b...|arg1b}} etc."
Thanks to all!
There is probably a better way to manipulate arguments in MediaWiki templates using Ruby.

XPATH SELENIUM=Cannot add variable

I am trying to add a variable to an xpath but to no avail
This works below for java
assertTrue("Failed", verifyElementPresent("//*[#class='StdLJText' and contains(.,'2 Employees selected')]"));
but when I add a variable , like below it does not
String CountEmp1="2";
assertTrue("Failed", verifyElementPresent("//*[#class='StdLJText' and contains(.,CountEmp1+'Employees selected')]"));
You need to put CountEmp1 as a string addition in the main verifyElePresent func i.e verifyElementPresent("//*[#class='StdLJText' and contains(.,"+CountEmp1+"Employees selected')]"));
Note the replacement of "+CountEmp1+" at contains(.,CountEmp1+'
With your xpath the verifyElementPresent method basically looks for //*[#class='StdLJText' and contains(.,CountEmp1+'Employees selected')] where countEmp1 is taken as string value and not something that needs to be concatenadated.

How do I use a guid in a mongodb shell query

When using the MongoDB shell, how do I use a guid datatype (which I have used as the _id in my collection).
The following format doesn't work:
You can use easily:
.find({ "_id" : CSUUID("E3E45566-AFE4-A564-7876-AEFF6745FF")})
You have to compare the _id value against an instance of BinData (not against a string). Unfortunately the BinData constructor takes a Base64 string instead of a hex string.
Your GUID value is missing two hex digits at the end, so for the purposes of this example I will assume they are "00". The following values are equivalent:
hex: "E3E45566-AFE4-A564-7876-AEFF6745FF00" (ignoring dashes)
base64: "ZlXk4+SvZKV4dq7/Z0X/AA=="
So your query should be:
>db.person.find({_id : new BinData(3, "ZlXk4+SvZKV4dq7/Z0X/AA==")})
I am assuming that the binary subtype was correctly set to 3. If not, what driver was used to create the data?
You could use the following js function in front of your query like so:
function LUUID(uuid) {
var hex = uuid.replace(/[{}-]/g, ""); // removes extra characters
return new UUID(hex); //creates new UUID
db.person.find({"_id" : LUUID("E3E45566-AFE4-A564-7876-AEFF6745FF"});
You could save the function in .js file and load it or open it before you make your query and if you copy the value from your results you should rename the function with:
LUUID for Legacy UUID
JUUID for Java encoding
NUUID for .net encoding
CSUUID for c# encoding
PYUUID for python encoding
I know it's an old issue, but without any additional needs you can use this one:
You can fix this issue by using split() and join() workaround:
for instance if I use "E3E45566-AFE4-A564-7876-AEFF6745FF" hex value with - inside UUID() function, it does not return BinData in mongo so please try removing all the - before passing to UUID function.
Or by defining a variable to do it in multiple line:
var uuid = UUID("E3E45566-AFE4-A564-7876-AEFF6745FF".split("-").join(''))
or by creating a simple function:
function BUUID(uuid){
var str = uuid.split("-").join('');
return new UUID(str);
db.person.find({"_id": BUUID("E3E45566-AFE4-A564-7876-AEFF6745FF")}).pretty();
