Sitecore Custom Index - WARN Could not map index document (field: _uniqueid - linq

I have created my custom Index in Sitecore with FlatDataCrawler.
The Index has been created and I can see my documents in Solr.
The problem is, whenever I'm trying to get those documents in my code I see exception like this:
Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
And in sitecore log file I see this WARN:
ManagedPoolThread #4 14:29:09 INFO Solr Query - ?q=*:*&rows=1000000&fq=_indexname:(products_index)&wt=xml
ManagedPoolThread #4 14:29:09 WARN Could not map index document (field: _uniqueid; Value: fae308d2-233f-4f7f-a4fd-9d880e42ff13) - Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
This is my Index config:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<configuration xmlns:patch="" xmlns:role="" xmlns:search="">
<sitecore role:require="Standalone or ContentManagement" search:require="solr">
<configuration type="Sitecore.ContentSearch.ContentSearchConfiguration, Sitecore.ContentSearch">
<indexes hint="list:AddIndex">
<index id="products_index" type="Sitecore.ContentSearch.SolrProvider.SolrSearchIndex, Sitecore.ContentSearch.SolrProvider">
<param desc="name">$(id)</param>
<param desc="core">$(id)</param>
<param desc="propertyStore" ref="contentSearch/indexConfigurations/databasePropertyStore" param1="$(id)" />
<configuration ref="contentSearch/indexConfigurations/defaultSolrIndexConfiguration">
<documentOptions type="Sitecore.ContentSearch.SolrProvider.SolrDocumentBuilderOptions, Sitecore.ContentSearch.SolrProvider">
<strategies hint="list:AddStrategy">
<strategy ref="contentSearch/indexConfigurations/indexUpdateStrategies/manual" />
<locations hint="list:AddCrawler">
<crawler type="Feature.ProductsIndex.Crawlers.CustomOrderCrawler, Feature.ProductsIndex" />
This is my code:
using (var searchContext = ContentSearchManager.GetIndex("products_index").CreateSearchContext())
int count = searchContext.GetQueryable<SearchResultItem>().Count(); //This works
var results = searchContext.GetQueryable<SearchResultItem>().ToList(); //Exception here!

See in your schema file , if you have
<field name="_uniqueid" type="string" indexed="true" required="true" stored="true"/>
if not follow this link populate solr schema , and restart the solr service and then try to rebuild the index


Azure Load test does not report data driven urls

I have a simple load test that basically executes a single webtest on a constant load. That webtest is hooked to an xml file data source that contains urls to my entire site.
When I execute the load test from my local environment, the test summary page reports the individual urls in the "Top 5 slowest pages" i.e. "https://mysite.or/page" . But when I execute the same test from Azure (i.e. changed Test run location to VSTS in .testsettings), the links are reported as "https://{{Enviroment}}{{Sitemap.url.loc}}". This seems to be just a reporting issue and I can validate that azure is correctly invoking the urls from the data source. Why would the tests from Azure not report the url constructed from the datasource?
Load Test Summary: Executed from Local
Same test executed on Azure
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<WebTest Name="GenericSitemap" Id="02954e81-f3a7-4c9c-94f5-3a4304f88361" Owner="" Priority="2147483647" Enabled="True" CssProjectStructure="" CssIteration="" Timeout="0" WorkItemIds="" xmlns="" Description="" CredentialUserName="" CredentialPassword="" PreAuthenticate="True" Proxy="default" StopOnError="False" RecordedResultFile="" ResultsLocale="">
<Request Method="GET" Guid="01c37ffa-92db-42e8-9d25-a042dcd0123d" Version="1.1" Url="https://{{Enviroment}}{{Sitemap.url.loc}}" ThinkTime="0" Timeout="300" ParseDependentRequests="True" FollowRedirects="True" RecordResult="True" Cache="False" ResponseTimeGoal="0" Encoding="utf-8" ExpectedHttpStatusCode="0" ExpectedResponseUrl="https://{{Enviroment}}{{Sitemap.url.loc}}" ReportingName="" IgnoreHttpStatusCode="False" />
<DataSource Name="Sitemap" Provider="Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.DataSource.XML" Connection="|DataDirectory|\..\Data\sitemap.xml">
<DataSourceTable Name="url" SelectColumns="SelectOnlyBoundColumns" AccessMethod="Random" />
<ContextParameter Name="Enviroment" Value="" />
Thanks to #AdrianHHH. I got it working by creating a requestPlugin and setting it on the data driven requests.
Here's my plugin:
[DisplayName("Set Request Params")]
[Description("Fix request urls when run from Azure")]
public class SetRequestParams : WebTestRequestPlugin
public override void PreRequest(object sender, PreRequestEventArgs e)
e.Request.ReportingName = e.Request.Url;

Using nokogiri xpath to access nested elements within an xmlns

I'm new to nokogiri and am having trouble using xpath to access nested elements of an xml document with a specific xmlns.
Given the following code
require 'nokogiri'
doc = Nokogiri::XML.parse <<-XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<domain xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:1.8">
<profile name="full">
<subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:datasources:1.2">
<datasource jndi-name="java:/Paulstestjndi" pool-name="pauls_ds" enabled="false">
datasources = doc.xpath('//datasources:datasource', 'datasources' => "urn:jboss:domain:datasources:1.2")
datasources.each do |datasource|
conn_url = datasource.xpath("connection-url")
puts "CLASS = #{conn_url.class}"
puts "No of Entries = #{conn_url.length}"
I am able to retrieve datasources using xpath but am unable to use xpath to access 'connection-url' for each datasource.
I have tried several xpath calls to achieve this the following are examples
conn_url = datasource.xpath("connection-url")
conn_url = datasource.xpath("//connection-url")
conn_url = datasource.xpath("//datasources:datasource/connection-url", 'datasources'=>"urn:jboss:domain:datasources:1.2")
But each seems to return an empty set of results.
What am I missing?
It’s a namespacing issue:
'subsystem' => 'urn:jboss:domain:datasources:1.2')
#⇒ [#<... name="connection-url" namespace=...

JAXB Moxy getValueByXpath gives null

I want to see if a theme element exists with specified name in the following xml file.
<document id="efqw4eads">
<theme id="1">
<theme id="2">
<theme id="3">
<theme id="4">
<name>Grade II</name>
I have the following code. return true statement of the method is never executed. answer always contains a null value.
public boolean themeExists(String name, Data data){
String expression = "artifacts/theme[name='"+name+"']/name/text()";
String answer = jaxbContext.getValueByXPath(data, expression, null, String.class);
if(answer == null || answer.equals("")){
return false;
return true;
This use case isn't currently supported by EclipseLink JAXB (MOXy). I have opened the following enhancement you can use to track our progress:
There is no <artifacts/> element you're look for in the first axis step. Your XPath expression should be something like
String expression = "data/theme[name='"+name+"']/name/text()";

Smooks XML-XML transformation with multiple insertion points

I am trying to transform an xml from one format to another using smooks. The source xml looks like what is shown below:
I am trying to tranform the above to something like this:
For this, I used the following smooks configuration:
<ftl:freemarker applyOnElement="responsedata">
<ftl:template><!--<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<Ref_No>????<Ref_No> //how to bring the ref_no here
<ftl:freemarker applyOnElement="detail">
Except for the reference number, I am able to transform everything else. Any suggestions on how to accomplish this would be highly appreciated.
Could you use the Smooks javabean capability to bind that value to a Java object (just put in a HashMap) and then access that bean from the Freemarker template?
<resource-config selector="header">
<param name="beanId">header</param>
<param name="beanClass">java.util.HashMap</param>
<param name="bindings">
<binding property="refNo" selector="header/ref_no" />
<resource-config selector="header">
<resource type="ftl">

Missing schema in DBML if using LINQ to SP and Sp returning multiple record sets

while making of POC of LINQ to SQL and entities, i faced a problem stuck in a frozen dead end.
Problem is , am using LINQ to SP and every things was working fine and i made cool methods of editing, adding and deleting. Then some thing click in my mine that "what if i just return two record set from SP". i made a SP and returned two record set from it
SP look like this [Demo]
Create PROCEDURE [dbo].GetUserData
#UserId Bigint
-- Getting User
select * from [User] where id=#UserId
-- Getting User's role
select * from [Role] where userId=#UserId
then i droped that SP in my DBML (Linq to SQL classes) then here i noticed that only schema of one record set was created like this
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Database Name="MyInventory" Class="MyDBMLDataContext" xmlns="">
<Connection Mode="AppSettings" ConnectionString="Data Source=MyDatabaseServer\;Initial Catalog=MyInventory;Integrated Security=True" SettingsObjectName="ConsoleApplication16.Properties.Settings" SettingsPropertyName="MyInventoryConnectionString" Provider="System.Data.SqlClient" />
<Function Name="dbo.GetUserData" Method="GetUserData">
<Parameter Name="UserId" Parameter="userId" Type="System.Int64" DbType="BigInt" />
<ElementType Name="GetUserDataResult">
<Column Name="Id" Type="System.Int64" DbType="BigInt NOT NULL" CanBeNull="false" />
<Column Name="Name" Type="System.String" DbType="VarChar(50) NOT NULL" CanBeNull="false" />
<Column Name="Email" Type="System.String" DbType="NVarChar(50)" CanBeNull="true" />
<Column Name="IsDeleted" Type="System.Boolean" DbType="Bit NOT NULL" CanBeNull="false" />
<Column Name="HomePage" Type="System.String" DbType="VarChar(100)" CanBeNull="true" />
i can clearly see that only one record set is created of Users records and it is missing Role schema :(.
Can any body tell me what and why is that so?
I have had to deal with something similar in getting multiple data sets from a data base for a website. What we did was create an DatabaseExtensions.cs file to add the queries with multiple data sets.
So in the extensions file we would have something like this
public partial class DataBaseDataContext
[Function(Name = "dbo.StoredProc")]
public IMultipleResults StoredProc([global::System.Data.Linq.Mapping.ParameterAttribute(DbType = "Int")] System.Nullable<System.Int> ID)
IExecuteResult result = this.ExecuteMethodCall(this, ((MethodInfo)(MethodInfo.GetCurrentMethod())), ID);
return ((IMultipleResults)(result.ReturnValue));
public class FirstResult;
public class SecondResult;
Note: I changed some of the names of things in this code to make it easier to read, so it may not work as is.
FirstResult and SecondResult are the result type classes. I would usually copy them from the dbml's accompanying .cs file then rename it. I didn't include their code here because it can be rather long.
DataBaseDataContext dataCon = new DataBaseDataContext();
var results = dataCon.StoredProc(id);
var firstSet = results.GetResult<FirstResult>();
var secondSet = results.GetResult<SecondResult>();
//process data
It is important to get your results out in the same order they come out in your stored procedure. After you have gotten your results out, you can use LINQ or whatever to work with them.
My finding is that if you add a result set to your dbml manually you get the results that you want but LinqToSql doesn't offer you a simple way to have access to them
Here is a path to your results
you here have access to your result by index buffer[0] will return the results of your first select statement and buffer[1] returns the result of second select.
probably you can cast this two IEnumerables to typed IEnumerable<GetAllResult> and IEnumerable<GetAllResult1> although I didn't test that.
I build this sample dbml
<Function Name="dbo.GetAll" Method="GetAll">
<ElementType Name="GetAllResult">
<Column Name="ID" Type="System.Int32" DbType="Int" CanBeNull="true" />
<Column Name="Tagname" Type="System.String" DbType="NChar(10)" CanBeNull="true" />
<ElementType Name="GetAllResult1">
<Column Name="Id" Type="System.Int32" DbType="Int" CanBeNull="true" />
<Column Name="TagId" Type="System.Int32" DbType="Int" CanBeNull="true" />
<Column Name="Name1" Type="System.String" DbType="NChar(10)" CanBeNull="true" />
and the generated cs file would be like this
public IMultipleResults GetAll()
IExecuteResult result = this.ExecuteMethodCall(this, ((MethodInfo)(MethodInfo.GetCurrentMethod())));
return ((IMultipleResults)(result.ReturnValue));
Have you looked code generated for your model? Two resultsets will be here. Mapping can lie.
