Route parameter not working in zend-expressive - mezzio

I just want to make a crud api over an "Event" object. Routes for
index works well but the route for an specific event doesn't work
as expected
this is what I have in 'routes.php'
$app->get('/event/:id', \App\Handler\EventRecoverHandler::class, 'event.withId');
I expect to recover the id in the handler using:
$id = $request->getAttribute('id');
but the route only get recognized if I put '/events/:id' literally, in this case the handler is reached but the id is null (as expected)
on the other hand if I put '/events/4' the result is: "Cannot GET http://localhost/event/4"

The problem was that I was following the examples provided in routes.php file, they say that in order to use route parameters you should use /path/:parameter
i don't know what router packages does use this sintax but
in my case I was using FastRoute (the default zend expressive installer selection)
and the right sintax is (following fast route documentation)


Calling a controller/action through query parameters

Is it possible to call a controller and action directly by using query parameters in Laravel? I see some frameworks allow /index.php?_controller=X&_action=Y, or Yii allows /index.php?r=X/Y. I was wondering if something similar was possible in Laravel/Symfony.
The query string of a URL is not considered when matching routes. In this example, URLs like /blog?foo=bar and /blog?foo=bar&bar=foo will also match the blog_list route.
laravel afaik doesnt support that either
you are obviously free to just forward yourself
e.g. write one router that forwards to other controllers

Laravel - How do I navigate to a url with a parameter to left of subdirectory

I have to test this Route, but I am not sure how to navigate to it.
Route::get('/{type}/Foo/{page}/{date}', 'FooController#index');
I understand that URLs usually have subdirectories defined before the parameters in the URL.
I have worked with URLs like this example
Route::get('/Foo/{type}', 'FooController#index');
which would have an endpoint that looks like
Does anybody know how to test a route such as the one above?
Well i think that you need to clear out a bit the difference between route and query parameters.
In your case you are trying to use route parameters which will actually look something like:
/{type}/Foo/{page}/{date} => /myType/Foo/15/12-11-2021
Laravel considers the words inside {} as variables that you can retrieve via request so you can do something like:
and laravel will return you the string myType as output.
In your second case that you have tried in the past you are referring to query parameters which are also a part of the $request. Consider it as the "body" of a GET request but i don't mean in any way to convert your post routes to GET :)
The thing with your second url is that:
/Foo/{type} is not similar to /Foo?type=bar
instead it should be like: /Foo/bar
In general query parameters are when you want to send an optional field most of the times in your GET endpoint (for filtering, pagination etc etc) and the route parameters are for mandatory fields that lead to sub-directories for example /Foo/{FooId}/Bar/{BarId}
The thing to remember is that you must be careful about your routes because variables can conflict with other routes.
For example a route looking like this:
Route::get('/foo/{fooId}', [FooController::class, 'getFoo']);
Route::get('/foo/bar', [BarController::class, 'getBar']);
will conflict because laravel will consider bar as the variable of the fooId so your second route can never be accessed.
The solution to this is to order your routes properly like:
Route::get('/foo/bar', [BarController::class, 'getBar']);
Route::get('/foo/{fooId}', [FooController::class, 'getFoo']);
So when you give as a route parameter anything else than bar your will go to your second route and have it working as expected.

Laravel 8 route order from bottom to top

I have installed Laravel 8 and work perfectly, and then i tried to learn about routing and try to make some routes like this
Route::view('testing', 'welcome')->name('testingWelcome');
Route::get('testing',[TestingController::class, 'noParameter'])->name('testingNoParam');
Route::view('testing', 'dashboard')->name('testingDashboard');
Some post in here said that routes in web.php work from top to bottom. But, thats not what i get when i called in url http://localhost/laraps/public/testing. it always called the bottom one. i tried to change the order, but still the last one always get called.
Any explanation for this one? or am i made any wrong configuration?
thanks for any help
A short explanation for this would be that each call to Route::{verb} creates a new route entry under your route collection (relevant code). {verb} ban be any HTTP verb e.g. get, or post etc. This entry is created under an array entry [{verb}][domain/url].
This means that when a new route is registered that matches the same URL with the same method it will overwrite the old one.
So in the case
Route::view('testing', 'welcome')->name('testingWelcome');
Route::get('testing',[TestingController::class, 'noParameter'])->name('testingNoParam');
Route::view('testing', 'dashboard')->name('testingDashboard');
Only the 3rd declaration actually "sticks". There are cases where multiple route definitions can match the same URL for example assume you have these routes:
Route::view('testing', 'welcome')->name('testingWelcome');
Route::get('testing/{optionalParameter?}',[TestingController::class, 'parameter'])->name('testingNoParam');
Route::view('testing/{otherParameter?}', 'dashboard')->name('testingDashboard');
In this case all 3 routes are added to the route collection, however when accessing URL the first matched route will be the one that will be called in this case the welcome view. This is because since all 3 routes are declared, once the router finds one matching route, it stops looking for more matches.
Note: There's generally no point in declaring multiple routes with the exact same URL so this is mainly an academic exercise. However there is often a use case for cases like e.g. model/{id} and model/list` to differentiate between getting info for a specific model and getting a list of models. In this case it's important to declare the routes as:
Route::get('model/list', [ ModelController::class, 'list' ]);
Route::get('model/{id}', [ ModelController::class, 'view' ]);
However you can be more explicit in route declarations using:
Route::get('model/{id}', [ ModelController::class, 'view' ])->where('id',
Route::get('model/list', [ ModelController::class, 'list' ]);
in this case the order does not matter because Laravel knows id can only be a number and therefore will not match model/list

Product And Category Separation In Route (Laravel)

I'm setting up a new route system.
Route::get('/{cat1Url}', 'CategoryController#showCat1')->name('showCat1');
Route::get('/{productUrl}', 'ProductController#showProduct')->name('showProduct');
My sef link is after "/"
{{ route('showProduct',[$p->pr_url]) }}
This method not working with route name. Working only upside route.
I don't want use
Can't I use route name to work this way?
What is the solution to this?
In this way, if you make a get request to /something the laravel you start from top of web.php file looking to a route that follows the pattern. Your both routes will follow that pattern, but the laravel will always, pass the first one to controller.
You have two options:
Put only one route, and inside the controller you switch to the appropriate function. But this isn't a great ideia, because this is the function of the Web.php.
Use the routes like the documentation recommend:
Route::get('/cat/{catId}', 'CategoryController#showCat')->name('showCat');
Route::get('/prod/{productId}', 'ProductController#showProduct')->name('showProduct');
and in Controller you make the appropriate handler of your Category or Product.
You will have to have a way to tell Laravel which url to be mapped to what otherwise it will always use the last defined route. So in your case calling /myVariable and /myVariable it will use the latest definition which is showProduct. The only other way is if you use regular expression to differentiate the variables. For example:
Route::get('/{cat1Url}', 'CategoryController#showCat1')
->name('showCat1')->where('cat1Url', 'cat-*');
Route::get('/{productUrl}', 'ProductController#showProduct')
->name('showProduct')->where('productUrl', 'prod-*');
This way your slugs need to start with what you define, but you cannot use just id as a numeric value for both.

angular 2 route to 404 page when route param is invalid

Say I have an route with a param like this (in Angular 2): /user1/products/:id, which could have child routes like /user1/products/3/reviews.
When I navigate to /user1/products/-1, I check with my server and if the product doesn't exist, I want to render a 404 page without affecting the browser history.
Using router.navigate(['/404']) or router.navigateByUrl('/404') doesn't seem to work because it adds both /user1/products/-1 and/404 to the browser history.
Meaning when I press the Back button in the browser, I go back to /user1/products/-1 which is immediately redirected to /404 and I'm essentially stuck at /404.
In ExpressJS, we would do something like next() to pass the request to our 404 handler. Is there a client-side equivalent in Angular 2?
In the new Router V3 you can use guards as explained in
I think you should use #CanActivate() to do the check. If you forward in #CanActivate() the invalid URL shouldn't be added to the history (not tried)
See also for how to use DI in #CanActivate()
Ok, this is already implemented, just not well-documented.
According to the docs:
router.navigateByUrl(url: string, _skipLocationChange?: boolean) : Promise<any>
Has a parameter _skipLocationChange that will not modify the history.
These will do the trick:
router.navigateByUrl('/404', true);
router.navigateByInstruction(router.generate(['/404']), true);
As of Angular 2 final this is the solution:
this._router.navigateByUrl('/404', { skipLocationChange: true })
Its really interesting question, perhaps you should report it as feature request. I would be nice to have access to router instruction inside loader callback of RouteDefinition.
You could try to emulate validation adding default route /** and using regex parameter of RouteDefinition to match only positive numbers.
