Fineract doesn't start in mac Mojave - mifos

I followed exact same step as per [1] and when I execute
./gradlew tomcatRunWar
Process didn't work after 92%
16:14:48.912 [localhost-startStop-1] INFO o.s.j.c.CachingConnectionFactory - Established shared JMS Connection: ActiveMQConnection {id=ID:Gayans-MacBook-Pro.local-58639-1559299488784-1:1,clientId=null,started=false}
16:14:48.971 [localhost-startStop-1] INFO o.a.f.i.c.b.WarWebApplicationInitializer - Started WarWebApplicationInitializer in 58.585 seconds (JVM running for 141.561)
The following warnings have been detected with resource and/or provider classes:
WARNING: A HTTP GET method, public java.lang.String org.apache.fineract.portfolio.self.savings.api.SelfSavingsApiResource.template(java.lang.Long,java.lang.Long,java.lang.String,, should not consume any entity.
Started Tomcat Server
The Server is running at http://localhost:8080/fineract-provider
Building 92% > :tomcatRunWar

./gradlew tomcatRunWar is actually a way to run the Fineract App in Dev mode. The logs you pasted shows Fineract is actually doing the right thing by starting up in Dev mode. What you can do now is get the web app here:, build it using the instructions in the read me and try to login to the Fineract backend using username: mifos, password: password


Why Vaadin stops starting while compiling the frontend?

My Vaadin+Spring Boot App suddenly stops starting locally. I already purged IntelliJ Caches, rebuilt the project and made a mvn clean. Does anyone can help me find the issue? At the following point the log stops logging, but wont finishing frontend compiling. the App is also not reachable in the browser at this point
------------------ Starting Frontend compilation. ------------------
2021-12-21 21:07:47.371 INFO 4376 --- [onPool-worker-3] dev-webpack : Running webpack to compile frontend resources. This may take a moment, please stand by...
2021-12-21 21:07:49.753 INFO 4376 --- [onPool-worker-3] dev-webpack : Started webpack-dev-server. Time: 2383ms

Netbeans is not able to deploy web application on Glassfish in Mac os Sierra [duplicate]

I'm running Mac OS. I've set up the Payara server with NetBeans. And when I'll try to run the server it never shows the green 'dot' that indicates its online status, instead it shows the 'loading' dot forever.
However, I can access it on http://localhost:4848, but when I try to deploy an application to the server I get this error:
GlassFish Server is running.
Starting GlassFish Server
Initial deploying slit-ee to /Users/christian/slit/slit-ee/dist/gfdeploy/slit-ee
Completed initial distribution of slit-ee
GlassFish Server, deploy, null, false
/Users/christian/slit/slit-ee/nbproject/build-impl.xml:307: The module has not been deployed.
See the server log for details.
BUILD FAILED (total time: 22 seconds)
And the full server log
objc[1865]: Class JavaLaunchHelper is implemented in both /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_111.jdk/Contents/Home/bin/java (0x105e334c0) and /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_111.jdk/Contents/Home/jre/lib/libinstrument.dylib (0x105efb4e0). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Launching GlassFish on Felix platform
nov 28, 2016 2:14:21 AM com.sun.enterprise.glassfish.bootstrap.osgi.BundleProvisioner createBundleProvisioner
INFO: Create bundle provisioner class = class com.sun.enterprise.glassfish.bootstrap.osgi.BundleProvisioner.
Registered com.sun.enterprise.glassfish.bootstrap.osgi.EmbeddedOSGiGlassFishRuntime#18808234 in service registry.
#!## LogManagerService.postConstruct : rootFolder=/Users/christian/opt/payara41/glassfish
#!## LogManagerService.postConstruct : templateDir=/Users/christian/opt/payara41/glassfish/lib/templates
#!## LogManagerService.postConstruct : src=/Users/christian/opt/payara41/glassfish/lib/templates/
#!## LogManagerService.postConstruct : dest=/Users/christian/opt/payara41/glassfish/domains/payaradomain/config/
Info: Running Payara Version: Payara Server #badassfish (build 28)
Info: Server log file is using Formatter class: com.sun.enterprise.server.logging.ODLLogFormatter
Info: Registered for persistence-type = replicated in BackingStoreFactoryRegistry
Info: Authorization Service has successfully initialized.
Info: Realm [admin-realm] of classtype [] successfully created.
Info: Realm [file] of classtype [] successfully created.
Info: Realm [certificate] of classtype [] successfully created.
Info: Registered for persistence-type = hazelcast in BackingStoreFactoryRegistry
Info: Registered Hazelcast BackingStoreFactory with persistence-type = hazelcast
Info: Grizzly Framework 2.3.28 started in: 47ms - bound to [/]
Info: Grizzly Framework 2.3.28 started in: 1ms - bound to [/]
Info: Grizzly Framework 2.3.28 started in: 2ms - bound to [/]
Info: Grizzly Framework 2.3.28 started in: 1ms - bound to [/]
Info: Payara Server #badassfish (28) startup time : Felix (33 542ms), startup services(5 715ms), total(39 257ms)
Info: Payara Notification Service Started with configuration: NotificationExecutionOptions{enabled=true, notifierConfigurationExecutionOptionsList={LOG=NotifierConfigurationExecutionOptions{notifierType=LOG, enabled=true}}}
Info: Cleaning JarFileFactory Cache to prevent jar FD leaks
Info: HV000001: Hibernate Validator 5.1.2.Final
Info: Grizzly Framework 2.3.28 started in: 1ms - bound to [/]
Info: Registered com.sun.enterprise.glassfish.bootstrap.osgi.EmbeddedOSGiGlassFishImpl#7bca6fac as OSGi service registration: org.apache.felix.framework.ServiceRegistrationImpl#129fed45.
Info: /Users/christian/opt/payara41/glassfish/domains/payaradomain/autodeploy/bundles does not exist, please create it.
Info: JMXStartupService has started JMXConnector on JMXService URL service:jmx:rmi://
Is there any security mechanism that prevents this on Mac OS?
It seems that Netbeans cannot connect to the started Payara Server. Maybe your issue is similar to this one with Netbeans and Tomcat on a Mac after some system update:
Here is a quote from that page:
Step 1: Go to system preference >Network>Select your wifi
connection>Advanced>select proxies tab.
There check 3 options 1) Auto proxy Discovery 2)Automatic Proxy
configuration 3) web proxy(http)
Step 2: Go to Netbeans>preferences>General> select use system proxy>
reload> test connection
I found an alternative solution for me:
Go to Netbeans-> Preference-> chose No Proxy.
Test the connection. should success, Press Ok. Then clean and run the application.
No need to change any network configuration on mac.

SoapUI steps overwrites log4j settings

I'm having a setup where I run JBehave tests during a Maven build.
Test steps include sending requests to a web service with the SoapUI Java classes.
Everything is working fine, testwise. My problem is that the SoapUI part of the progress seems to overwrite the log4j settings so that subsequent log calls doesn't get printed to console (nor files).
I've tried the workaround where I call
ClassLoader loader = this.getClass().getClassLoader();
URL resource = loader.getResource("log4j.xml");
to try to reset the configuration to my original one, but no success so far.
Log4j (1.2) and SoapUI (4.5.1) uses plain settings in pom. The logger is created as
protected final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(getClass());
The console output I get follows:
pool-1-thread-1 16:36:08,212 DEBUG ästeps.LoginSteps:25 - logging in user: testfir
pool-1-thread-1 16:36:08,213 DEBUG äpages.LoginPage:26 - Create LoginPage
pool-1-thread-1 16:36:08,985 DEBUG äpages.LoginPage:38 - login user: testfir
pool-1-thread-1 16:36:10,343 DEBUG äpages.WorkspacePage:36 - creating WorkspacePage
Givet user testfir has logged in
16:36:11,634 WARN [SoapUI] Missing folder [D:\proj\src\test\functional-tests\.\ext] for external libraries
16:36:11,809 INFO [DefaultSoapUICore] initialized soapui-settings from [C:\Users\xxx\soapui-settings.xml]
16:36:12,176 INFO [WsdlProject] Loaded project from [file:/D:/proj/src/test/functional-tests/src/test/resources/ReceiveCase-soapui.xml]
16:36:12,640 DEBUG [HttpClientSupport$SoapUIHttpClient] Attempt 1 to execute request
16:36:12,640 DEBUG [SoapUIMultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager$SoapUIDefaultClientConnection] Sending request: POST /soa-infra/services/default/ReceiveCases/ReceiveCase_v1_0_ep HTTP/1.1
16:36:13,841 DEBUG [SoapUIMultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager$SoapUIDefaultClientConnection] Receiving response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK
16:36:13,842 DEBUG [HttpClientSupport$SoapUIHttpClient] Connection can be kept alive indefinitely
And a case exists
When case is choosen
16:36:46,832 DEBUG [SoapUIMultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager$SoapUIDefaultClientConnection] Connection closed
Then the details are displyed
And I'm expecting a log output with
Setting case Id to: 123456
in the same manner as "Create login page".
Can't understand why this is and what to do to get my log entries to show up. Any ideas out there?
Best regards, Christian
Managed to find the root of the problem.
It was Maven that distorted the file encoding. Adding
to the maven-surefire-plugin part in pom file solved my issue.

Akka Scheduling in Heroku with Play 2 Framework

I can't get Akka schedule method to work properly in Heroku. It works fine locally and prints out "Heartbeat" to the log.
Here is the file in question: and snippet below.
override def onStart(app: Application) {
Logger.debug("Starting application")
Akka.system(app).scheduler.schedule(2 seconds, 10 seconds) {
The full application is here (isolated for this purpose, also on
What does happen after startup is that I see Starting application in the logs and then I don't see anything further after that:
2012-05-26T16:29:40+00:00 heroku[web.1]: Starting process with command `target/start -Dhttp.port=43943 -Xmx384m -Xss512k -XX:+UseCompressedOops`
2012-05-26T16:29:41+00:00 app[web.1]: Play server process ID is 3
2012-05-26T16:29:42+00:00 app[web.1]: [debug] application - Starting application
2012-05-26T16:29:42+00:00 app[web.1]: [info] play - Starting application default Akka system.
2012-05-26T16:29:42+00:00 app[web.1]: [info] play - Application started (Prod)
2012-05-26T16:29:42+00:00 app[web.1]: [info] play - Listening for HTTP on port 43943...
So the scheduled actor doesn't actually seem to start (which it of course does locally). I'm on Heroku Cedar. I grateful for any hints as to why this isn't working, what am I missing?
BR Magnus Andersson
From what I've found, this seems to be a bug in Play 2 (I'm running version 2.0.1) and not be related to Heroku. I have updated a Play 2 Lighthouse ticket with relevant information. The ticket can be found here:
The problem seems to come from your logger setting, because in your Heartbeat you print a message with the "debug" level.
AFAIK, Heroku runs your Play app in "production" mode (= "play start"), ie the log level is set to "info" so the debug messages are never printed on Heroku.

Can't open Firefox with profile (not temporary) with Selenium

I want start firefox with my custom profile, and when I add some plugins (for example) in this session starting from selenium I want he do not forgot them.
I started selenium server
start "JAVA Selenium Server" java -jar selenium-server.jar -interactive -firefoxProfileTemplate "D:\Ogame\SeleniumStaticProfile"
Then in selenium server
cmd=getNewBrowserSession&1=*custom firefox.exe -p SeleniumStatic -no-remote&2=
and i'm gettings error something like: havent rights to read properties Window.seleniumMarker1299...
All log:
cmd=getNewBrowserSession&1=*custom firefox.exe -p SeleniumStatic
-no-remote&2=ht tttp:// 13:54:50.817 INFO - ---> Requesting
firefox.exe -p SeleniumStatic
-no-remote&2=h tttttp:// 13:54:50.823 INFO - Command request:
firefox.exe -p SeleniumStatic
-no-remote, htttttp://] on session null 13:54:50.824 INFO -
creating new remote session
13:54:50.832 INFO - Allocated session
ad3e48137d024959863ab8bb4c297d55 for
httttp: //, launching...
13:54:54.615 INFO - Got result:
OK,ad3e48137d024959863ab8bb4c297d55 on
session a
13:55:23.588 INFO - ---> Requesting
13:55:23.595 INFO - Command request:
open[htttttp://, ] on session
ad3e481 37d024959863ab8bb4c297d55
13:55:23.596 WARN - you appear to be
changing domains from
httttp:// to
htttttp:// this may lead to a
'Permission denied' from the browser
(unless it is running as *iehta or
*chrome, or alternatively the selenium server is runnttting in proxy
injection mode) 13:55:23.691 INFO -
Got result: Witrynie nie udzielono
u prawnien do odczytania wlasciwosci
Window.document z
on sessi on
Of course I have entered proxy in Firefox SeleniumStatic profile (localhost:4444)
What am I doing wrong?
Sorry for my bad english :/
Change your commands to look like the following
cmd=getNewBrowserSession&1=*firefox -no-remote&2=
YOu don't need to specify the profile since you have already done that when starting the Selenium Server.
