spring-boot-configuration-processor is not working on maven submodule project - maven

I have a maven multi module project with one parent and three child modules.
The application uses spring boot. In one of the child modules, I have the SpringBootApplication:
public class MainSpringBootApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(MainSpringBootApplication.class, args);
The App Properties are in the same module:
#ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "asdf")
public class AppProperties {
In the pom.xml of that module there is a dependency for the spring-boot-configuration-processor:
Now the problem is, when I run mvn install on the parent project, the target/classes/META-INF/spring-configuration-metadata.json
file within this child module is not created. When I modify the pom of that child module to directly inherit from:
<relativePath/> <!-- lookup parent from repository -->
and do mvn install directly on the child module, the target/classes/META-INF/spring-configuration-metadata.json file is generated.
Do you have any hints?

There are two options I am aware of.
First one is my favourite (especially because it configures the order of APT libraries - the order of code generation).
But based, say, on the IDE auto-discovery mechanism, the 2nd one is also a good bet.
Both ones are primarily targeting the minimum size of the final artefact (dependencies' scope), which, for me is very important.
Not to increase the deliverable/archetype size with useless dependencies (apt libraries are needed only at compile time) is very important in the era of k8s/docker/cloud (resource efficiency).
So, without further ado, the options:
Use APT libraries only in maven compiler plugin configuration (nothing in dependencies).
This option is useful for the case the maven-compiler-plugin is not configured in plugins/pluginsManagement (but probably by means of its properties).
For option 2, scope provided is important, because it will allow to use the APT during the compilation but won't be included in the final artefact).
On the other hand (back to your question), in order to generate documentation in target/classes/META-INF/spring-configuration-metadata.json from the java doc, for lombok based java classes, you need these as well (#Getter and #Setter - are both needed).
#ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "asdf")
public class AppProperties {
* foo - Should not be null or empty.
private Map<String, String> foo;
and the following maven compiler plugin configuration as property (or in the plugin configuration).
After the compilation the IDE will parse the spring-configuration-metadata.json file and offer suggestion/quick doc/autocomplete in application.properties/application.yml.

I explicitly added:
to the plugins section of the pom of the child module containing the #ConfigurationProperties annotated class. Now target/classes/META-INF/spring-configuration-metadata.json is generated.


Why i have to add exclusion in spring-boot-maven-plugin while using LOMBOK?

I am trying to use Lombok in my project. My question is that I have to add Lombok dependency in POM.xml as below
a) WHY DO I have to add the code below under the build tag? What is the need for the below exclusion?
b) Why do I need to install the LOMBOK plugin as part of IntelliJ idea settings?
Can anyone explain in simple and layman's language so that my basics are cleared?
a) Lombok is an annotation processor and is only needed at compile time. That's why it is excluded.
This configuration explicitly removes Lombox from the target artifact.
b) IntelliJ does not use Maven to compile your code. In order to process the Lombok annotations, the IntelliJ plugin must be activated.
IntelliJ uses an internal mechanism to compile your code.
c) Lombok generates code from the annotations. For example
public class Employee() {
private String name;
will generate String getName() at COMPILE time.
Therefore Lombok is not needed at runtime.

Not able to get the lombok features in STS

I am using STS on windows. I have added lombok.jar into my project.
I have access to the annotations but the getters and setters aren't generated. I get the same errors I would get if I tried accessing a getter or setter method that doesn't exist. What could I be missing?
Here are the code snips
import lombok.AllArgsConstructor;
import lombok.Data;
import lombok.NoArgsConstructor;
public class Employee {
private String name;
private String address;
private String location;
Lombok is a code generator. It doesn't need to be included as part of your built target, as such it should be included in your maven as a provided dependency:
You also need to make sure the annotation processor is setup to run as part of the maven build. (Also in the above link)
I don't use eclipse, but you probably also want to install the lombok plugin for eclipse so that eclipse knows the getters and setters are not in the code files but will be generated.

How should I perform integration testing on a SpringBoot library, that isn't an application

First up, a disclaimer, I'm not entirely happy with the architecture of what I'm about to ask about!
We have a Spring based project that produces a library as a jar. That library includes all the usual controller/service/jpa (repositories) layers you might expect but no boot application to start it all up.
The idea being various projects within our organisation can import the jar and get instant addition of a common (HTTP) API.
Unit tests work ok.
*IT.java tests are another matter.
Run in isolation by the IDE from the test/java/ hierarchy they run ok and pass.
However when running via maven as part of the build they fail.
[ERROR] ControllerIT » IllegalState Unable to find a #SpringBootConfiguration...
We have a Boot configuration in the test hierarchy which the ITs must be using when run via the IDE, but when running the maven build it seems it can't be found to start up the application (understandably as it is in the test package tree).
The boot file we do have is intended to be no more than a test harness to run the lib, to run the ITs.
We have h2 in the Maven test scope, but it isn't wanted in the final library (that is up to the host application to provide a datasource/connection etc).
Start up the API library in an application for testing
Run the tests as part of Maven build
H2 should not end up in final jar
Symptoms when running mvn install
[ERROR] ControllerIT » IllegalState Unable to find a #SpringBootConfiguration...
Presumably need some config somewhere in pom? Already using package.Boot in the Springboot maven plugin config.
Maybe just need to figure out the magic config to point it at the src/test/... Boot.class rather than src/main/...Boot.class
Does spring have a 'correct' way to achieve what we want (I'd go with MicroServices, but not an option because ... reasons)?
How should we go about implementing ITs against a H2 driven SpringBoot application when we don't want to include the bootable class (or H2 lib) in product jar?
Should we be creating a separate Maven module just for the ITs (with a dependency on the library module)?
Abbreviated Maven pom:
<!-- other dependencies excluded for brevity -->
<!-- file lives in test hierarchy -->
<skip>true</skip><!-- Skipping unit tests while trying to sort ITs -->
The Spring Boot config:
public class Boot extends SpringBootServletInitializer
public static void main(String[] args)
SpringApplication.run(Boot.class, args);
IT configuration:
#SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT)
public class ControllerIT
private TestRestTemplate restTemplate;
Number 2 lead me to looking into params of #SpringBootTest.
I ended up with ...
#SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT,
classes = ITConfig.class)
Where ITConfig is:
public class ITConfig extends SpringBootServletInitializer
public static void main(String[] args)
SpringApplication.run(org.lhasalimited.libraries.ITConfig.class, args);
That appears to be working. Thanks for the hint.
Let me propose one way of solving this issue, there are might be others:
#SpringBootTest annotation is intended to mimic the startup of the full fledged spring boot application.
It scans the packages up to the point where it finds #SpringBootConfiguration annotataion (this annotation is placed on #SpringBootApplication already) and this way it understands that the packages down to the package in which the main class is found should be scanned (to find all the beans).
Besides that, it does many other things that spring boot application does during the start: loading configurations (application.properties/yaml) obeying the conventions of spring boot application, loading auto-configurations (stuff inside spring.factories) and so forth.
Bottom line you'll have a full-fledged spring boot application (usually microservice) loaded inside the test.
So far so good, but you say that you don't really have a spring boot application. So I see three ways:
Introduce an artificial class with #SpringBootConfiguration in the src/test/java/whatever-package-close-to-root folder (note, its in 'test', not in src/main)
Use #SpringBootTest with a parameter of "Configuration". This will mean that SpringBootTest won't use all this scanning up-and-then-down process and instead you'll instruct it to use the concrete context configuration.
Do not use #SpringBootTest annotation at all, and prefer a "usual" #ContextConfiguration - yes, you won't have the power of spring boot but as I've said above you probably won't need it. In addition these tests will be way faster, especially if you'll provide many "#Configuration" classes and will load only "relevant" parts of the library during the tests.
For example, if you test the DAO, there is no point in loading web related stuff.

How to configure for Spring Boot Configuration Annotation Processor using #ConfigurationProperties on IntelliJ?

On IntelliJ, I am getting a Spring Boot Configuration Annotation Processor not configured for having #ConfigurationProperties. Below is my class:
#ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "abc")
class Config {
String propA;
String propB;
I am not sure what's causing this and when I click on the wrench for settings, I do not see any options to configure for metadata files.
I faced the same problem with IntelliJ IDEA 2020.2 and Maven 3.6.2. The solution was to explicitly set the annotation processor in the maven-compiler-plugin settings. I found the answer here:
The full configuration:
I resolved it by adding the following dependency to my pom file
You can easily generate your own configuration meta-data file from items annotated with #ConfigurationProperties by using the spring-boot-configuration-processor jar. The jar includes a Java annotation processor which is invoked as your project is compiled. To use the processor, simply include spring-boot-configuration-processor as an optional dependency, for example with Maven you would add:
For Gradle, like Maven, we need to add The appropriate annotation processor. To do so, add a line to the dependencies section in your build.gradle file.
dependencies {
annotationProcessor 'org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-configuration-processor:'

Spring boot - binding properties [Configuration properties]

I work on spring boot version: 2.0.2.RELEASE. In my application.yml I have:
red: car1, car2
blue: car3, car4
and my config class looks like this:
#Getter #Setter
#ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "cars")
public class CarsProperties {
private Map<String, List<String>> colorToBrands = Collections.emptyMap();
When I start the app, I'm keep getting:
Failed to bind properties under 'cars.color-to-brands' to
Reason: Failed to bind properties under 'cars.color-to-brands' to java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.util.List<java.lang.String>>
Update your application's configuration
Now, to summarize what I have already done to fix it:
According to documentation I have added a dependency that gives
me annotation processor for my #ConfigurationProperties:
I have annotation processor enabled. I'm using Intellij. Annotation processors -> Maven default annotation processors profile has ticked Enable annotation processing, Processor path: contains (...)\.m2\repository\org\springframework\boot\spring-boot-configuration-processor\2.0.2.RELEASE\spring-boot-configuration-processor-2.0.2.RELEASE.jar, Store generated sources relative to: Module content root,
In the pom file I've added path for this processor (among others I
In addition, intellij keep showing me a popup inside the CarsProperties:
Re-run Spring Boot Configuration Annotation Processor to update
generated metadata
I've skipped #EnableConfigurationProperties as:
Spring Boot documentation says, every project automatically includes
Somewhere in between I also did: Reimport All Maven Projects, clean install, Rebuild project, and Invalid Caches and Restart
I'm sitting in front of that computer for few hours now, Can't get it done. What am I doing wrong ? Why it doesn't want to work ?
Updated spring boot version to 2.1.6.RELEASE and it's fixed
