How to extract hostname from OCS ID - bash

I'm fixing a bash script on GLPI that displays machines that have not been updated for more than a month. Data in are displayed like this :
I'd like, through regex, get only the name : myhostname01t
I've created this regex :
With sed how could i get only the name ?

Simple cut isn't enough? Easier to comprehend than sed.
echo 'myhostname01t-2015-03-09-16-47-42' | cut -d'-' -f1

Since you asked for sed:
$ S="myhostname01t-2015-03-09-16-47-42"
$ sed 's/\(^[^-]\+\).*/\1/' <<<$S
or even simpler with awk:
$ awk -F- '{print $1}' <<<$S
$ perl -F- -lane 'print $F[0]' <<<$S

If the aim is to extract the hostname from an OCS ID stored in one variable and put it in another variable then it can be done with pure Bash code:
printf 'hostname=%s\n' "$hostname"
See Removing part of a string (BashFAQ/100 (How do I do string manipulation in bash?)) for an explanation of ${ocsid%-*-*-*-*-*-*}.


One-liner POSIX command to lowercase string in bash

I have this comand:
sed $((SS - default_scripts))!d customScripts.txt
and it gives me Foo Bar.
I want to convert this to lowercase.
When I tried using the | awk '{print tolower($0)}' command on it it returned nothing:
$($(sed $((SS - default_scripts))!d customScripts.txt) | awk '{print tolower($0)}')
Please enlighten me on my typo, or recommend me another POSIX way of converting a whole string to lowercase in a compact manner. Thank you!
The pipe to awk should be inside the same command substitution as sed, so that it processes the output of sed.
$(sed $((SS - default_scripts))!d customScripts.txt | awk '{print tolower($0)}')
You don't need another command substitution around both of them.
Your typo was wrapping everything in $(...) and so first trying to execute the output of just the sed part and then trying to execute the output of the sed ... | awk ... pipeline.
You don't need sed commands nor shell arithmetic operations when you're using awk. If I understand what you're trying to do with this:
$(sed $((SS - default_scripts))!d customScripts.txt) | awk '{print tolower($0)}'
correctly then it'd be just this awk command:
awk -v s="$SS" -v d="$default_scripts" 'BEGIN{n=s-d} NR==n{print tolower($0); exit}' customScripts.txt

extract string between '$$' characters - $$extractabc$$

I am working on shell script and new to it. I want to extract the string between double $$ characters, for example:
I used grep and sed but not working out. Any suggestions are welcome!
You could do
awk -F"$" '{print $3}' file.txt
assuming the file contained input:$$extractabc$$ output:extractabc. awk splits your data into pieces using $ as a delimiter. First item will be input:, next will be empty, next will be extractabc.
You could use sed like so to get the same info.
sed -e 's/.*$$\(.*\)$$.*/\1/' file.txt
sed looks for information between $$s and outputs that. The goal is to type something like this .*$$(.*)$$.*. It's greedy but just stay with me.
looks for .* - i.e. any character zero or more times before $$
then the string should have $$
after $$ there'll be any character zero or more times
then the string should have another $$
and some more characters to follow
between the 2 $$ is (.*). String found between $$s is given a placeholder \1
sed finds such information and publishes it
Using grep PCRE (where available) and look-around:
$ echo '$$extractabc$$' | grep -oP "(?<=\\$\\$).*(?=\\$\\$)"
echo '$$extractabc$$' | awk '{gsub(/\$\$/,"")}1'
Here is an other variation:
echo "$$extractabc$$" | awk -F"$$" 'NF==3 {print $2}'
It does test of there are two set of $$ and only then prints whats between $$
Does also work for input like blabla$$some_data$$moreblabla
How about remove all the $ in the input?
$ echo '$$extractabc$$' | sed 's/\$//g'
Same with tr
$ echo '$$extractabc$$' | tr -d '$'

Using Bash to delete a bracket delimited substring from string variable

I have this string in a variable:
strVar="Hello World [randomSubstring].zip"
I would like to extract [randomSubstring], where that substring inside the brackets could be anything.
The expected result must be something like this:
echo "$strVar"
Hello World .zip
I tried several combinations with grep and awk but without success, I am using CentOS 7.
echo "Hello World [RNVE5Z].zip" | grep -oP '(?<=[).*(?=])'
echo "Hello World [RNVE5Z].zip" | awk -F"["" '{print $1}' | awk -F"]" '{print $2}'
Bash only:
echo ${strVar/\[*\]/}
Just use bash's substring manipulation:
echo ${strVar/\[*\]/}
I would prefer it over an external call to sed, except there is more to be done, why I use sed anyway:
echo $strVar | sed 's/\[.*\]//'
I don't think there is an elegant solution for grep but might be wrong. In awk I'm not that fluent.

How can I capture all numbers in a string using sed

I tried to use sed to capture numbers in a string with following script:
echo '["770001,德邦优化混合","750005,安信平稳增长混合发起A"]' | sed -n 's/.*"\(\d{6}\),/\1/p'
My expectation is echo
While nothing output. Why?
In case you are ok with awk then following awk may help you in same. Since I have old version of awk so I am using --re-interval if you have newer version of awk then you may not need it.
echo '["770001,德邦优化混合","750005,安信平稳增长混合发起A"]' |
awk --re-interval '{while(match($0,/[0-9]{6}/)){print substr($0,RSTART,RLENGTH);$0=substr($0,RSTART+RLENGTH+1)}}'
Output will be as follows.

Reading numbers from a text line in bash shell

I'm trying to write a bash shell script, that opens a certain file CATALOG.dat, containing the following lines, made of both characters and numbers:
What I wanna do is print the numbers (only the numbers) inside a new file NUMBERS.dat, using something like > ./NUMBERS.dat, to get:
My problem is: how do I extract the numbers from the text lines? Is there something to make the script read just the number as a variable, like event_0%d_pk.gz in C/C++?
A grep solution:
grep -oP '[0-9]+' CATALOG.dat >NUMBERS.dat
A sed solution:
sed 's/[^0-9]//g' CATALOG.dat >NUMBERS.dat
And an awk solution:
awk -F"[^0-9]+" '{print $2}' CATALOG.dat >NUMBERS.dat
There are many ways that you can achieve your result. One way would be to use awk:
awk -F_ '{print $2}' CATALOG.dat > NUMBERS.dat
This sets the field separator to an underscore, then prints the second field which contains the numbers.
awk 'gsub(/[^[:digit:]]/,"")' infile
while read line; do echo ${line//[!0-9]}; done < infile
tr -cd '[[:digit:]\n]' <infile
You can use grep command to extract the number part.
grep -oP '(?<=_)\d+(?=_)' CATALOG.dat
gives output as
much simply
grep -oP '\d+' CATALOG.dat
You don't need perl mode in grep for this. BREs can do this.
grep -o '[[:digit:]]\+' CATALOG.dat > NUMBERS.dat
