I'm a newbie in Jmeter 4.0.
I want a single IF controller in my Thread group executing True or False relation using Boolean ie; 0 and 1.
Currently i'm using two IF controllers with the expressions ${__jexl3(${VAR}==1)} and ${__jexl3(${VAR}==0)} and a single User Defined Variable with value Count==0.
The results are correct but I want it in a single IF controller.
Use vars.get instead of ${} syntax and use || for concatenating or conditions:
${__jexl3(vars.get("VAR")=="1" || vars.get("VAR")=="0")}
Based on this thread Jmeter - Use Loop controller based on array (created from from multiple variables) I managed to use Loop controller based on the array.
Now I need to pass the each value from the array into JDBC, so I can perform select statement based on every single member of the array.
What I try is:
But I got error as:
When I try the same statement with Dammy sampler is working fine.
How to pass member from the array into JDBC inside the loop controller?
JMeter log file explicitly states Cannot invoke method length() on null object
The only place where you're invoking length() function is vars.get('array').length() which means that your ${array} variable is null (not defined), you can double check it using Debug Sampler and View Results Tree listener combination.
If the same statement works elsewhere - the only explanation I can think of is variable scope, see JMeter Scoping Rules user manual chapter for more details.
Based on this thread: jmeter - Looping based on DB query, i managed to get counter to the Loop controller, and and working fine.
Now i need updated version, where DB query returns 2 variables, so i can use them as parameters for the call.
url secret
https://test1.com/ 1234
https://test2.com/ 1234
https://test3.com/ 1234
And to be able to use them in:
But, when i tried to use them as: ${url_#}, ${key_#} test is not working.
Is there other any way how can i use those 2 variables fetched from DB query, and the looping logic to be respected?
Any help is appreciated!
You need to use the following test elements combination:
${__jm__Loop Controller__idx} pre-defined variable to get the current Loop Controller's iteration number
__intSum() function to add 1 to the iteration number (it's zero-based)
__V() function to put everything together
The combination would be:
${__V(url_${__intSum(${__jm__Loop Controller__idx},1,)},)}
More information: Here’s What to Do to Combine Multiple JMeter Variables
I found my answer. what help me was: ${__V(url_${__counter(,)})} variable together with counter function.
I am using the loop controller to loop an array & give HTTP request for each value. But in some cases, variable values are set with current value from the array
It might be the case the array simply doesn't have the variable matching the current loop index, double check the JMeter Variables which are in scope for each loop using Debug Sampler and View Results Tree listener combination.
I cannot reproduce your issue using the following simple setup:
JMeter Variables defined:
The variables referenced using __V() and __intSum() functions combination like:
${__V(var_${__intSum(${__jm__Loop Controller__idx},1,)})}
See Here’s What to Do to Combine Multiple JMeter Variables for the clarification of the syntax used.
If you just need to iterate JMeter Variables it might be easier to go for the ForEach Controller:
I have written a regular expression inorder to get all the values. Now i have all the values. I want to use the extracted values in a sampler under a loop controller and every hit it has to pic dynamic value.
This will have the dynamic values around 78
I want to Iterate 78 times
Every hit this has to pic unique data
Please help me as i am stuck here to complete the script.
The most suitable test element is ForEach Controller
Given the following variables defined:
Just add a ForEach Controller and configure it as follows:
That's it, you should be able to access each and every match as ${someVar} where required
check out Using Regular Expressions in JMeter article for example use case
If you want to keep the current setup with the Loop Controller - you can refer each and every variable using __V() and __intSum() functions combination like:
${__V(_Webp_${__intSum(${__jm__Loop Controller__idx},1,)},)}
I am trying to add a While Controller to check if a value in my GET call returns 'COMPLETED'. I also want to add a Counter to prevent it in going infinite loop. I added a while controller with below javascript code:
${__javaScript("${STATUS}" !="COMPLETED" || "${COUNTERA}" < 5,)}
I am retrieving STATUS paramter from previous GET call using JSON extractor. COUNTERA is set to start with 0 and Increment by 1. Above code does not work and while controller does not stop the execution event though STATUS is COMPLETED.
Any help would be appreacited!
You need to use the While Controller to stop when condition becomes "false"
The While Controller runs its children until the condition is "false".
Prefer __jexl3, __groovy function over __javaScript
use of __jexl3, __groovy function, properties or variables as needed.
And just remove unneeded comma and brackets:
${__jexl3("${STATUS}" !="COMPLETED" && ${COUNTERA} < 5)}
Amend your While Controller condition to too like
${__javaScript("${STATUS}" !="COMPLETED" && ${COUNTERA} < 5,)}
You need to remove quotation marks around ${COUNTERA} as JavaScript treats it like a String therefore your comparison fails.
You might also want to declare COUNTERA variable with the value of 0 in User Defined Variables to avoid JavaScript error during first iteration when the variable is not initialized yet