Delay on StreamListener or condition - spring-boot

I'm reading docs but I'm not sure if this is possible on spring-cloud-stream using binder for kinesis.
I want to wait consuming messages from stream with some delay or configuration or by positive condition.
For example, I want wait 30 minutes after consumer process the message.
First aproximation is use condition with SPEL based on header message and current time, but the condition is created on startup. Then new Date is always the same.
I know that condition in below code is invalid.
#StreamListener(StreamProcessor.MY_STREAM, condition="#{headers['creation-date'] + 30minutes < new java.util.Date().getTime()}")
public void checkOut(Message<String> myMessage) {
//Do something
Do you know if is this possible without sleeping threads?

All you need is use Polled Consumer, this way you have full control over frequency, acks etc.


Scatter Gather with parallel flow (Timeout in aggregator)

I've been trying to add a timeout in the gather to don't wait that every flow finished.
but when I added the timeout doesn't work because the aggregator waits that each flow finished.
public IntegrationFlow queueFlow(LogicService service) {
return f -> f.scatterGather(scatterer -> scatterer
, aggregatorSpec -> aggregatorSpec.groupTimeout(2000L))
E.g of my flows one of them has 2 secs of delay and the other one 4 secs
public IntegrationFlow bFlow(LogicService service) {
return IntegrationFlows.from(MessageChannels.executor(Executors.newCachedThreadPool()))
.transform((MessageDomain.class), message -> {
return message;
I use Executors.newCachedThreadPool() to run parallel.
I'd like to release each message that was contained until the timeout is fulfilled
Another approach that I've been testing was to use a default gatherer and in scatterGather set the gatherTimeout but I don't know if I'm missing something
Approach gatherTimeout
All the approaches given in the comments were tested and work normally, the only problem is that each action is evaluated over the message group creation. and the message group is created just until the first message arrived. The ideal approach is having an option of valid at the moment when the scatterer distributes the request message.
My temporal solution was to use a release strategy ad hoc applying a GroupConditionProvider which reads a custom header that I created when I send the message through the gateway. The only concern of this is that the release strategy only will be executed when arriving at a new message or I set a group time out.
The groupTimeout on the aggregator is not enough to release the group. If you don't get the whole group on that timeout, then it is going to be discarded. See sendPartialResultOnExpiry option:
If send-partial-result-on-expiry is true, existing messages in the (partial) MessageGroup are released as a normal aggregator reply message to the output-channel. Otherwise, it is discarded.
The gatherTimeout is good to have if you expect no replies from the gatherer at all. So, this way you won't block the scatter-gather thread forever:

Kafka: Sarama, idempotence and

Does Shopify/sarama provide an option similar to in JVM API?
The library supports idempotence (Config.Producer.Idemponent, similar to enable.idempotence), but I don't understand how to use it without
Please, correct me if I'm wrong, there is a bit lack of documentation about these options in Sarama. But according to JVM docs, idempotence without the identifier will be limited by a single producer session. In other words, we will loss the guarantee when producer fails and restart.
I found relevant properties in the source code and some tests (for example), but don't understand how to use them externally.
Shopify/sarama Provides Kafka Exactly Once (Idempotency) with idempotent enabled producer. But For that below configuration setup need to be there.
From Shopify/sarama/config.go
if c.Producer.Idempotent {
if !c.Version.IsAtLeast(V0_11_0_0) {
return ConfigurationError("Idempotent producer requires Version >= V0_11_0_0")
if c.Producer.Retry.Max == 0 {
return ConfigurationError("Idempotent producer requires Producer.Retry.Max >= 1")
if c.Producer.RequiredAcks != WaitForAll {
return ConfigurationError("Idempotent producer requires Producer.RequiredAcks to be WaitForAll")
if c.Net.MaxOpenRequests > 1 {
return ConfigurationError("Idempotent producer requires Net.MaxOpenRequests to be 1")
In Shopify/sarama How they do this is, There is a producerEpoch ID in AsyncProducer's transactionManager. You can refer the file in Shopify/sarama/async_producer.go. This Id initialise with the producer initialisation and increment when successfully producing each message. read bumpEpoch() function to see that in async_producer.go file.
This is the sequence id for that producer session with the broker and it is sending with each message. Increment when message published successfully.
Read this example. It describes how idempotence works.
You are correct on producer session fact. That exactly once promised for single producer session. When restating producer just after the sequence failure, there can be a duplicate.
When producer restarts, new PID gets assigned. So the idempotency is promised only for a single producer session. Even though producer retries requests on failures, each message is persisted in the log exactly once. There can still be duplicates depending on the source where the producer is getting data. Kafka won’t take care of the duplicate data received by the producer. So, in some cases, you may require an additional de-duplication system.

Restart listener and continue from latest message

Clients are ReplyingKafkaTemplate instances.
Server is a ConcurrentMessageListenerContainer created using #KafkaListener and #SendTo annotations on a method.
ContainerFactory uses ContainerStoppingErrorHandler.
Request topic has only 1 partition.
Group ids are static. eg. test-consumer-group.
Requests are sent with timeouts.
Due to an exception thrown, server goes down
but the client keeps dispatching requests which queue up on the
request topic.
Current Behavior
When the server comes back up it continues processing old requests which would have timed out.
Desired Behavior
Instead, it would be better to continue with the last message; thereby skipping past even unprocessed messages as corresponding requests would timeout and retry.
What is the recommended approach to achieve this?
From the little that I understand, it looks like I'll have to manually set the initial offset. What's the simplest way to implement this?
Your #KafkaListener class must extends AbstractConsumerSeekAware and do something like this:
public void onPartitionsAssigned(Map<TopicPartition, Long> assignments, ConsumerSeekCallback callback) {
super.onPartitionsAssigned(assignments, callback);
So, every time when your consumer joins the group it is going to seek all the assigned partitions to the end skipping all the old records.

Spring Kafka discard message by condition in listener

In my Spring Boot/Kafka project I have the following listener:
#KafkaListener(topics = "${kafka.topic.update}", containerFactory = "updateKafkaListenerContainerFactory")
public void onUpdateReceived(ConsumerRecord<String, Update> consumerRecord, Acknowledgment ack) {
// do some logic
Inside of the listener I need to check some condition according to my business logic and if it is not met - skip processing of this certain message and let Kafka know to redeliver this message one more time.
The reason I need this - according to the business logic of my application I need to avoid sending more than one post per second into the particular Telegram chat. This why I'd like to check the chatLastSent time in the Kafka listener and postpone message sending if needed(via message redelivery to this Kafka topic)
How to properly do it? Do I only need to not perform the ack.acknowledge(); this time or there is another, more proper way in order to achieve it?
Use the SeekToCurrentErrorHandler.
When you throw an exception, the container will invoke the error handler which will re-seek the unprocessed messages so they will be fetched again on the next poll.
You can use a RecordFilterStrategy.
See doc here :

Not receiving Apache Camel Event Notifications under the smallest load

I have extended EventNotiferSupport, and set the isEnable() to respond True for all events. I have a notify() that logs what events I receive and the corresponding Exchange ID for the event.
I have added my ExchangeMessageNotifier with this.context.getManagementStrategy().addEventNotifier(this.exchangeMessageNotifier);
I run my program under basically no load, sending 1 message at a time 1 second delay between messages into Camel to send out. Everything works the way I expect. I receive my events everything looks good.
I decrease the delay between messages to 0 milliseconds, and I find that 1 out of approximately 20 messages I fail to receive one of the Events, (Often the Completed event).
Add a second thread sending at the same rate and I don't get any events for any messages.
What am I missing? I've done searches and I don't find anything that I need to do differently. Is there something I am missing?
I am using Apache Camel 2.16.3, and moved to 2.18.1 still see the same behavior.
Well found my own answer. Part of the fun of inheriting code without any informaiton.
In your implementation of the EventNotifierSupport you need to override the doStart() method and configure the EventNotifierSupport for what events you wish to receive.
protected void doStart() throws Exception {
// filter out unwanted events
This is in addition to doing the following:
public boolean isEnabled(EventObject event) {
return true;
Which enables you to determine if you want a particular event, out of the selected groups you had set in the doStart().
Once these changes were in I was receiving consistent events.
