How to deploy a Flask REST API containing MySQLdb code on Heroku? - heroku

Most of the tutorials only show how to deploy a simple Flask hello world app on Heroku. But I have a Flask app which contains URLs with both GET and POST requests and they use MySQLdb library for fetching data from database.
How to set up such apps on Heroku? Currently I have a MySQL database on my local machine which is used by the code to fetch data. The Flask code contains many functions which are invoked by API calls. For example:
#app.route('/display_table', methods=['POST'])
def display_webstats():
db = MySQLdb.connect("localhost", "root", "root", "db_name")
cursor = db.cursor()
cursor.execute("select * from table_name")
ws = cursor.fetchall()
return jsonify(ws), 200
How to deploy such apps on Heroku?

Make sure your dependencies are listed in your requirements.txt or Pipfile and Pipfile.lock.
Select a MySQL addon and provision it, e.g.
heroku addons:create cleardb:ignite
Update your code to connect to the database provided by whatever environment variables the addon provides, e.g. CLEARDB_DATABASE_URL. You can use os.getenv() with a default argument to fall back in your development environment:
import os
database_url = os.getenv(
default='mysql://root:root#localhost/db_name', # For local development
It's probably also a good idea to centralize your database connection logic so it's not done in every controller. Something like Flask-SQLAlchemy might be helpful to simplify connecting and querying your database. It also provides an ORM if you want one of those.
Assuming you have them, run your migrations on Heroku via heroku run. If you're not using a migrations library I urge you to start. Flask-Migrate might be a good fit.
The alternative is manually creating and maintaining your schema across environments, and that's time-consuming, error prone, and frustrating.


How can I change the database name according to the database credentials provided by heroku during production?

Heroku provides its own database name and other credentials, but my local database name is different.How can I change the database name according to the database credentials provided by heroku during production?
Use a package like dotenv. dotenv and variants of it likely exist for whatever language you're using.
Basically, you want to use environment variables instead of hard coding values into your code. So, instead of writing something like this:
my_database_connect('my_username', 'abc123')
You'd write:
my_database_connect(process.env.DB_USERNAME, process.env.DB_PASSWORD)
Heroku will already have these environment variables set on the "config" tab of your app. Then for local development, you'll create a file called .env and have this text in it:
Don't commit .env to your git repository – it should only live on your machine where you develop. Now your code will run locally as well as on Heroku, and connect to the proper database depending on the environment it's running in.
Here's an article that explains this more thoroughly for node.js, although this is basically the best practice for general development:
First I created an application name on Heroku. Then I deployed my app to heroku by connecting to github.
Heroku provides the database credentials after we deploy our applications. Then I redeployed the app through github by changing the configuration in file as follows:
#localhost configuration
#server database configuration
Then you have to edit the config vars according to your files as shown in the figure below

How do I access Heroku Postgres DB from an external application using latest credentials?

I am building an ETL Application that needs to fetch data from Heroku Postgres DB a few times a day but the application is not running on Heroku, I am already able to do this, but using the current credentials, but heroku states that the credentials are not permanent and will be rotated from time to time.
What is the best way to do this, building a REST API on top of my app is not viable an option. I have seen that Heroku provides a config vars API which I could potentially use to fetch the DB credentials, but is there a simpler/cleaner way for implementing this, is enforcing permanent credentials an option?
There is no way to enforce it. And it's not a question of credentials, but a question of a database hostname. It's ec2.
Your safest bet is to always fetch current DATABASE_URL from your Heroku app. If you only need to do it 'a few times a day' this is not a problem.

Connecting to existing Heroku Postgres DB for Sinatra app

I am using Salesforce for my CRM, but need to query data (multiple records, so no Zapier) for a Heroku based Sinatra app. Heroku provides a service that replicates Salesforce objects to Postgres tables regularly which gets my data out of Salesforce.
I've coded a Sinatra app before and hosted it on Heroku so I'm a bit familiar with the process of setting up a dev db locally then pushing it to production via the many tutorials. However, i'm running into an issue finding any information that will allow me to connect to the existing production Postgres DB that already is populated with the data I need while having no need to create and connect to a local dev db.
Heroku provides me with the following
How and where to I plug in these various credentials securely so my following files have the right information to connect to tables Venue__c and Spaces__c?
- database.yml
- environments.rb
Assuming that you have ActiveRecord, it should just be a case of configuring your database.yml correctly. For example, to directly connect your development environment, use something like:
# database.yml
adapter: postgresql
encoding: unicode
database: your_database
username: your_user
password: your_password
host: your_host
port: your_port
# or alternatively, using the URI
url: postgres://your_user:your_password#your_host/your_database
Heroku publishes your database credentials to you through a URL in an environment variable. You should be able to access it through ENV.fetch("DATABASE_URL"). Depending on your ORM you will use different ways to connect to your database, e.g. Sequel is able to use this value directly as a parameter to Sequel.connect(ENV.fetch("DATABASE_URL")).
As you seem to use ActiveRecord you could be using ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(...) as suggested in this post which also exemplifies how to parse the URL (which might not be necessary anymore). This does not translate directly to a database.yml, but since you do not plan to use Rails you will have to provide your own version of environment.rb or some such and it should be easy enough to do in that place.
Turns out Heroku has a great tutorial that not only connects to the replicated database, but is also written for Sinatra.

How to deploy Rails app on Heroku with Active Resource Api call to data

my Ruby on rails application not support Active record rails app used active resource API for featch data from another server , how i deploy the rails application to Heroku with no migration , schema , database file app,
You could easily do that without any migrations although heroku will assign you a default database which you will never use. It will not create any problem IMO. Go ahead and give it a try.

Heroku app with Xeround DB, how to configure?

I’m trying to setup a Heroku app but using a Xeround DB. The instructions I have found are a bit confusing:
I'm trying to follow the second way, creating the db directly on Xeround.
My doubts are:
Is the Xeround addon required for this? At least heroku addons:add xeround –app xxxx says: That add-on is only available to selected users
The Heroku DATABASE_URL needs to be set to: mysql://username:password#host:port/database
I've seen some posts with mysql2 and mysql (none has worked for me anyway). My gem file has mysql2, 0.2.7 (for Rails 3.0.x)
I can see the config var ok, but Heroku config --app xxx still shows SHARED_DATABASE_URL => postgres://pjyqfgjcbn:.... is that ok?
Then from the instructions the step #5 is really confusing, it is not clear if that part is optional or not (I expect it is). And if it was mandatory it doesn't tell to which file it has to be added ...
My objective is to create a fresh Heroku app, push an existing app I have, set it up to use the Xeround DB and then run Heroku rake db:schema:load but no matter what I try I keep getting:
rake aborted!
database configuration does not specify adapter
Any ideas how to set it up?
do the same with Rails 3.0.5 but having some problems and comments.
Is the adapter mysql or mysql2? The example on Xeround about the setup site is mysql://username:password#host:port/database
mysql2 is correct gem to use with Rails 3 (mysql 0.2.7 for 3.0.x and latest for 3.1) but the name in the url might be just a name they picked. I guess yours worked but still…
I imagine the Xeround addon of Heroku is not needed right?
heroku addons:add xeround –app xxxx says That add-on is only available to selected users
And finally with mysql or mysql2 in the name of the db url when I try to migrate I just get:
rake aborted!
database configuration does not specify adapter
Did ask Heroku but no answer yet…
I've been using Xeround for several of my apps hosted on Heroku.
I don't have specific experience with Rails. Sinatra only... But hopefully this helps you out.
I do not use the add-on. It's less expensive to setup an account through Xeround on your own.
Connect to it just like you would any MySQL Database....
Connection String will look just like you stated:
Host/Port are provided by Xeround in the admin database. Database name would be whatever you setup in phpMyAdmin. User/pass are NOT your Xeround account credentials. They are the credentials you setup for that database instance.
For example... if your ORM is Datamapper... do something like this:
DataMapper.setup(:default, ENV['XEROUND_CONN'])
Or if you're using Sequel:
DB = Sequel.connect(ENV['XEROUND_CONN'])
Then you need to set your XEROUND_CONN (or whatever you wish to call it) ENV variable.
Do this by using the Heroku command
heroku config:add XEROUND_CONN='mysql://username:password#host:port/database'
Warning: Datamapper has an issue with Xeround. Datamapper does not have support for setting your storage engine (myisam..etc..). Xeround uses their own custom Xeround storage engine. So... I've had trouble running auto_migrate due to differences in storage engine.
