How to chain matrix transformation operations? - three.js

Why doesn't chaining makeTranslation methods on matrix object work?
boxMesh.matrixAutoUpdate = false
boxMesh.matrix.makeTranslation(30, 0, 0)
boxMesh.matrix.makeTranslation(30, 0, 0)
the mesh moves only 30 units on x axis, not 60
but when I use applyMatrix method everything works as expected:
boxMesh.applyMatrix(new THREE.Matrix4().makeTranslation(30, 0, 0))
boxMesh.applyMatrix(new THREE.Matrix4().makeTranslation(30, 0, 0))

Matrix4.makeTranslation() creates a pure translation matrix. All existing matrix elements are overwritten. Hence, the method is not intended to apply a translation to an existing transformation matrix.
Object3D.applyMatrix() works different since it multiplies the given matrix with the object's local transformation matrix. This leads to a combination of the given and the existing transformation.
three.js R104


How to find lowest magnitude rotation of a rotationally symmetric object?

I'm trying to figure out, if I'm given a rotation in some form (matrix, quaternion, euler, rotvec, etc.) that's meant to be associated with an object that is known to have rotational symmetry along some axes of some order, how can I convert the given rotation so that the magnitude along those axes is always the lowest magnitude (e.g. if an object has rotation [0, 0, pi] with symmetry on the z-axis of order 4, I would get [0, 0, 0])?
The final rotation will be used to get the relative pose of the object to a camera, so I want to make sure to disambiguate the rotations.
I think that one approach I'm thinking of is to isolate the rotation along the symmetrical axis, reduce the magnitude, and then recompose the rotation.
R = R' * Rsymmetric
Rfinal = R' * Rsymmetric_lowest
I'm not certain how this would work if the object had multiple axes of symmetry.

model matrix transforming only one vertex [duplicate]

I'm getting thoroughly confused over matrix definitions. I have a matrix class, which holds a float[16] which I assumed is row-major, based on the following observations:
float matrixA[16] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 };
float matrixB[4][4] = { { 0, 1, 2, 3 }, { 4, 5, 6, 7 }, { 8, 9, 10, 11 }, { 12, 13, 14, 15 } };
matrixA and matrixB both have the same linear layout in memory (i.e. all numbers are in order). According to this indicates a row-major layout.
matrixA[0] == matrixB[0][0];
matrixA[3] == matrixB[0][3];
matrixA[4] == matrixB[1][0];
matrixA[7] == matrixB[1][3];
Therefore, matrixB[0] = row 0, matrixB[1] = row 1, etc. Again, this indicates row-major layout.
My problem / confusion comes when I create a translation matrix which looks like:
1, 0, 0, transX
0, 1, 0, transY
0, 0, 1, transZ
0, 0, 0, 1
Which is laid out in memory as, { 1, 0, 0, transX, 0, 1, 0, transY, 0, 0, 1, transZ, 0, 0, 0, 1 }.
Then when I call glUniformMatrix4fv, I need to set the transpose flag to GL_FALSE, indicating that it's column-major, else transforms such as translate / scale etc don't get applied correctly:
If transpose is GL_FALSE, each matrix is assumed to be supplied in
column major order. If transpose is GL_TRUE, each matrix is assumed to
be supplied in row major order.
Why does my matrix, which appears to be row-major, need to be passed to OpenGL as column-major?
matrix notation used in opengl documentation does not describe in-memory layout for OpenGL matrices
If think it'll be easier if you drop/forget about the entire "row/column-major" thing. That's because in addition to row/column major, the programmer can also decide how he would want to lay out the matrix in the memory (whether adjacent elements form rows or columns), in addition to the notation, which adds to confusion.
OpenGL matrices have same memory layout as directx matrices.
x.x x.y x.z 0
y.x y.y y.z 0
z.x z.y z.z 0
p.x p.y p.z 1
{ x.x x.y x.z 0 y.x y.y y.z 0 z.x z.y z.z 0 p.x p.y p.z 1 }
x, y, z are 3-component vectors describing the matrix coordinate system (local coordinate system within relative to the global coordinate system).
p is a 3-component vector describing the origin of matrix coordinate system.
Which means that the translation matrix should be laid out in memory like this:
{ 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, transX, transY, transZ, 1 }.
Leave it at that, and the rest should be easy.
---citation from old opengl faq--
9.005 Are OpenGL matrices column-major or row-major?
For programming purposes, OpenGL matrices are 16-value arrays with base vectors laid out contiguously in memory. The translation components occupy the 13th, 14th, and 15th elements of the 16-element matrix, where indices are numbered from 1 to 16 as described in section 2.11.2 of the OpenGL 2.1 Specification.
Column-major versus row-major is purely a notational convention. Note that post-multiplying with column-major matrices produces the same result as pre-multiplying with row-major matrices. The OpenGL Specification and the OpenGL Reference Manual both use column-major notation. You can use any notation, as long as it's clearly stated.
Sadly, the use of column-major format in the spec and blue book has resulted in endless confusion in the OpenGL programming community. Column-major notation suggests that matrices are not laid out in memory as a programmer would expect.
I'm going to update this 9 years old answer.
A mathematical matrix is defined as m x n matrix. Where m is a number of rows and n is number of columns. For the sake of completeness, rows are horizontals, columns are vertical. When denoting a matrix element in mathematical notation Mij, the first element (i) is a row index, the second one (j) is a column index. When two matrices are multiplied, i.e. A(m x n) * B(m1 x n1), the resulting matrix has number of rows from the first argument(A), and number of columns of the second(B), and number of columns of the first argument (A) must match number of rows of the second (B). so n == m1. Clear so far, yes?
Now, regarding in-memory layout. You can store matrix two ways. Row-major and column-major. Row-major means that effectively you have rows laid out one after another, linearly. So, elements go from left to right, row after row. Kinda like english text. Column-major means that effectively you have columns laid out one after another, linearly. So elements start at top left, and go from top to bottom.
|a11 a12 a13|
|a21 a22 a23|
|a31 a32 a33|
[a11 a12 a13 a21 a22 a23 a31 a32 a33]
[a11 a21 a31 a12 a22 a32 a13 a23 a33]
Now, here's the fun part!
There are two ways to store 3d transformation in a matrix.
As I mentioned before, a matrix in 3d essentially stores coordinate system basis vectors and position. So, you can store those vectors in rows or in columns of a matrix. When they're stored as columns, you multiply a matrix with a column vector. Like this.
//convention #1
|vx.x vy.x vz.x pos.x| |p.x| |res.x|
|vx.y vy.y vz.y pos.y| |p.y| |res.y|
|vx.z vy.z vz.z pos.z| x |p.z| = |res.z|
| 0 0 0 1| | 1| |res.w|
However, you can also store those vectors as rows, and then you'll be multiplying a row vector with a matrix:
//convention #2 (uncommon)
| vx.x vx.y vx.z 0|
| vy.x vy.y vy.z 0|
|p.x p.y p.z 1| x | vz.x vz.y vz.z 0| = |res.x res.y res.z res.w|
|pos.x pos.y pos.z 1|
So. Convention #1 often appears in mathematical texts. Convention #2 appeared in DirectX sdk at some point. Both are valid.
And in regards of the question, if you're using convention #1, then your matrices are column-major. And if you're using convention #2, then they're row major. However, memory layout is the same in both cases
[vx.x vx.y vx.z 0 vy.x vy.y vy.z 0 vz.x vz.y vz.z 0 pos.x pos.y pos.z 1]
Which is why I said it is easier to memorize which element is which, 9 years ago.
To summarize the answers by SigTerm and dsharlet: The usual way to transform a vector in GLSL is to right-multiply the transformation matrix by the vector:
mat4 T; vec4 v; vec4 v_transformed;
v_transformed = T*v;
In order for that to work, OpenGL expects the memory layout of T to be, as described by SigTerm,
{1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, transX, transY, transZ, 1 }
which is also called 'column major'. In your shader code (as indicated by your comments), however, you left-multiplied the transformation matrix by the vector:
v_transformed = v*T;
which only yields the correct result if T is transposed, i.e. has the layout
{ 1, 0, 0, transX, 0, 1, 0, transY, 0, 0, 1, transZ, 0, 0, 0, 1 }
(i.e. 'row major'). Since you already provided the correct layout to your shader, namely row major, it was not necessary to set the transpose flag of glUniform4v.
You are dealing with two separate issues.
First, your examples are dealing with the memory layout. Your [4][4] array is row major because you've used the convention established by C multi-dimensional arrays to match your linear array.
The second issue is a matter of convention for how you interpret matrices in your program. glUniformMatrix4fv is used to set a shader parameter. Whether your transform is computed for a row vector or column vector transform is a matter of how you use the matrix in your shader code. Because you say you need to use column vectors, I assume your shader code is using the matrix A and a column vector x to compute x' = A x.
I would argue that the documentation of glUniformMatrix is confusing. The description of the transpose parameter is a really roundabout way of just saying that the matrix is transposed or it isn't. OpenGL itself is just transporting that data to your shader, whether you want to transpose it or not is a matter of convention you should establish for your program.
This link has some good further discussion:
I think that the existing answers here are very unhelpful, and I can see from the comments that people are left feeling confused after reading them, so here is another way of looking at this situation.
As a programmer, if I want to store an array in memory, I cannot store a rectangular grid of numbers, because computer memory doesn't work like that, I have to store the numbers in a linear sequence.
Lets say I have a 2x2 matrix and I initialize it in my code like this:
const matrix = [a, b, c, d];
I can successfully use this matrix in other parts of my code provided I know what each of the array elements represents.
The OpenGL specification defines what each index position represents, and this is all you need to know to construct an array and pass it to OpenGL and have it do what you expect.
The row or column major issue only comes into play when I want to write my matrix in a document that describes my code, because mathematicians write matrixes as rectangular grids of numbers. However this is just a convention, a way of writing things down, and has no impact on the code I write or the arrangement of numbers in memory on my computer. You could easily re-write these mathematics papers using some other notation, and it would work just as well.
For the array above, I have two options for writing this array in my documentation as a rectangular grid:
|a b| OR |a c|
|c d| |b d|
Whichever way I choose to write my documentation, this will have no impact on my code or the order of the numbers in memory on my computer, it's just documentation.
In order for people reading my documentation to know the order that I stored the values in the linear array in my program, I can specify that this is a column major or row major representation of the array as a matrix. If it is in column major order then I should traverse the columns to get the linear arrangement of numbers. If this is a row major representation then I should traverse the rows to get the linear arrangement of numbers.
In general, writing documentation in row major order makes life easier for programmers, because if I want to translate this matrix
|a b c|
|d e f|
|g h i|
into code, I can write it like this:
const matrix = [
a, b, c
d, e, f
g, h, i
For example:
GLM stores matrix values as m[4][4]. But it treats matrices as if they have a column major order. Even though for 2 dimensional array m[x][y] in C x represents a row and y represents a column, which means that matrix represented by this array has in fact row major order. The trick is to treat m[x][y] as if x represents a column and y represents a row. It is like you transposing the matrix without performing any additional operations to achieve that.

Is it possible to extract the model portion of a modelview matrix?

(This is a similar question to extracting scale matrix from modelview matrix ) but I think it's a bit more general, so I'm reposting it.
I have a modelview matrix in WebGL, composed of a series of transformations from local object space to world space, followed by a transformation from world space to homogeneous WebGL coordinates (-1 to 1 in all directions).
This matrix is built up throughout our code over a series of convoluted steps. One of these steps is to render to a texture, and then blit the texture onto the screen. This process is extracted to be generalized so we can use it for any 2D texture painting operation. Unfortunately, it provides its own view/projection transformation. At the point at which I'm calling this, I have only the combined modelview matrix.
What I want to do is preserve the transformations made on the modelview matrix as it's built up along the way, but I don't want to include the view transformation. In other words, given a modelview matrix, and a known view transformation, is there a way to extract just the model transformation as a matrix?
We're not using perspective projection, and all of our transformations are 2-dimensional in nature, so a general solution isn't necessary (although I have had this question before when working in 3D, so something that could be extended to 3D would be really useful).
If i get it right you have Inverse(V)*M inside modelview and you are building it incrementally. That means in your code you are doing something like this:
... here V transforms ...
... here M transforms ...
... here render or whatever ...
With multiple objects the stuff usually looks like this:
... here V transforms ...
for (all objects)
... here M transforms ...
... here render or whatever ...
So to obtain V you can do this:
... here V transforms ...
double iV[16],iVM[16];
for (all objects)
... here M transforms ...
... here render or whatever ...
iVM = iV*M
V * iVM = V*iV*M
V * iVM = M
where V = Inverse(iV) holds the direct view matrix and M holds the direct model matrix. As OpenGL does not have inverse matrix you can do it by transpose + position computation see:
Matrix inverse accuracy
see the matrix_inv function in there so the result would be:
double M[16],V[16];
Where matrix_mul code you can find in here:
Understanding 4x4 homogenous transform matrices

Applying a "Spread" value to an XMFLOAT4X4

I'm attempting to add a small value to a World Matrix in order to replicate the accuracy of a fired weapon [pistol, assault rifle]
Currently, my World Matrix resides at a Parent Objects' position, with the ability to rotate about the Y axis exclusively.
I've done this in Unity3D, running whenever the object needs to be created [once per]:
var coneRotation = Quaternion.Euler(Random.Range(-spread, spread), Random.Range(-spread, spread), 0);
var go = Instantiate(obj, parent.transform.position, transform.rotation * coneRotation) as GameObject;
and am attempting to replicate the results using Direct3D11.
This lambda returns a random value between [-1.5, 1.5] currently:
auto randF = [&](float lower_bound, float uppder_bound) -> float
return lower_bound + static_cast <float> (rand()) / (static_cast <float> (RAND_MAX / (uppder_bound - lower_bound)));
My first thought was to simply multiply a random x && y into the forward vector of an object upon initialization, and move it in this fashion: position = position + forward * speed * dt; [speed being 1800], though the rotation is incorrect (not to mention bullets fire up).
I've also attempted to make a Quaternion [as in Unity3D]: XMVECTOR quaternion = XMVectorSet(random_x, random_y, 0) and creating a Rotation Matrix using XMMatrixRotationQuaternion.
Afterwards I call XMStoreFloat4x4(&world_matrix, XMLoadFloat4x4(&world_matrix) * rotation);, and restore the position portion of the matrix [accessing world_matrix._41/._42/._43] (world_matrix being the matrix of the "bullet" itself, not the parent).
[I've also tried to reverse the order of the multiplication]
I've read that the XMMatrixRotationQuaternion doesn't return as an Euler Quaternion, and XMQuaternionToAxisAngle does, though I'm not entirely certain how to use it.
What would be the proper way to accomplish something like this?
Many thanks!
Your code XMVECTOR quaternion = XMVectorSet(random_x, random_y, 0); is not creating a valid quaternion. First, if you did not set the w component to 1, then the 4-vector quaternion doesn't actually represent a 3D rotation. Second, a quaternion's vector components are not Euler angles.
You want to use XMQuaternionRotationRollPitchYaw which constructs a quaternion rotation from Euler angle input, or XMQuaternionRotationRollPitchYawFromVector which takes the three Euler angles as a vector. These functions are doing what Unity's Quaternion.Euler method is doing.
Of course, if you want a rotation matrix and not a quaternion, then you can XMMatrixRotationRollPitchYaw or XMMatrixRotationRollPitchYawFromVector to directly construct a 4x4 rotation matrix from Euler angles--which actually uses quaternions internally anyhow. Based on your code snippet, it looks like you already have a base rotation as a quaternion you want to concatenate with your spread quaternion, so you probably don't want to use this option for this case.
Note: You should look at using the C++11 standard <random> rather than your home-rolled lambda wrapper around the terrible C rand function.
Something like:
std::random_device rd;
std::mt19937 gen(rd());
// spread should be in radians here (not degrees which is what Unity uses)
std::uniform_real_distribution<float> dis(-spread, spread);
XMVECTOR coneRotation = XMQuaternionRotationRollPitchYaw( dis(gen), dis(gen), 0 );
XMVECTOR rot = XMQuaternionMultiply( parentRot, coneRotation );
XMMATRIX transform = XMMatrixAffineTransformation( g_XMOne, g_XMZero, rot, parentPos );
BTW, if you are used to Unity or XNA Game Studio C# math libraries, you might want to check out the SimpleMath wrapper for DirectXMath in DirectX Tool Kit.

Finding translation and scale on two sets of points to get least square error in their distance?

I have two sets of 3D points (original and reconstructed) and correspondence information about pairs - which point from one set represents the second one. I need to find 3D translation and scaling factor which transforms reconstruct set so the sum of square distances would be least (rotation would be nice too, but points are rotated similarly, so this is not main priority and might be omitted in sake of simplicity and speed). And so my question is - is this solved and available somewhere on the Internet? Personally, I would use least square method, but I don't have much time (and although I'm somewhat good at math, I don't use it often, so it would be better for me to avoid it), so I would like to use other's solution if it exists. I prefer solution in C++, for example using OpenCV, but algorithm alone is good enough.
If there is no such solution, I will calculate it by myself, I don't want to bother you so much.
SOLUTION: (from your answers)
For me it's Kabsch alhorithm;
Base info:
General solution:
I also need scale. Scale values from SVD are not understandable for me; when I need scale about 1-4 for all axises (estimated by me), SVD scale is about [2000, 200, 20], which is not helping at all.
Since you are already using Kabsch algorithm, just have a look at Umeyama's paper which extends it to get scale. All you need to do is to get the standard deviation of your points and calculate scale as:
where D is the diagonal matrix in SVD decomposition in the rotation estimation and S is either identity matrix or [1 1 -1] diagonal matrix, depending on the sign of determinant of UV (which Kabsch uses to correct reflections into proper rotations). So if you have [2000, 200, 20], multiply the last element by +-1 (depending on the sign of determinant of UV), sum them and divide by the standard deviation of your points to get scale.
You can recycle the following code, which is using the Eigen library:
typedef Eigen::Matrix<double, 3, 1, Eigen::DontAlign> Vector3d_U; // microsoft's 32-bit compiler can't put Eigen::Vector3d inside a std::vector. for other compilers or for 64-bit, feel free to replace this by Eigen::Vector3d
* #brief rigidly aligns two sets of poses
* This calculates such a relative pose <tt>R, t</tt>, such that:
* #code
* _TyVector v_pose = R * r_vertices[i] + t;
* double f_error = (r_tar_vertices[i] - v_pose).squaredNorm();
* #endcode
* The sum of squared errors in <tt>f_error</tt> for each <tt>i</tt> is minimized.
* #param[in] r_vertices is a set of vertices to be aligned
* #param[in] r_tar_vertices is a set of vertices to align to
* #return Returns a relative pose that rigidly aligns the two given sets of poses.
* #note This requires the two sets of poses to have the corresponding vertices stored under the same index.
static std::pair<Eigen::Matrix3d, Eigen::Vector3d> t_Align_Points(
const std::vector<Vector3d_U> &r_vertices, const std::vector<Vector3d_U> &r_tar_vertices)
_ASSERTE(r_tar_vertices.size() == r_vertices.size());
const size_t n = r_vertices.size();
Eigen::Vector3d v_center_tar3 = Eigen::Vector3d::Zero(), v_center3 = Eigen::Vector3d::Zero();
for(size_t i = 0; i < n; ++ i) {
v_center_tar3 += r_tar_vertices[i];
v_center3 += r_vertices[i];
v_center_tar3 /= double(n);
v_center3 /= double(n);
// calculate centers of positions, potentially extend to 3D
double f_sd2_tar = 0, f_sd2 = 0; // only one of those is really needed
Eigen::Matrix3d t_cov = Eigen::Matrix3d::Zero();
for(size_t i = 0; i < n; ++ i) {
Eigen::Vector3d v_vert_i_tar = r_tar_vertices[i] - v_center_tar3;
Eigen::Vector3d v_vert_i = r_vertices[i] - v_center3;
// get both vertices
f_sd2 += v_vert_i.squaredNorm();
f_sd2_tar += v_vert_i_tar.squaredNorm();
// accumulate squared standard deviation (only one of those is really needed)
t_cov.noalias() += v_vert_i * v_vert_i_tar.transpose();
// accumulate covariance
// calculate the covariance matrix
Eigen::JacobiSVD<Eigen::Matrix3d> svd(t_cov, Eigen::ComputeFullU | Eigen::ComputeFullV);
// calculate the SVD
Eigen::Matrix3d R = svd.matrixV() * svd.matrixU().transpose();
// compute the rotation
double f_det = R.determinant();
Eigen::Vector3d e(1, 1, (f_det < 0)? -1 : 1);
// calculate determinant of V*U^T to disambiguate rotation sign
if(f_det < 0)
R.noalias() = svd.matrixV() * e.asDiagonal() * svd.matrixU().transpose();
// recompute the rotation part if the determinant was negative
R = Eigen::Quaterniond(R).normalized().toRotationMatrix();
// renormalize the rotation (not needed but gives slightly more orthogonal transformations)
double f_scale = svd.singularValues().dot(e) / f_sd2_tar;
double f_inv_scale = svd.singularValues().dot(e) / f_sd2; // only one of those is needed
// calculate the scale
R *= f_inv_scale;
// apply scale
Eigen::Vector3d t = v_center_tar3 - (R * v_center3); // R needs to contain scale here, otherwise the translation is wrong
// want to align center with ground truth
return std::make_pair(R, t); // or put it in a single 4x4 matrix if you like
For 3D points the problem is known as the Absolute Orientation problem. A c++ implementation is available from Eigen and paper
you can use it via opencv by converting the matrices to eigen with cv::cv2eigen() calls.
Start with translation of both sets of points. So that their centroid coincides with the origin of the coordinate system. Translation vector is just the difference between these centroids.
Now we have two sets of coordinates represented as matrices P and Q. One set of points may be obtained from other one by applying some linear operator (which performs both scaling and rotation). This operator is represented by 3x3 matrix X:
P * X = Q
To find proper scale/rotation we just need to solve this matrix equation, find X, then decompose it into several matrices, each representing some scaling or rotation.
A simple (but probably not numerically stable) way to solve it is to multiply both parts of the equation to the transposed matrix P (to get rid of non-square matrices), then multiply both parts of the equation to the inverted PT * P:
PT * P * X = PT * Q
X = (PT * P)-1 * PT * Q
Applying Singular value decomposition to matrix X gives two rotation matrices and a matrix with scale factors:
X = U * S * V
Here S is a diagonal matrix with scale factors (one scale for each coordinate), U and V are rotation matrices, one properly rotates the points so that they may be scaled along the coordinate axes, other one rotates them once more to align their orientation to second set of points.
Example (2D points are used for simplicity):
P = 1 2 Q = 7.5391 4.3455
2 3 12.9796 5.8897
-2 1 -4.5847 5.3159
-1 -6 -15.9340 -15.5511
After solving the equation:
X = 3.3417 -1.2573
2.0987 2.8014
After SVD decomposition:
U = -0.7317 -0.6816
-0.6816 0.7317
S = 4 0
0 3
V = -0.9689 -0.2474
-0.2474 0.9689
Here SVD has properly reconstructed all manipulations I performed on matrix P to get matrix Q: rotate by the angle 0.75, scale X axis by 4, scale Y axis by 3, rotate by the angle -0.25.
If sets of points are scaled uniformly (scale factor is equal by each axis), this procedure may be significantly simplified.
Just use Kabsch algorithm to get translation/rotation values. Then perform these translation and rotation (centroids should coincide with the origin of the coordinate system). Then for each pair of points (and for each coordinate) estimate Linear regression. Linear regression coefficient is exactly the scale factor.
A good explanation Finding optimal rotation and translation between corresponding 3D points
The code is in matlab but it's trivial to convert to opengl using the cv::SVD function
You might want to try ICP (Iterative closest point).
Given two sets of 3d points, it will tell you the transformation (rotation + translation) to go from the first set to the second one.
If you're interested in a c++ lightweight implementation, try libicp.
Good luck!
The general transformation, as well the scale can be retrieved via Procrustes Analysis. It works by superimposing the objects on top of each other and tries to estimate the transformation from that setting. It has been used in the context of ICP, many times. In fact, your preference, Kabash algorithm is a special case of this.
Moreover, Horn's alignment algorithm (based on quaternions) also finds a very good solution, while being quite efficient. A Matlab implementation is also available.
Scale can be inferred without SVD, if your points are uniformly scaled in all directions (I could not make sense of SVD-s scale matrix either). Here is how I solved the same problem:
Measure distances of each point to other points in the point cloud to get a 2d table of distances, where entry at (i,j) is norm(point_i-point_j). Do the same thing for the other point cloud, so you get two tables -- one for original and the other for reconstructed points.
Divide all values in one table by the corresponding values in the other table. Because the points correspond to each other, the distances do too. Ideally, the resulting table has all values being equal to each other, and this is the scale.
The median value of the divisions should be pretty close to the scale you are looking for. The mean value is also close, but I chose median just to exclude outliers.
Now you can use the scale value to scale all the reconstructed points and then proceed to estimating the rotation.
Tip: If there are too many points in the point clouds to find distances between all of them, then a smaller subset of distances will work, too, as long as it is the same subset for both point clouds. Ideally, just one distance pair would work if there is no measurement noise, e.g when one point cloud is directly derived from the other by just rotating it.
you can also use ScaleRatio ICP proposed by BaoweiLin
The code can be found in github
