How to run Windows Containers on Local Kubernetes? - windows

I'm having a .Net Framework and .NetCore Containers and I would like to run them in Kubernetes. I have Docker Desktop for Windows installed and Kubernetes with it. How can I run these Windows Containers in Kubernetes?
This Documentation specifies how to create a Windows Node on Kubernetes, but it is very confusing. As I am on windows machine and I see linux based commands in there (And no mention of what OS you need to run all those). I am on Windows 10 Pro Machine. Is there a way to run these containers on Kubernetes?
When I try to create a Pod with Windows Containers, it fails with the following error message "Failed to pull image 'imagename'; rpc error: code = Unknown desc = image operating system 'windows' cannot be used on this platform"

Welcome on StackOverflow Srinath
To my knowledge you can't run Windows Containers on local version of Kubernetes at this moment. When you enable Kubernetes option in your Docker Desktop for Windows installation, the Kubernetes cluster is simply run inside Linux VM (with its own Docker Runtime for Linux containers only) on Hyper-V hypervisor.
The other solution for you is to use for instance a managed version of Kubernetes with Windows nodes from any of popular cloud providers. I think relatively easy to start is Azure (if you don't have an Azure subscription, create a free trial account, valid for 12 months).
I would suggest you to use an old way to run Kubernetes on Azure, a service called Azure Container Service aka ACS, for one reason, it has been verified by me to be working well with Windows Containers, especially for testing purposes (I could not achieve the same with its successor, called AKS):
Run following commands in Azure Cloud Shell, and your cluster will be ready to use in few minutes.
az group create --name azEvalRG --location eastus
az acs create -g azEvalRG -n k8s-based-win -d k8s-based-win --windows --agent-count 1 -u azureuser --admin-password 'YourSecretPwd1234$' -t kubernetes --location eastus


debug azure webapp using ssh

I am working on a new webapp in azure cloud.
The challenge is that I am working on a new python module that I dont know that well, Pyspice. Pyspice interface to a program Ngpspice.
On my windows PC it works fine but not on the cloud. So I would like to be able to do debugging without pushing and then wait 25min for each build.
Right now I am using SSH to connect to the webapp. Then I can create a simple python script to see if I can get the connection to work between pyspice and ngspice. The challenge I have is that when I run python in SSH then it uses a different environment than the webapp, i.e. all the modules in the requirements.txt is not available. So how can I change environment to be able to debug?
I have created an Azure App service with Python version 3.8, when I check the version in Azure SSH it is showing me different version.
To install the latest version in Azure SSH, run the below command
apt update
apt install python3.9
python --version
Run the below command to change the python version of the Azure App service in Azure Cloud Shell (Bash).
az webapp config set --resource-group MyRGName --name WebAppName --linux-fx-version "PYTHON|3.9"
To check the updated version, run the below command
az webapp config show --resource-group MyRGName --name Python4Nov --query linuxFxVersion
debug azure webapp using ssh
To remote debug Azure Linux App Service, we need to open a TCP Tunnel from the development machine to Azure App Service.
Configure for SSH and Remote Debugging
In Azure CLI run the below command
az webapp create-remote-connection --resource-group MyRG -n WebAppName
References taken from MSDoc

Kubernetes fails to start on Docker Desktop without direct internet access

I'm running Docker Desktop 3.6.0 on Windows 10 with WSL2.
When I try to enable Kubernetes I only see "Failed to start" within the Docker Desktop UI.
Docker itself works fine. Not sure how I can get any further logs.
Here the output from kubectl version:
kubectl version
Client Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"21", GitVersion:"v1.21.3", GitCommit:"ca643a4d1f7bfe34773c74f79527be4afd95bf39", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2021-07-15T21:04:39Z", GoVersion:"go1.16.6", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"windows/amd64"}
Error from server (InternalError): an error on the server ("") has prevented the request from succeeding
From other posts it seems that and internet connections is required for initial setup:
Direct internet connection is not possible on my work environment, I can only manually copy required images on my pc.
I also do not have admin access.
Is there a way to manually setup Kubernetes on Docker Desktop or somehow indicate where the required images can be found?
I have a nexus Docker repository where I can push required images to.
I have changed the ~\.docker\daemon.json and added my docker repository in insecure-registries. After first login docker is able to pull images from there and run them.
Already tried to reset or enable and disable Kubernetes. Also deleting ~/.kube/config did not work.
High level answer...
Get a docker registry
If you work for an old skool cool enterprise; use JFrog Artifactory
If you just want to get it to work; use Harbor
GitHub and GitLab (depending on license) have registries available too...
Edit the docker daemon on the kubernetes nodes (your workstation) to only pull from these registries.
if redhat; /etc/containers/registries.conf
if debain; /etc/docker/daemon.json
you might be able to hack a /etc/hosts entry too...
Populate the new registry
Run kubernetes and yoiu should be good to go. Depending on the configuration you choose you may need to add a registry credential secret.

Run a PowerShell script on Azure AKS nodes,

I have a PowerShell script that I want to run on some Azure AKS nodes (running Windows) to deploy a security tool. There is no daemon set for this by the software vendor. How would I get it done?
Thanks a million
Similar question has been asked here. User philipwelz has written:
although there could be ways to do this, i would recommend that you dont. The reason is that your AKS setup should not allow execute scripts inside container directly on AKS nodes. This would imply a huge security issue IMO.
I suggest to find a way the execute your script directly on your nodes, for example with PowerShell remoting or any way that suits you.
This user is right. You should avoid executing scripts on your AKS nodes. In your situation if you want to deploy Prisma cloud you need to go with the following doc. You are right that install scripts work only on Linux:
Install scripts work on Linux hosts only.
But, for the Windows and Mac software you have specific yaml files:
For macOS and Windows hosts, use twistcli to generate Defender DaemonSet YAML configuration files, and then deploy it with kubectl, as described in the following procedure.
The entire procedure is described in detail in the document I have quoted. Pay attention to step 3 and step 4. As you can see, there is no need to run any powershell script:
Generate a defender.yaml file, where:
The following command connects to Console (specified in [--address]( as user <ADMIN> (specified in [--user](, and generates a Defender DaemonSet YAML config file according to the configuration options passed to [twistcli]( The [--cluster-address]( option specifies the address Defender uses to connect to Console.
$ <PLATFORM>/twistcli defender export kubernetes \
--user <ADMIN_USER> \
- <PLATFORM> can be linux, osx, or windows.
- <ADMIN_USER> is the name of a Prisma Cloud user with the System Admin role.
and then STEP 4:
kubectl create -f ./defender.yaml
I think that the above answer is not completely correct.
The twistcli command, does not export daemonset for Windows Nodes. The "PLATFORM" option, is for choosing the OS of the computer that the command will run.
After testing, I have made the conclusion that there is no Docker Image for Prisma Cloud for Windows Kubernetes Nodes, as it is deployed as a service at Windows OS, and not Container (as in Linux). Wrapping up, the Daemonset is not working at the Windows Hosts
I believe the only solution is this -> Windows
This is the Powershell script that Wytrzymały Wiktor has mentioned.
Unfortunately this cannot be automated easily, as you have to deploy an Azure VM per AKS Cluster (at the same network), and RDP to the AKS Windows Node and run the script.
If anyone has another suggestion or solution, feel free to share.

kubernetes forcing docker option for container

Is it possible to make sure that my containers are running with specific docker option.
I need to run my container with the --device option. I cannot use device plugin because I am running a windows container and device manager does not seems implemented for windows.
Thank you for your help

Is it possible to run kubernetes as a docker container?

I'm very new to kubernetes and trying to conceptualize it as well as set it up locally in order to try developing something on it.
There's a confound though that I am running on a windows machine.
Their "getting started" documentation in github says you have to run Linux to use kubernetes.
As docker runs on windows, I was wondering if it was possible to create a kubernetes instance as a container in windows docker and use it to manage the rest of the cluster in the same windows docker instance.
From reading the setup instructions, it seems like docker, kubernetes, and something called etcd all have to run "in parallel" on a single host operating system... But part of me thinks it might be possible to
Start docker, boot 'default' machine.
Create kubernetes container - configure to communicate with the existing docker 'default' machine
Use kubernetes to manage existing docker.
Pipe dream? Wrongheaded foolishness? I see there are some options around running it in a vagrant instance. Does that mean docker, etcd, & kubernetes together in a single VM (which in turn creates a cluster of virtual machines inside it?)
I feel like I need to draw a picture of what this all looks like in terms of physical hardware and "memory boxes" to really wrap my head around this.
With Windows, you need docker-machine and boot2docker VMs to run anything docker related.
There is no (not yet) "docker for Windows".
Note that issue 7428 mentioned "Can't run kubernetes within boot2docker".
So even when you follow instructions (from a default VM created with docker-machine), you might still get errors:
➜ workspace docker run --net=host -d -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock /hyperkube kubelet --api_servers=http://localhost:8080 --v=2 --address= --enable_server --hostname_override= --config=/etc/kubernetes/manifests
➜ workspace docker logs -f ee0b490f74f6bc9b70c1336115487b38d124bdcebf09b248cec91832e0e9af1d
W0428 09:09:41.479862 1 server.go:249] Could not load kubernetes auth path: stat : no such file or directory. Continuing with defaults.
I0428 09:09:41.479989 1 server.go:168] Using root directory: /var/lib/kubelet
The alternative would be to try on a full-fledge Linux VM (like the latest Ubuntu), instead of a boot2docker-like VM (based on a TinyCore distro).
All k8s components can be raised up with hyperkube, which helps you bring up a containerized one.
If you're able to run docker on windows, it would probably work. I haven't tried it on windows personally.
