ServiceNow Scripted REST API GET with Body - servicenow

I setup a GET scripted rest API. However, when I try to send a GET request with a body, ServiceNow (before it hits my code) complains that GET is not allowed to have a body.
Is there a way to disable this restriction? For now as a temporary workaround, I converted the request into a POST. However, this request does not change any state, so I believe it should be a GET. The request only searches for existing items.

GET is used without body, any configuration of a GET is in the URL and header. A query URL looks like this:^ORDERBYnumber^ORDERBYDESCcategory&sysparm_limit=1
See the documentation here:!/rest_api_doc?v=madrid&id=r_TableAPI-GET
Generally it's OK to use a POST to get data, graphQL does this for example, but i think SNOW is configured for GETs only.


How to Create Elasticsearch Point in Time (PIT)?

I'm trying to use the search_after parameter with a point in time (PIT) to paginate search results. This is the documentation section I'm consulting.
I'm making a POST to /my-index/_pit?keep_alive=1m.
The /_pit endpoint only accepts the POST method (if I try GET, it says only POST is accepted), and per the doc, does not take a request body. However, the response I receive is a 400 with this message:
"type": "parse_exception",
"reason": "request body is required"
I can't find any other examples of a /_pit request and I'm just confused by these responses.
Has anyone successfully gotten back a PIT?
In case it's relevant, we have a managed elastic cloud deployment on a standard subscription.
I ended up finding an Elastic forum post indicating that the PIT API is only available as of version 7.10. Sure enough, I tried against a 7.10 deployment and it succeeded as a POST without a body.
So, I feel as though there isn't much guidance on this outside of this particular example and I felt the need to post this for other users that struggled as I did.
If you're using an API tool like postman, you have to update your headers to include Content_Type: application/json, and set your authorization method as what you need (I used basic for password and username).
The index that you should use (my-index-000001 from their example) should be one that you've set up for your search query (right before the _search portion). Leave the body empty and send over the post request and you'll get your id.

Why are GraphQL queries POST requests even when we are trying to fetch data and not update/submit new data?

I am using Postman to fetch data from my server and when I use a REST call it is a GET request but when I use a GraphQL API call, it needs to be a POST request. Why is it so?
The GraphQL spec is itself transport-agnostic, however the convention adopted by the community has been to utilize POST requests. As pointed out in the comments, some libraries support GET requests. However, when doing so, the query has to be sent as a URL query parameter since GET requests can't have bodies. This can be problematic with bigger queries since you can easily hit a 414 URI Too Long status on certain servers.
The best practice is to always utilize POST requests with a application/json Content-Type.

Django Rest Framework page doesn't show POST results in certain circumstances

I'm working on an application that uses the Django Rest Framework. For testing purposes, we occasionally use the default Django Rest Framework page for debugging or testing purposes.
Another developer recently discovered, that with one of our endpoints (that only has a POST method on it) immediately redirects without showing the last posted content of the POST call. The redirect results in an HTTP 405 (method not allowed). This behaviour is unlike most of our other endpoints - even those that only have a POST option. when they are posted to, they show the content of the POST call, as well as the text box that allows another POST.
In digging into this, I discovered that this particular endpoint was returning a response in the form of an HttpResponse object, rather than a Response object. It was also specifying the application/json content-type for the HttpResponse object.
In playing around with this, I discovered that if I switch it to use a Response object it doesn't cause the Django Rest Framework page to redirect, and does show the response on the page. However, if I specify the content_type on the Response object, the Django Rest Framework page starts redirecting again, without showing the last posted content.
In any of these situations, it is still possible to see the response by resorting to using the Chrome Developer tools and enabling "Preserve log", so that the network call history isn't cleared with the redirect, however this is less than ideal.
In changing it to use the Response instead of HttpResponse objects, it also broke one of our unit tests, as the unit test wasn't specifying the content-type header of application/json, but was expecting a JSON response. There may be other places that are also calling it without specifying the content-type header, so ideally I would like to be able to specify a content-type on the response, but still have the Django Rest Framework page show the last POSTed content.
My questions are thus:
What causes the default Django Rest Framework page to display the last posted content (as opposed to redirecting)?
Why does specifying a content-type on the Response cause the Django Rest Framework page to not display the last posted content?

POST call in Mulesoft

I am trying to make a HTTPS POST call in mulesoft to an external API. I had read in the mulesoft documentation and also in other posts that in order to send the request body, a map has to be prepared.
Hence, i am using the "Set-Payload" to prepare a map.
Eg: #[{'key':'value'}]
When I am using the logger to display it, it prints a map (as expected).
But when the POST call is being made, i am receiving the following error:
Response code 503 mapped as failure. Message payload is of type: BufferInputStream
Payload : org.glassfish.grizzly.utils.BufferInputStream#3f8f77a
Could anyone let me know where am i going wrong?
Thanks in Advance.
The server you're trying to call is returning status 503. Have you tried calling the external API using other client SOAP/Postman/Curl?
Also check this out:
You should set proper mimetype for muleMessage and set the http POST method, then it should work.
While posting the data male sure how your http is expecting the input. What ever the transformations you want to make before posting do it, finally when posting the data to http cross check your data type with the data in the server your are trying to send. Both needs to match. Then it work.
I generally try to Isolate HTTP interaction problems into two parts. One is related to request itself for e.g. URL,Method,Headers,Payload,MimeType and other should be related to transport and network interaction with Server itself. To better view the information for both of the above details use a htt[ proxy/debugger [for. e.g. Fiddler] around the traffic flowing while you make a request. This will throw more light on the stuff hindering you while making this call successfully.
You can try any of the below sugestions-:
Set payload as map, mention MIME Type as application/json and then use json to object transformer (with return class as java.util.HashMap).
Set payload as simple string. This could help.
Status code 503 implies that the server is currently unable to handle the request due to a temporary overloading or maintenance of the server. The implication is that this is a temporary condition which will be alleviated after some delay.
Please try resending the message or hit the API with Postman.
It looks like you need to change the port in the request-config to 443 since you're using HTTPS.
<http:request-config name="HTTP_Request_Configuration" protocol="HTTPS" host="" port="443" doc:name="HTTP Request Configuration" basePath="/rest/api/2/project">
try using input {'key':'value'} in set payload instead of Array.

IIS URL Rewrite - Convert POST to GET

In my application there is a client and a WCf REST service. For invoking some wcf service the client is doing an http POST even though the service is a GET.
i do not want to do any changes in the client or the service.
So is there a way where i can convert this POST request to GET and add the data coming in as the POST to the URL and invoke the REST service.
Thanks in advance.
You can use URL Rewrite to issue 3xx Redirect which will use GET method, but you will loose all POST data.
The only safe way known to me is to rewrite POST request to some another custom page, where you:
collect all POST data/variables;
convert them into GET variables (assemble proper GET request);
issue 301 (or 302) Redirect to the proper URL (it will have all POST data sent as GET variables).
Such rewrite to custom page should be easy -- you need to check what method is used (POST or GET) and only invoke it on POST. The rest will be handled in that post-to-get script.
The reason for all of this complexity is the difference in how POST and GET requests work: with GET all data is sent as part of URL while POST uses request body to transfer variable's data.
