Maven copy resources conditionally - maven

In my Web Application, I have some .properties and .xml files that are processed and copied from my resources directory into classes.
I have defined a variable in pom.xml:
Now I want to copy some resources according to this variable. Basically:
if $stage == Development --> copy
resources/ to
if $stage == Production --> copy
resources/ to
How can I achive this in my pom.xml?
(note - If possible, I am looking for a solution that does not require modifying the way maven is called by my IDE, so only modifications in pom.xml and the like)
NOTE: These are the only files that change from one environment to another

Thanks to the pointers in the comments I was able to do it. It is simple, but works. It just copies the desired file to the right filename and then it is moved as usual. The files that are not desired are excluded from being moved. I leave here my solution in case it can help others:


generated file in the wrong place

I'm using the maven resources plugin to generate a plain file via filtering within a war file. I have the template file with variables in a the folder src/main/webapp/app
the problem is that the generated file is in the WEB-INF/classes folder and I need it to be at the app folder at the root of the war.
The war structure should be
How can I do it?
You have to add a copy-resources goal if you want to copy something to another structure during your build, with that you can point to a custom output path:
This can be found here in the documentation.
With the comments I could finally get the solution. It was simply to set the outputDirectory parameter to src/main/webapp/app and put the template in another place outside src/main/webapp. In my case, I put it in a folder src/main/jnlp. So finally this was the solution.. hope it helps others

Apache Maven Resources Plugin exclude a directory

I'm trying to copy some resources from one point to an other during the build process. Therefore I use the Apache Maven Resources Plugin. Actually I exclude some files, I don't need. But I want also to exclude a directory. I tried serveral ways but it didn't work.
In this example I tried to exclude the folder "p2".
Also don't work.
is the correct answer thanks to #khmarbaise.
Try this

Maven-resources-plugin won't copy .metadata folder

I'm trying to copy a folder or following structure with maven-resources-plugin:
|- .metadata
|- Project
\- .gitignore
Project directory and .gitignore files are copied, but .metadata directory is left out for some reason.
How do I copy all contents of root folder?
Here is configuration I tried:
You're looking for the configuration parameter addDefaultExcludes. See the documentation page.
So your configuration section should look like the following:
If this was relating to the maven-assembly-plugin then I had this problem, and had to use the useDefaultExcludes property (recent versions of the plugin only); by default it is true and it needs to be set to false to include directories like .metadata. This doesn't seem to be applicable to maven-resources-plugin though, or it might just not be a documented property.
My first fix attempt would be trying modifying the resources element.
Also, if you comment out the <nonFilteredFileExtensions> element, does it work?
Edit to show full plugin configuration that works with Maven 3.2.2, Resources plugin 2.7, on both Windows 7 and RedHat Linux. Command for testing is mvn validate.
Just add addDefaultExcludes as #Matthew Wise said.
By default files like .gitignore, .cvsignore etc. are excluded which
means they will not being copied. If you need them for a particular
reason you can do that by settings this to false.

Configure encoding for different filetypes in maven?

I use the maven-resource-plugin to filter some resources in my maven project. In my parent project I have:
In a sub project I have a file which is a plain java properties file with default encoding=ISO-8859-1. This file contains:
aboutText=Version ${project.version} © 2012 blabla
To make sure this file filters correctly I have split the maven-resource-plugin into separate executions each with its encoding:
<!-- java properties files are encoded in ISO-8859-1 so when
filtering those files we stick with that encoding. -->
This seems overkill and I have a feeling that I am either not using the plugin correctly or that this problem should be handled in another way. Maybe stick to encoding special characters in properties files directly:
aboutText=Version ${project.version} \u00a9 2012 blabla
The question is an invaluable answer in itself, as apparently the complicated procedure the author provides is the only way to configure different encodings for various filtered file types. The example given, however, is specific to the author's non-standard use-case, and glosses over a few important details, without which actual use of the example is fraught with gotchas:
It isn't obvious, but in the author's example the default resource copying goal resources is still enabled and runs in addition to the two defined goals!
You'll notice that the author used the lifecycle phase generate-resources instead of the default process-resources. This is a trick to get around the first point above; by making the two copy-resources goals occur in an earlier lifecycle phase, the resources are copied according to the given rules, and then when the default-resources goal comes along the original resource copying is left intact, apparently because its overwrite setting defaults false. But it would be better to disable altogether the default-resources execution.
The author provides an outputDirectory declaration. It would be natural to think that the author only provided this because a custom output directory was desired; after all, the resources goal provides a default value for this setting. Strangely, though, for the copy-resources goal this setting is actually required! There is a standard Maven variable ${} which can be used as the value, however.
Building on the author's own example in the question, here is a cut-and-paste way to filter properties files using ISO-8859-1, copy other files without filtering, and prevent the default resource copying from occurring; all using the standard source and target directories:
<!-- Turn off default resource copying. -->
<phase />
<!-- Filter resources in properties files. -->
<!-- Do not do property substitution in files that are not properties files, such as binary files. -->
Update: After more research, I believe that instead of disabling the default execution, one could simply modify the default execution to ignore properties files, and add filtering of properties files as an additional execution. Moreover if the resources goal were used instead of copy-resources, there would be no need to indicate an output directory or a phase, as resources:resources automatically binds to the process-resources phase and outputs to ${}. Note that I've updated to version 3.1.0 of the plugin, so perhaps some of these options were not available in the version I used above. I have not tested this new, shorter configuration.
<!-- Ignore properties files by default. -->
<!-- Filter resources in properties files using ISO-8859-1. -->
Maybe someone could test this new configuration and let me know if it works the same as the original one I gave above.
You are right that you have to configure executions... You could get away with two executions rather that the three you seem to be using if you were following the standard directory layout but you seem to be putting files from ${basedir}/before into ${basedir}/after so the default execution of resources:resources coupled with adding multiple resources to the build section will not work for you.
The encoding of filtered files was an oversight in the original pom model specification and will likely be fixed in some as yet unspecified version of Maven

Rename static files on maven war build

I am trying to figure out a way by which I could rename the static files I have in my web project, all of them at the same time.
Exactly what I need is to be able of filtering all my statics filenames to add a version number or something similar just to avoid them from being cached by browsers.
Something like converting custom.css into custom-1.23.css where 1.23 would be the value of a given filter.
This behaviour looks really similar to what resources plugin does with the content of the files, but I couldn't find a way of doing the same with the filenames.
Does anyone knows something similar?
Thanks a lot
You could change the directory they are served from rather than the file name e.g.
The resources plugin would let you change the target directory in the war.
1) Use any Maven plugin that is able to copy and rename resources. For example, copy-rename-maven-plugin. Configure the plugin to copy all static resources which you want to version and put them into a new directory inside the target directory, for example target/static_versioned:
2) Configure maven-war-plugin to add versioned static files inside you war file:
3) Maven copies both versioned and original files into the result war file, so the original files need to be excluded:
It is worth mentioning that the target directory still has original and versioned files, but the war file contains only versioned files.
4) Use maven-war-plugin's filtering functionality to rename static resource links so all links point to versioned resources:
For example, a link like <script type="text/javascript" src="js/app_${project.version}.js"></script> will be renamed into <script type="text/javascript" src="js/app_1.0-SNAPSHOT.js"></script>
Complete example is here:
