Why listview is taking more space inside scroll view in xamarin forms? - xamarin

I have label title header, listview and button. All the controls need to scroll in the page. But Listview is taking more space when placed inside scroll view. Could anyone faced the issue like this?

Listview is already have a scrolling behaviour. Why using a view have scrolling property inside into another scrollview..? You can use Scrollview, if you have more than one listviews in your page.
If you still want to use bath views try to set this property of listview HasUnevenRows="True"

As stated before, it is generally a bad idea to have a ListView inside a ScrollView as stated here.
That being said, I replicated this issue and got the page to stop stretching by adding RowHeight to the ListView.
<ScrollView BackgroundColor="Black">
<StackLayout BackgroundColor="LightBlue">
<Label Text="BEFORE"/>
<ListView BackgroundColor="LightGray"
<x:Array Type="{x:Type x:String}">
<Label Text="AFTER"/>


How can I keep a Xamarin label on screen with data bound to a Carosell Item

I have a
<CarouselView ItemsSource="{x:Static vm:MainPageViewModel.MyItems}">
<Label Text="{Binding ID}"/>
<Label Text="{Binding Progress}"/>
I would like the <Label Text="{Binding Progress}"/> not to scroll off screen, but to stay fixed (at the top) and update as the user swipes through the CarouselView items. If I move the label outside of the CarouselView, it won't be data bound.
How can I keep the label fixed onscreen, but bound to the curren CarouselView item? (Do I need to do this via code behind?)
You can achieve this easily by binding the text property of the Label to the property in your ViewModel which will also do binding to the CurrentItem property of CarouselView.
Can you try something like this:
<Label Text="{x:Static vm:MainPageViewModel.MyCurrentItem.Progress}"/>
<CarouselView CurrentItem="{x:Static vm:MainPageViewModel.MyCurrentItem}"
ItemsSource="{x:Static vm:MainPageViewModel.MyItems}"
... other code
... other code
and in your ViewModel create a new bindable property of the same type as your MyItems list items are.
I have updated my GitHub repo with the example of this kind of behaviour:
You can find GitHub repo here.
and particular view here.
And here is a GIF of a running demo:
Label is above the CarouselView, and when you swipe and change the selected item, the value of label is changing according to the change of CarouselView.
Hope this was helpful for you, wishing you lots of luck with coding!

Flyout in Xamarin Forms

I am trying to implement Flyout in Xamarin forms. All the references that I have got are of shell.Flyout but none of them are fulfilling my requirements.
I am showing some data in a ListView and on the click of any perticular item I want the Flyout to open as shown in the mockup.
Please suggest any supporting library or control in Xamarin.
You can try and add it for each item then control the IsVisible attribute
something like this in your Listview item template
<FlexLayout Direction="Row" HorizontalOptions="CenterAndExpand">
<StackLayout FlexLayout.Basis="40%">
<Label Text="Item"
<StackLayout FlexLayout.Grow="1" Padding="5">
<Frame IsVisible="True">
<!--Your Flyout here-->
But that means you have to manage them in the back code your self
changing the IsVisible attribute on the Flyout when an item of the list is clicked

Xamarin Forms ListView.Footer Margin not applied on iOS

Im working with Xamarin for the first time, and I dont have any clue why this appears:
I have a ListView inside a RefreshView (which is new in Xamarin.Forms 3.2) and I want to specify a Footer for this ListView. This footer needs some margin, but the top and right margin arent applied on iOS, regardless of the Version or the (virtual) device model.
The code above produces the following:
How can I get the footer aligned with the "cards" above, and also for them to have some spacing between the second card and the footer?
Thanks in advance!

Nativescript Angular TabView Scrollable

May I know how can I make the TabView Scrollable such that tab-names are not wrapped
<TabView selectedIndex="1" (selectedIndexChange)="onIndexChanged($event)" sdkExampleTitle sdkToggleNavButton>
<StackLayout *tabItem="{title: 'Tab 1'}">
<StackLayout *tabItem="{title: 'Tab 2'}">
<StackLayout *tabItem="{title: 'Tab 3'}">
<StackLayout *tabItem="{title: 'Tab 4'}">
<StackLayout *tabItem="{title: 'Tab 5'}">
and it looks like this.
I'm not aware of any NativeScript api that allows you to set the tabview as scrollable. so in the past, I've created a custom tab component using a ScrollView Horizontally. here is a great example using the scroll view horizontally: http://www.nativescriptsnacks.com/snippets/2016/05/30/horizontal-scroller.html. then show and hide different sections as depending on which button is tapped.
NativeScript-angular ~5.2.0 provides it. Thank you NS!
Here you can prove the official-simple implementation:
The _automaticallyAdjustsScrollViewInsets method is the responsible to do that.
I hope this helps!

How to add a button to first item in ListView

I'm developing an apps for Windows Phone 8.1 and face some problem with ListView.
I wanted to place a button for the FIRST item in ListView, but it seem like I can't align center the button.
Below is the code I use currently:
<Button Content="Jio!" Height="6" Width="362"/>
<ListViewItem Content="ListViewItem"/>
Adding horizontalalignment='center' just wont work for the button.
The reason I want to do this is because I wanted the button to scroll together with the list, hence I'm placing it inside the ListView.
Please advice what can I do to achieve my purpose, thanks!
I recommend using the ListView.Header content to place such a button instead of adding it as a child directly.
<Button ... HorizontalAlignment="Center" />
By default, the ListViewItems are left-aligned. You will eventually have to replace their Template in order to center-align it (HeaderTemplate Property).
