SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1048 Column 'product_id' cannot be null (SQL: insert into `category_product`) - laravel-5.8

Look at my codes
public function store(ProductRequest $request)
$product = new Product();
$product->user_id = auth()->user()->id;
$product->title = $request->title;
$product->body = $request->body;
$product->price = $request->price;
$image = $request->image;
$filename = $image->getClientOriginalName();
$image->move(public_path('images/products'), $filename);
$product->image = $image;
return redirect()->route('products.index');
I get this error
SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1048 Column 'product_id' cannot be null (SQL: insert into category_product (category_id, product_id) values (1, ?), (2, ?))
But I select a category of product already.

This will insert the record in the database, and will return the last insert id. Then this will be used to be inserted into your pivot table.


Get the last entry in laravel

How can I display the last entry in my blade.
I have this request:
#foreach(($listContrat = \App\Stagiaire::join('carrieres', 'stagiaires.id', '=', 'carrieres.stagiaire_id')
->where('stagiaires.id', $id)
as $key => $car)
I have this error message with this query
SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1052 Column 'created_at' in order clause is ambiguous (SQL: select * from stagiaires
Thanks freedomn-m
The solution is:
#foreach(($listContrat = \App\Stagiaire::join('carrieres', 'stagiaires.id',
'=', 'carrieres.stagiaire_id')
->where('stagiaires.id', $id)-
>OrderBy('carrieres.id','Desc')->take(1)->get()) as $key => $car)

Laravel Join with where not in gives "Column xxxxx in IN/ALL/ANY subquery is ambiguous"

I have two tables: leads and hts_patients. Both table has phone column and I want to list all leads that has no record on hts_patients table(foreign key is phone).
So far, I have tried this and it works but taking so much long time.
$countries = ['DE','TR'];
$dateS = Carbon::now()->startOfMonth()->subMonth(4);
$dateE = Carbon::now()->startOfMonth();
$leads = Lead::whereBetween('created_at',[$dateS,$dateE])->whereIn('visitor_country',$countries)
$patient = HtsPatient::pluck('phone');
foreach ($leads as $key=>$item){
if (isset($item->phone)){
$data =$patient->where('phone',$item->phone)->first();
if (!empty($data)){
return view('poll.leadSecond',['leads' => $leads]);
Thing, that I want is probably something like this;
$countries = ['DE','TR'];
$dateS = Carbon::now()->startOfMonth()->subMonth(4);
$dateE = Carbon::now()->startOfMonth();
$leads = DB::table('leads')->join('hts_patients','hts_patients.phone', '=', 'leads.phone')
->whereNotIn('phone', function($query) {
But it gives an error says
SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1052 Column 'phone'
in IN/ALL/ANY subquery is ambiguous
Any help?
you have tow tables with column called 'phone', in your whereNotIn clause you should specify witch on you wants.
I think the result should be like:
->whereNotIn('leads.phone', function($query) {
// ->from('hts_patients'); you do not need this 'from'

how to join two table only when foreign key value is not null

I want to join right (employees) table only when left (purchases) table's employee_id is NOT NULL but the query returning empty result set if the employee_id is NULL.
$data = DB::table('purchases')
->join('demands', 'purchases.demand_id', 'demands.id')
->join('fiscal_years', 'purchases.fiscal_year_id', 'fiscal_years.id')
->join('employees', function ($join){
$join->on('purchases.employee_id', 'employees.id')
->where('purchases.employee_id', '!=', null);
->select('purchases.*', 'demands.code', 'fiscal_years.year', 'employees.name')
Try to use leftJoin. It will join employees if they are.
$data = DB::table('purchases')
->join('demands', 'purchases.demand_id', 'demands.id')
->join('fiscal_years', 'purchases.fiscal_year_id', 'fiscal_years.id')
->leftJoin('employees', function ($join){
$join->on('purchases.employee_id', 'employees.id')
->where('purchases.employee_id', '!=', null);
->select('purchases.*', 'demands.code', 'fiscal_years.year', 'employees.name')

Auto inserting table name for subquery/join queries in Laravel (Eloquent)

Here is my query:
public function find(array $filter = []) : Collection
return $this->entity::where($filter)->join('cases_has_services', function ($join) {
$join->on('cases_has_services.cases_id', 'checklists.cases_id');
$join->on('cases_has_services.services_id', 'checklists.item_id');
})->select('checklists.*', 'cases_has_services.quantity')->get();
i am receiving the next error:
SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1052 Column 'id' in where
clause is ambiguous (SQL: select `checklists`.*,
`cases_has_services`.`quantity` from `checklists` inner join
`cases_has_services` on `cases_has_services`.`cases_id` =
`checklists`.`cases_id` and `cases_has_services`.`services_id` =
`checklists`.`item_id` where (`id` = 352))
So i fixed my code a little bit:
public function find(array $filter = []) : Collection
// TODO fix this
foreach ($filter as $field => $value) {
$field = 'checklists.' . $field;
$filter[$field] = $value;
return $this->entity::where($filter)->join('cases_has_services', function ($join) {
$join->on('cases_has_services.cases_id', 'checklists.cases_id');
$join->on('cases_has_services.services_id', 'checklists.item_id');
})->select('checklists.*', 'cases_has_services.quantity')->get();
But that is not a good practice i think. So, are there any native laravel path to auto insert table name in query with joins?
I mean, how to avoid using that part of code because its a little hacky:
foreach ($filter as $field => $value) {
$field = 'checklists.' . $field;
$filter[$field] = $value;
Change you $filter variable to:
$filter = ['checklists.id' => 123]

Laravel how to get a Model by two parameters

Hi I'm new to Laravel and got stuck in a Problem.
I have a model Contact
class Contact extends Eloquent {
* The database table used by the model.
* #var string
protected $table = 'contacts';
The table have these fields:
user_id (int)
contact_id (int)
these two fields represent the primary key.
In the ContactsController I have the function store in wich I create or update the database:
public function store()
switch (Input::get('type')){
case 'make_contact_request':
$user = User::where('email', '=', Input::get('login'));
$request_self = new Contact;
$request_contact = new Contact;
$request_self->user_id = Auth::user()->id;
$request_self->contact_id = $user->id;
$request_self->status = 2;
$request_self->message = Input::get('message');
$request_contact->user_id = $user->id;
$request_contact->contact_id = Auth::user()->id;
$request_contact->status = 1;
$request_contact->message = Input::get('message');
case 'answer_contact_request':
$request_self = Contact::where('user_id', '=',Input::get('contact_id'))->where('contact_id', '=', Auth::user()->id)->first();
//$request_self = Contact::whereRaw('user_id = '.Input::get('contact_id').' AND contact_id = '.Auth::user()->id.' ');
$request_contact = Contact::whereRaw('user_id = '.Auth::user()->id.' AND contact_id = '.Input::get('contact_id').' ');
$request_self->status = 3;
$request_contact->status = 3;
I tried two different ways to get the Contact Object for the request_self Object and I get the following error:
message: "SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'id' in 'where clause' (SQL: update `contacts` set `status` = 3, `updated_at` = 2014-08-02 16:16:56 where `id` is null)"
for the request_contact Object it throws a fatal error (don't get the description) and close the session.
At the end I am at the beginning of laravel so I hope the solution is pretty easy to find :) but I dont even really know for what to search.
At the end I fixed the Problem with the update function.
case 'answer_contact_request':
$request_self = Contact::where('user_id', '=',Input::get('contact_id'))->where('contact_id', '=', Auth::user()->id)->update(array('status' => 3));
$request_contact = Contact::where('user_id', '=', Auth::user()->id)->where('contact_id', '=', Input::get('contact_id'))->update(array('status' => 3));
I think you can add
public function scopeComposite($query, $user_id, $contact_id)
return $query->where('user_id', '=', $user_id)->where('contact_id', '=', $contact_id);
and then you can get the contact with:
$request_self = Contact::composite(Input::get('contact_id'), Auth::user()->id)->get();
source: http://laravel.com/docs/eloquent#query-scopes
I'm not sure you can make it like this.
There is a way to make sure it works:
add a column id ( auto increment, primary ) and make the group ( contact_id, user_id ) unique and you can use query scopes and id based
