Route requests for the same room to the same server which uses web sockets when implementing a load balancer - websocket

I have an online whiteboard where users connect to the same room depending on the last part of the url where the room name is present. The urls are dynamic and is created per new room.
Eg: https://.../room/123456
I use web sockets to communicate between client and server. The users are subscribed to the same channel based on the room name. I'm going to implement a load balancer server to handle the traffic. Since we create a session on the server for that particular room it is essential that every user in the room is directed to that particular server. How can I achieve this?

I think creating a proxy with the uri balancing method may be what you're looking for. By default, it will distribute traffic based on the hash of your URL path.
backend bk_whiteboard
balance uri


Client-side load balancing in practice seems to be almost the same as server-side load balancing. Is that so?

In server-side load balancing, the clients call an intermediate server, which then decides which instance of the actual server (or microservice) to call.
In client-side load balancing also, the clients call an intermediate server (the API gateway - Zuul for instance, configured with a load-balancer - Ribbon for instance and a naming server - Eureka for instance), which then decides which instance of the microservice to call.
Unless we include the API gateway as part of the client, the client still doesn't know the IP address of the exact server to which it should send the request. Seems to me, to be a lot like server-side load-balancing. Is there something I'm missing?
(Including the API gateway as part of client seems weird, since its usually deployed on a different server from the client)
In Client Side load balancing, the Client is doing the heavy lifting of discovery and connection to the origin server. The client may reference a lookup (Eureka, Consul, maybe DDNS), to discover what the end destination is and the registry will dole out a valid origin. The communication is direct, client to server without a middle man.
In Server Side load balancing, the client is dumb, and makes a call to a predetermined address (usually DNS or static IP). That device then either proxies (TCP or protocol level) the connection to the origin server based on either a lookup, heartbeat, etc.
I've seen benefits in client side routing in that as long as you have IP connectivity between client and server, the work of the infrastructure is trivial to add new services, locations, products, apps, etc. As long as the new server can "register" with the registry, and the client has IP access to the server, it just works and IT does not have to be involved in rolling out your new service.
The drawback is it makes the client a little more heavy, it does require IP access direct from client to server, and may be confusing for traditional IT folks and auditors. Each client needs to be aware of the registry and have code to make calls (or use a sidecar/sidekick).
I've seen it in practice where a group started to transition their apps to a Docker environment, and they were able to run their Docker based apps along side their non-docker versions at the same time w/o having to get IT involved and do a lot of experimentation and testing quickly and autonomously.
If you have autonomous teams, are highly advanced on the devops spectrum, and have a lot of trust with your teams, Client Side routing and load balancing may be a good experience for you.

How to protect websocket connection ip from being modified

I am working on a small project to help me understand websockets better. I am making a simple browser game that connects to an ip via a websocket. There will be 3 ip addresses however I want to assign the user an ip and not have them able to modify it so they are unable to get on the same server as friends.
I will assign the ip based on how full the games are etc and this will be down via php. Currently although it connects to this ip, the user is able to use the console in a browser to modify the ip to one of the other ones.
I was thinking of sending a check number, so the web server sends this to the user along with the ip. It also sends it to the websocket server. Then when a user connects if the check number doesn't match it rejects the connection.
I'm new to websockets so I'm not sure if this would be easy to implement, so are there any easy solutions to this?
That seems to be the duty of other element, in particular the load balancer. How are you balancing the requests across those 3 servers? Does your load balancer support sticky sessions?
If not, probably you can record to which IP address the user connected first, and they if it connects to one of the other two later, you can return a HTTP 302 (Redirect) pointing to the server you want.

how do web application sessions work when running on more than one server?

This is a general question based on how web sessions work across multiple servers, my knowledge around web sessions is not very deep but afaik a web session is typically stored directly in memory of the running web server application so when a request comes in it doesn't have to make database requests to fetch the session data. If a popular website needs multiple servers to handle the level of traffic it is receiving, when a request comes in I assume that it could get directed to any of the servers by some load balancer, but how does the server handling that request get the associated session data if the previous request was handled by a different server? do multi server sites require special session handling infrastructure, or do the load balancers know some how to route requests from the same client to the same server?
This question on ServerFault is the same as this question. with a good answer. in overview there are 3 common methods:
Session information stored in cookies only
Load balancer always directs user to the same machine
Shared backend database or key/value store.
See link for more indepth details of each.

Maintain user session with Route 53

Problem description:
I have 2 EC2 instances which are located in the Europe and North America region. Now I have setup a Route 53 to direct user request to these servers with Weighted Round Robin record set
When user being directed to one server and created session, the next time it resolve the domain name it could be direct to the other server which doesn't have the session. (e.g user logged in and clicked another link and has to login again)
I could have a load balancer to ensure session stickiness of both server but in this case the Weighted Round Robin DNS routing can't be set.
I can also increase the TTL of DNS response but again it almost eliminates the effect of WRR.
Or I could configure servers to share sessions (which I don't know how to. The server is Ofbiz server) and I am not sure whether it is good practice.
Is there a way to maintain user sessions while using Weighted Round Robin Record on Amazon Web Service Route 53 ?
Many thanks !
DNS round-robin works perfect for a short-life TCP connection (e.g. Performing a query). However, If you want to provide a longer session, please make sure that you have a longer-life session between your client and server. You can use HTTPSession between your servers and clients and the Connection will stay open till the session gets expired.
As you mentioned, increasing TTL will not solve the problem because you could set a TCP connection close to expiry time of one DNS response and next time you get different IP address from a new DNS response.
If you don't want to use HTTPSession for any reason, you probably better use Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) to do the same thing for you.

Authenticating a client-side web service request in a cached environment

We're building a set of external web services to be consumed client-side (using jquery/AJAX) by visitors to our site. The web services need to be publicly available but we'd like to limit access to site visitors.
Importantly, the site in question sits behind a CDN and we cache page content for 24 hours; AJAX requests would preferably be cached as well but I'm conscious doing so will limit our authentication options. Our visitors access the site and services anonymously.
What are some standard "patterns" for authenticating client requests? I'm not dealing with confidential data per-se but do want to deter other users/sites from hijacking these services for liability (think data distribution) and performance reasons.
I'm thinking of a shared secret that's refreshed daily and used site-wide by all clients; any web service request would include the secret. Pretty basic but are there other, better ways for the service to detect the caller's origin in a manner that can't be spoofed?
If the threat to your web service is related to someone automating the client calls, you can implement rate limiting on server side. As you rightly mentioned, client can be required to provide key for each request. Alternatively, if only mortals are going to interact with web service, you can also implement Human Interaction Proof like Captcha etc. One thing to make sure is that "key" which will be used by client needs to given in controlled manner. I once came across a system which basically gave away unlimited keys - this means that automation control will be ineffective as an attacker can request as many keys and make unlimited calls. If you are limiting using IP address, make sure that you throttle requests on network part of ip address (A.B.C.X) as host part (X) can change (when users are behind proxies) If your clients are anonymous, the best/closest "identifier" is indeed address.
