GitHub Gist creation and editing not working in Firefox? - firefox

Long story short:
I tried to create/edit GitHub Gists with
Firefox 67.0 on Windows 10
Firefox 67.0 on Linux Fedora
Add-ons: NoScript, Ghostery, LastPass
Tried with NoScript and Ghostery disabled and also with NoScript in "all shields down" mode and also with Firefox in "safe mode".
Creation of a Gist is arbitrary. More often than not, the two buttons "create public gist" and "create secret gist" just stay disabled and the editor widget is "dead".
Occasionally, creation works, the editor widget goes lives and displays line numbers and the editor buttons become active. But it happens annoyingly rarely.
Editing a Gist is arbitrary. Again, it sometimes works but currently I just get blank editor widgets that have no cursor.
Anyone else who has these problems? It may be a temporary hiccup, or maybe there is some JavaScript that Firefox doesn't like. However, a web search brings up nothing - I can't believe I am the only one stuck with this this.

My earlier testing fails completely. I was sure I had tested in safe mode with no change in result.
However I retested with the latest Firefox update (FF 67 on Linux) and found out that it is the LastPass plugin which is the root of the problem. I would not have suspected that.
Disable that plugin, leaving all the others active and Gist creation and Gist editing work.
Enable that plugin and Gist creation and Gist editing work once after a Firefox restart. But after that, you get the unresponsive text entry widget.
Similarly, running Firefox in safe mode with all plugins disabled also fixes the "problem".
And of course, if you do this using Konqueror instead of Firefox, creation/editing work too.


Firefox keeps failing to verify certain apps

Here's the problem. I get a message that pops up that says, "one or more extensions cannot be verified and have been disabled". I know a temporary fix to get these apps working again but the apps always break after so much time. What I do is go in my extensions for my Firefox profile (which is a JSON file) and I use Wordpad to change all the instances of appDisabled": true to appDisabled": false. I also change all the instances of signedState":-1 to signedState":2. The problem is that it keeps changing the false back to true and the 2's back to -1's. I am using Firefox version 56.0.2. Is there any permanent fix that can keep these changes under the current version that I am using? I am getting sick and tired of having to make these changes every day. Also, a couple of key add-ons that I use which are Classic Theme Restorer and unblock Origin keep getting disabling from this issue. I value these add-ons and I would love it if you knew any command prompt that I could put into Wordpad that would make Firefox stop trying to verify add-ons or whatever it does that causes Firefox to disable the add-ons. I welcome any other fix as well. I do want to keep my current version of Firefox and I know the Greasemonkey I use wouldn't work on later versions.
I already tried using Wordpad to change all instances of appDisabled": true to false and signedState":-1 to 2. It would work for a while and then everything reverted back to how it was.
When appDisabled is true and signedState switches to -1, I get the message saying, "one or more extensions cannot be verified." It also disables the incompatible apps.

Programming a Gnome extension to disable left edge drag gesture to show the app picker

My apologies to all, if this is in the wrong group.
We’d like to use Fedora 23 in Kiosk mode, but there is was a recently added left edge swipe feature that was added to Gnome Shell ( cannot be disabled easily.
As far as I can tell, our options are:
1) Write an extension to fix this — My favorite
We spoke to the original author, who recommended removing the gesture via an extension.
We have tried writing an extension, but cannot figure out a way to iterate over the gesture list in global.stage to remove it.
(These gestures were added using global.stage.add_action(gesture) and can be removed using global.stage.remove_action(gesture).)
The author has since stopped responding to our emails :(
Any advice on this would be great!
2) Check out the version that we’re on, comment out the code, recompile
and install onto our machines
This sounds great! That way we can fix other bugs also. Looking at the README file
It says:
For more information about GNOME Shell, including instructions on how
to build GNOME Shell from source and how to get involved with the
See https://
So, we’ve followed it to this page:
And this tells us to check out JHBuild, but we can’t seem to figure out where the gnome shell code is checked out on the machine when we use JHBuild.
If there’s an easier way to make/install, that’d be great. We probably just followed the wrong recommended link.
3) Roll back to an earlier version of gnome shell
But this brings us back to the problem of checking out the gnome shell and make/install as shown in #2.
4) Switch to KDE
We could try KDE instead of Gnome, but we've done lots of testing in Gnome already and could be a major setback.
5) Build a Fedora 22 box to get back to Gnome 3.16 — my least favorite
It’s a huge effort and we can’t be sure what’s changed and what will break. Our Kiosk software may not even run on Fedora 22. But it’s the hail mary back up plan
I work with SciComputing, and, with the help of Florian Müllner, we realized that an extension with the following Javascript code would get rid of the gestures that closed our kiosk window:
* Disable all of the unwanted touchscreen gestures.
function enable() {
global.stage.get_actions().forEach(a => a.enabled = false);
* Re-enable the touchscreen gestures.
function disable() {
global.stage.get_actions().forEach(a => a.enabled = true);

Selenium Ruby :tab stopped working when running test

It worked until today, no code got changed
So if I do something like
page.find('#edit-user').native.send_keys(:tab, :tab) it's not working (it's highlighting the element #edit-user but not moving forward) specifically for the tab key, it's working correctly for :space or :enter.
It was working previously, it's a small possibility that it's related to some settings change for the Chrome browser but not sure exactly how and why
We are having this problem in Chrome as well, and it all started with Chrome update 44.
I tried using "\t", :tab, :return, :enter, and :escape to remove focus from a text input (symbols found here), but none of them are working in the most recent version of Chrome.
I know you mentioned you are not looking for solutions other than tab, but short of rolling back your browser version and disabling updates, or waiting for the possibility of a fix from Google itself, you will have to change the scripts being executed.
We found that this has worked well so far:
If the desired behavior in your case is to shift focus two fields forward, then you might consider another Javascript solution that looks something like what is discussed in this thread:
simulate the tab key function in javascript
Of course, this probably isn't the best long term solution, as even some very quick Googling shows that sending a tab key to switch focus has been recommended tons of times to people using WebDriver. Because of this, I'm keeping my fingers crossed there will be another Chrome update to revert the behavior.

Firefox browser disable safe mode

I am using Windows 7 and I've been playing with the Firefox browser for a while.
I want to create a kiosk app using it, I installed a plugin for that, but the problem is that when I start the Firefox app, if I press Shift, it enters safe mode.
I read some guides on Google that tell me to edit chrome/browser.jar but I have no such file in my Firefox folder.
I need some help for disabling the feature that lets me enter safe mode by pressing Shift.
You cannot really disable safe mode by editing text files, the handling of the Shift key is inside compiled code. You can however disable the dialog that pops up by removing this code from components/nsBrowserGlue.js:
// check if we're in safe mode
if (Services.appinfo.inSafeMode) {
Services.ww.openWindow(null, "chrome://browser/content/safeMode.xul",
"_blank", "chrome,centerscreen,modal,resizable=no", null);
You can also leave extensions enabled in safe mode. For that you will have to also edit modules/XPIProvider.jsm and remove all occurrences of code like:
if (Services.appinfo.inSafeMode)
return false;
Both files can be found inside the onmi.ja archive in the Firefox directory.
That said, the proper solution to this problem would be running your own application on top of XULRunner which would allow you to design your own user interface for kiosk mode. Sadly, Open Kiosk (which is probably what you are using) is ancient and predates XULRunner.
I managed to disable Firefox session restore and safe mode tweaking these two preferences:
browser.sessionstore.resume_from_crash => false
toolkit.startup.max_resumed_crashes => -1

HTML5: Remembering location setting in Firefox

I have a page with a Google Maps component, and I am using navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition() on initiating the map so that I can show "local" items.
Everything works great, other than the behavior of the location prompt - In the past I thought I had seen where you could choose to allow FireFox to remember this setting, but that has either been removed from FireFox, or there is some flag/setting that I'm not using that would enable this... anyone have any insight?
See this page for a screencap of the 'remember' checkbox:
Ok, looks like I am only seeing this issue in FireFox 4, in that it doesn't seem to give me the option to remember the site in the prompt, which means it prompts each and every time. FireFox 3.5 works as expected. Is this expected behavior? I can manually set it to never ask by going into Page Info for the page, but the typical user is not going to know how to do this.
Well, it appears that version 4.0.1 of FF doesn't have the 'remember permission' checkbox... the user will get prompted each and every time they hit the page until they perform the following steps:
Right-Click->'View Page Info'->'Permissions' Tab->'Share Location' and then un-check 'Always ask' set the radio button to 'allow'.
Seems like most people would never know to look there for this setting though, hopefully they re-introduce the dialog 'remember' checkbox.
If you did already gave permission, Firefox will not ask again. You may undo it according
