SpringBootJpa in clause with subMatching - spring

How to apply like with in clause in spring boot jpa.Below is the class.
public class Media {
private String url;
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
Long id;
private Set<String> tagList = new HashSet<String>();
public Media(String urlString) {
this.url = urlString ;
For example if there is a row with tagList ["mentos", "hurre"] and i want to search for "men" or ["men","hu"] this row should come ?
I have defined below method but it return a row only if string completely match.
Set<Media> findByTagListIn(List<String> tagList);

You need to query by specification like below:
import org.springframework.data.jpa.domain.Specification;
List<Media> findAll(Specification<Media> spec);
and create that specification in service class.
List<Media> findMediaByTags(List<String> tags){
Specification<Media> specification = (Specification<Media>) (root, query, criteriaBuilder) -> {
Predicate predicate = criteriaBuilder.conjunction();
for (String tag : tags) {
predicate = criteriaBuilder.and(predicate,
criteriaBuilder.isMember(tag, root.get("tags")));
return predicate;
return mediaRepository.findAll(specification);


Spring specification search inside JSON array of String

I am using Postgres version 12 database and ORM Hibernate mapping, and Assuming that i have next Entity:
public class MyEntity {
#Type(type = "json")
#Column(name = "names", columnDefinition = "json")
private List<String> names;
// Getters and Setters
So the data will be persisted like that inside the table column (names):
["Sara", "Anton", "Lars"]
and i want to add a specification to search on that json from postgres database, i tried next one but it didn't work :(
private static Specification<MyEntity> withNames(String name) {
return (root, query, builder) -> {
Expression<String> function = builder.function("json_array_elements", String.class, root.get("names"));
return StringUtils.isBlank(name) ? builder.conjunction() : builder.like(function, name + "%");
Any suggestions of how to get it work?

What is the best way to save jena Result set in database?

I am creating a Spring web application that queries SPARQL endpoints. As a requirement, I'm supposed to save the query and the result for later viewing and editing. So far I have created some entities (QueryInfo, Result, Endpoint) that I use to save the information entered about the Query and the Result. However I'm having trouble with saving the actual results themselves
public static List<String> getSelectQueryResult(QueryInfo queryInfo){
Endpoint endpoint = queryInfo.getEndpoint();
Query query = QueryFactory.create(queryInfo.getContent());
List<String> subjectStrings = query.getResultVars();
List<String> list = new ArrayList();
RDFConnection conn = RDFConnectionFactory.connect(endpoint.getUrl());
QueryExecution qExec = conn.query(queryInfo.getContent()) ; //SELECT DISTINCT ?s where { [] a ?s } LIMIT 100
ResultSet rs = qExec.execSelect() ;
while (rs.hasNext()) {
QuerySolution qs = rs.next();
System.out.println("qs: "+qs);
RDFNode rn = qs.get(subjectStrings.get(0)) ;
if(rn!= null) {
if (rn.isLiteral()) {
Literal literal = qs.getLiteral(subjectStrings.get(0));
} else if (rn.isURIResource()) {
Resource subject = qs.getResource(subjectStrings.get(0));
System.out.println("Subject: " + subject.toString());
return list;
My Result entity looks like this:
#Entity #Data #Table(schema = "sparql_tool") public class Result {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private Long id;
#Column(length = 10485760)
private String content;
#JoinColumn(name = "query_info_id",referencedColumnName = "id")
private QueryInfo queryInfo;
#Column(length = 10485760)
#Convert(converter = StringListConverter.class)
private List<String> contentList;
public Result() {
public Result(String content, QueryInfo queryInfo, List<String> list) {
this.content = content;
this.queryInfo = queryInfo;
I used to save the actual results in the List contentList attribute. However, this only works when the query has only one result variable. If I have multiple result variables I have a table instead of a list. What is the best way to save this result in DB?
I'm working with an SQL DB if that is relevant. Thank you so much in advance!

How could I fix this error: Cannot create TypedQuery for query with more than one return using requested result type?

I have the following class:
public class House {
private long id;
private String title;
private String description;
private String city;
private double price;
private String phoneNumber;
I need to make a #GetMapping, where I have to get every attribute of a house except it's city.
I tried this:
This is in my repository:
public House findByIdButCity(long id) {
return em.createQuery("SELECT h.title, h.description, h.price FROM House h WHERE h.id = :id", House.class).setParameter("id", id).getSingleResult();
And this is in my controller:
public ResponseEntity<House> getAttributesButCityById(#PathVariable long id) {
House house = houseRepository.findByIdButCity(id);
if (house == null)
return ResponseEntity.notFound().build();
return ResponseEntity.ok(property);
Instead of filter the fields in the select, get all the information of a house and then map it to an object in the controller with only the information that you want to return, this way you also will decouple your database model from your API:
public House findByIdButCity(long id) {
return em.createQuery("SELECT h FROM House h WHERE h.id = :id", House.class).setParameter("id", id).getSingleResult();
public class HoouseDto {
private String title;
private String description;
private double price;
public ResponseEntity<HouseDto> getAttributesButCityById(#PathVariable long id) {
House house = houseRepository.findByIdButCity(id);
if (house == null)
return ResponseEntity.notFound().build();
else {
HouseDto houseDto = mapper.toDto(house)
return ResponseEntity.ok(houseDto);
You can use mapstruct to make the mapper or you can create a class with a static method to do it
Mapper example
public class HouseMapper {
public static HouseDto toDto(House house) {
HouseDto houseDto = new HouseDto();
return houseDto;
You can do more easily if you include the mapstruct with spring because you only have to define an interface and it will create the implementation mapping the attributes that with same names.
Here is an example:
try changing your query to
SELECT h FROM House h WHERE h.id = :id

What is the ideal way to serialize and deserialize polymorphic entity attribute in spring boot?

I have an Entity class with a column attribute whose type is an abstract class. I want to serialize (object to JSON string) while saving it in the database column and deserialize it into an abstract class (which in turn converts the string to the appropriate concrete class) when it is retrieved from the database.
Here's how I accomplished it:
public class ProductEntity{
#Column(name = "ID", insertable = false)
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private BigInteger id;
#Column(name = "DESCRIPTION")
private String description;
#Column(name = "NAME")
private String name;
#Column(name = "PRODUCT_TYPE")
private String productType;
#Column(name = "PRODUCT_SPECS")
#JsonTypeInfo(use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.NAME, include = JsonTypeInfo.As.EXTERNAL_PROPERTY, property =
"productType") // -------------------> Map to concrete class based on productType value
#Convert(converter = ObjectConverter.class) // ------------> custom converter
private ProductSpecification productSpec;
NOTE : "PRODUCT_SPECS" database column is of JSON type.
#JsonTypeInfo(use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.MINIMAL_CLASS,
include = JsonTypeInfo.As.WRAPPER_OBJECT,
#JsonSubTypes.Type(value = ComputerSpecification.class, name = "computer"),
#JsonSubTypes.Type(value = SpeakerSpecification.class, name = "speaker")
public abstract class ProductSpecification{ }
public class ComputerSpecification extends ProductSpecification {
String memory;
String displaySize;
String processor;
public ComputerSpecification (#JsonProperty("memory") String memory,
#JsonProperty("displaysize") String displaySize,
#JsonProperty("processor") String processor){
this.memory = memory;
this.displaySize = displaySize;
this.processor = processor;
public class SpeakerSpecification extends ProductSpecification {
String dimension;
String sensitivity;
String bassPrinciple;
String amplifierPower;
public SpeakerSpecification (#JsonProperty("sensitivity") String sensitivity,
#JsonProperty("dimension") String dimension,
#JsonProperty("bassPrinciple") String bassPrinciple,
#JsonProperty("amplifierPower") String amplifierPower){
this.sensitivity = sensitivity;
this.dimension = dimension;
this.bassPrinciple = bassPrinciple;
this.amplifierPower = amplifierPower;
NOTE: I am using Jackson ObjectMapper for serialization and deserialization.
public class ObjectConverter implements AttributeConverter<Object, String>{
private final static Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ObjectConverter.class);
private static final ObjectMapper mapper;
static {
mapper = new ObjectMapper();
public String convertToDatabaseColumn(Object attributeObject) {
if (attributeObject == null) {
return "";
try {
return mapper.writeValueAsString(attributeObject);
} catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
LOGGER.error("Could not convert to database column", e);
return null;
public Object convertToEntityAttribute(String dbColumnValue) {
try {
if (StringUtils.isBlank(dbColumnValue)) {
return null;
return mapper.readValue(dbColumnValue, ProductSpecification.class); // ----> mapped to
abstract class
} catch (Exception e) {
LOGGER.error("Could not convert to entity attribute", e);
return null;
Request body 1:
"name" : "Bose Bass Module 700 - Black- Wireless, Compact Subwoofer",
"description" : "This wireless, compact subwoofer is designed to be paired with the Bose sound
bar 700 to bring music, movies, and TV to life with Deep, dramatic bass. ",
"productSpec" : {
"sensitivity" : "90 dB",
"bassPrinciple" : "reflex",
"amplifierPower" : "700 watts",
"dimension" : "14-5/16inW x 42-13/16inH x 16-5/16inD"
This request gets saved in the database column "PRODUCT_SPECS" as :
{".SpeakerSpecification ":{"sensitivity" : "90 dB","bassPrinciple" : "reflex", "amplifierPower" :"700
watts", "dimension" : "14-5/16inW x 42-13/16inH x 16-5/16inD" }}
Now this solution works perfectly fine. The "SpeakerSpecification " key neither appears in the response of GET API call nor in the swagger doc. But having to store the type info in the database really bothers me.
Is there a better approach to this problem where I could avoid having the typeinfo (".SpeakerSpecification ") in the column value?

Generic Search and Filter by dynamic fields for Criteria (Global Search)

I have a scenario where I need to add Criteria to perform search and filter in Spring using mongoTemplate.
Lets say I have Student, Course and PotentialStudent. and I have to define only certain fields to be used for search and filter purpose. For PotentialStudent, it contains both Student and Course information that is collected before all required information is gathered to be filled to Student and Course.
Search Fields are the fields to be used for searching either of the fields. For example: get values matching in either courseName or courseType in Course.
Filter is to be used to filter specific fields for matching multiple values and the values to be filtered on field is set on FilterParams. Meaning, if I get values in FilterParams.studentType then for PotentialStudent I should
add Criteria to search inside PotentialStudent's student.type for list of values whereas if for Student add Criteria to search in Student's type.
public abstract class Model {
protected String id;
protected Date createdDateTime;
protected Date modifiedDateTime;
protected abstract List<String> searchFields();
protected abstract Map<String, String> filterFields();
public class Student extends Model {
private String firstName;
private String lastName;
private String address;
private StudentType type;
protected List<String> searchFields() {
return Lists.newArrayList("firstName","lastName","address");
protected Map<String, String> filterFields() {
Map<String, String> filterMap = Maps.newHashMap();
filterMap.put("studentType", "type");
return filterMap;
public class Course extends Model {
private String courseName;
private String courseType;
private int duration;
private Difficulty difficulty;
protected List<String> searchFields() {
return Lists.newArrayList("courseName","courseType");
protected Map<String, String> filterFields() {
Map<String, String> filterMap = Maps.newHashMap();
filterMap.put("courseDifficulty", "difficulty");
return filterMap;
public class PotentialStudent extends Model {
private Student student;
private Course course;
protected List<String> searchFields() {
return Lists.newArrayList("student.firstName","student.lastName","course.courseName");
protected Map<String, String> filterFields() {
Map<String, String> filterMap = Maps.newHashMap();
filterMap.put("studentType", "student.type");
filterMap.put("courseDifficulty", "course.difficulty");
return filterMap;
public class FilterParams {
private List<StudentType> studentTypes;
private List<Difficulty> difficulties;
public class PageData<T extends Model> {
public void setPageRecords(List<T> pageRecords) {
this.pageRecords = pageRecords;
private List<T> pageRecords;
//Generic Search Filter Implementation Class
public class GenericSearchFilter {
public <T extends Model> PageData getRecordsWithPageSearchFilter(Integer page, Integer size, String sortName, String sortOrder, String value, FilterParams filterParams, Class<T> ormClass) {
PageRequestBuilder pageRequestBuilder = new PageRequestBuilder();
Pageable pageable = pageRequestBuilder.getPageRequest(page, size, sortName, sortOrder);
Query mongoQuery = new Query().with(pageable);
//add Criteria for the domain specified search fields
Criteria searchCriteria = searchCriteria(value, ormClass);
if (searchCriteria != null) {
//Handle Filter
List<T> records = mongoTemplate.find(mongoQuery, ormClass);
PageData pageData = new PageData();
return pageData;
private <T extends BaseDocument> Criteria searchCriteria(String value, Class<T> ormClass) {
try {
Criteria orCriteria = new Criteria();
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(value)) {
BaseDocument document = ormClass.getDeclaredConstructor().newInstance();
Method method = ormClass.getDeclaredMethod("searchFields");
List<String> records = (List<String>) method.invoke(document, null);
Criteria[] orCriteriaArray = records.stream().map(s -> Criteria.where(s).regex(value, "i")).toArray(Criteria[]::new);
return orCriteria;
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
Given this scenario, my question is how to handle filter cases in better and dynamic way and how to implement a Global search if needed to search in all Document types for specified fields on each types.
