Spring Batch memory leak - XML to database using ItemWriter - spring

I had a problem with a Spring Batch job for reading a large XML file (a few million records) and saving the records from it to a database. The job uses chunk of 100 elements and MultiResourceItemReader for reading the XML, ItemProcessor for processed records and ItemWriter for writing records to the database using JPA and EntityManager. The problem is that when call persist operation the job ends up with OutOfMemoryError (I tried to comment writer phase and the problem does not occur).
public class MyClassWriter implements ItemWriter<MyObject> {
private MyDelegate delegate;
public void write(List<? extends MyObject> items) throws Exception {
List<MyObject> foos2 = (List<MyObject>)(List<?>)items;
public void setInsert(List<MyObject> list) {
for (MyObject el : list) {
em.clear(); //I tried to call clear operation too, but not solved problem
Any suggestion for me?

It seems the OutOfMemoryException is caused when trying to save too many items at once, try saving the items in batches:
int c = 0;
for (MyObject mo : list) {
if (++c % 1000 == 0) {
// save any remaining items


Using Spring Batch job for processing data fetched from Rest api

There is a requirement where I need to read and process data fetched from a rest api let say restApi1 and write to different rest api let say restApi2 .
For this I am using chunk oriented approach .
But the issue is currently the restApi1 is not paginated .
That endpoint returns a large number of data approximately 10000 .
So if my step failed then while restarting I have to read all the data again and process .
I can not start from where it failed .
Is this thought correct in relation to spring batch processing ?
Kindly suggest some possible approach .
public class MyItemReader extends ItemStreamSupport implements ItemReader<Data> {
private int curIndex = 0;
public void open(ExecutionContext executionContext) {
this.curIndex = 0;
public void update(ExecutionContext executionContext) {
public class MyItemProcessor extends ItemStreamSupport implements ItemProcessor<Data1, Data2> {
public Data2 process(Data1 data1) throws Exception {
public class MyItemWriter extends ItemStreamSupport implements ItemWriter<Data2> {
public void write(List<? extends Data2> listOfData) throws Exception {
You can download data to a file or a staging table in a tasklet step, then make your item reader read items from there.
In case of failure, the tasklet step should not be restarted, whereas your chunk-oriented step would resume from where it left off in the previous run from the file or staging table.

Spring Batch Single Reader Multiple Processers and Multiple Writers [duplicate]

In Spring batch I need to pass the items read by an ItemReader to two different processors and writer. What I'm trying to achieve is that...
+---> ItemProcessor#1 ---> ItemWriter#1
ItemReader ---> item ---+
+---> ItemProcessor#2 ---> ItemWriter#2
This is needed because items written by ItemWriter#1 should be processed in a completely different way compared to the ones written by ItemWriter#2.
Moreover, ItemReader reads item from a database, and the queries it executes are so computational expensive that executing the same query twice should be discarded.
Any hint about how to achieve such set up ? Or, at least, a logically equivalent set up ?
This solution is valid if your item should be processed by processor #1 and processor #2
You have to create a processor #0 with this signature:
class Processor0<Item, CompositeResultBean>
where CompositeResultBean is a bean defined as
class CompositeResultBean {
Processor1ResultBean result1;
Processor2ResultBean result2;
In your Processor #0 just delegate work to processors #1 and #2 and put result in CompositeResultBean
CompositeResultBean Processor0.process(Item item) {
final CompositeResultBean r = new CompositeResultBean();
return r;
Your own writer is a CompositeItemWriter that delegate to writer CompositeResultBean.result1 or CompositeResultBean.result2 (look at PropertyExtractingDelegatingItemWriter, maybe can help)
I followed Luca's suggestion to use PropertyExtractingDelegatingItemWriter as writer and I was able to work with two different entities in one single step.
First of all what I did was to define a DTO that stores the two entities/results from the processor
public class DatabaseEntry {
private AccessLogEntry accessLogEntry;
private BlockedIp blockedIp;
public AccessLogEntry getAccessLogEntry() {
return accessLogEntry;
public void setAccessLogEntry(AccessLogEntry accessLogEntry) {
this.accessLogEntry = accessLogEntry;
public BlockedIp getBlockedIp() {
return blockedIp;
public void setBlockedIp(BlockedIp blockedIp) {
this.blockedIp = blockedIp;
Then I passed this DTO to the writer, a PropertyExtractingDelegatingItemWriter class where I define two customized methods to write the entities into the database, see my writer code below:
public class LogWriter extends LogAbstract {
private DataSource dataSource;
public PropertyExtractingDelegatingItemWriter<DatabaseEntry> itemWriterAccessLogEntry() {
PropertyExtractingDelegatingItemWriter<DatabaseEntry> propertyExtractingDelegatingItemWriter = new PropertyExtractingDelegatingItemWriter<DatabaseEntry>();
propertyExtractingDelegatingItemWriter.setFieldsUsedAsTargetMethodArguments(new String[]{"accessLogEntry", "blockedIp"});
return propertyExtractingDelegatingItemWriter;
public void saveTransaction(AccessLogEntry accessLogEntry, BlockedIp blockedIp) throws SQLException {
if (blockedIp != null) {
private void writeBlockedIp(BlockedIp entry) throws SQLException {
PreparedStatement statement = dataSource.getConnection().prepareStatement("INSERT INTO blocked_ips (ip,threshold,startDate,endDate,comment) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)");
statement.setString(1, entry.getIp());
statement.setInt(2, threshold);
statement.setTimestamp(3, Timestamp.valueOf(startDate));
statement.setTimestamp(4, Timestamp.valueOf(endDate));
statement.setString(5, entry.getComment());
private void writeAccessLogTable(AccessLogEntry entry) throws SQLException {
PreparedStatement statement = dataSource.getConnection().prepareStatement("INSERT INTO log_entries (date,ip,request,status,userAgent) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)");
statement.setTimestamp(1, Timestamp.valueOf(entry.getDate()));
statement.setString(2, entry.getIp());
statement.setString(3, entry.getRequest());
statement.setString(4, entry.getStatus());
statement.setString(5, entry.getUserAgent());
With this approach you can get the wanted inital behaviour from a single reader for processing multiple entities and save them in a single step.
You can use a CompositeItemProcessor and CompositeItemWriter
It won't look exactly like your schema, it will be sequential, but it will do the job.
this is the solution I came up with.
So, the idea is to code a new Writer that "contains" both an ItemProcessor and an ItemWriter. Just to give you an idea, we called it PreprocessoWriter, and that's the core code.
private ItemWriter<O> writer;
private ItemProcessor<I, O> processor;
public void write(List<? extends I> items) throws Exception {
List<O> toWrite = new ArrayList<O>();
for (I item : items) {
There's a lot of things being left aside. Management of ItemStream, for instance. But in our particular scenario this was enough.
So you can just combine multiple PreprocessorWriter with CompositeWriter.
There is an other solution if you have a reasonable amount of items (like less than 1 Go) : you can cache the result of your select into a collection wrapped in a Spring bean.
Then u can just read the collection twice with no cost.

Spring Batch : One Reader, composite processor (two classes with different entities) and two kafkaItemWriter

ItemReader is reading data from DB2 and gave java object ClaimDto. Now the ClaimProcessor takes in the object of ClaimDto and return CompositeClaimRecord object which comprises of claimRecord1 and claimRecord2 which to be sent to two different Kafka topics. How to write claimRecord1 and claimRecord2 to topic1 and topic2 respectively.
Just write a custom ItemWriter that does exactly that.
public class YourItemWriter implements ItemWriter<CompositeClaimRecord>` {
private final ItemWriter<Record1> writer1;
private final ItemWriter<Record2> writer2;
public YourItemWriter(ItemWriter<Record1> writer1, ItemWriter<Record2> writer2>) {
public void write(List<CompositeClaimRecord> items) throws Exception {
for (CompositeClaimRecord record : items) {
Or instead of writing 1 record at a time convert the single list into 2 lists and pass that along. But error handling might be a bit of a challenge that way. \
public class YourItemWriter implements ItemWriter<CompositeClaimRecord>` {
private final ItemWriter<Record1> writer1;
private final ItemWriter<Record2> writer2;
public YourItemWriter(ItemWriter<Record1> writer1, ItemWriter<Record2> writer2>) {
public void write(List<CompositeClaimRecord> items) throws Exception {
List<ClaimRecord1> record1List = items.stream().map(it -> it.claimRecord1).collect(Collectors.toList());
List<ClaimRecord2> record2List = items.stream().map(it -> it.claimRecord2).collect(Collectors.toList());
You can use a ClassifierCompositeItemWriter with two KafkaItemWriters as delegates (one for each topic).
The Classifier would classify items according to their type (claimRecord1 or claimRecord2) and route them to the corresponding kafka item writer (topic1 or topic2).

Spring batch - pass values between reader and processor

I have a requirement where I need to read values from an xls (where a column called netCreditAmount exists) and save the values in database. The requirement is to add the value of netCreditAmount from all the rows and then set this sum in database only for the first row in xls and remaining rows are inserted with their corresponding netCreditAmounts.
How should I go ahead with the implemetation in Spring Batch. Normal reader, processor and writer are working fine but where exactly should i insert this implementation?
Yo can solve this by adding additional tasklet.
job flow can be like below
public Job myJob(JobBuilderFactory jobs) throws Exception {
return jobs.get("myJob")
.start(step1LoadAllData()) // This step will load all data in database excpet first row in xls
.next(updateNetCreditAmountStep()) //// This step will be a tasklet. and will update total sum in first row. You can use database sql for sum for this
Tasklet will be something like below
public class updateNetCreditAmountTasklet implements Tasklet {
public RepeatStatus execute(StepContribution stepContribution, ChunkContext chunkContext)
throws Exception {
Double sum = jdbctemplate.queryForObject("select sum(netCreditAmount) from XYZ", Double.class);
// nouw update this some in database for first row
return null;
So what is the problem?
You need to setup your batch job step to use reader-processor-writer.
Reader has interface:
public interface ItemReader<T> {
T read();
public interface ItemProcessor<I, O> {
O process(I item);
So what you need to have same type provided by reader - T; and pass it to processor - I
.<I, O>chunk(1)

Spring Batch: One reader, multiple processors and writers

In Spring batch I need to pass the items read by an ItemReader to two different processors and writer. What I'm trying to achieve is that...
+---> ItemProcessor#1 ---> ItemWriter#1
ItemReader ---> item ---+
+---> ItemProcessor#2 ---> ItemWriter#2
This is needed because items written by ItemWriter#1 should be processed in a completely different way compared to the ones written by ItemWriter#2.
Moreover, ItemReader reads item from a database, and the queries it executes are so computational expensive that executing the same query twice should be discarded.
Any hint about how to achieve such set up ? Or, at least, a logically equivalent set up ?
This solution is valid if your item should be processed by processor #1 and processor #2
You have to create a processor #0 with this signature:
class Processor0<Item, CompositeResultBean>
where CompositeResultBean is a bean defined as
class CompositeResultBean {
Processor1ResultBean result1;
Processor2ResultBean result2;
In your Processor #0 just delegate work to processors #1 and #2 and put result in CompositeResultBean
CompositeResultBean Processor0.process(Item item) {
final CompositeResultBean r = new CompositeResultBean();
return r;
Your own writer is a CompositeItemWriter that delegate to writer CompositeResultBean.result1 or CompositeResultBean.result2 (look at PropertyExtractingDelegatingItemWriter, maybe can help)
I followed Luca's suggestion to use PropertyExtractingDelegatingItemWriter as writer and I was able to work with two different entities in one single step.
First of all what I did was to define a DTO that stores the two entities/results from the processor
public class DatabaseEntry {
private AccessLogEntry accessLogEntry;
private BlockedIp blockedIp;
public AccessLogEntry getAccessLogEntry() {
return accessLogEntry;
public void setAccessLogEntry(AccessLogEntry accessLogEntry) {
this.accessLogEntry = accessLogEntry;
public BlockedIp getBlockedIp() {
return blockedIp;
public void setBlockedIp(BlockedIp blockedIp) {
this.blockedIp = blockedIp;
Then I passed this DTO to the writer, a PropertyExtractingDelegatingItemWriter class where I define two customized methods to write the entities into the database, see my writer code below:
public class LogWriter extends LogAbstract {
private DataSource dataSource;
public PropertyExtractingDelegatingItemWriter<DatabaseEntry> itemWriterAccessLogEntry() {
PropertyExtractingDelegatingItemWriter<DatabaseEntry> propertyExtractingDelegatingItemWriter = new PropertyExtractingDelegatingItemWriter<DatabaseEntry>();
propertyExtractingDelegatingItemWriter.setFieldsUsedAsTargetMethodArguments(new String[]{"accessLogEntry", "blockedIp"});
return propertyExtractingDelegatingItemWriter;
public void saveTransaction(AccessLogEntry accessLogEntry, BlockedIp blockedIp) throws SQLException {
if (blockedIp != null) {
private void writeBlockedIp(BlockedIp entry) throws SQLException {
PreparedStatement statement = dataSource.getConnection().prepareStatement("INSERT INTO blocked_ips (ip,threshold,startDate,endDate,comment) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)");
statement.setString(1, entry.getIp());
statement.setInt(2, threshold);
statement.setTimestamp(3, Timestamp.valueOf(startDate));
statement.setTimestamp(4, Timestamp.valueOf(endDate));
statement.setString(5, entry.getComment());
private void writeAccessLogTable(AccessLogEntry entry) throws SQLException {
PreparedStatement statement = dataSource.getConnection().prepareStatement("INSERT INTO log_entries (date,ip,request,status,userAgent) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)");
statement.setTimestamp(1, Timestamp.valueOf(entry.getDate()));
statement.setString(2, entry.getIp());
statement.setString(3, entry.getRequest());
statement.setString(4, entry.getStatus());
statement.setString(5, entry.getUserAgent());
With this approach you can get the wanted inital behaviour from a single reader for processing multiple entities and save them in a single step.
You can use a CompositeItemProcessor and CompositeItemWriter
It won't look exactly like your schema, it will be sequential, but it will do the job.
this is the solution I came up with.
So, the idea is to code a new Writer that "contains" both an ItemProcessor and an ItemWriter. Just to give you an idea, we called it PreprocessoWriter, and that's the core code.
private ItemWriter<O> writer;
private ItemProcessor<I, O> processor;
public void write(List<? extends I> items) throws Exception {
List<O> toWrite = new ArrayList<O>();
for (I item : items) {
There's a lot of things being left aside. Management of ItemStream, for instance. But in our particular scenario this was enough.
So you can just combine multiple PreprocessorWriter with CompositeWriter.
There is an other solution if you have a reasonable amount of items (like less than 1 Go) : you can cache the result of your select into a collection wrapped in a Spring bean.
Then u can just read the collection twice with no cost.
