Is O(K + (N-K)logK) equivalent to O(K + N log K)? - algorithm

Can we say O(K + (N-K)logK) is equivalent to O(K + N logK) for 1 < = K <= N?

The short answer is they are not equivalent and it depends on the value of k. If k is equal to N, then the first complexity is O(N), and the second complexity is O(N + Nlog N) which is equivalent to O(NlogN). However, O(N) is not equivalent to O(N log N).
Moreover, if a function is in O(K + (N-K) log K) is in O(K + N log K) (definitely for every positive K), and the proof of this is straightforward.

Yes because in the worst case (N-K) logK is at most N logK given your constraints since 1 <= K <= N.

Not exactly.
If they are equivalent, then every function in O(k + (n-k)log k) is also in O(k + n log k) and vice-versa.
Let f(n,k) = n log k
This function is certainly in O(k + n log k), but not in O(k + (n-k)log k).
Let g(n,k) = k + (n-k)log k
Then as x approaches infinity, f(x,x)/g(x,x) grows without bound, since:
f(x,x) / g(x,x)
= (x log x) / x
= log x
See the definition of big-O notation for multiple variables:
Wikipedia provides the same information, but in less accessible notation:


Time Complexity in asymptotic analysis log n and log (n+m)

Just some interesting discussion inspired by a conversation in my class.
There are two algorithms, one has time complexity log n and another log (n+m).
Am I correct to argue for average cases, log (n+m) one will perform faster while they make no differences in running time when considering it asymptotically? Because taking the limit of both and f1'/f2' will result in a constant, therefore they have the same order of growth.
As I can see from the question, both n and m are independent variables. So
when stating that
O(m + n) = O(n)
it should hold for any m, which is not: the counter example is
m = exp(n)
O(log(m + n)) = O(log(n + exp(n))) = O(log(exp(n))) = O(n) > O(log(n))
That's why in general case we can only say, that
O(log(m + n)) >= O(log(n))
An interesting problem is when O(m + n) = O(n). If m grows not faster then polynom from n, i.e. O(m) <= O(P(n)):
O(log(m + n)) = O(log(P(n) + n)) = O(log(P(n))) = k * O(log(n)) = O(log(n))
In case of (multi)graphs seldom have we that many edges O(m) > P(n): even complete graph Kn contains only m = n * (n - 1) / 2 = P(n) edges, that's why
O(m + n) = O(n)
holds for ordinary graph (no parallel/multiple edges, no loops)

Why is O(n/2 + 5 log n) O(log n) and not O(n log n)?

For n/2 + 5 log n, I would of thought the lower order terms of 5 and 2 would be dropped, thus leaving n log n
Where am I going wrong?
Thank you, I believe I can now correct my mistake:
O(n/2 + 5 log n) = O(n/2 + log n) = O(n + log n) = O(n)
n/2 + 5 log n <= 2n, for all n >= 1 (c = 2, n0=1)
Let us define the function f as follows for n >= 1:
f(n) = n/2 + 5*log(n)
This function is not O(log n); it grows more quickly than that. To show that, we can show that for any constant c > 0, there is a choice of n0 such that for n > n0, f(n) > c * log(n). For 0 < c <= 5, this is trivial, since f(n) > [5log(n)] by definition. For c > 5, we get
n/2 + 5*log(n) > c*log(n)
<=> n/2 > (c - 5)*log(n)
<=> (1/(2(c - 5))*n/log(n) > 1
We can now note that the expression on the LHS is monotonically increasing for n > 1 and find the limit as n grows without bound using l'Hopital:
lim(n->infinity) (1/(2(c - 5))*n/log(n)
= (1/(2(c - 5))* lim(n->infinity) n/log(n)
= (1/(2(c - 5))* lim(n->infinity) 1/(1/n)
= (1/(2(c - 5))* lim(n->infinity) n
-> infinity
Using l'Hopital we find there is no limit as n grows without bound; the value of the LHS grows without bound as well. Because the LHS is monotonically increasing and grows without bound, there must be an n0 after which the value of the LHS exceeds the value 1, as required.
This all proves that f is not O(log n).
It is true that f is O(n log n). This is not hard to show at all: choose c = (5+1/2), and it is obvious that
f(n) = n/2 + 5log(n) <= nlog(n)/2 + 5nlog(n) = (5+1/2)nlog(n) for all n.
However, this is not the best bound we can get for your function. Your function is actually O(n) as well. Choosing the same value for c as before, we need only notice that n > log(n) for all n >= 1, so
f(n) = n/2 + 5log(n) <= n/2 + 5n = (5+1/2)n
So, f is also O(n). We can show that f(n) is Omega(n) which proves it is also Theta(n). That is left as an exercise but is not difficult to do either. Hint: what if you choose c = 1/2?
It's neither O(log n) nor O(n*log n). It'll be O(n) because for large value of n log n is much smaller than n hence it'll be dropped.
It's neither O(log n) nor O(n*log n). It'll be O(n) because for larger values of n log(n) is much smaller than n hence it'll be dropped.
Consider n=10000, now 5log(n) i.e 5*log(10000)=46(apprx) which is less than n/2(= 5000).

Can this be approximated?

The time complexity of finding k largest element using min-heap is given as
O(k + (n-k)log k) as mentioned here link Can it be approximated to O((n-k) log k)?
Since O(N+Nlog(k))=O(Nlog(k)) is above approximation also true ?
No you can't simplify it like that. This can be shown with a few example values for k that are close to n:
k = n
Now the complexity is defined as: O(n + 0log n) = O(n). If you would have left out the first term of the sum, you would have ended of with O(0), which obviously is wrong.
k = n - 1
We get: O((n-1) + 1log(n-1)) = O(n + log(n)) = O(n). Without the first term, you would get O(log(n)), which again is wrong.

Asymptotic run time complexity of an expression

Can I say that:
log n + log (n-1) + log (n-2) + .... + log (n - k) = theta(k * log n)?
Formal way to write the above:
Sigma (i runs from 0 to k) log (n-i) = theta (k* log n)?
If the above statement is right, how can I prove it?
If it is wrong, how can I express it (the left side of the equation, of course) as an asymptotic run time function of n and k?
LHS = log(n) + log(n-1) + ... + log(n-k)
RHS = k * log n
Note that:
LHS = log(n*(n-1)*...*(n-k)) = log(polynomial of (k+1)th order)
It follows that this is equal to:
(k+1)*log(n(1 + terms that are 0 in limit))
If we consider a division:
(k+1)*log(n(1 + terms that are 0 in limit)) / RHS
we get in limit:
(k+1)/k = 1 + 1/k
So if k is a constant, both terms grow equally fast. So LHS = theta(RHS).
Wolfram Alpha seems to agree.
When n is constant, terms that previously were 0 in limit don't disappear but instead you get:
(k+1) * some constant number / k * (some other constant number)
So it's:
(1 + 1/k)*(another constant number). So also LHS = theta(RHS).
When proving Θ, you want to prove O and Ω.
Upper bound is proven easily:
log(n(n-1)...(n-k)) ≤ log(n^k) = k log n = O(k log n)
For the lower bound, if k ≥ n/2,
then in the product there is n/2 terms greater than n/2:
log(n(n-1)...(n-k)) ≥ (n/2)log(n/2) = Ω(n log n) ≥ Ω(k log n)
and if k ≤ n/2, all terms are greater than n/2:
log(n(n-1)...(n-k)) ≥ log((n/2)^k) = k log(n/2) = Ω(k log n)

Which is complexity of set difference using quick sort and binary search?

We have two sets A, B and we want to compute set difference A - B, we will sort first elements of B with quicksort which have average complexity O(n * log n) and after we search each element from A in B with binary search which have complexity O(log n), the entire set difference algorihm described up which complexity will have ? if we consider that we use qucksort and binary search. I tried follow way to compute complexity of set difference using this algorithms: O(n * log n) + O(log n) = O(n * log n + log n) = O(log n * (n + 1)) = O((n + 1) * log n). Is it correct ?
First, constant does not really count in O notation facing a polynomial that grows faster than a constant, so 1 will be owned by n, which means O((n + 1) * log n) is just O(n * log n).
Now the important issue - suppose A has m elements, you need to do m binary searches, each has complexity O(log n). So totally, the complexity should be O(n * log n) + O(m * log n) = O((n + m) * log n).
O (n * log n) + O (log n) = O (n * log n)
If a function may be bounded by a polynomial in n, then as n tends to
infinity, one may disregard lower-order terms of the polynomial.
