Batch (Windows) alternative for Bash | tee -a log.txt - windows

I need to get stdout echoed onto the command prompt and appended into a file.
I have tried echo "foo" | tee -a log.txt. I have looked on google, however these is nothing there that is relevant.
"foo" | tee -a log.txt
It should echo foo and append it to a file. Instead I get
'tee' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
I don't want the command tee, I need to get stdout echoed onto the command prompt

Pass what your trying into power shell, like this:
powershell "echo foo | tee -a foo.txt"


Cannot log terminal output using complex cat command, error "input file is output file"

I'm trying to write a shell script having the below command and then log the output to a file:
cat "$(ls -rt | tail -n1)" >> Run.log
but getting an error,
Run.log : input file is the output file
This command works fine directly in the terminal and prints the latest file output in the current directory.
What am I doing wrong in the shell script?

tee not working in script but working in bash

So i'm trying to take the line-by-line output of a program, then send it to a file if it matches "CPU", also I want every line to go to the screen.
This command works but only after quitting the script with ^C:
cpuminer-multi/cpuminer -u user -p pass -a sha256d -o stratum+tcp:// -t cputhreads | tee >(grep "CPU" >> cpu.txt);
but then if I copy and paste it into a bash script ""
cpuminer-multi/cpuminer -u user -p pass -a sha256d -o stratum+tcp:// -t cputhreads | tee >(grep "CPU" >> cpu.txt);
and run it from bash as "./", it populates cpu.txt with nothing, even after quitting with ^C
So my questions are
A: Why does it only populate the cpu.txt file after ^C?
B: Why does it work as a plain bash command, but not in a script?

Issue with scheduling in Linux

I scheduled a script using at scheduler in linux.
The job ran fine but the echo statements which I had redirected to a file are no where to be found.
The at scheduling command is as follows:
at -f /app/data/scripts/ >> /app/data/log/log.txt 2>&1 -v 09:50
Can anyone point out what is the issue with the above command.
I cannot see any echo statements from the script in the log.txt file
To include shell syntax like I/O redirection, you'll need to either fold it into your script, or pass the input to at via standard input, like so:
at -v 09:50 <<EOF
sh /app/data/scripts/ >> /app/data/log/log.txt 2>&1
If is already executable, you can omit the sh from the beginning of the command; it's there to ensure that you are passing a valid command line to at.
You can also simply ensure that your script itself redirects all its output to a specific log file. As an example,
echo foo
echo bar
echo foo
echo bar
} >> /app/data/log/log.txt 2>&1
Then you can simply run your script with at using
at -f /app/data/scripts/ -v 09:50
with no output redirection, because the script itself already redirects all its output to that file.

Bash Redirect to a file

I am trying to redirect output of a command to a file. The command I am using (zypper) downloads packages from the internet. The command I am using is
zypper -x -n in geany >> log.txt
The command gradually prints output to the console. The problem I am facing is that the above command writes the command output all at once after the command finishes executing. How do I redirect the bash output as I get it onto the terminal, rather than writing all the command output at the end.
Not with bash itself, but via the tee command:
zipper -x -n in geany | tee log.txt
will append the output of COMMAND to FILE
In your case
&>>log.txt zypper -x -n in geany
If you want to pipe a command through a filter, you must assure that the command outputs to standard output (file descriptor 1) -- if it outputs to standard error (file descriptor 2), you have to redirect the 2 to 1 before the pipe. Take into account that only stdout passed through a pipe.
So you have to do so:
If you want to grep the output and in the same keep it into a log file, you have to duplicate it with tee, and use a filter like ... | tee log-file | grep options

Print STDOUT in the middle of 2 Pipes in Solaris(bash)
I have the same issue. This command:
./ > ../log/scriptlog.log
requires the output of a command go to std out. but inside the script
command | mailx -s "Subject" recipient#somedomain.tld
what I would like to do is something like :
command | tee > /dev/stdout | mailx -s "Subject" recipient#somedomain.tld
Where the output of the command goes to stdout( to be redirected into the ..log/scriptlog.log file )
and also into stdin for the mailx command.
Any way to do that?
tee already sends to stdout.
... | tee -a log/scriptlog.log | ...
exec 3>&1
command | tee /dev/fd/3 | mailx ...
or, using process substitution:
command | tee >(mailx ...)
I'll try process substitution. To clarifily, I have a cron'd shell script . The cron entry is similar to:
/usr/script/ > /usr/log/myscript.log
inside the script is a line similar to:
command | mailx -s "Subject" recipient
Since stdout from 'command' is being piped into the mailx command, it does appear in the log file 'myscript.log', but I want it to.
I tried capturing it into a variable but the line feeds appear to be lost that way. I could use a temporary file, but I was hoping for something more elegant.
