How to clean application history in hadoop yarn? - hadoop

After applications finished on yarn, a great amount application history will be shown in yarn.
Both in web-ui http://localhost:8088/cluster and command line yarn application -list -appStates FINISHED
How can I clean these history? Or where does yarn store these history information?
Restart RM,NM does not clean these history.
Delete the logs in local file system ${YARN_LOG_DIR}/userlogs does not clean these history.
Delete the logs' directory/files in hdfs:///tmp/logs/username/logs does not clean these history.
Hadoop version: 2.7.7

If you've enabled log-aggregation, you can set yarn.log-aggregation.retain-seconds to a reasonable value (like a day or a week depending on how many jobs you run) to have YARN purge jobs on a continual basis.
Otherwise set yarn.nodemanager.log.retain-seconds to determine how long you want to keep logs.
You can also disable persistence on restarts by setting yarn.resourcemanager.recovery.enabled to false in your yarn-site.xml.
Refer to yarn-default.xml for all the log configurables in YARN and ResourceManager Restart for more information on persistence.

Oh, I've found the solution.
yarn resourcemanager -format-state-store
and restart the cluster.
But still don't know where yarn store these history, in ZK?


How to Kill Hive Query, without knowing application id?

My hive-server2 list a few running jobs, so I can find the various query_id.
But there is not yarn-application information in the Yarn 8088 pages.
My question is how to kill the running job.
If you are using Yarn as resource manager, you can find all running jobs by running the following in shell:
yarn application -list -appStates ALL
You can change ALL to RUNNING etc. depending on what application state you are interested in seeing.
An alternative command to the above to see running applications is:
mapred job -list
In order to kill a specific application/job, with YARN you can run:
yarn application -kill <application_id>
Or otherwise:
mapred job -kill <job_id>

Get list of executed job on Hadoop cluster after cluster reboot

I have a hadoop cluster 2.7.4 version. Due to some reason, I have to restart my cluster. I need job IDs of those jobs that were executed on cluster before cluster reboot. Command mapred -list provide currently running of waiting jobs details only
You can see a list of all jobs on the Yarn Resource Manager Web UI.
In your browser go to http://ResourceManagerIPAdress:8088/
This is how the history looks on the Yarn cluster I am currently testing on (and I restarted the services several times):
See more info here

Do we need to put namenode in safe mode before restarting the job tracker?

I have a Hadoop cluster running Cloudera's CDH3, Apache Hadoop's 0.20.2 equivalent. I want to restart the job-tracker as there are some jobs which are not getting killed. I tried killing them from the command line, the command executes successfully, but the jobs are still in Job Cleanup: Pending status. Anyways I want to restart the job-tracker and see if that cleanup the jobs. I know the command to restart the job-tracker, but I am not sure if I need to put the name-node in safe-mode before I restart the job-tracker.
You can try to kill the unwanted jobs using hadoop job -kill <Job-ID> and check for command status echo "$?". If that doesn't work, Restart is the only option.
Hadoop Jobtracker and namenodes are independent components, No need to execute namenode safenode before Jobtracker restart. You can restart Jobtracker process alone.(tasktracker if required)

Install spark on yarn cluster

I am looking for a guide regarding how to install spark on an existing virtual yarn cluster.
I have a yarn cluster consisting of two nodes, ran map-reduce job which worked perfect. Looked for results in log and everything is working fine.
Now I need to add the spark installation commands and configurations files in my vagrantfile. I can't find a good guide, could someone give me a good link ?
I used this guide for the yarn cluster
Thanks in advance!
I don't know about vagrant, but I have installed Spark on top of hadoop 2.6 (in the guide referred to as post-YARN) and I hope this helps.
Installing Spark on an existing hadoop is really easy, you just need to install it only on one machine. For that you have to download the one pre-built for your hadoop version from it's official website (I guess you can use the without hadoop version but you need to point it to the direction of hadoop binaries in your system). Then decompress it:
tar -xvf spark-2.0.0-bin-hadoop2.x.tgz -C /opt
Now you only need to set some environment variables. First in your ~/.bashrc (or ~/.zshrc) you can set SPARK_HOME and add it to your PATH if you want:
export SPARK_HOME=/opt/spark-2.0.0-bin-hadoop-2.x
Also for this changes to take effect you can run:
source ~/.bashrc
Second you need to point Spark to your Hadoop configuartion directories. To do this set these two environmental variables in $SPARK_HOME/conf/
export HADOOP_CONF_DIR=[your-hadoop-conf-dir usually $HADOOP_PREFIX/etc/hadoop]
export YARN_CONF_DIR=[your-yarn-conf-dir usually the same as the last variable]
If this file doesn't exist, you can copy the contents of $SPARK_HOME/conf/ and start from there.
Now to start the shell in yarn mode you can run:
spark-shell --master yarn --deploy-mode client
(You can't run the shell in cluster deploy-mode)
----------- Update
I forgot to mention that you can also submit cluster jobs with this configuration like this (thanks #JulianCienfuegos):
spark-submit --master yarn --deploy-mode cluster
This way you can't see the output in the terminal, and the command exits as soon as the job is submitted (not completed).
You can also use --deploy-mode client to see the output right there in your terminal but just do this for testing, since the job gets canceled if the command is interrupted (e.g. you press Ctrl+C, or your session ends)

how to start and check job history on hadoop 2.5.2

in the mapreduce webconsole for each application there is a tracking ui link which points to xx:19888/jobhistory/, but how to start the service on 19888 (i have started 4 services: yarn-resource-manager, yarn-node-manager, hdfs-name-node, hdfs-data-node, what i have missed?)
is the jobtracker removed in 2.5.2
I want to check the job.xml generated for my job, where can i find it. I have specified "mapreduce.jobtracker.jobhistory.location" but nothing is there
Thank you.
To access the JobHistory server's web interface then you have start the hadoop-mapreduce-historyserver service, which will bind to 19888 by default.
If your are running YARN in the cluster then you don't need jobtracker anymore, the work done jobtracker is offloaded to ResourceManager, NodeManager's & ApplicationMaster's. But, you could still install just MRv1 in that case you will install JobTracker and TaskTracker's (which is not recommended).
You could check the job.xml from the ResourceManager's UI by navigating to http://RESOURCEMANAGER_HOST:8088/cluster -> select your application's Tracking UI -> Select your Job ID -> On the left tab you'll be able to see Configuration. Or simply if you already know you'r job's id then visit this link: http://JOBHISTORY_SERVER:19888/jobhistory/conf/YOUR_JOB_ID.
$HADOOP_HOME/sbin/ --config $HADOOP_HOME/etc/hadoop start historyserver
then run jps to see if it is running.
Please try 'jps' command to verify all the services are running.
try //jhs_host:port/ Default HTTP port is 19888."
Make sure that your hadoop services are running.
