Deserializing ObjectMeta Regardless of Kind - go

TL;DR: How can I flexibly decode a k8s API object and inspect its top-level metav1.ObjectMeta struct without knowing the object's Kind in advance?
I'm writing an admission controller endpoint that unmarshals a metav1.AdmissionReview object's Request.Object.Raw field into a concrete object based on the Request.Kind field - e.g.
if kind == "Pod" {
var pod core.Pod
// ...
if _, _, err := deserializer.Decode(admissionReview.Request.Object.Raw, nil, &pod); err != nil {
return nil, err
annotations := pod.ObjectMeta.Annotations
// inspect/validate the annotations...
This requires knowing all possible types up front, or perhaps asking a user to supply a map[kind]corev1.Object that we can use to be more flexible.
What I'd like to instead achieve is something closer to:
var objMeta core.ObjectMeta
if _, _, err := deserializer.Decode(admissionReview.Request.Object.Raw, nil, &objMeta); err != nil {
return nil, err
// if objMeta is populated, validate the fields, else
// assume it is an object that does not define an ObjectMeta
// as part of its schema.
Is this possible? The k8s API surface is fairly extensive, and I've crawled through the metav1 godoc, corev1 godoc & for prior art without a decent example.
The closest I've found is possibly the ObjectMetaAccessor interface, but I'd need to get from an AdmissionReview.Request.Object (type runtime.RawExtension) to a runtime.Object first.

I believe you can't find what you are looking for because, when decoding an object, Kubernetes uses GetObjectKind and compares the result to a Scheme to convert the object to a concrete type, rather than using some generic like approach and interacting with the fields of an object without knowing it's concrete type.
So you can use reflection instead, something like:
k8sObjValue := reflect.ValueOf(admissionReview.Request.Object.Raw).Elem()
k8sObjObjectMeta := k8sObjValue.FieldByName("ObjectMeta")
annotations, ok := k8sObjObjectMeta.FieldByName("Annotations").Interface().(map[string]string)
if !ok {
panic("failed to retrieve annotations")
Or closer to your requirements, convert to an ObjectMeta object
k8sObjValue := reflect.ValueOf(admissionReview.Request.Object.Raw).Elem()
objMeta, ok := k8sObjValue.FieldByName("ObjectMeta").Interface().(core.ObjectMeta)
if !ok {
panic("failed to retrieve object metadata")

There is a way to do this that I discovered recently, let me describe it here:
Quick disclaimer: I used admission/v1 and never tested with admission/v1beta1, which should work identically.
The data type of admissionReview.Request.Object is runtime.RawExtension, and the provides a method that can convert the runtime.RawExtension to a runtime.Object. The method is called runtime.Convert_runtime_RawExtension_To_runtime_Object(...). From there, you can easily convert to the unstructured.Unstructured data type, which has all the fields from the MetaV1 object accessible with simple getter methods.
Here is a code snippet that lets you get this accomplished:
import (
// ...
// ...
// ...
func dummyFunc(ar *v1.AdmissionReview) {
// ...
var obj runtime.Object
var scope conversion.Scope // While not actually used within the function, need to pass in
err := runtime.Convert_runtime_RawExtension_To_runtime_Object(&ar.Request.Object, &obj, scope)
if err != nil {
// ...
innerObj, err := runtime.DefaultUnstructuredConverter.ToUnstructured(obj)
if err != nil {
// ...
u := unstructured.Unstructured{Object: innerObj}
// Now the `u` variable has all the meta info available with simple getters.
// Sample:
labels := u.GetLabels()
kind := u.GetKind()
// etc.
// ...

It seems there are two possibilities:
Either the field Object should already contain the correct object instance, when using Go client, check code here.
Try using the converters here


How can I reach struct member in interface type

I have to keep multi type struct in slice and seed them. I took with variadic parameter of interface type and foreach them. If I call the method of interface it works, but when I trying to reach to struct I can't. How can I solve that?
Note: Seed() method return the file name of datas.
The Interface:
type Seeder interface {
Seed() string
func (AirportCodes) Seed() string {
return "airport_codes.json"
seederModelList = []globals.Seeder{
And the last one, SeedSchema function:
func (db *Database) SeedSchema(models ...globals.Seeder) error {
var (
subjects []globals.Seeder
fileByte []byte
err error
// tempMember map[string]interface{}
if len(models) == 0 {
subjects = seederModelList
} else {
subjects = models
for _, model := range subjects {
fileName := model.Seed()
fmt.Printf("%+v\n", model)
if fileByte, err = os.ReadFile("db/seeds/" + fileName); err != nil {
fmt.Println("asd", err)
// return err
if err = json.Unmarshal(fileByte, &model); err != nil {
fmt.Println("dsa", err)
// return err
modelType := reflect.TypeOf(model).Elem()
modelPtr2 := reflect.New(modelType)
fmt.Printf("%s\n", modelPtr2)
return nil
I can reach exact model but can't create a member and seed.
After some back and forth in the comments, I'll just post this minimal answer here. It's by no means a definitive "this is what you do" type answer, but I hope this can at least provide you with enough information to get you started. To get to this point, I've made a couple of assumptions based on the snippets of code you've provided, and I'm assuming you want to seed the DB through a command of sorts (e.g. your_bin seed). That means the following assumptions have been made:
The Schemas and corresponding models/types are present (like AirportCodes and the like)
Each type has its own source file (name comes from Seed() method, returning a .json file name)
Seed data is, therefore, assumed to be in a format like [{"seed": "data"}, {"more": "data"}].
The seed files can be appended, and should the schema change, the data in the seed files could be changed all together. This is of less importance ATM, but still, it's an assumption that should be noted.
OK, so let's start by moving all of the JSON files in a predictable location. In a sizeable, real world application you'd use something like XDG base path, but for the sake of brevity, let's assume you're running this in a scratch container from / and all relevant assets have been copied in to said container.
It'd make sense to have all seed files in the base path under a seed_data directory. Each file contains the seed data for a specific table, and therefore all the data within a file maps neatly onto a single model. Let's ignore relational data for the time being. We'll just assume that, for now, the data in these files is at least internally consistent, and any X-to-X relational data will have to right ID fields allowing for JOIN's and the like.
Let's start
So we have our models, and the data in JSON files. Now we can just create a slice of said models, making sure that data that you want/need to be present before other data is inserted is represented as a higher entry (lower index) than the other. Kind of like this:
seederModelList = []globals.Seeder{
m.AirportCodes{}, // seeds before Term
m.Term{}, // seeds after AirportCodes
But instead or returning the file name from this Seed method, why not pass in the connection and have the model handle its own data like this:
func (_ AirportCodes) Seed(db *gorm.DB) error {
// we know what file this model uses
data, err := os.ReadFile("seed_data/airport_codes.json")
if err != nil {
return err
// we have the data, we can unmarshal it as AirportCode instances
codes := []*AirportCodes{}
if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &codes); err != nil {
return err
UpdateAll: true,
Do the same for other models, like Terms:
func (_ Terms) Seed(db *gorm.DB) error {
// we know what file this model uses
data, err := os.ReadFile("seed_data/terms.json")
if err != nil {
return err
// we have the data, we can unmarshal it as Terms instances
terms := []*Terms{}
if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &terms); err != nil {
return err
return db.Clauses(clause.OnConflict{
UpdateAll: true,
Of course, this does result in a bit of a mess considering we have DB access in a model, which should really be just a DTO if you ask me. This also leaves a lot to be desired in terms of error handling, but the basic gist of it would be this:
func main() {
db, _ := gorm.Open(mysql.Open(dsn), &gorm.Config{}) // omitted error handling for brevity
seeds := []interface{
Seed(*gorm.DB) error
// etc...
for _, m := range seeds {
if err := m.Seed(db); err != nil {
OK, so this should get us started, but let's just move this all into something a bit nicer by:
Moving the whole DB interaction out of the DTO/model
Wrap things into a transaction, so we can roll back on error
Update the initial slice a bit to make things cleaner
So as mentioned earlier, I'm assuming you have something like repositories to handle DB interactions in a separate package. Rather than calling Seed on the model, and passing the DB connection into those, we should instead rely on our repositories:
db, _ := gorm.Open() // same as before
acs := repo.NewAirportCodes(db) // pass in connection
tms := repo.NewTerms(db) // again...
Now our model can still return the JSON file name, or we can have that as a const in the repos. At this point, it doesn't really matter. The main thing is, we can have the actual inserting of data done in the repositories.
You can, if you want, change your seed slice thing to something like this:
calls := []func() error{
acs.Seed, // assuming your repo has a Seed function that does what it's supposed to do
Then perform all the seeding in a loop:
for _, c := range calls {
if err := c(); err != nil {
Now, this just leaves us with the issue of the transaction stuff. Thankfully, gorm makes this really rather simple:
db, _ := gorm.Open()
db.Transaction(func(tx *gorm.DB) error {
acs := repo.NewAirportCodes(tx) // create repo's, but use TX for connection
if err := acs.Seed(); err != nil {
return err // returning an error will automatically rollback the transaction
tms := repo.NewTerms(tx)
if err := tms.Seed(); err != nil {
return err
return nil // commit transaction
There's a lot more you can fiddle with here like creating batches of related data that can be committed separately, you can add more precise error handling and more informative logging, handle conflicts better (distinguish between CREATE and UPDATE etc...). Above all else, though, something worth keeping in mind:
Gorm has a migration system
I have to confess that I've not dealt with gorm in quite some time, but IIRC, you can have the tables be auto-migrated if the model changes, and run either custom go code and or SQL files on startup which can be used, rather easily, to seed the data. Might be worth looking at the feasibility of that...

How to use generics in Unmarshal (go 1.18)

I'm new to golang generics and have the following setup.
I've gathered loads of different kinds of reports.
Each report has enclosing fields
So I wrapped it in a ReportContainerImpl
I've used a type argument of [T Reportable] where the Reportable is defined as follows
type Reportable interface {
ExportDataPointReport | ImportDataPointReport | MissingDataPointReport | SensorThresoldReport
Each of the type in the type constraint is structs that is to be embedded in the container.
type ReportContainerImpl[T Reportable] struct {
LocationID string `json:"lid"`
Provider string `json:"pn"`
ReportType ReportType `json:"m"`
Body T `json:"body"`
I use a discriminator ReportType to determine the concrete type when Unmarshal.
type ReportType string
const (
ReportTypeExportDataPointReport ReportType = "ExportDataPointReport"
ReportTypeImportDataPointReport ReportType = "ImportDataPointReport"
ReportTypeMissingDataPointReport ReportType = "MissingDataPointReport"
ReportTypeSensorThresoldReport ReportType = "SensorThresoldReport"
Since go does not support type assertion for struct (only interfaces) it is not possible to cast the type when Unmarshal. Also go does not support pointer to the "raw" generic type. Hence, I've created a interface that the ReportContainerImpl implements.
type ReportContainer interface {
GetLocationID() string
GetProvider() string
GetReportType() ReportType
GetBody() interface{}
The problem I then get is that I cannot do type constrains on the return type in any form or shape and am back at "freetext semantics" on the GetBody() function to allow for type assertion when Unmarshal is done.
container, err := UnmarshalReportContainer(data)
if rep, ok := container.GetBody().(ExportDataPointReport); ok {
// Use the ReportContainerImpl[ExportDataPointReport] here...
Maybe I'm getting this wrong? - but however I do this, I always end up with somewhere needs a interface{} or to know the exact type before Unmarshal
Do you have a better suggestion how to solve this in a type (safer) way?
Mario :)
For completeness I add the UnmarshalReportContainer here
func UnmarshalReportContainer(data []byte) (ReportContainer, error) {
type Temp struct {
LocationID string `json:"lid"`
Provider string `json:"pn"`
ReportType ReportType `json:"m"`
Body *json.RawMessage `json:"body"`
var temp Temp
err := json.Unmarshal(data, &temp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
switch temp.ReportType {
case ReportTypeExportDataPointReport:
var report ExportDataPointReport
err := json.Unmarshal(*temp.Body, &report)
return &ReportContainerImpl[ExportDataPointReport]{
LocationID: temp.LocationID,
Provider: temp.Provider,
ReportType: temp.ReportType,
Body: report,
}, err
// ...
but however I do this, I always end up with somewhere needs a interface{} or to know the exact type before Unmarshal
The concrete types needed to instantiate some generic type or function like ReportContainerImpl or UnmarshalReportContainer must be known at compile time, when you write the code. JSON unmarshalling instead occurs at run-time, when you have the byte slice populated with the actual data.
To unmarshal dynamic JSON based on some discriminatory value, you still need a switch.
Do you have a better suggestion how to solve this in a type (safer) way?
Just forgo parametric polymorphism. It's not a good fit here. Keep the code you have now with json.RawMessage, unmarshal the dynamic data conditionally in the switch and return the concrete structs that implement ReportContainer interface.
As a general solution — if, and only if, you can overcome this chicken-and-egg problem and make type parameters known at compile time, you can write a minimal generic unmarshal function like this:
func unmarshalAny[T any](bytes []byte) (*T, error) {
out := new(T)
if err := json.Unmarshal(bytes, out); err != nil {
return nil, err
return out, nil
This is only meant to illustrate the principle. Note that json.Unmarshal already accepts any type, so if your generic function actually does nothing except new(T) and return, like in my example, it is no different than "inlining" the entire thing as if unmarshalAny didn't exist.
v, err := unmarshalAny[SomeType](src)
functionally equivalent as
out := &SomeType{}
err := json.Unmarshal(bytes, out)
If you plan to put more logic in unmarshalAny, its usage may be warranted. Your mileage may vary; in general, don't use type parameters when it's not actually necessary.

How to serialize `LastEvaluatedKey` from DynamoDB's Golang SDK?

When working with DynamoDB in Golang, if a call to query has more results, it will set LastEvaluatedKey on the QueryOutput, which you can then pass in to your next call to query as ExclusiveStartKey to pick up where you left off.
This works great when the values stay in Golang. However, I am writing a paginated API endpoint, so I would like to serialize this key so I can hand it back to the client as a pagination token. Something like this, where something is the magic package that does what I want:
type GetDomainObjectsResponse struct {
Items []MyDomainObject `json:"items"`
NextToken string `json:"next_token"`
func GetDomainObjects(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
// ... parse query params, set up dynamoIn ...
dynamoIn.ExclusiveStartKey = something.Decode(params.NextToken)
dynamoOut, _ := db.Query(dynamoIn)
response := GetDomainObjectsResponse{}
dynamodbattribute.UnmarshalListOfMaps(dynamoOut.Items, &response.Items)
response.NextToken := something.Encode(dynamoOut.LastEvaluatedKey)
// ... marshal and write the response ...
(please forgive any typos in the above, it's a toy version of the code I whipped up quickly to isolate the issue)
Because I'll need to support several endpoints with different search patterns, I would love a way to generate pagination tokens that doesn't depend on the specific search key.
The trouble is, I haven't found a clean and generic way to serialize the LastEvaluatedKey. You can marshal it directly to JSON (and then e.g. base64 encode it to get a token), but doing so is not reversible. LastEvaluatedKey is a map[string]types.AttributeValue, and types.AttributeValue is an interface, so while the json encoder can read it, it can't write it.
For example, the following code panics with panic: json: cannot unmarshal object into Go value of type types.AttributeValue.
lastEvaluatedKey := map[string]types.AttributeValue{
"year": &types.AttributeValueMemberN{Value: "1993"},
"title": &types.AttributeValueMemberS{Value: "Benny & Joon"},
bytes, err := json.Marshal(lastEvaluatedKey)
if err != nil {
decoded := map[string]types.AttributeValue{}
err = json.Unmarshal(bytes, &decoded)
if err != nil {
What I would love would be a way to use the DynamoDB-flavored JSON directly, like what you get when you run aws dynamodb query on the CLI. Unfortunately the golang SDK doesn't support this.
I suppose I could write my own serializer / deserializer for the AttributeValue types, but that's more effort than this project deserves.
Has anyone found a generic way to do this?
OK, I figured something out.
type GetDomainObjectsResponse struct {
Items []MyDomainObject `json:"items"`
NextToken string `json:"next_token"`
func GetDomainObjects(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
// ... parse query params, set up dynamoIn ...
eskMap := map[string]string{}
json.Unmarshal(params.NextToken, &eskMap)
esk, _ = dynamodbattribute.MarshalMap(eskMap)
dynamoIn.ExclusiveStartKey = esk
dynamoOut, _ := db.Query(dynamoIn)
response := GetDomainObjectsResponse{}
dynamodbattribute.UnmarshalListOfMaps(dynamoOut.Items, &response.Items)
lek := map[string]string{}
dynamodbattribute.UnmarshalMap(dynamoOut.LastEvaluatedKey, &lek)
response.NextToken := json.Marshal(lek)
// ... marshal and write the response ...
(again this is my real solution hastily transferred back to the toy problem, so please forgive any typos)
As #buraksurdar pointed out, attributevalue.Unmarshal takes an inteface{}. Turns out in addition to a concrete type, you can pass in a map[string]string, and it just works.
I believe this will NOT work if the AttributeValue is not flat, so this isn't a general solution [citation needed]. But my understanding is the LastEvaluatedKey returned from a call to Query will always be flat, so it works for this usecase.
Inspired by Dan, here is a solution to serialize and deserialize to/from base64
package dynamodb_helpers
import (
func Serialize(input map[string]types.AttributeValue) (*string, error) {
var inputMap map[string]interface{}
err := attributevalue.UnmarshalMap(input, &inputMap)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
bytesJSON, err := json.Marshal(inputMap)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
output := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(bytesJSON)
return &output, nil
func Deserialize(input string) (map[string]types.AttributeValue, error) {
bytesJSON, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(input)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
outputJSON := map[string]interface{}{}
err = json.Unmarshal(bytesJSON, &outputJSON)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return attributevalue.MarshalMap(outputJSON)

How do I use bson.SetBSON or bson.Raw?

Possibly related: How to use interface type as a model in mgo (Go)?
I have a struct like so:
type Game struct {
ID bson.ObjectId
Type string
Location string
Details interface{}
type FeudDetails struct {
type TriviaDetails struct {
type BingoDetails struct {
I want to use the Type field of Game to unserialize Details into a specific type (like an instance of FeudDetails or BingoDetails). It would still be an interface{} in Game, but then I could do this:
feudDetails, ok := game.Details.(FeudDetails)
if ok {
// we know this is a Feud game, and we have the details
The docs say that "it is possible to unmarshal or marshal values partially" using bson.Raw, but they don't provide any examples I've been able to find.
I've tried using:
func (game *Game) SetBSON(r bson.Raw) error {
err := r.Unserialize(game)
if err != nil {
return nil
games[game.Type].LoadDetails(game) // this calls a function based on the Type to
// create a concrete value for that game.
return nil
I get a (ahem) stack overflow here. I assume this is because r.Unserialize is recursively calling SetBSON.
My goal is to use standard unserializing on all fields except Details, and then be able to use game.Type to determine how to process Details. If I do something like this:
type GameDetails interface{}
type Game struct {
Details GameDetails
func (details *GameDetails) SetBSON(r bson.Raw) error {
// game isn't defined
games[game.Type].LoadDetails(r, details)
then how can I access the outer Type field to know which game type to unserialize it to?
I'll also accept the answer "you're doing it all wrong, and a better pattern in Go is XYZ..."
EDIT: I also tried deserializing normally, and then casting the interface{} version of Details using game.Details.(FeudDetails), but the conversion failed. I guess I can't do it that way because the underlying type after unserialization is not a FeudDetails but rather probably map[string]interface{}.
EDIT 2: I thought I'd be clever and pre-populate an object with the right types when retrieving from the database (game := Game{Details: FeudDetails: {}} prior to calling db...One(&game)) but my trickery did not work:
DEBU[Mar 31 22:19:09.442] Caching show gid=5e814448ef5b9858b7ff4e57
TRAC[Mar 31 22:19:09.442] Before database call dtype=main.FeudDetails
TRAC[Mar 31 22:19:09.446] After database call dtype=bson.M
Ignore Details during (un)marshalling
Change the definition of Game so bson doesn't try to do anything with the Details field:
type Game struct {
Details interface{} `json:"details" bson:"-"`
Unmarshal Details manually
func (game *Game) SetBSON(r bson.Raw) error {
// Unmarshall everything except Details
type tempGame Game
err := r.Unmarshal((*tempGame)(game)) // this is necessary to prevent recursion
if err != nil {
return err
// Get the raw data for Details
var d struct {
Details bson.Raw
if err := r.Unmarshal(&d); err != nil {
return err
gameType, ok := games[game.Type]
if ok {
// Use individual processing based on game Type
game.Details, err = gameType.LoadDetails(d.Details)
if err != nil {
return err
// fmt.Sprintf("%T", game.Details) => main.FeudDetails
return nil
Marshal Details manually
As far as I can tell, the only way to get bson to include Details after we told it to omit it in the original struct, is to create a whole other structure, copy the data over one by one, and use that type in GetBSON. It seems like there must be a better way.

How to get http.ResponseWriter and http.Request in Revel controller

I am trying to implement an oauth server and the package I am using needs the complete http.ResponseWriter and http.Request types.
c.Response does not contain all the methods that http.ResponseWriter does and c.Request gives error incompatible type.
How do I get http.ResponseWriter and http.Request in a Revel controller?
type client struct {
ClientId string
ClientSecret string
type App struct {
func (c App) TokenRequest() {
r := c.Request
w := c.Response
body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r.Body)
if err != nil {
var cli client
err = json.Unmarshal(body, &cli)
if err != nil {
err = OauthSrv.HandleTokenRequest(w, r)
if err != nil {
http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
I am generally not fond of frameworks like Revel in Go, for reasons that I hope demonstrate themselves on this page. My first recommendation would be that you examine closely what you are actually getting out of Revel that merits the use of such a heavy abstraction layer, and if it's really that valuable, you may want to ask questions going in the other direction, such as how one might make OauthSrv work within Revel's customized ecosystem.
Using a Revel controller as a ResponseWriter
For something to be an http.ResponseWriter, it just needs to have these methods.
You need a method named Header() that returns an http.Header, which you can build out of any map[string][]string. Revel provides similar functionality, but through several layers of abstraction. You will need to unravel them:
c.Response is a *Response, so it has a field named Out containing an OutResponse.
An OutResponse has a Header() method—but it doesn't return an http.Header. Instead, it returns a *RevelHeader.
A *RevelHeader has a GetAll(key string) []string method—which is very similar to the API already provided by the built-in map type, but isn't exactly the same. So, you will need to copy the returned values into a new map every time Header() is called, in order to fully satisfy the function signature requirements.
Also, GetAll() requires you to know the key name you are interested in, and *RevelHeader on its own does not provide a way to look up which keys are available. For now we can rely on the fact that the current implementation only has one field, a ServerHeader that does provide a GetKeys() []string method.
Putting all this together, we can build our Header method:
func (rrw RevelResponseWrapper) Header() http.Header {
revelHeader := rrw.Response.Out.Header()
keys := revelHeader.Server.GetKeys()
headerMap := make(map[string][]string)
for _, key := range keys {
headerMap[key] = revelHeader.GetAll(key)
return http.Header(headerMap)
Write and WriteHeader
You would use similar anti-patterns to expose rrw.Write([]byte) (int, error) so that it calls through to c.Response.Out.Write(data []byte) (int, error), and rrw.WriteHeader(int) error so that it calls c.Response.WriteHeader(int, string). Depending on what is considered appropriate for the framework, either panic on errors or fail silently, since their API doesn't expect WriteHeader errors to be handle-able.
Getting an http.Request from Revel
Unfortunately, the http.Request type is a struct, so you can't just simulate it. You basically have two options: reconstruct it using the net/http package from all the properties you are able to access, or hope that the *revel.Request you have is secretly an http.Request under the hood. In the latter case, you can use a type assertion:
revelReq, ok := c.Request.In.(*revel.GoRequest)
if !ok {
// handle this somehow
r := revelReq.Original
