Finding lineage of notebooks in azure databricks - azure-databricks

I am working on a project where we would be creating many notebooks in Azure databricks. In many cases there is a possibility to nesting notebook calls. We are looking for an approach to create automated lineage across notebooks. Any help or guidance here is appreciated.


What are potential consequences of importing pre-existing Canvas Power App and Power Automate Flows to a new Solution?

We have a Canvas Power App which connects to a SharePoint Data Source. We also have multiple Power Automate Flows that manipulate this same data after certain triggers (when created, when updated, etc). None of these components are in a Power Apps solution.
After reading about the benefits of Solutions in the Power Platform, my question is this:
If I was to create a new Power Apps Solution and then import both the pre-existing Canvas App and the Power Automate Flows, can I expect the solution to continue to function correctly?
What potential issues might I run into?
For context, both the Canvas app and the workflows are used daily by staff.
ALM improvements are really good these days wrt Power Platform, especially for Canvas apps and PA Cloud flows. They are continuously improving as well.
Notable improvements are Connections, Connection references, Environmental variables and the Solutions can include the Flows, Canvas apps like any other Dataverse/Dynamics CRM components.
Definitely some will break after deployment in target environment and it really depends on your customizations and development strategies. I’m not sure how this was deployed in target environment in first place, they were exported and imported as packages probably.
So I recommend you to dry run / test the deployment thoroughly using solution from source to another target sandbox environment before doing deployment to real Prod environment with users actively using them.

post kubernetes installation support

we are planning to install directly from, instead getting it through vendor, for example open shift, rancher, etc.
How should we go about support if we have problem with our kubernetes cluster?
Of course, vendors also gets their kubernetes source code from and don't change it.
Thank you.
Using OSS software directly means that whenever you face a problem you need to solve it yourself.
Having said that, there is a very wide array of communities filled with friendly people who would probably be happy to lend a hand, at least that's what I've learned through my experience.
A few places you should try are the issues section of the kubernetes project, kubernetes slack workspace, r/kubernetes.

How to find APIs for different Oracle APPS module?

I am just a beginner in Oracle APPS Technical.And i am facing difficulty for identify the appropriate api for a particular requirement Lets say create a sales order.I googled it and i found a package called "oe_order_pub" that are used for creating sales order.So my question is how to identify appropriate package among multiple package?
The best place for you to go to is the Electronic Technical Reference Manuals (eTRM) located at This site outlines all the objects (packages, tables, views, etc.) that are available for Oracle Apps and how to use.
I'd also suggest the Oracle Developer Community which has a lot of Apps-specific problems and resolutions.
To access either site, you'll need an Oracle account (you'll definitely need this if you plan on being an Apps developer).

GoodData: "CloudConnect" or another tool for ETL development

We are GoodData customers who are beginning the process of evaluating ETL tools other than CloudConnect. I'd like some recommendations from other GoodData customers who do their own ETL/LDM development with a tool other than CloudConnect. What has been your experience with these other tools? How do they compare with CloudConnect? I have another conversation going on LinkedIn ( From this conversation I have learned a lot about Keboola but I would like to hear others' experiences with other tools.
Other option is to use our "BI Automation Framework" that is being developed on the top of our Ruby SDK and it is great fit if you are more "Developer/Coder". It will be integrated with our Agile DataWarehouse Service (ADS) where you have option to manage your data transformation process using the Vertica database with SQL. We are moving forward quickly in this space.
Another option you can use is to use the ADS + CloudConnect as orchestration tool. Again, this helps you when doing SQL transformation is more comfortable for you. If you want to start testing those tools, let me know.

Hadoop Hive web interface options

I've been experimenting with Hive for some data mining activities and would like to make it easily available to less command line orientated colleagues.
Hive does now ship with a web interface ( but it's very basic at this stage.
My question is does a visually polished and fully featured interface (either desktop or preferably web based) to Hive exist yet? Are their any open source efforts outside the Hive project working on this?
Now with new version of Cloudera's Hadoop Distribution comes HUE (Hadoop User Experience) with plugin called Beeswax, which most likely all you would need.
It's pretty tricky to configure, but one you get over it, it provides something like phpmyadmin interface, but is much nicer and easier. It supports writing queries, importing data, storing results, etc.
Web based opensource GUI for Hive
HWI - Shipped in Hive. with basic features.
Hue - Nice query editor with autocompletion. Support parameterized query. Latest version includes basic visualization of query result. Includes many other useful tools like managing HDFS, JobFlows, etc. Thus, heavy and little bit tricky to install and configure.
Zeppelin - Only includes Hive tool compare to Hue. Support query template. Pluggable visualization architecture and it's online archive, so easily create custom visualization and share it. Lightweight and easier to install than Hue while it does not include any feature for non-hive related things.
Other alternatives
Excel - Microsoft Excel is capable of making hive query and fetch data from hive. has guide for doing it.
Commercial BI tool - Commercial BI tool like Tableau, Datameer, Karmasphere support connection to Hadoop or Hive. They have nice dashboards, charts. All they offer trial/community/personal edition.
HUE is usefull and good but you should also try "Karmasphere Analyst Free/community Edition". It is very easy to use and well documented. Free version is very capable. It is not web based but it has different OS support (windows,linux...etc). YOu can check the GUI from documents to see how it looks.
