How to execute bind variable based sql in DB2 DB2 ZOS - oracle

I am trying to execute one SQL, which is made up of bind variables. It's working fine with ORACLE DB but not with DB2
Here is the sample SQL: (UPPER/UCASE it can be anything)
SELECT Col1 FROM tab1 WHERE Col1 = 'abc' AND (UPPER(Col1) LIKE (UPPER(:1) || '%' ESCAPE '\') ORDER BY 1
Error is as follows:
db2 => SELECT Col1 FROM tab1 WHERE Col1 = 'abc' AND (UPPER(Col1) LIKE (UPPE
R(:1) || '%' ESCAPE '\') ORDER BY 1
SQL0104N An unexpected token "1" was found following "". Expected tokens mayinclude: "<IDENTIFIER>". SQLSTATE=42601
I am not sure, what is the problem here. Its not prompting for input bind value.
In Oracle DB, everything is working fine.
In DB2, I used command line to execute the query. For Oracle, I used ORACLE SQL developer.

You are using the interactive CLP for Db2 on Microsoft Windows, while connected to a remote Db2-for-Z/OS database.
This CLP interface does not have any functionality for prompting for host-variable values in dynamic-SQL. That's why you get the error message.
You can either use an alternative interface (for example IBM Data Studio, or many other java based database front-end tools) , or continue to use Oracle-SQL-Developer to access Db2 for Z/OS.
You can configure 'Oracle SQL Developer' to use the Db2 type-4 jdbc driver (db2jcc4.jar) along with the licence file for Db2 for Z/OS ('db2jcc_license_cisuz.jar'). You will need to get the Db2 licence file from your mainframe DBA or from Passport-Advantage, or alternatively connect via a Db2-connect gateway server (in which case you won't need a separate licence file on the workstation running Oracle-SQL-Developer).
However, the degree to which each such tool understands Db2-for-Z/OS varies, so if you get issues that you cannot easily workaround, then use instead the free IBM Data Studio which works with Db2-for-Z/OS, and Db2-for-i, and Db2 for LUW.
Configuring SQL-Developer to access Db2 is documented widely, including on this website, and also by Oracle. So do your research, this is not programming but configuration. Stackoverflow is for programming questions.


Oracle Privilege - User can create table but cannot write rows

A user has been configured on Oracle. Via this user, I can create an ODBC connection and an OCI connection, and these both test fine in Win10. Using Alteryx with the ODBC and OCI connection, we try to write data to a new table.
The table is created and appears in PL/SQL with the expected column names. However, the rows are never written and the connection just hangs at this point.
What could be wrong? I am not an Oracle Admin
Based on comments you were expecting oracle to commit without executing "commit" command explicitly. It's not enabled by default in oracle so you have to turn it on.
It's not possible to turn this on for the database, but on client apps only.
E.g. "set autocommit on" command in SQL Plus.
So you need to check docs for the client application you're connected with (presumably Alteryx is the one). It might have such a feature.

PL/SQL from Oracle SQL Developer connecting to DB2

I have successfully connected to a DB2 database from Oracle SQL Developer using the DB2 ODBC driver.
SQl scripts work just fine.
Now I also want to execute PL/SQL scripts but simple sample script fails.:
set serveroutput on
message varchar2(20):= 'Hello, World!';
It fails in such a way that PL/SQL code does not seem to be accepted at all:
message varchar2(20):= 'Hell;BEGIN-OF-STATEMENT;<create_view>, DRIVER=4.26.14
Is PL/SQL generally supported in this setup?
When using the Oracle-compatibility mode of Db2-LUW, it is necessary to:
set the Db2-registry-variable DB2_COMPATIBILITY=ORA with the db2set command.
bounce the Db2-instance with the db2stop and db2start commands, so the registry variable becomes effective.
create a new database after both of the above steps are completed (using the db2 create database command ), so that Oracle specific datatypes and other features become available.
If you only change the registry variable and bounce the Db2-instance but use a pre-existing database then you will not get all of the implemented Oracle compatibility features! This is documented in the Db2-Knowledge-Centre online.
With currently shipping Db2-LUW versions, you cannot retrofit the Oracle compatibility on to a previously created database.

How to migrate(convert) database(or just tables) from PostgreSQL to Oracle using only Oracle tools?

Data was sent to our company with PostgreSQL, but we are prohibited to use the tools of PostgreSQL , permitted the use of only Oracle.
How to migrate data from PostgreSQL to Oracle without using a third party application(they are also prohibited)? You can only use the tools of Oracle.
I found this article but we don't have Support Identifier
We have one .sql file. It weighs 8 Gigabytes.
It looks like you have so many impediments in your company. Regarding Oracle's SQL Developer Migration Workbench, unfortunately it does not support the migration of PostgreSQL databases. However, the following 3rd-party software tools are available and may assist in migration, but I am afraid you cannot use them as you said that those products are forbidden:
Other options will only move the data from your Postgresql database to Oracle database, it means that you must have the DDLs of the tables before to run the import:
To move data only, you can generate a flat file of the the
PostgreSQL data and use Oracle SQL*Loader.
Another option to migrate data only is to use Oracle Database
Gateway for ODBC which requires an ODBC driver to connect to the
PostreSQL database, and copy each table over the network using
sqlplus "COPY" or "CREATE TABLE AS SELECT" commands via oracle
database link.
Also, Oracle has discussion forum for migrating non-oracle databases to Oracle.
But, if you have only a sql file, you should look at it to see whether you have both DDLs ( create tables and indexes, etc ) and the data itself as insert statements. If so, you need to split it and treat the DDLs to convert the original data types to Oracle datatypes.

Bulk export in oracle 8i

How can I export data from Oracle 8i database using command which I can run through oracle cli?
My biggest problem is, the data should be exported based in the query I use...
For ex,
select * from emp where emp_id>4
should dump the records having emp_id>4.
I don't have permission to use functions.
Please help!!
Oracle provides a set of tools that are designed for exporting data (the exp tool, for instance). These don't run via the SQL*PLUS command line (which I assume is what you mean by CLI), although they do connect via NET*8. From Oracle 8i onwards, you can use the query parameter to limit the rows exported:
exp scott/tiger tables=emp query="where deptno=10"
But you have to have the Oracle client installed and be able to connect to the database via SQL*NET.
If all you have is the ability to run queries, you're out of luck unless you can write a query that generates a CSV (tricky if you don't have the ability to call/write functions). It sounds to me like all you have access to is a web interface.

SQL Plus and

Does the SQL syntax differ in any way for SQL Plus and
From this article I can assume that it doesn't, but I want to be sure. Is SQL Plus only an environment that is able to connect to an Oracle server ?
I'm asking this because I just started learning Oracle's SQL syntax and I don't have access to my faculty's server from home. The only solution I found so far is Apex since I'm not planning to install a server on my laptop.
Is SQL Plus only an environment that
is able to connect to an Oracle server?
Yes, SQL*Plus is not very useful unless you can connect to an Oracle database server.
I'm asking this because I just started
learning Oracle's SQL syntax and I
don't have access to my faculty's
server from home. The only solution I
found so far is Apex since I'm not
planning to install a server on my
If you cannot connect to your faculty's database server from home, you have no choice but to install your own server somewhere. Apex only runs on an Oracle database server.
However, it's not too difficult nowadays, as long as you follow the installation instructions carefully.
Another option is to get a free account at You'll be able to use Apex's SQL interface. I don't think you can connect to it using SQL Developer, though.
Alternatively, you can start up a simple pre-prepared Apex instance on Amazon's EC2. With this option, if you open the relevant port (1521) you'll be able to connect to it using SQL Developer.
The SQL commands are identical. They are all passed directly to the database engine for execution.
SQL*Plus has a bunch of extra commands (mostly for formatting output, but also stuff like dealing with variables and database startup/shutdown).
[Very old versions of SQL*Plus from the Oracle 7 era don't recognize the MERGE command as SQL and would refuse to do anything with it. But I'd hope those versions are all dead and buried by now.]
SQLPlus commands are to manage the SQLPLus environment and have really nothing to do with SQL. They are mostly for formatting output or taking in data that is used with SQL to send to the server.
SQLPlus is a proprietary Oracle product for connecting to Oracle server and issuiung commands. It is being replaced (officially) by SQL Developer.
I strongly suggest you download the free SQL Developer program from oracle:
it's a great tool for working with sql, pretty easy to get started (install, create a new db connection and start typing sql_ plus does fill in for columns once it know the tablenames.
Also, it can run most sqlplus commands if you want to format output, etc.
A nice visual intro to the oracle schema and useful if you want to write plsql.
