Is There a tutorial how to suppress Pylint warnings for Squish? - pylint

I am trying to suppress Pylint warnings from Squish, but not have same code written in front of the code like is described here:
I would like to know if is a file that I can configure and uploaded into Squish

The article describes the only option, to define the Squish functions and symbols yourself.
However, it is showing what to do in a single file Squish test script file only for sake of simplicity.
You should of course put those Squish function definitions in a separate, re-usable file, and use import to "load" the definitions into your file:
from squish_definitions import *
def main():
# Trick Pylint and Python IDEs into accepting the
# definitions in this block, whereas upon execution
# none of these definitions will take place:
if -0:
class ApplicationContext:
def startApplication(aut_path_or_name, optional_squishserver_host, optional_squishserver_port):
return ApplicationContext
# etc.
Also, you should generally switch over to using Python's import in favor of Squish's source() function.


move argparse use into separate function

I have a question about the functionality of argparse. I use argparse for custom functions and it's great, but sometimes I'd like to move the use of argparse and supplemental code into a separate function and use it there to reduce boilerplate / visual noise.
This is a partial example of what I'd like to do:
function A
set --local options ... # some definition.
argparse_wrapper --name A $options -- $argv; or return 1
instead of
function A
set --local options ... # some definition.
argparse --name A $options -- $argv; or return 1
# Code validating flags set by argparse in some way that argparse is unable to do,
# i.e. validation that requires values from two flags (so f/flag!script would not
# work).
# Or, changing flag names to names more appropriate inside the function.
# Other boilerplate related to options, but
# unrelated to the purpose of the function.
But, I'm unable to set values inside of a function and transfer those values seamlessly to the caller. As in, argparse sets values in the outer scope (the function calling argparse), but I'm unable to do the same with a custom argparse wrapper of my own. At least, I'm unsure of how to do so if there is a clean way. In particular, argparse can set local variables in its outer scope, and I want to keep that functionality in the supposed argparse wrapper. Is that possible?
I'm the person who designed and implemented argparse. The approach I recommend is the one you'll find in the share/functions/ module. Execute the argparse in the function that implements the command. Define a helper function with the --no-scope-shadowing flag to give it direct access to the vars in the parent function. Then call that function to validate the args (or do whatever is needed) after argparse returns.

VSC temporarily turn off yaml lintin

Trying to find a way to turn off the red lines temporarily for that file only.
maybe try to disable the yaml.schemaStore ?
go in in settings.json and add :
"yaml.schemaStore.enable": false
Since this is not valid YAML at all, but you want to edit this as YAML,
you should make it into valid YAML. If you turn of the errors,
instead you probably would not have all of the advantage of the YAML
editing mode.
If saltstate allows you to change the block_start_string and
variable_start_string jinja2 uses you can change {% into #% (or
###% if #% and ###% naturally occur in your source), and also
change {{ into <{ (or <<{, you get the idea). If you would call
jinja2 directly you would then then pass to the FireSystemLoader:
block_start_string='<{' and variable_start_string='#%' If the
above is possible, then you have to change your input file only once,
do that with an editor.
If you cannot control saltstate to do the sane thing, your still not
stuck but you have to do a bit more using Python,
ruamel.yaml and some
support packages (disclaimer: I am the author of those packages).
Install with:
pip install ruamel.yaml[jinja2] ruamel.std.pathlib
Then before editing run the program:
from ruamel.yaml import YAML
from ruamel.std.pathlib import Path
yamlj2 = YAML(typ='jinja2')
yamlrt = YAML()
yaml_flow_style = YAML()
yaml_flow_style.default_flow_style = True
in_file = Path('init.sls')
backup_file = Path('')
data = yamlj2.load(in_file)
with'w') as fp:
# write the header with info needed for revers
fp.write('# ruamel.yaml.jinja2: ') # no EOL
yaml_flow_style.dump(yamlj2._plug_in_jinja2, fp)
yamlrt.dump(data, fp)
which changes the offending jinja2 sequences and add a one-line header comment with the actual patterns used to the file. You should then be able
to edit the init.sls file without getting all those errors.
Before calling saltstate, do run the following:
from ruamel.yaml import YAML
from ruamel.std.pathlib import Path
in_file = Path('init.sls')
yamlj2 = YAML(typ='jinja2')
yamlrt = YAML()
yamlnort = YAML(typ='safe')
with as fp:
yamlj2._plug_in_jinja2 = yamlnort.load(fp.readline().split(':', 1)[1])
data = yamlrt.load(fp)
yamlj2.dump(data, in_file)
If you have multiple of these files, you probably want to take your
filename from sys.argv[1]. You might actually call the salstate program from this second Python program (i.e. decode and run).

Julia: Having a function f() containing the macro #printf, how can I access the output outside f()?

In the Julia NMF package a verbose option provides information on convergence using the #printf macro.
How can I access this output without rewriting the NMF package io?
To rephrase, having a function f() containing the macro #printf, how can I access the output outside f()?
This does seem like useful functionality to have: I would suggest that you file an issue with the package.
However, as a quick hack, something like the following should work:
oldout = STDOUT
(rd,wr) = redirect_stdout()
# call your function here
s = readall(rd)

Stub require statement in rspec?

I have to maintain a Ruby script, which requires some libs I don't have locally and which won't work in my environment. Nevertheless I want to spec some methods in this script so that I can change them easily.
Is there an option to stub some of the require statements in the script I want to test so that it can be loaded by rspec and the spec can be executed within my environment?
Example (old_script.rb):
require "incompatible_lib"
class Script
def some_other_stuff
def add(a,b)
How can I write a test to check the add function without splitting the "old_Script.rb" file and without providing the incompatible_lib I don't have?
Instead of stubbing require which is "inherited" from Kernel, you could do this:
Create a dummy incompatible_lib.rb file somewhere that is not in your $LOAD_PATH. I.e., if this is a Ruby application (not Rails), don't put it in lib/ nor spec/.
You can do this a number of ways, but I'll tell you one method: in your spec file which tests Script, modify $LOAD_PATH to include the parent directory of your dummy incompatible_lib.rb.
Ordering is very important -- next you will include script.rb (the file which defines Script).
This will get you around the issue and allow you test test the add method.
Once you've successfully tested Script, I would highly recommend refactoring it so that you don't have to do this technique, which is a hack, IMHO.
Thanks, I also thought about the option of adding the files, but finally hacked the require itself within the test case:
module Kernel
alias :old_require :require
def require(path)
old_require(path) unless LIBS_TO_SKIP.include?(path)
I know that this is an ugly hack but as this is legacy code executed on a modified ruby compiler I can't easily get these libs running and it's sufficient to let me test my modifications...

Extraordinarily Simple Ruby Question: Where's My Class?

[I'm just starting with Ruby, but "no question is ever too newbie," so I trudge onwards...]
Every tutorial and book I see goes from Ruby with the interactive shell to Ruby on Rails. I'm not doing Rails (yet), but I don't want to use the interactive shell. I have a class file (first_class.rb) and a Main (main.rb). If I run the main.rb, I of course get the uninitialized constant FirstClass. How do I tell ruby about the first_class.rb?
The easiest way is to put them both in the same file.
However you can also use require, e.g.:
require 'first_class'
You can also use autoload as follows:
autoload :FirstClass, 'first_class'
This code will automatically load first_class.rb as soon as FirstClass is used. Note, however, that the current implementations of autoload are not thread safe (see
There's another point worth noting: you wouldn't typically use a main file in ruby. If you're writing a command line tool, standard practice would be to place the tool in a bin subdirectory. For normal one-off scripts the main idiom is:
if __FILE__ == $0
# main does here
# `__FILE__` contains the name of the file the statement is contained in
# `$0` contains the name of the script called by the interpreter
# if the file was `required`, i.e. is being used as a library
# the code isn't executed.
# if the file is being passed as an argument to the interpreter, it is.
