How do I default the LFS checkbox to checked in the TortoiseGit Git clone Dialog box? - tortoisegit

I have a repository that uses git lfs. Each time I clone, I need to remember to tick the LFS checkbox.
How do I default the LFS checkbox to checked in the TortoiseGit Git clone Dialog box?
I have looked through the registry using RegEdit for LFS and TortoiseGit for an lfs related entry.

The state of the checkbox is not remembered and cannot be set "checked" by default as of TortoiseGit 2.8.


Xcode source control not showing current branch changes

I am running Xcode 8.2.1, and am using github version control. Normally, I am able to press Source Control in the top bar, and then Commit. This menu usually shows all of the files I have changed on the local branch, and I can click through the files and see the local diff. When I run "git status" in the terminal, the modified files show up. Are there any ways that this could be unlinked from my source control? I have set my Source Control preferences to Enabled, and have all of the options selected except "Show Git merge commits in history"
No, you can’t unlink terminal from xcode.
In xcode, what you did is based on local working copies. And the git commands you used in terminal is also based on local git repo. So git status from xcode and terminal should always be synchronized.
If you want xcode to show which files are changed before you use source control -> commit to find the changed files, there is no good ways on xcode. You can use the command git status you find these files.
Or you can feedback this request here, such as change the icon to red check mark if the file is changed (no changed files with blue lock icon).

Change Default Git Location of Xcode

When I build a project with Xcode, the default git location is fine. I'm able to initiate source control through Xcode like normal. But when I build sessions from other Apps, such as the Projucer, I can't use the custom git location, as it doesn't see all the files. I need to manually create the first git commit in the correct location with:
git init
git add .
git commit -m "First Commit"
After this, Xcode sees the git repo and as is able to take off from there, and I dont have to use command line after that.
My question is, is there a way to set the default location of git within Xcode? Avoiding commands? Also, are there any visual ways to gitignore files through Xcode? Thank you.
As illustrated in Setting up a git repository in XCode for a pre-existing project, you would still still those Git commands.
The "Git Create Project" of XCode 7 and 8 would still create a .git in the default location (<root of the project>/.git)

Xcode 7.1.1 Change to SVN from Git, remove Git

I want to get rid of the link to the git repository
As you can see below clicking on source control still shows the old git remote.
I was using both SVN and Git, Xcode was configured with GIT.
What I did was
delete .git/ in Terminal.
Delete Git Repositories from XCode preferences
Add SVN Repository to Xcode Preferences.
Check out a new working copy Using Source Control - Checkout
I have tried adding a new git and setting the remote or deleting it.
What I have done is manually edit the files
Which were located in .xcworkspace I found these by grepping
grep -wr git *
I deleted every key value which had git in it.
I am not sure whether I left some superfluous data in it, but so far it seems to be holding up.
As you can see the git part is gone and only my svn remains

Correct git.exe path for TortoiseGit under Git for windows 2.4

I have installed the Git for windows 2.4.1 release candidate (64bit)
It seems that after installation the following has been added to the system path
C:\Program Files\Git\cmd;C:\Program Files\Git\mingw64\bin;C:\Program Files\Git\usr\bin
But with that setting it seems that TortoiseGit stops working. When I try to do a git operation in TortoiseGit, it cannot find my git username anymore.
I have version of TortoiseGit, which is the latest.
The TortoiseGit Git.exe Path setting currently points to C:\Program Files\Git\cmd.
In the TortoiseGit documentation it states
There is a known issue in msysGit/Git for Windows: Git for Windows
provides two git.exe-files (one in a folder named bin and one in a
folder named cmd). Make sure Git.exe Path points to the bin-folder
within the Git for Windows installation folder.
In Git 2.4 there is a folder C:\Program Files\Git\usr\bin, but that no longer contains the git.exe binary.
The git.exe binary is found in both C:\Program Files\Git\cmd and C:\Program Files\Git\mingw64\bin but neither of those settings work for TortoiseGit.
All of these answers are wrong.
The Git.exe Path in setting is set incorrect.
Steps to fix:
Right click on git respostory
Select TottoiseGit | Settings
You will get the warning dialog
Dismiss it
You will get another dialog, select ignore
Settings will launch
Select: General (at the top of the tree)
In the edit field for Git.exe path (half way down) enter the Git.exe path
(in my case C:\ProgramFiles\Git\bin)
That's it!
Check to make sure that your %HOME% variable in Windows is set so that TortoiseGit can find your .gitconfig file.
TortoiseGit (preview release) has full support for Git for Windows 2.x (no need for workarounds with adding unneeded folders to %PATH%). Before this version, TortoiseGit cannot find the git system config of Git for Windows 2.x.
The warning you are getting means that you haven't set up the and git config settings. This can be done for a project or also globally (in %HOME%\.gitconfig: TortoiseGit here uses the %HOME% environment variable - if it is not set TortoiseGit uses your Windows home directory automatically).
I was also getting the same error. I installed git from here. And then tried to install tortoisegit, it worked.

SVN revert unchanged files

I use both SVN and Git for a project.
I tried some changes with git and also did a checkout to a very old version. The result is that after returning to Git HEAD, SVN thinks that all files have changed.
How can I tell SVN to take out all unchanged files in the 'pending changes' list?
