how to replace java.sql.sqldata as it's unsupported in tibero - tibero

as java.sql.sqldata is not supported in tibero jdbc driver, we'd like to know how to modify it or any replacement
is java.sql.Array a replacement of java.sql.sqldata?
there's no code so far
if we implement java.sql.sqldata in tibero, we will hit the following error: Cause: java.sql.SQLException: JDBC-90608:Invalid input parameter


How to create a TYPE (UDT) in cassandra using the type name cast. Is it possible to create cast as a type because it is a function?

when creating TYPE in cassandra cli eg: cqlsh: create type cast (name text, role text) i am getting error
" line 1:16 mismatched input '(' expecting '.' (create type
cast[(]...) "
Actually i am using spring boot for creating TYPE in
cassandra-DB. I have tried manually in cassandra cli as well as in spring boot. Both are not working spring boot is throwing exception at the time running the application.
Please refer this link for more clarity ?
please help me on this.
Every object in Cassandra need to be defined in some keyspace. You either need to specify the full type name in form of, or execute use keyspace; before executing this command.
Looks like a bug in Cassandra (feel free to file a JIRA), if you really need to use that name, you can try to specify it as:
create type test."cast"(...
but in this case, the name of the type will be case sensitive, and you'll need always specify it in double quotes.

solr jdbc throws and exception as if something is wrong within implementation there

I am trying to check the solr jdbc driver.
It seems to be working only with DbVisualizer & squirrelSQL.
As it is totally undocumented (properties, etc.) I've no idea what is the issue, but I keep on getting some weird error :
java.sql.SQLException which results from which
results from org.noggit.JSONParser$ParserException: JSON Parse Error
It seems like internally something is going wrong there, as the engine expects JSON and receives XML.
The code is super straight forward :
Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:solr://zootest01:2181/?collection=mycol");
Statement stat = conn.createStatement();
ResultSet rs = stat.executeQuery("select item_id from mycol limit 10");
The above is the most straightforward code for Java using JDBC.
The executeQuery will always throw an exception.
What is more weird is that tools like DBeaver has the same problem exactly.
I couldn't find any explanation to this behavior, unless something in the implementation is somehow hard-coded to the above 2 specific tools.

SQLException: Cannot submit statement in current context

I encountered this exception when calling a stored procedure through a prepared statement, however, it works for callable statement. I am wondering if it is a must to use callable statement for invoking a stored procedure in voltdb?
String sql = "{call get_city_by_country(?)}";
PreparedStatement stat = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
stat.setString(1, "china");
ResultSet results = stat.executeQuery();
Throws exception below:
Exception in thread "main" java.sql.SQLException: Cannot submit statement in current context: '{call get_city_by_country(?)};'.
at org.voltdb.jdbc.SQLError.get(
at org.voltdb.jdbc.JDBC4PreparedStatement.executeQuery(
This one works fine.
CallableStatement proc = conn.prepareCall(sql);
proc.setString(1, "china");
ResultSet results = proc.executeQuery();
It look like your driver only supports the CALL escape on CallableStatement. So you need to use CallableStatement instead.
Section 6.4 Java EE JDBC Compliance of the JDBC 4.2 specification however says (empasis mine):
Drivers must support stored procedures. The DatabaseMetaData method
supportsStoredProcedures must return true. The driver must also support
the full JDBC API escape syntax for calling stored procedures with the following methods on the Statement, PreparedStatement, and CallableStatement classes:
This means that your driver is not fully compliant with the Java EE JDBC Compliance requirements. You might want to consider filing a bug report with the driver vendor.

porting tigase from derby to hsqldb ... how to call stored Java procedure and throw away (ignore) the result?

Trying to configure tigase to use hsqldb (hsqldb- instead of derby (don't ask why, that's not the point) and everything works fine, except for setting some properties in the end. In Derby I had
CREATE procedure TigAddUserPlainPw(userId varchar(2049), userPw varchar(255))
EXTERNAL NAME 'tigase.db.derby.StoredProcedures.tigAddUserPlainPw';
call TigAddUserPlainPw('db-properties', NULL);
When I try to replices this with hsqldb by
FOR "tigase.db.derby.StoredProcedures.tigAddUserPlainPw";
CALL TigAddUserPlainPw('db-properties', NULL);
I get this error message
[root#tikanga scripts]# ./ /var/lib/tigase/db/tigase
SQL Error at '/etc/tigase/database/hsqldb-schema-4-props.sql' line 1:
"CALL TigAddUserPlainPw('db-properties', NULL)"
Wrong data type: [Ljava.sql.ResultSet; in statement [CALL TigAddUserPlainPw(]
Any idea, what I am doing wrong?
You cannot use the Java static methods as they are. The Result[] parameters are not acceptable to HSQLDB 1.8.x.
It would be easier to convert to HSQLDB 2.0, as its stored procedure support has improved over version 1.8.
Your example shows we need to make some more improvements to HSQLDB to support these procedure declarations.
As far as I know, HSQLDB supports Java functions that return a ResultSet (Fred will correct me if I'm wrong):
You would need a new method:
public static ResultSet tigAddUserPlainPw(
String userId, String userPw) throws SQLException;

Custom oracle exceptions through JDBC

In a stored procedure I have used to;
raise_application_error (-20010, 'My Message');
to raise a custom error in a certain situation. What I am trying to do is when I make my JDBC call from java, to be able to identify this error as not just being a SQLException so that I can handle it differently. I though I could identify it by the errorCode, but that seems to always be 17062 and not -20010.
Is there another way to do this, or am I missing something?
you should get 20010 as your errorCode. the ORA-17062 is an error for invalid ref cursors. Are you sure the procedure you are calling throws the custom error ?
