jqGrid treeview multiple column sorting not working - jqgrid

I am using jqGrid treeview with sorting but after some analysis i found jqGrid treeview not working with multiple column sort.
How to do multisort in jqgrid treeview? Is there any way to do?


How to bind data on client side pagination on kendo grid

Actual we have one scenario to update data source on client side pagination. Is it possible on kendo grid ? or we should take approach to update kendo grid element.

Kendo Grid sorting not working with blank data

We are using kendo Grid component for one of our reports. Grid column, sub column sorting is working fine when we have proper data but it fails in case of blank data. Please find the screenshot for the same.
Try adding the schema, which sets the type of the column you are sorting. It works that way.

Clearing the Filter Sorting of Telerik RadGrid on PostBack

How can we remove the Sorting of data previously done on a Telerik RadGrid on Post Back.
Set the SortExpression of Master Table view to clear.
if grid name is _rdGrdReport

dynamic colmodel in jqgrid

I want to change the colmodel of jqgrid dynamically on the basis of dropdown I am able to do it using gridunload function but by using this function it seems that the whole page is loaded once again.
so is there any other way to dynamically load colmodel of grid

JQGrid Is it possible to change the value of cells in subgrid

I have a JQgrid and contains a subgrid.
when i edit the cell in the JQgrid, I want to change the value of cells in it's subgrid.
How can i do?
