I'm extracting a helper component by using tailwind utilities and tailwind directives, but when I tried to #apply text-md to a component I get this error:
#apply cannot be used with .text-md because .text-md either cannot be found, or its actual definition includes a pseudo-selector like :hover, :active, etc
image of code on error situation
result without .text-md utilityimage of code on error situation
Now, What should I do to solve it?
That is because by default there is no class .text-md.
I would like to add some styles to some components for example v-chip I want to add some padding globally. I do not want to do it, or import a style file on each component that uses v-chip. I tried to add the styles to variables.scss it works fine but violate the caveats https://vuetifyjs.com/en/features/sass-variables/#caveats that produces duplicate css. Created a overwrites.scss file and add to it dose not work neither. Please if anyone know how to achieve it?
According to caveats CSS duplication is happened when you import any other stylesheet into variables.scss. As far as I understand, there is no any duplication happened when you haven't imported any CSS file. So, to configure variables in variables.scss is a good way to configure global styles.
If you need to configure styles which have no applicable variable (or you just prefer this way of styles configuration) you can:
a. Create your own component (e.g. XChip.vue) as a wrapper for v-chip.
<!-- XChip.vue -->
<v-chip v-bind="$attrs" v-on="$listeners">
b. Add necessary styles in this component
<style scoped>
c. Then use it everywhere in your project when you need a chip.
You can find more information how to pass down slots here: Vue - how to pass down slots inside wrapper component?
PrismJS syntax highlighting is broken when used together with Bulma.
Both PrismJS and Bulma use the number and tag classes. So, there is a conflict between PrismJS and Bulma.
Are there any workarounds?
There are at least 2 workarounds.
Workaround #1
PrismJS adds token class to all highlighted elements including number and tag unlike Bulma. It allows us to write a more specific CSS rule and resolve conflict with Bulma:
.token.tag {
all: inherit;
color: #905;
Just specify the correct color used in your chosen PrismJS theme.
Workaround #2
Use Custom Class Prism plugin.
It allows to prefix all Prism classes (e.g., with prism- prefix).
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/prism/1.20.0/components/prism-core.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/prism/1.20.0/plugins/autoloader/prism-autoloader.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/prism/1.20.0/plugins/custom-class/prism-custom-class.min.js"></script>
So number and tag become prism-number and prism-tag so the conflict with Bulma will be resolved.
But you also have to manually prefix classes in Prism CSS style-sheet, e.g.:
.prism-token.prism-function {
color: #dd4a68
I don't like this approach due to the need to manually edit Prism theme CSS file and then hosting it yourself.
Like Eugene Khyst mentioned in his answer, one way to do it is to use the Custom Class plugin for prismjs.
Instead of renaming every prism class you can selectively rename some of the classes. Which should be easier to maintain.
number: 'prism-number',
tag: 'prism-tag'
This will rename only the number and tag classes.
I want to display an image in my VuePress markdown file. Normally, I'd go with:
![My Image](./resources/myimg.png)
However, I'd like to create a custom Vue component that will style the images in a specific way. Then, some images would be displayed using the "standard" markdown syntax (like above), and some others using my custom component.
With my custom component, I'd display the images like this:
<MyComponent src="./resources/myimg.png"/>
As you can see, the images are placed alongside my markdowns, in a resources directory. This makes sense for me, because the image is close to the markdown where it gets displayed.
Unfortunately, the image does not get displayed when I use MyComponent. VuePress (webpack?) handles the images during build and places them in some other directory with a different name. The "standard" Markdown image reference works fine, its URL to the image is set up correctly by VuePress. However, MyComponent does not work, because the src parameter is just a string for VuePress and it does not transform it in any way.
I know that one solution would be to place my images in the /vuepress/public folder. However, I would want to keep the same organization as I have now - images alongside documents.
How can I achieve that?
I had the same issue.
I used the answer #papey provides for a Vue question here
Here is one thing he suggests
<div id="app">
<img :src="require('./assets/logo.png')"/>
export default {
<style lang="css">
I declare an SCSS variable $black in my file general.scss and in default.vue I want to use it but I have this error SassError: Undefined variable "$black".
I'm using Nuxt.js!
screenshot variable declaration
screenshot variable utilisation
screenshot organisation folder
If you have any response or help for me, thank you and sorry for my bad english :) !
I don't know why but my account is blocked, so the solution of my problemes is in this tutorial
Thanks all for your times (love)
Try importing your file without using url(). Like this:
#import '#/assets/style/general.scss';
I hope that solves your issue, it worked for me.
Also, if you use those variables in a lot of different components you could consider using the #nuxtjs/style-resources module to automatically import it everywhere.
I used the Sass #use rule, because support for the #import rule will be dropped according to this timeline.
<style lang="scss">
#use '#/assets/style/general.scss';
h2 {
color: general.$black;
By default, the namespace is just the last component of the module’s URL.
I am planning to use SASS by creating [_partial] and use [#import].
Question: How can I create selectors with no declaration?.
I will of course populate the selectors with declaration,
but that input comes from the other [_partials]. Have I understood correctly that SASS will delete a selector that has no declaration? Is there any workaround?
My partials structure looks as below.
#import '_1-partial_variables.sass'
#import '_2-partial_divs_only.sass'
#import '_3-partial_wrapper.sass'
#import '_4-partial_divs_layout.sass'
What I have tried so far:
In [_2-partial_divs_only.sass] I have tried:
(the build executes without errors, but the div itself is not created).
.div-1 {};
(the build script says, "Error: Expected newline".
What about same scenarios using SCSS as source file?
The results are exactly same, a selector with blank declaration, is not created.
My build-line is:
sass --no-source-map main.sass main.css
Seems this works in order for the SASS compiler to create the selector [.div-1]:
/*! keep */
This works also:
As the source is a SASS file, I do not add [{}] nor [;].
Those characters are being created automatically when building from SASS to CSS.