Cloudflare Steam video not working in firefox - firefox

Hi I have implemented cloudflare stream video service in one of the website I am developing. The video used to play just fine but since the last 2 days it is broken in Firefox. It works fine in Chrome but won’t work in firefox.
The console gives throws up the error -
Specified “type” attribute of “application/x-mpegurl” is not supported. Load of media resource failed. (
Specified “type” attribute of “application/dash+xml” is not supported. Load of media resource failed.
My website is located at in case anyone wants to try it out. I have also tried to rule out issues that might be caused due to some other code in the website and did a simple html page that only has the video and nothing else. Once again this used to work fine previously and I ran the same html file in firefox and it no longer works and gives the same error.
Is this something that anyone in here also experienced? I guess this is something to do with firefox and will get resolved from their end? Or do I need to do something different?

Try keeping the stream script after the video. Not really sure why but i faced the same issue and render the script directly after the stream helped.
Note: the element should be loaded before the script as the script injects html elements into the stream tags.


Modx Revolution with several MIGX TVS in same template. Why am I getting "max_user_connexions" xpdo error in Firefox 58.0.1?

I am working on a site in MODX 2.6.1-pl and have a template that uses 7 different MIGX template variables.
Everything seemed to work fine to work fine initially, but now some pages cause many (several hundred) of the following xpdo errors when I try to edit them in Firefox 58.0.1:
[2018-02-05 11:34:55] (ERROR in xPDOConnection::connect # /home/user/public_html/core/xpdo/xpdo.class.php : 3116) SQLSTATE[HY000] [1203] User user_modx already has more than 'max_user_connections' active connections
It would appear this is only happening on pages that contain large amounts of data stored in the MIGX TVs.
Also, this error does not occur in:
Chrome 64.0.3282.140
Safari 10.1.2 (10603.3.8)
Opera 50.0.2762.67
Why is this happening?
Is it due to how the new Firefox handles Ajax or something?
How can I work around this?
Am I asking too much of MIGX? Would it be better to put all my data in a custom table and use MIGXdb instead?
I found the answer : Firefox was blocking some of the calls because I was logged in with HTTPS security exception.
I tried without using an HTTPS connection and it works.

YouTube iframe API official example gives errors

As of 2013-04-16 WEST, the official getting started example of the YouTube iframe API results in error messages when run in Chrome 25 on WinXP/SP3:
I am accessing the example hosted on a web server, i.e. not via the local file system.
Am I doing something wrong? Is the example / the API broken? Can you reproduce the issue?
This error message has been around for quite a while -- as this Google Group post explains, it's due to an unresolved (4-year unresolved!) bug in WebKit:!topic/youtube-api-gdata/VKGl4ahBGyk
It shouldn't affect anything -- it certainly hasn't for our projects, and in visiting the demo URL you posted, it looks like it isn't affecting the API functionality there (i.e. in that demo, the video still stops after 6 seconds per what the code states). There was an SO question a while back that thought it might be affecting analytics:
youtube "Unable to post message to..." causing video analytics to not be tracked
But it was never confirmed as being relevant.
It will be interesting to see if Chrome's move to the new Blink fork of WebKit leads to the bug itself being resolved.

GET request to mp3 in S3 bucket failing to download file with 206 partial content?

I have an mp3 file in an S3 bucket. I am fetching this file via ajax GET request for html5 audio playback. Intermittently, the get request will fail to download the file and thus the track will not play. The request returns "206 partial content." Oddly, it will work several times before failing and then continuing to fail.
If I disable caching in my browser (chrome), the file will download and play appropriately.
Have I configured s3 incorrectly? How can I get this mp3 file to download and play consistently?
specific file is located here:
I've found this often relates to the MIME type set on the S3 hosted file.
Setting the correct MIME type seems to fix things.
On a side note, I struggled with a single binary file always breaking in IE. Its MIME type was application/octet-stream. I changed the MIME to binary/octet-stream and that seemed to fix downloads from IE. Not sure why.
use amazon cloudfront solve the problem
I solved this by appending a timestamp to the end of the mp3 url on page load. This forced a new download of the content each time and eliminated the caching error.
This feels more like a work around than a fix. I still don't know the root cause of the issue but if you find yourself having a similar problem and just need to move on, add a timestamp or random number as a param at the end of the url
One other workaround I've found is, if you're using rails, turning off turbolinks makes this go away on chrome. I'll add more to my answer as I discover more.

ABCPdf - Unable to render HTML. Unable to load page

I'm using ABCPdf to convert HTML to a PDF. I'm using the method:
This works fine in Dev and UAT, but on Production I continuously get the message:
Unable to render HTML. Unable to load
Anyone see this before? Need more info?
I guess you are tying to do URL->pdf generation. It is difficult to directly to do URL->pdf conversion. We ended up URL-Save HTML in local folder ->read HTML and convert to PDF-> delete HTML file from folder - tricky approach but it works. The only flaw is that you need to give read/write permission on a folder on server. Its still better than decreasing security settings.
have you take a look at this
The default timeout for abcpdf is 15 seconds. If the page is taking longer than 15 seconds, you will get this exception.
Add the line below just after object creation of the document to resolve the issue.
theDoc.XHtmlOptions.Timeout = 10000000;
I found by working backwards (removing elements) from a target html page that omitting the tag (of all things) created this error. also, calling localhost in the target url generated this error.
I have no idea what caused this error, but I stopped the scheduled task that was running, then restarted it and it's worked fnie ever since.

Allowing Cross domain ajax calls from firefox

I want to change the settings of firefox so as to allow it to make cross domain ajax calls. Since due to the security feature of the firefox it doen't allow ajax calls to be made. I know if it is in same domain it will allow. I have a code given bellow which in safari works fine but firefox doesn't display the results when it calls csce server then since the code is on local machine doesn't allow it and returns error. I know it will start working if I load my this code to csce server but I want to run the code from my machine. So can anyone help me in resolving this. I have spent past couple of days just searching for this solution.
Kindly suggest how to achieve this or should I go with some older version of firefox?
I googled and set the parameters of browser in config file as specified in this site but it still doesn't work.
Maybe you could use privoxy and tell it to inject something like "Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *" in the server response.
To do this, you would have to go into the file user.filter (create it if it doesn't exist) in privoxys configuration directory and insert something like this:
SERVER-HEADER-FILTER: allow-crossdomain
s|Server: .*|Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *|
Instead of Server, you can also use any other header that's always present and you don't need.
And this into user.action:
Note: I didn't test it.
This appears to enable XSS from file:// pages in Firefox 4, although it prompts you so might not be suitable for more than simple test pages:"UniversalXPConnect");
